path: root/doc/protocol/draft-funk-tls-inner-application-extension-00.txt
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-TLS Working Group Paul Funk
-Internet-Draft Funk Software, Inc.
-Category: Standards Track Simon Blake-Wilson
-<draft-funk-tls-inner-application-extension-00.txt> Basic Commerce &
- Industries, Inc.
- Ned Smith
- Intel Corp.
- Hannes Tschofenig
- Siemens AG
- October 2004
- TLS Inner Application Extension
- (TLS/IA)
-Status of this Memo
- This document is an Internet-Draft and is subject to all provisions
- of section 3 of RFC 3667. By submitting this Internet-Draft, each
- author represents that any applicable patent or other IPR claims of
- which he or she is aware have been or will be disclosed, and any of
- which he or she become aware will be disclosed, in accordance with
- RFC 3668.
- Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
- Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that
- other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
- Drafts.
- Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
- months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents
- at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as
- reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
- The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
- The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
-Copyright Notice
- Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001 - 2004). All Rights
- Reserved.
-Internet-Draft October 2004
- This document defines a new TLS extension called "Inner
- Application". When TLS is used with the Inner Application extension
- (TLS/IA), additional messages are exchanged during the TLS
- handshake, each of which is an encrypted sequence of Attribute-
- Value-Pairs (AVPs) from the RADIUS/Diameter namespace. Hence, the
- AVPs defined in RADIUS and Diameter have the same meaning in TLS/AI;
- that is, each attribute code point refers to the same logical
- attribute in any of these protocols. Arbitrary "applications" may be
- implemented using the AVP exchange. Possible applications include
- EAP or other forms of user authentication, client integrity
- checking, provisioning of additional tunnels, and the like. Use of
- the RADIUS/Diameter namespace provides natural compatibility between
- TLS/IA applications and widely deployed AAA infrastructures.
- It is anticipated that TLS/IA will be used with and without
- subsequent protected data communication within the tunnel
- established by the handshake. For example, TLS/IA may be used to
- secure an HTTP data connection, allowing more robust password-based
- user authentication to occur within the TLS handshake than would
- otherwise be possible using mechanisms available in HTTP. TLS/IA may
- also be used for its handshake portion alone; for example, EAP-
- TTLSv1 encapsulates a TLS/IA handshake in EAP as a means to mutually
- authenticate a client and server and establish keys for a separate
- data connection.
-Table of Contents
-1 Introduction......................................................3
-1.1 A Bit of History..............................................4
-1.2 Handshake-Only vs. Full TLS Usage.............................5
-2 The InnerApplication Extension to TLS.............................5
-2.1 TLS/IA Overview...............................................6
-2.2 Message Exchange..............................................8
-2.3 Master Key Permutation........................................8
-2.3.1 Application Session Key Material.........................10
-2.4 Session Resumption...........................................11
-2.5 Error Termination............................................12
-2.6 Computing Verification Data..................................12
-2.7 TLS/IA Messages..............................................14
-2.8 Negotiating the Inner Application Extension..................14
-2.8.1 ClientInnerApplication...................................14
-2.8.2 ServerInnerApplication...................................15
-2.9 The PhaseFinished Handshake Message..........................16
-2.10 The ApplicationPayload Handshake Message.....................16
-2.11 The InnerApplicationFailure Alert............................16
-3 Encapsulation of AVPs within ApplicationPayload Messages.........16
-3.1 AVP Format...................................................17
-3.2 AVP Sequences................................................18
-3.3 Guidelines for Maximum Compatibility with AAA Servers........18
-4 Tunneled Authentication within Application Phases................19
-4.1 Implicit challenge...........................................19
-Paul Funk expires April 2005 [Page 2]
-Internet-Draft October 2004
-4.2 Tunneled Authentication Protocols............................20
-4.2.1 EAP ......................................................20
-4.2.2 CHAP .....................................................21
-4.2.3 MS-CHAP..................................................22
-4.2.4 MS-CHAP-V2...............................................22
-4.2.5 PAP ......................................................24
-4.3 Performing Multiple Authentications..........................24
-5 Example Message Sequences........................................25
-5.1 Full Initial Handshake with Intermediate and Final Application
-Phases 25
-5.2 Resumed Session with Single Application Phase................26
-5.3 Resumed Session with No Application Phase....................27
-6 Security Considerations..........................................27
-7 References.......................................................30
-7.1 Normative References.........................................30
-7.2 Informative References.......................................31
-8 Authors' Addresses...............................................31
-9 Intellectual Property Statement..................................32
-1 Introduction
- This specification defines the TLS "Inner Application" extension.
- The term "TLS/IA" refers to the TLS protocol when used with the
- Inner Application extension.
- In TLS/IA, the TLS handshake is extended to allow an arbitrary
- exchange of information between client and server within a protected
- tunnel established during the handshake but prior to its completion.
- The initial phase of the TLS handshake is virtually identical to
- that of a standard TLS handshake; subsequent phases are conducted
- under the confidentiality and integrity protection afforded by that
- initial phase.
- The primary motivation for providing such communication is to allow
- robust user authentication to occur as part of the handshake, in
- particular, user authentication that is based on password
- credentials, which is best conducted under the protection of an
- encrypted tunnel to preclude dictionary attack by eavesdroppers. For
- example, Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) may be used to
- authenticate using any of a wide variety of methods as part of the
- TLS handshake. The multi-phase approach of TLS/IA, in which a strong
- authentication, typically based on a server certificate, is used to
- protected a password-based authentication, distinguishes it from
- other TLS variants that rely entirely on a pre-shared key or
- password for security; for example [TLS-PSK].
- The protected exchange accommodates any type of client-server
- application, not just authentication, though authentication may
- often be the prerequisite that allows other applications to proceed.
- For example, TLS/IA may be used to set up HTTP connections,
-Paul Funk expires April 2005 [Page 3]
-Internet-Draft October 2004
- establish IPsec security associations (as an alternative to IKE),
- obtain credentials for single sign-on, provide for client integrity
- verification, and so on.
- The new messages that are exchanged between client and server are
- encoded as sequences of Attribute-Value-Pairs (AVPs) from the
- RADIUS/Diameter namespace. Use of the RADIUS/Diameter namespace
- provides natural compatibility between TLS/IA applications and
- widely deployed AAA infrastructures. This namespace is extensible,
- allowing new AVPs and, thus, new applications to be defined as
- needed, either by standards bodies or by vendors wishing to define
- proprietary applications.
-1.1 A Bit of History
- The TLS protocol has its roots in the Netscape SSL protocol, which
- was originally intended to secure HTTP. It provides either one-way
- or mutual authentication of client and server based on certificates.
- In its most typical use in HTTP, the client authenticates the server
- based on the server's certificate and establishes a tunnel through
- which HTTP traffic is passed.
- For the server to authenticate the client within the TLS handshake,
- the client must have its own certificate. In cases where the client
- must be authenticated without a certificate, HTTP, not TLS,
- mechanisms would have to be employed. For example, HTTP headers have
- been defined to perform user authentications. However, these
- mechanisms are primitive compared to other mechanisms, most notably
- EAP, that have been defined for contexts other than HTTP.
- Furthermore, any mechanisms defined for HTTP cannot be utilized when
- TLS is used to protect non-HTTP traffic.
- The TLS protocol has also found an important use in authentication
- for network access, originally within PPP for dial-up access and
- later for wireless and wired 802.1X access. Several EAP types have
- been defined that utilize TLS to perform mutual client-server
- authentication. The first to appear, EAP-TLS, uses the TLS handshake
- to authenticate both client and server based on the certificate of
- each.
- Subsequent protocols, such EAP-TTLSv0 and EAP-PEAP, utilize the TLS
- handshake to allow the client to authenticate the server based on
- the latter's certificate, then utilize the tunnel established by the
- TLS handshake to perform user authentication, typically based on
- password credentials. Such protocols are called "tunneled" EAP
- protocols. The authentication mechanism used inside the tunnel may
- itself be EAP, and the tunnel may also be used to convey additional
- information between client and server.
- TLS/IA is in effect a merger of the two types of TLS usage described
- above, based on the recognition that tunneled authentication would
-Paul Funk expires April 2005 [Page 4]
-Internet-Draft October 2004
- be useful in other contexts besides EAP. However, the tunneled
- protocols mentioned above are not directly compatible with a more
- generic use of TLS, because they utilize the tunneled data portion
- of TLS, thus precluding its use for other purposes such as carrying
- HTTP traffic.
- The TLS/IA solution to this problem is to fold the tunneled
- authentication into the TLS handshake itself, making the data
- portion of the TLS exchange available for HTTP or any other protocol
- or connection that needs to be secured.
-1.2 Handshake-Only vs. Full TLS Usage
- It is anticipated that TLS/IA will be used with and without
- subsequent protected data communication within the tunnel
- established by the handshake.
- For example, TLS/IA may be used to secure an HTTP data connection,
- allowing more robust password-based user authentication to occur
- within the TLS handshake than would otherwise be possible using
- mechanisms available in HTTP.
- TLS/IA may also be used for its handshake portion alone. For
- example, EAP-TTLSv1 encapsulates a TLS/IA handshake in EAP as a
- means to mutually authenticate a client and server and establish
- keys for a separate data connection; no subsequent data portion is
- required. Another example might be use of TLS/IA directly over TCP
- to provide a user with credentials for single sign-on.
-2 The InnerApplication Extension to TLS
- The InnerApplication extension to TLS follows the guidelines of RFC
- 3546. The client proposes use of this extension by including a
- ClientInnerApplication message in its ClientHello handshake message,
- and the server confirms its use by including a
- ServerInnerApplication message in its ServerHello handshake message.
- Two new handshake messages are defined for use in TLS/IA:
- - The PhaseFinished message. This message is similar to the
- standard TLS Finished message; it allows the TLS/IA handshake to
- operate in phases, with message and key confirmation occurring at
- the end of each phase.
- - The ApplicationPayload message. This message is used to carry AVP
- (Attribute-Value Pair) sequences within the TLS/IA handshake, in
- support of client-server applications such as authentication.
- A new alert code is also defined for use in TLS/IA:
- - The InnerApplicationFailure alert. This error alert allows either
-Paul Funk expires April 2005 [Page 5]
-Internet-Draft October 2004
- party to terminate the handshake due to a failure in an
- application implemented via AVP sequences carried in
- ApplicationPayload messages.
-2.1 TLS/IA Overview
- In TLS/IA, the handshake is divided into phases. The first phase,
- called the "initial phase", is a standard TLS handshake; it is
- followed by zero or more "application phases". The last phase is
- called the "final phase"; this will be an application phase if a
- such a phase is present, otherwise the standard TLS handshake is
- both the initial and final phase. Any application phases between the
- initial and final phase are called "intermediate phases".
- A typical handshake consists of an initial phase and a final phase,
- with no intermediate phases. Intermediate phases are only necessary
- if interim confirmation key material generated during an application
- phase is desired.
- Each application phase consists of ApplicationPayload handshake
- messages exchanged by client and server to implement applications
- such as authentication, plus concluding messages for cryptographic
- confirmation.
- All application phases are encrypted. A new master secret and cipher
- spec are negotiated at the conclusion of each phase, to be applied
- in the subsequent phase. The master secret and cipher spec
- negotiated at the conclusion of the final phase are applied to the
- data exchange following the handshake.
- All phases prior to the final phase use PhaseFinished rather than
- Finished as the concluding message. The final phase concludes with
- the Finished message.
- Application phases may be omitted entirely only when session
- resumption is used, provided both client and server agree that no
- application phase is required. The client indicates in its
- ClientHello whether it is willing to omit application phases in a
- resumed session.
- In each application phase, the client sends the first
- ApplicationPayload message. ApplicationPayload messages are then
- traded one at a time between client and server, until the server
- concludes the phase by sending, in response to an ApplicationPayload
- message from the client, a ChangeCipherSpec and PhaseFinished
- sequence to conclude an intermediate phase, or a ChangeCipherSpec
- and Finished sequence to conclude the final phase. The client then
- responds with its own ChangeCipherSpec and PhaseFinished sequence,
- or ChangeCipherSpec and Finished sequence.
-Paul Funk expires April 2005 [Page 6]
-Internet-Draft October 2004
- Note that the server MUST NOT send a ChangeCipherSpec plus Finished
- or PhaseFinished message immediately after sending an
- ApplicationPayload message. It must allow the client to send an
- ApplicationPayload message prior to concluding the phase. Thus,
- within any application phase, there will be one more
- ApplicationPayload message sent by the client than sent by the
- server.
- The server determines which type of concluding message is used,
- either PhaseFinished or Finished, and the client MUST echo the same
- type of concluding message. Each PhaseFinished or Finished message
- provides cryptographic confirmation of the integrity of all
- handshake messages and keys generated from the start of the
- handshake through the current phase.
- Each ApplicationPayload message contains opaque data interpreted as
- an AVP (Attribute-Value Pair) sequence. Each AVP in the sequence
- contains a typed data element. The exchanged AVPs allow client and
- server to implement "applications" within a secure tunnel. An
- application may be any procedure that someone may usefully define. A
- typical application might be authentication; for example, the server
- may authenticate the client based on password credentials using EAP.
- Other possible applications include distribution of keys, validating
- client integrity, setting up IPsec parameters, setting up SSL VPNs,
- and so on.
- The TLS master secret undergoes multiple permutations until a final
- master secret is computed at the end of the entire handshake. Each
- phase of the handshake results in a new master secret; the master
- secret for each phase is confirmed by the PhaseFinished or Finished
- message exchange that concludes that phase.
- The initial master secret is computed during the initial phase of
- the handshake, using the standard TLS-defined procedure. This
- initial master secret is confirmed via the first exchange of
- ChangeCipherSpec and PhaseFinished messages, or, in the case of a
- resumed session with no subsequence application phase, the exchange
- of ChangeCipherSpec and Finished messages.
- Each subsequent master secret for an application phase is computed
- using a PRF based on the current master secret, then mixing into the
- result any session key material generated during authentications
- during that phase. Each party computes a new master secret prior to
- the conclusion of each application phase, and uses that new master
- secret is to compute fresh keying material (that is, a TLS
- "key_block", consisting of client and server MAC secrets, write keys
- and IVs). The new master secret and keying material become part of
- the pending read and write connection states. Following standard TLS
- procedures, these connection states become current states upon
- sending or receiving ChangeCipherSpec, and are confirmed via the
- PhaseFinished or Finished message.
-Paul Funk expires April 2005 [Page 7]
-Internet-Draft October 2004
- The final master secret, computed during the final handshake phase
- and confirmed by an exchange of ChangeCipherSpec and Finished
- messages, becomes the actual TLS master secret that defines the
- session. This final master secret is the surviving master secret,
- and each prior master secrets SHOULD be discarded when a new
- connection state is instantiated. The final master secret is used
- for session resumption, as well as for any session key derivation
- that protocols defined over TLS may require.
-2.2 Message Exchange
- Each intermediate handshake phase consists of ApplicationPayload
- messages sent alternately by client and server, and a concluding
- exchange of {ChangeCipherSpec, PhaseFinished} messages. The first
- and last ApplicationPayload message in each intermediate phase is
- sent by the client; the first {ChangeCipherSpec, PhaseFinished}
- message sequence is sent by the server. Thus the client begins the
- exchange with an ApplicationPayload message and the server
- determines when to conclude it by sending {ChangeCipherSpec,
- PhaseFinished}. When it receives the server's {ChangeCipherSpec,
- PhaseFinished} messages, the client sends its own {ChangeCipherSpec,
- PhaseFinished} messages, followed by an ApplicationPayload message
- to begin the next handshake phase.
- The final handshake proceeds in the same manner as the intermediate
- handshake, except that the Finished message is used rather than the
- PhaseFinished message, and the client does not send an
- ApplicationPayload message for the next phase because there is no
- next phase.
- At the start of each application handshake phase, the server MUST
- wait for the client's opening ApplicationPayload message before it
- sends its own ApplicationPayload message to the client. The client
- MAY NOT initiate conclusion of an application handshake phase by
- sending the first {ChangeCipherSpec, PhaseFinished} or
- {ChangeCipherSpec, Finished message} sequence; it MUST allow the
- server to initiate the conclusion of the phase.
-2.3 Master Key Permutation
- Each permutation of the master secret from one phase to the next
- begins with the calculation of a preliminary 48 octet vector
- (pre_vector) based on the current master secret:
- pre_vector = PRF(SecurityParameters.master_secret,
- "inner application preliminary vector",
- SecurityParameters.server_random +
- SecurityParameters.client_random) [0..48];
- Session key material generated by applications during the current
- application phase are mixed into the preliminary vector by
-Paul Funk expires April 2005 [Page 8]
-Internet-Draft October 2004
- arithmetically adding each session key to it to compute the new
- master secret. The preliminary vector is treated as a 48-octet
- integer in big-endian order; that is, the first octet is of the
- highest significance. Each session key is also treated as a big-
- endian integer of whatever size it happens to be. Arithmetic carry
- past the most significant octet is discarded; that is, the addition
- is performed modulo 2 ^ 384.
- Thus, the logical procedure for computing the next master secret
- (which may also be a convenient implementation procedure) is as
- follows:
- 1 At the start of each application handshake phase, use the current
- master secret to compute pre_vector for the next master secret.
- 2 Each time session key material is generated from an
- authentication or other exchange, arithmetically add that session
- key material to pre_vector.
- 3 At the conclusion of the application handshake phase, copy the
- current contents of pre_vector (which now includes addition of
- all session key material) into the master secret, prior to
- computing verify_data.
- Note that the master secret is the only element of the TLS
- SecurityParameters that is permuted from phase to phase. The
- client_random, server_random, bulk_cipher_algorithm, mac_algorithm,
- etc. remain constant throughout all phases of the handshake.
- The purpose of using a PRF to compute a preliminary vector is to
- ensure that, even in the absence of session keys, the master secret
- is cryptographically distinct in each phase of the handshake.
- The purpose of adding session keys into the preliminary vector is to
- ensure that the same client entity that negotiated the original
- master secret also negotiated the inner authentication(s). In the
- absence of such mixing of keys generated from the standard TLS
- handshake with keys generated from inner authentication, it is
- possible for a hostile agent to mount a man-in-the-middle attack,
- acting as server to an unsuspecting client to induce it to perform
- an authentication with it, which it can then pass through the TLS
- tunnel to allow it to pose as that client.
- An application phase may include no authentications that produce a
- session key, may include one such authentication, or may include
- several. Arithmetic addition was chosen as the mixing method because
- it is commutative, that is, it does not depend on the order of
- operations. This allows multiple authentications to proceed
- concurrently if desired, without having to synchronize the order of
- master secret updates between client and server.
-Paul Funk expires April 2005 [Page 9]
-Internet-Draft October 2004
- Addition was chosen rather than XOR in order to avoid what is
- probably a highly unlikely problem; namely, that two separate
- authentications produce the same session key, which, if XORed, would
- mutually cancel. This might occur, for example, if two instances of
- an authentication method were to be applied against different forms
- of a user identity that turn out in a some cases to devolve to the
- same identity.
- Finally, it was decided that a more complex mixing mechanism for
- session key material, such as hashing, besides not being
- commutative, would not provide any additional security, due to the
- pseudo-random character of the preliminary vector and the powerful
- PRF function which is applied to create derivative secrets.
-2.3.1 Application Session Key Material
- Many authentication protocols used today generate session keys that
- are bound to the authentication. Such keying material is normally
- intended for use in a subsequent data connection for encryption and
- validation. For example, EAP-TLS, MS-CHAP-V2 and its alter ego EAP-
- MS-CHAP-V2 each generate session keys.
- Session keying material generated during an application phase MUST
- be used to permute the TLS/IA master secret between one phase and
- the next, and MUST NOT be used for any other purpose. Permuting the
- master secret based on session keying material is necessary to
- preclude man-in-the-middle attacks, in which an unsuspecting client
- is induced to perform an authentication outside a tunnel with an
- attacker posing as a server; the attacker can then introduce the
- authentication protocol into a tunnel such as provided by TLS/IA,
- fooling an authentic server into believing that the attacker is the
- authentic user.
- By mixing keying material generated during application phase
- authentication into the master secret, such attacks are thwarted,
- since only a single client identity could both authenticate
- successfully and have derived the session keying material. Note that
- the keying material generated during authentication must be
- cryptographically related to the authentication and not derivable
- from data exchanged during authentication in order for the keying
- material to be useful in thwarting such attacks.
- In addition, the fact that the master secret cryptographically
- incorporates keying material from application phase authentications
- provides additional protection when the master secret is used as a
- basis for generating additional keys for use outside of the TLS
- exchange. If the master secret did not include keying material from
- inner authentications, an eavesdropper who somehow knew the server's
- private key could, in an RSA-based handshake, determine the master
- secret and hence would be able to compute the additional keys that
- are based on it. When inner authentication keying material is
-Paul Funk expires April 2005 [Page 10]
-Internet-Draft October 2004
- incorporated into the master secret, such an attack becomes
- impossible.
- The RECOMMENDED amount of keying material to mix into the master
- secret is 32 octets. Up to 48 octets MAY be used.
- Each authentication protocol may define how the keying material it
- generates is mapped to an octet sequence of some length for the
- purpose of TLS/IA mixing. However, for protocols which do not
- specify this (including the multitude of protocols that pre-date
- TLS/IA) the following rules are defined. The first rule that applies
- SHALL be the method for determining keying material:
- - If the authentication protocol maps its keying material to the
- RADIUS attributes MS-MPPE-Recv-Key and MS-MPPE-Send-Key
- [RFC2548], then the keying material for those attributes are
- concatenated (with MS-MPPE-Recv-Key first), the concatenated
- sequence is truncated to 32 octets if longer, and the result is
- used as keying material. (Note that this rule applies to MS-CHAP-
- V2 and EAP-MS-CHAP-V2.)
- - If the authentication protocol uses a pseudo-random function to
- generate keying material, that function is used to generate 32
- octets for use as keying material.
-2.4 Session Resumption
- A TLS/IA initial handshake phase may be resumed using standard
- mechanisms defined in RFC 2246. When the initial handshake phase is
- resumed, client and server may not deem it necessary to exchange
- AVPs in one or more additional application phases, as the resumption
- itself may provide all the security needed.
- The client indicates within the InnerApplication extension whether
- it requires AVP exchange when session resumption occurs. If it
- indicates that it does not, then the server may at its option omit
- subsequent application phases and complete the resumed handshake in
- a single phase.
- Note that RFC 3546 specifically states that when session resumption
- is used, the server MUST ignore any extensions in the ClientHello.
- However, it is not possible to comply with this requirement for the
- Inner Application extension, since even in a resumed session it may
- be necessary to include application phases, and whether they must be
- included is negotiated in the extension message itself. Therefore,
- the RFC 3546 provision is specifically overridden for the single
- case of the Inner Application extension, which is considered an
- exception to this rule.
-Paul Funk expires April 2005 [Page 11]
-Internet-Draft October 2004
-2.5 Error Termination
- The TLS/IA handshake may be terminated by either party sending a
- fatal alert, following standard TLS procedures.
-2.6 Computing Verification Data
- In standard TLS, the "verify_data" vector of the Finished message is
- computed as follows:
- PRF(master_secret, finished_label, MD5(handshake_messages) +
- SHA-1(handshake_messages)) [0..11];
- This allows both parties to confirm the master secret as well as the
- integrity of all handshake messages that have been exchanged.
- In TLS/IA, verify_data for the initial handshake phase is computed
- in exactly the same manner.
- In the subsequent application phases, a slight variation of this
- formula is used. The data that is hashed is the hash of the
- handshake messages computed in the previous phase plus all handshake
- messages that have been exchanged since that previous hash was
- computed. Thus, for each application phase, the MD5 hash input to
- the PRF is a hash of the MD5 hash computed in the previous phase
- concatenated with all subsequent handshake messages through the
- current phase; the SHA-1 hash is computed in the same way, but using
- the SHA-1 hash computed for the previous phase.
- Also, the master secret used in the PRF computation in each
- application phase is the new master secret generated at the
- conclusion of that phase.
- For clarity, this is best expressed in formal notation.
- Let phases be numbered from 0, where phase 0 is the initial phase.
- Let:
- Secret[n] be the master secret determined at the conclusion of
- phase n.
- Messages[n] be the additional handshake messages exchanged since
- the hashes were computed in phase n - 1, where n > 0; or all
- handshake messages exchanged to date starting from ClientHello,
- where n = 0.
- MD5[n] be the MD5 hash of handshake message material for phase n.
- SHA-1[n] be the SHA-1 hash of handshake message material for
- phase n.
-Paul Funk expires April 2005 [Page 12]
-Internet-Draft October 2004
- PRF[n] be the verify_data generated via PRF in phase n.
- Hash computations for phase 0 are as follows:
- MD5[0] = MD5(Messages[0])
- SHA-1[0] = SHA-1(Messages[0])
- Hash computations for phase i, where i > 0 (i.e. application phases)
- are as follows:
- MD5[i] = MD5(MD5[i-1] + Messages[i])
- SHA-1[i] = SHA-1(SHA-1[i-1] + Messages[i])
- The PRF computation to generate verify_data for any phase i
- (including i = 0) is as follows:
- PRF[i] = PRF(Secret[i], finished_label, MD5[i] + SHA-1[i])
- [0..11]
- Note that for phase 0, the PRF computation is identical to the
- standard TLS computation. Variations to the algorithm occur only in
- application phases, in the use of new master secrets and the
- inclusion of hashes of previous handshake messages as input to the
- hashing algorithms.
- During an application phase, the handshake messages input to the
- hashing algorithm include all handshake messages exchanged since the
- last PRF computation was performed. This will always include either
- one or two PhaseFinished messages from the previous phase. To see
- why, assume that in the previous phase the client issued its
- PhaseFinished message first, and the server's PhaseFinished message
- in response thus included the client's PhaseFinished message. This
- means that the server has not yet fed its PhaseFinished message into
- the PRF, and the client has fed neither its own PhaseFinished
- message nor the server's PhaseFinished response message into the
- PRF. Therefore these messages from the previous phase must be fed
- into the PhaseFinished messages along with handshake messages from
- the current phase into the PRF that validates the current phase.
- Note that the only handshake messages that appear in an application
- phase are InnerApplication messages and Finished or Phase Finished
- messages. ChangeCipherSpec messages are not handshake messages and
- are therefore never included in the hash computations.
- Note also that for TLS/IA, just as for standard TLS, client and
- server include a somewhat different set of handshake messages in
- hash computations. Therefore, both client and server must compute
- two PRFs for each handshake phase: one to include the verify_data
-Paul Funk expires April 2005 [Page 13]
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- that it transmits, and one to use to check the verify_data received
- from the other party.
-2.7 TLS/IA Messages
- All specifications of TLS/IA messages follow the usage defined in
- RFC 2246.
- TLS/IA defines a new TLS extension, two new handshake messages, and
- a new alert code. The new types and codes are (decimal):
- - "InnerApplication" extension type: 37703
- - "PhaseFinished" type: 78
- - "ApplicationPayload" type: 79
- - "InnerApplicationFailure" code: 208
- [Note: I have not checked these types yet against types defined in
- RFCs or drafts. pf]
-2.8 Negotiating the Inner Application Extension
- Use of the InnerApplication extension follows RFC 3546. The client
- proposes use of this extension by including the
- ClientInnerApplication message in the client_hello_extension_list of
- the extended ClientHello. If this message is included in the
- ClientHello, the server MAY accept the proposal by including the
- ServerInnerApplication message in the server_hello_extension_list of
- the extended ServerHello. If use of this extension is either not
- proposed by the client or not confirmed by the server, the
- variations to the TLS handshake described here MUST NOT be used.
-2.8.1 ClientInnerApplication
- When the client wishes to propose use of the Inner Application
- extension, it must include ClientInnerApplication in the
- "extension_data" vector in the Extension structure in its extended
- ClientHello message, where:
- enum {
- not_required(0), required(1), (255)
- } AppPhaseOnResumption;
- struct {
- AppPhaseOnResumption app_phase_on_resumption;
- } ClientInnerApplication;
- The AppPhaseOnResumption enumeration allow client and server to
- negotiate an abbreviated, single-phase handshake when session
-Paul Funk expires April 2005 [Page 14]
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- resumption is employed. If the server is able to resume a previous
- session, and if the client sets app_phase_on_resumption to
- not_required, then the server MAY conclude the initial handshake
- phase with a Finished message, thus completing the handshake in a
- single phase. If the client sets app_phase_on_resumption to
- required, then the server MUST conclude the initial handshake phase
- with PhaseFinished, thus allowing one or more subsequent application
- phases to follow the initial handshake phase.
- The value of app_phase_on_resumption applies to the current
- handshake only. For example, it is possible for
- app_phase_on_resumption to have different values in two handshakes
- that are both resumed from the same original TLS session.
- Note that the server may initiate one or more application phases
- even if the client sets app_phase_on_resumption to not_required, as
- the server itself may have reason to proceed with one or more
- application phases.
- Note also that if session resumption does not occur, the
- app_phase_on_resumption variable is ignored, the server MUST
- conclude the initial phase with a PhaseFinished message and one or
- more application phases MUST follow the initial handshake phase.
-2.8.2 ServerInnerApplication
- When the server wishes to confirm use of the Inner Application
- extension that has been proposed by the client, it must include
- ServerInnerApplication in the "extension_data" vector in the
- Extension structure in its extended ServerHello message, where:
- struct {
- } ServerInnerApplication;
- Note that the ServerInnerApplication message contains no data;
- however, it's presence is required to confirm use of the Inner
- Application extension when proposed by the client.
- If the client set app_phase_on_resumption to not_required and the
- server agrees and will not initiate an application phase, the server
- MUST NOT include ServerInnerApplication in its ServerHello and it
- must conclude the initial (and only) handshake phase with the
- Finished message. If, the server includes ServerInnerApplication, it
- MUST conclude the initial handshake phase with PhaseFinished,
- indicating that one or more application phases will follow the
- initial handshake phase.
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-2.9 The PhaseFinished Handshake Message
- The PhaseFinished message concludes all handshake phases prior to
- the final handshake phase. It MUST be immediately preceded by a
- ChangeCipherSpec message. It is defined as follows:
- struct {
- opaque verify_data[12];
- } PhaseFinished;
-2.10 The ApplicationPayload Handshake Message
- The ApplicationPayload message carries an AVP sequence during an
- application handshake phase. It is defined as follows:
- struct {
- opaque avps[Handshake.length];
- } ApplicationPayload;
- where Handshake.length is the 24-bit length field in the
- encapsulating Handshake message.
- Note that the "avps" element has its length defined in square
- bracket rather than angle bracket notation, implying a fixed rather
- than variable length vector. This avoids the having the length of
- the AVP sequence specified redundantly both in the encapsulating
- Handshake message and as a length prefix in the avps element itself.
-2.11 The InnerApplicationFailure Alert
- An InnerApplicationFailure error alert may be sent by either party
- during an application phase. This indicates that the sending party
- considers the negotiation to have failed due to an application
- carried in the AVP sequences, for example, a failed authentication.
- The AlertLevel for an InnerApplicationFailure alert MUST be set to
- "fatal".
- Note that other alerts are possible during an application phase; for
- example, decrypt_error. The InnerApplicationFailure alert relates
- specifically to the failure of an application implemented via AVP
- sequences; for example, failure of an EAP or other authentication
- method, or information passed within the AVP sequence that is found
- unsatisfactory.
-3 Encapsulation of AVPs within ApplicationPayload Messages
- During application phases of the TLS handshake, information is
- exchanged between client and server through the use of attribute-
- value pairs (AVPs). This data is encrypted using the then-current
- cipher state established during the preceding handshake phase.
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- The AVP format chosen for TLS/IA is compatible with the Diameter AVP
- format. This does not in any way represent a requirement that
- Diameter be supported by any of the devices or servers participating
- in the TLS/IA conversation, whether directly as client or server or
- indirectly as a backend authenticator. Use of this format is merely
- a convenience. Diameter is a superset of RADIUS and includes the
- RADIUS attribute namespace by definition, though it does not limit
- the size of an AVP as does RADIUS. RADIUS, in turn, is a widely
- deployed AAA protocol and attribute definitions exist for all
- commonly used password authentication protocols, including EAP.
- Thus, Diameter is not considered normative except as specified in
- this document. Specifically, the AVP Codes used in TLS/IA are
- semantically equivalent to those defined for Diameter, and, by
- extension, RADIUS.
- Use of the RADIUS/Diameter namespace allows a TLS/IA server to
- easily translate between AVPs it uses to communicate with clients
- and the protocol requirements of AAA servers that are widely
- deployed. Plus, it provides a well-understood mechanism to allow
- vendors to extend that namespace for their particular requirements.
-3.1 AVP Format
- The format of an AVP is shown below. All items are in network, or
- big-endian, order; that is, they have most significant octet first.
- 0 1 2 3
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | AVP Code |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- |V M r r r r r r| AVP Length |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Vendor-ID (opt) |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Data ...
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- AVP Code
- The AVP Code is four octets and, combined with the Vendor-ID
- field if present, identifies the attribute uniquely. The first
- 256 AVP numbers represent attributes defined in RADIUS. AVP
- numbers 256 and above are defined in Diameter.
- AVP Flags
- The AVP Flags field is one octet, and provides the receiver with
- information necessary to interpret the AVP.
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- The 'V' (Vendor-Specific) bit indicates whether the optional
- Vendor-ID field is present. When set to 1, the Vendor-ID field is
- present and the AVP Code is interpreted according to the
- namespace defined by the vendor indicated in the Vendor-ID field.
- The 'M' (Mandatory) bit indicates whether support of the AVP is
- required. If this bit is set to 0, this indicates that the AVP
- may be safely ignored if the receiving party does not understand
- or support it. If set to 1, this indicates that the receiving
- party must fail the negotiation if it does not understand the
- AVP; for a server, this would imply returning EAP-Failure, for a
- client, this would imply abandoning the negotiation.
- The 'r' (reserved) bits are unused and must be set to 0.
- AVP Length
- The AVP Length field is three octets, and indicates the length of
- this AVP including the AVP Code, AVP Length, AVP Flags, Vendor-ID
- (if present) and Data.
- Vendor-ID
- The Vendor-ID field is present if and only if the 'V' bit is set
- in the AVP Flags field. It is four octets, and contains the
- vendor's IANA-assigned "SMI Network Management Private Enterprise
- Codes" [RFC1700] value. Vendors defining their own AVPs must
- maintain a consistent namespace for use of those AVPs within
- RADIUS, Diameter and TLS/IA.
- A Vendor-ID value of zero is semantically equivalent to absence
- of the Vendor-ID field altogether.
-3.2 AVP Sequences
- Data encapsulated within the TLS Record Layer must consist entirely
- of a sequence of zero or more AVPs. Each AVP must begin on a 4-octet
- boundary relative to the first AVP in the sequence. If an AVP is not
- a multiple of 4 octets, it must be padded with 0s to the next 4-
- octet boundary.
- Note that the AVP Length does not include the padding.
-3.3 Guidelines for Maximum Compatibility with AAA Servers
- When maximum compatibility with AAA servers is desired, the
- following guidelines for AVP usage are suggested:
- - Non-vendor-specific AVPs should be selected from the set of
- attributes defined for RADIUS; that is, attributes with codes
- less than 256. This provides compatibility with both RADIUS and
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- Diameter.
- - Vendor-specific AVPs should be defined in terms of RADIUS.
- Vendor-specific RADIUS attributes translate to Diameter
- automatically; the reverse is not true. RADIUS vendor-specific
- attributes use RADIUS attribute 26 and include vendor ID, vendor-
- specific attribute code and length; see [RFC2865] for details.
-4 Tunneled Authentication within Application Phases
- TLS/IA permits user authentication information to be tunneled within
- an application phase between client and server, protecting the
- security of the authentication information against active and
- passive attack.
- Any type of password or other authentication may be tunneled. Also,
- multiple tunneled authentications may be performed. Normally,
- tunneled authentication is used when the client has not been issued
- a certificate and the TLS handshake provides only one-way
- authentication of the server to the client; however, in certain
- cases it may be desired to perform certificate authentication of the
- client during the initial handshake phase as well as tunneled user
- authentication in a subsequent application phase.
- This section establishes rules for using common authentication
- mechanisms within TLS/IA. Any new authentication mechanism should in
- general be covered by these rules if it is defined as an EAP type.
- Authentication mechanisms whose use within TLS/IA is not covered
- within this specification may require separate standardization,
- preferably within the standard that describes the authentication
- mechanism in question.
-4.1 Implicit challenge
- Certain authentication protocols that use a challenge/response
- mechanism rely on challenge material that is not generated by the
- authentication server, and therefore require special handling.
- In PPP protocols such CHAP, MS-CHAP and MS-CHAP-V2, for example, the
- Network Access Server (NAS) issues a challenge to the client, the
- client then hashes the challenge with the password and forwards the
- response to the NAS. The NAS then forwards both challenge and
- response to a AAA server. But because the AAA server did not itself
- generate the challenge, such protocols are susceptible to replay
- attack.
- If the client were able to create both challenge and response,
- anyone able to observe a CHAP or MS-CHAP exchange could pose as that
- user by replaying that challenge and response into a TLS/IA
- conversation.
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- To make these protocols secure in TLS/IA, it is necessary to provide
- a mechanism to produce a challenge that the client cannot control or
- predict.
- When a challenge-based authentication mechanism is used, both client
- and server use the TLS PRF function to generate as many octets as
- are required for the challenge, using the constant string "inner
- application challenge", based on the then-current master secret and
- random values established during the initial handshake phase:
- IA_challenge = PRF(SecurityParameters.master_secret,
- "inner application challenge",
- SecurityParameters.server_random +
- SecurityParameters.client_random);
-4.2 Tunneled Authentication Protocols
- This section describes the rules for tunneling specific
- authentication protocols within TLS/IA.
- For each protocol, the RADIUS RFC that defines the relevant
- attribute formats is cited. Note that these attributes are
- encapsulated as described in section 3.1; that is, as Diameter
- attributes, not as RADIUS attributes. In other words, the AVP Code,
- Length, Flags and optional Vendor-ID are formatted as described in
- section 3.1, while the Data is formatted as described by the cited
- All tunneled authentication protocols except EAP must be initiated
- by the client in the first ApplicationPayload message of an
- application phase. EAP may be initiated by the client in the first
- ApplicationPayload message of an application phase; it may also be
- initiated by the server in any ApplicationPayload message.
- The authentication protocols described below may be performed
- directly by the TLS/IA server or may be forwarded to a backend AAA
- server. For authentication protocols that generate session keys, the
- backend server must return those session keys to the TLS/IA server
- in order to allow the protocol to succeed within TLS/IA. RADIUS or
- Diameter servers are suitable backend AAA servers for this purpose.
- RADIUS servers typically return session keys in MS-MPPE-Recv-Key and
- MS-MPPE-Send-Key attributes [RFC2548]; Diameter servers return
- session keys in the EAP-Master-Session-Key AVP [AAA-EAP].
-4.2.1 EAP
- EAP is described in [RFC3784]; RADIUS attribute formats are
- described in [RFC3579].
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- When EAP is the tunneled authentication protocol, each tunneled EAP
- packet between the client and server is encapsulated in an EAP-
- Message AVP.
- Either client or server may initiate EAP.
- The client is the first to transmit within any application phase,
- and it may include an EAP-Response/Identity AVP in its
- ApplicationPayload message to begin an EAP conversation.
- Alternatively, if the client does not initiate EAP the server may,
- by including an EAP-Request/Identity AVP in its ApplicationPayload
- message.
- The client's EAP-Response/Identity provides the actual username; the
- privacy of the user's identity is now guaranteed by the TLS
- encryption. This username must be a Network Access Identifier (NAI)
- [RFC2486]; that is, it must be in the following format:
- username@realm
- The @realm portion is optional, and is used to allow the server to
- forward the EAP message sequence to the appropriate server in the
- AAA infrastructure when necessary.
- The EAP authentication between client and server proceeds normally,
- as described in [RFC3784]. However, upon completion the server does
- not send an EAP-Success or EAP-Failure AVP. Instead, the server
- signals success when it concludes the application phase by issuing a
- Finished or PhaseFinished message, or it signals failure by issuing
- an InnerApplicationFailure alert.
- Note that the client may also issue an InnerApplicationFailure
- alert, for example, when authentication of the server fails in a
- method providing mutual authentication.
-4.2.2 CHAP
- The CHAP algorithm is described in [RFC1994]; RADIUS attribute
- formats are described in [RFC2865].
- Both client and server generate 17 octets of challenge material,
- using the constant string "inner application challenge" as described
- above. These octets are used as follows:
- CHAP-Challenge [16 octets]
- CHAP Identifier [1 octet]
- The client initiates CHAP by including User-Name, CHAP-Challenge and
- CHAP-Password AVPs in the first ApplicationPayload message in any
- application phase. The CHAP-Challenge value is taken from the
- challenge material. The CHAP-Password consists of CHAP Identifier,
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- taken from the challenge material; and CHAP response, computed
- according to the CHAP algorithm.
- Upon receipt of these AVPs from the client, the server must verify
- that the value of the CHAP-Challenge AVP and the value of the CHAP
- Identifier in the CHAP-Password AVP are equal to the values
- generated as challenge material. If either item does not match
- exactly, the server must reject the client. Otherwise, it validates
- the CHAP-Challenge to determine the result of the authentication.
-4.2.3 MS-CHAP
- The MS-CHAP algorithm is described in [RFC2433]; RADIUS attribute
- formats are described in [RFC2548].
- Both client and server generate 9 octets of challenge material,
- using the constant string "inner application challenge" as described
- above. These octets are used as follows:
- MS-CHAP-Challenge [8 octets]
- Ident [1 octet]
- The client initiates MS-CHAP by including User-Name, MS-CHAP-
- Challenge and MS-CHAP-Response AVPs in the first ApplicationPayload
- message in any application phase. The MS-CHAP-Challenge value is
- taken from the challenge material. The MS-CHAP-Response consists of
- Ident, taken from the challenge material; Flags, set according the
- client preferences; and LM-Response and NT-Response, computed
- according to the MS-CHAP algorithm.
- Upon receipt of these AVPs from the client, the server must verify
- that the value of the MS-CHAP-Challenge AVP and the value of the
- Ident in the client's MS-CHAP-Response AVP are equal to the values
- generated as challenge material. If either item does not match
- exactly, the server must reject the client. Otherwise, it validates
- the MS-CHAP-Challenge to determine the result of the authentication.
-4.2.4 MS-CHAP-V2
- The MS-CHAP-V2 algorithm is described in [RFC2759]; RADIUS attribute
- formats are described in [RFC2548].
- Both client and server generate 17 octets of challenge material,
- using the constant string "inner application challenge" as described
- above. These octets are used as follows:
- MS-CHAP-Challenge [16 octets]
- Ident [1 octet]
- The client initiates MS-CHAP-V2 by including User-Name, MS-CHAP-
- Challenge and MS-CHAP2-Response AVPs in the first ApplicationPayload
-Paul Funk expires April 2005 [Page 22]
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- message in any application phase. The MS-CHAP-Challenge value is
- taken from the challenge material. The MS-CHAP2-Response consists of
- Ident, taken from the challenge material; Flags, set to 0; Peer-
- Challenge, set to a random value; and Response, computed according
- to the MS-CHAP-V2 algorithm.
- Upon receipt of these AVPs from the client, the server must verify
- that the value of the MS-CHAP-Challenge AVP and the value of the
- Ident in the client's MS-CHAP2-Response AVP are equal to the values
- generated as challenge material. If either item does not match
- exactly, the server must reject the client. Otherwise, it validates
- the MS-CHAP2-Challenge.
- If the MS-CHAP2-Challenge received from the client is correct, the
- server tunnels the MS-CHAP2-Success AVP to the client.
- Upon receipt of the MS-CHAP2-Success AVP, the client is able to
- authenticate the server. In its next InnerApplicationPayload message
- to the server, the client does not include any MS-CHAP-V2 AVPs.
- (This may result in an empty InnerApplicationPayload if no other
- AVPs need to be sent.)
- If the MS-CHAP2-Challenge received from the client is not correct,
- the server tunnels an MS-CHAP2-Error AVP to the client. This AVP
- contains a new Ident and a string with additional information such
- as error reason and whether a retry is allowed. If the error reason
- is an expired password and a retry is allowed, the client may
- proceed to change the user's password. If the error reason is not an
- expired password or if the client does not wish to change the user's
- password, it issues an InnerApplicationFailure alert.
- If the client does wish to change the password, it tunnels MS-CHAP-
- NT-Enc-PW, MS-CHAP2-CPW, and MS-CHAP-Challenge AVPs to the server.
- The MS-CHAP2-CPW AVP is derived from the new Ident and Challenge
- received in the MS-CHAP2-Error AVP. The MS-CHAP-Challenge AVP simply
- echoes the new Challenge.
- Upon receipt of these AVPs from the client, the server must verify
- that the value of the MS-CHAP-Challenge AVP and the value of the
- Ident in the client's MS-CHAP2-CPW AVP match the values it sent in
- the MS-CHAP2-Error AVP. If either item does not match exactly, the
- server must reject the client. Otherwise, it validates the MS-CHAP2-
- If the MS-CHAP2-CPW AVP received from the client is correct, and the
- server is able to change the user's password, the server tunnels the
- MS-CHAP2-Success AVP to the client and the negotiation proceeds as
- described above.
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- Note that additional AVPs associated with MS-CHAP-V2 may be sent by
- the server; for example, MS-CHAP-Domain. The server must tunnel such
- authentication-related AVPs along with the MS-CHAP2-Success.
-4.2.5 PAP
- PAP RADIUS attribute formats are described in [RFC2865].
- The client initiates PAP by including User-Name and User-Password
- AVPs in the first ApplicationPayload message in any application
- phase.
- In RADIUS, User-Password is padded with nulls to a multiple of 16
- octets, then encrypted using a shared secret and other packet
- information.
- A TLS/IA, however, does not RADIUS-encrypt the password since all
- application phase data is already encrypted. The client SHOULD,
- however, null-pad the password to a multiple of 16 octets, to
- obfuscate its length.
- Upon receipt of these AVPs from the client, the server may be able
- to decide whether to authenticate the client immediately, or it may
- need to challenge the client for more information.
- If the server wishes to issue a challenge to the client, it MUST
- tunnel the Reply-Message AVP to the client; this AVP normally
- contains a challenge prompt of some kind. It may also tunnel
- additional AVPs if necessary, such the Prompt AVP. Upon receipt of
- the Reply-Message AVPs, the client tunnels User-Name and User-
- Password AVPs again, with the User-Password AVP containing new
- information in response to the challenge. This process continues
- until the server determines the authentication has succeeded or
- failed.
-4.3 Performing Multiple Authentications
- In some cases, it is desirable to perform multiple user
- authentications. For example, a AAA/H may want first to authenticate
- the user by password, then by token card.
- The server may perform any number of additional user authentications
- using EAP, simply by issuing a EAP-Request with a new protocol type
- once the previous authentication has completed..
- For example, a server wishing to perform MD5-Challenge followed by
- Generic Token Card would first issue an EAP-Request/MD5-Challenge
- AVP and receive a response. If the response is satisfactory, it
- would then issue EAP-Request/Generic Token Card AVP and receive a
- response. If that response were also satisfactory, it would consider
- the user authenticated.
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-5 Example Message Sequences
- This section presents a variety of possible TLS/IA message
- sequences. These examples do not attempt to exhaustively depict all
- possible scenarios.
- Parentheses indicate optional TLS messages. Brackets indicate
- optional message exchanges. Ellipsis (. . .) indicates optional
- repetition of preceding messages.
-5.1 Full Initial Handshake with Intermediate and Final Application
- The diagram below depicts a full initial handshake phase followed by
- two application phases.
- Note that the client concludes the intermediate phase and starts the
- final phase in an uninterrupted sequence of three messages:
- ChangeCipherSpec and PhaseFinished belong to the intermediate phase,
- and ApplicationPayload belongs to the final phase.
- Client Server
- ------ ------
- *** Initial Phase:
- ClientHello -------->
- ServerHello
- (Certificate)
- ServerKeyExchange
- (CertificateRequest)
- <-------- ServerHelloDone
- (Certificate)
- ClientKeyExchange
- (CertificateVerify)
- ChangeCipherSpec
- PhaseFinished -------->
- ChangeCipherSpec
- <-------- PhaseFinished
- *** Intermediate Phase:
- ApplicationPayload -------->
- [
- <-------- ApplicationPayload
- ApplicationPayload -------->
- ...
- ]
- ChangeCipherSpec
- <-------- PhaseFinished
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- ChangeCipherSpec
- PhaseFinished
- *** Final Phase:
- ApplicationPayload -------->
- [
- <-------- ApplicationPayload
- ApplicationPayload -------->
- ...
- ]
- <-------- ChangeCipherSpec
- Finished
- ChangeCipherSpec
- Finished -------->
-5.2 Resumed Session with Single Application Phase
- The diagram below depicts a resumed session followed by a single
- application phase.
- Note that the client concludes the initial phase and starts the
- final phase in an uninterrupted sequence of three messages:
- ChangeCipherSpec and PhaseFinished belong to the initial phase, and
- ApplicationPayload belongs to the final phase.
- Client Server
- ------ ------
- *** Initial Phase:
- ClientHello -------->
- ServerHello
- ChangeCipherSpec
- <-------- PhaseFinished
- ChangeCipherSpec
- PhaseFinished
- *** Final Phase:
- ApplicationPayload -------->
- [
- <-------- ApplicationPayload
- ApplicationPayload -------->
- ...
- ]
- <-------- ChangeCipherSpec
- Finished
- ChangeCipherSpec
- Finished -------->
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-5.3 Resumed Session with No Application Phase
- The diagram below depicts a resumed session without any subsequent
- application phase. This will occur if the client indicates in its
- ClientInnerApplication message that no application phase is required
- and the server concurs.
- Note that this message sequence is identical to that of a standard
- TLS resumed session.
- Client Server
- ------ ------
- *** Initial/Final Phase:
- ClientHello -------->
- ServerHello
- ChangeCipherSpec
- <-------- Finished
- ChangeCipherSpec
- Finished
-6 Security Considerations
- This document introduces a new TLS extension called "Inner
- Application". When TLS is used with the Inner Application extension
- (TLS/IA), additional messages are exchanged during the TLS
- handshake. Hence a number of security issues need to be taken into
- consideration. Since the security heavily depends on the information
- (called "applications") which are exchanged between the TLS client
- and the TLS server as part of the TLS/IA extension we try to
- classify them into two categories: The first category considers the
- case where the exchange results in the generation of keying
- material. This is, for example, the case with many EAP methods. EAP
- is one of the envisioned main "applications". The second category
- focuses on cases where no session key is generated. The security
- treatment of the latter category is discouraged since it is
- vulnerability to man-in-the-middle attacks if the two sessions
- cannot be bound to each other as shown in [MITM].
- Subsequently, we investigate a number of security issues:
- - Architecture and Trust Model
- For many of the use cases in this document we assume that three
- functional entities participate in the protocol exchange: TLS
- client, TLS server and a AAA infrastructure (typically consisting
- of a AAA server and possibly a AAA broker). The protocol exchange
- described in this document takes place between the TLS client and
- the TLS server. The interaction between the AAA client (which
- corresponds to the TLS server) and the AAA server is described in
-Paul Funk expires April 2005 [Page 27]
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- the respective AAA protocol documents and therefore outside the
- scope of this document. The trust model behind this architecture
- with respect to the authentication, authorization, session key
- establishment and key transport within the AAA infrastructure is
- discussed in [KEYING].
- - Authentication
- This document assumes that the TLS server is authenticated to the
- TLS client as part of the authentication procedure of the initial
- TLS Handshake. This approach is similar to the one chosen with
- the EAP support in IKEv2 (see [IKEv2]). Typically, public key
- based server authentication is used for this purpose. More
- interesting is the client authentication property whereby
- information exchanged as part of the Inner Application is used to
- authenticate (or authorize) the client. For example, if EAP is
- used as an inner application then EAP methods are used to perform
- authentication and key agreement between the EAP peer (most
- likely the TLS client) and the EAP server (i.e., AAA server).
- - Authorization
- Throughout this document it is assumed that the TLS server can be
- authorized by the TLS client as a legitimate server as part of
- the authentication procedure of the initial TLS Handshake. The
- entity acting as TLS client can be authorized either by the TLS
- server or by the AAA server (if the authorization decision is
- offloaded). Typically, the authenticated identity is used to
- compute the authorization decision but credential-based
- authorization mechanisms may be used as well.
- - Man-in-the-Middle Attack
- Man-in-the-middle attacks have become a concern with tunneled
- authentication protocols because of the discovered
- vulnerabilities (see [MITM]) of a missing cryptographic binding
- between the independent protocol sessions. This document also
- proposes a tunneling protocol, namely individual inner
- application sessions are tunneled within a previously executed
- session. The first protocol session in this exchange is the
- initial TLS Handshake. To avoid man-in-the-middle attacks a
- number of sections address how to establish such a cryptographic
- binding (see Section 2.3 and 2.6).
- - User Identity Confidentiality
- The TLS/IA extension allows splitting the authentication of the
- TLS server from the TLS client into two separate sessions. As one
- of the advantages, this provides active user identity
- confidentiality since the TLS client is able to authenticate the
- TLS server and to establish a unilateral authenticated and
-Paul Funk expires April 2005 [Page 28]
-Internet-Draft October 2004
- confidentiality-protected channel prior to starting the client-
- side authentication.
- - Session Key Establishment
- TLS [RFC2246] defines how session key material produced during
- the TLS Handshake is generated with the help of a pseudo-random
- function to expand it to keying material of the desired length
- for later usage in the TLS Record Layer. Section 2.3 gives some
- guidelines with regard to the master key generation. Since the
- TLS/IA extension supports multiple exchanges whereby each phase
- concludes with a generated keying material. In addition to the
- keying material established as part of TLS itself, most inner
- applications will produce their keying material. For example,
- keying material established as part of an EAP method must be
- carried from the AAA server to the AAA client. Details are
- subject to the specific AAA protocol (for example, EAP usage in
- Diameter [AAA-EAP].
- - Denial of Service Attacks
- This document does not modify the initial TLS Handshake and as
- such, does not introduce new vulnerabilities with regard to DoS
- attacks. Since the TLS/IA extension allows to postpone the
- client-side authentication to a later stage in the protocol
- phase. As such, it allows malicious TLS clients to initiate a
- number of exchanges while remaining anonymous. As a consequence,
- state at the server is allocated and computational efforts are
- required at the server side. Since the TLS client cannot be
- stateless this is not strictly a DoS attack.
- - Confidentiality Protection and Dictionary Attack Resistance
- Similar to the user identity confidentiality property the usage
- of the TLS/IA extension allows to establish a unilateral
- authenticated tunnel which is confidentiality protected. This
- tunnel protects the inner application information elements to be
- protected against active adversaries and therefore provides
- resistance against dictionary attacks when password-based
- authentication protocols are used inside the tunnel. In general,
- information exchanged inside the tunnel experiences
- confidentiality protection.
- - Downgrading Attacks
- This document defines a new extension. The TLS client and the TLS
- server indicate the capability to support the TLS/IA extension as
- part of the client_hello_extension_list and the
- server_hello_extension_list payload. More details can be found in
- Section 2.8. To avoid downgrading attacks whereby an adversary
-Paul Funk expires April 2005 [Page 29]
-Internet-Draft October 2004
- removes a capability from the list is avoided by the usage of the
- Finish or PhaseFinished message as described in Section 2.6.
-7 References
-7.1 Normative References
- [RFC1700] Reynolds, J., and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", RFC
- 1700, October 1994.
- [RFC1994] Simpson, W., "PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication
- Protocol (CHAP)", RFC 1994, August 1996.
- [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
- Requirement Levels", RFC 2119, March 1997.
- [RFC2246] Dierks, T., and C. Allen, "The TLS Protocol Version
- 1.0", RFC 2246, November 1998.
- [RFC2433] Zorn, G., and S. Cobb, "Microsoft PPP CHAP Extensions",
- RFC 2433, October 1998.
- [RFC2486] Aboba, B., and M. Beadles, "The Network Access
- Identifier", RFC 2486, January 1999.
- [RFC2548] Zorn, G., "Microsoft Vendor-specific RADIUS Attributes",
- RFC 2548, March 1999.
- [RFC2759] Zorn, G., "Microsoft PPP CHAP Extensions, Version 2",
- RFC 2759, January 2000.
- [RFC2865] Rigney, C., Willens, S., Rubens, A., and W. Simpson,
- "Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS)",
- RFC 2865, June 2000.
- [RFC3546] Blake-Wilson, S., Nystrom, M., Hopwood, D., Mikkelsen,
- J., and T. Wright, "Transport Layer Security (TLS)
- Extensions", RFC 3546, June 2003.
- [RFC3579] Aboba, B., and P.Calhoun, "RADIUS (Remote Authentication
- Dial In User Service) Support For Extensible
- Authentication Protocol (EAP)", RFC 3579, September
- 2003.
- [RFC3588] Calhoun, P., Loughney, J., Guttman, E., Zorn, G., and J.
- Arkko, "Diameter Base Protocol", RFC 3588, July 2003.
- [RFC3784] Aboba, B., Blunk, L., Vollbrecht, J., Carlson, J., and
- H. Levkowetz, "PPP Extensible Authentication Protocol
- (EAP)", RFC 3784, June 2004.
-Paul Funk expires April 2005 [Page 30]
-Internet-Draft October 2004
-7.2 Informative References
- [RFC1661] Simpson, W. (Editor), "The Point-to-Point Protocol
- (PPP)", STD 51, RFC 1661, July 1994.
- [RFC2716] Aboba, B., and D. Simon, "PPP EAP TLS Authentication
- Protocol", RFC 2716, October 1999.
- [EAP-TTLS] Funk, P., and S. Blake-Wilson, " EAP Tunneled TLS
- Authentication Protocol (EAP-TTLS)", draft-ietf-pppext-
- eap-ttls-05.txt, July 2004.
- [EAP-PEAP] Palekar, A., Simon, D., Salowey, J., Zhou, H., Zorn, G.,
- and S. Josefsson, "Protected EAP Protocol (PEAP) Version
- 2", draft-josefsson-pppext-eap-tls-eap-08.txt, July
- 2004.
- [TLS-PSK] Eronen, P., and H. Tschofenig, "Pre-Shared Key
- Ciphersuites for Transport Layer Security (TLS)", draft-
- ietf-tls-psk-01.txt, August 2004.
- [802.1X] IEEE Standards for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks:
- Port based Network Access Control, IEEE Std 802.1X-2001,
- June 2001.
- [MITM] Asokan, N., Niemi, V., and K. Nyberg, "Man-in-the-Middle
- in Tunneled Authentication",
- Nokia Research Center, Finland, October 24 2002.
- [KEYING] Aboba, B., Simon, D., Arkko, J. and H. Levkowetz, "EAP
- Key Management Framework", draft-ietf-eap-keying-01.txt
- (work in progress), October 2003.
- [IKEv2] C.Kaufman, "Internet Key Exchange (IKEv2) Protocol",
- draft-ietf-ipsec-ikev2-16.txt (work in progress),
- September 2004.
- [AAA-EAP] Eronen, P., Hiller, T. and G. Zorn, "Diameter Exntesible
- Authentication Protocol (EAP) Application", draft-ietf-
- aaa-eap-03.txt (work in progress), October 2003.
-8 Authors' Addresses
- Questions about this memo can be directed to:
- Paul Funk
- Funk Software, Inc.
- 222 Third Street
- Cambridge, MA 02142
-Paul Funk expires April 2005 [Page 31]
-Internet-Draft October 2004
- Phone: +1 617 497-6339
- E-mail:
- Simon Blake-Wilson
- Basic Commerce & Industries, Inc.
- 96 Spadina Ave, Unit 606
- Toronto, Ontario M5V 2J6
- Canada
- Phone: +1 416 214-5961
- E-mail:
- Ned Smith
- Intel Corporation
- MS: JF1-229
- 2111 N.E. 25th Ave.
- Hillsboro, OR 97124
- Phone: +1 503 264-2692
- E-mail:
- Hannes Tschofenig
- Siemens
- Otto-Hahn-Ring 6
- Munich, Bayern 81739\
- Germany
- Phone: +49 89 636 40390
- E-mail:
-9 Intellectual Property Statement
- The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
- Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed
- to pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described
- in this document or the extent to which any license under such
- rights might or might not be available; nor does it represent that
- it has made any independent effort to identify any such rights.
- Information on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC
- documents can be found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.
- Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
- assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an
- attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use
- of such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this
- specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository
- at
- The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
- copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
- rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement
- this standard. Please address the information to the IETF at ietf-
-Paul Funk expires April 2005 [Page 32]
-Internet-Draft October 2004
-Disclaimer of Validity
- This document and the information contained herein are provided on
-Copyright Statement
- Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001 - 2004). This document is
- subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions contained in BCP
- 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors retain all their
- rights.
- Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
- Internet Society.
-Paul Funk expires April 2005 [Page 33]