diff options
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 622 deletions
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 5c1766de66..d87dd5803a 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -49,629 +49,30 @@ variables:
# Stage 1, documentation, and advanced checks
- stage: stage1-testing
- before_script:
- - /bin/true
- after_script:
- - /bin/true
- except:
- - master@gnutls/gnutls
- cache:
- # do not load cache files
- key: none
- policy: pull
- script:
- # we want $ALPINE_BASE_BUILD without git, so add it here
- - apk add git bash
- - devel/check_if_signed
- retry: 0
- stage: stage1-testing
- script:
- - SUBMODULE_NOFETCH=1 ./bootstrap
- - GUILE=/usr/bin/guile2.2
- - GUILD=/usr/bin/guild2.2
- - guile_snarf=/usr/bin/guile-snarf2.2
- - export GUILE GUILD guile_snarf
- - CFLAGS="-std=c99 -O2 -g" dash ./configure --disable-gcc-warnings --cache-file cache/config.cache --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 --disable-cxx --disable-non-suiteb-curves --enable-gtk-doc --disable-maintainer-mode
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS -C doc stamp-vti
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS -C doc stamp-1
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS -C doc stamp_enums
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS -C doc gnutls.html
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS -C doc/latex gnutls.pdf
- - DB2EPUBDIR=$(dirname $(find /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-ns-stylesheets-*/epub/bin/ -name dbtoepub -print))
- - PATH="$PATH:$DB2EPUBDIR" make -C doc gnutls.epub
-# check whether distribution with or without included libopts is ok
- - make -j$CHECKJOBS distcheck DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS="--enable-local-libopts --disable-tests"
- - make -j$CHECKJOBS distcheck
- tags:
- - shared
- - linux
- except:
- - tags
- retry: 1
- stage: stage1-testing
- script:
- - SUBMODULE_NOFETCH=1 ./bootstrap
- - GUILE=/usr/bin/guile2.2
- - GUILD=/usr/bin/guild2.2
- - guile_snarf=/usr/bin/guile-snarf2.2
- - export GUILE GUILD guile_snarf
- - CFLAGS="-g -Og" dash ./configure --disable-gcc-warnings --cache-file cache/config.cache --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 --enable-code-coverage --disable-maintainer-mode --disable-doc
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS
- - make abi-check
- - make pic-check
- - make -j$CHECKJOBS check
- - make local-code-coverage-output || true
- tags:
- - shared
- - linux
- except:
- - tags
- artifacts:
- expire_in: 1 week
- when: on_failure
- paths:
- - ./*.xml
- - ./gnutls-prev-abi.tmp/
- - compat_reports/
- - ./*.log
- - tests/*.log
- - tests/*/*.log
- - tests/suite/*/*.log
- - guile/tests/*.log
- retry: 1
stage: stage1-testing
- - echo "No tools build"
- - ./bootstrap
- - dash ./configure --cache-file cache/config.cache --disable-gcc-warnings --disable-full-test-suite --disable-doc --disable-guile --disable-tools --enable-tests
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS
- - make -j$CHECKJOBS check
- - echo "Minimal build"
- - dnf remove -y libunistring-devel libtasn1-devel libidn-devel
- - dash ./configure --cache-file cache/config.cache --with-included-libtasn1
- --disable-doc --disable-dtls-srtp-support --disable-alpn-support --disable-tests
- --disable-heartbeat-support --disable-srp-authentication --disable-psk-authentication
- --disable-anon-authentication --disable-dhe --disable-ecdhe
- --disable-ocsp --disable-non-suiteb-curves --with-included-unistring
- --disable-nls --disable-libdane --without-p11-kit --without-tpm
- --disable-ssl3-support --disable-ssl2-support --disable-doc --enable-openssl-compatibility
- --disable-gcc-warnings --with-system-priority-file=""
- --disable-gost
- --disable-guile
- - make clean
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS
- - make -j$CHECKJOBS check
- tags:
- - shared
- - linux
- except:
- - tags
- artifacts:
- expire_in: 1 week
- when: on_failure
- paths:
- - ./*.log
- - fuzz/*.log
- - tests/*.log
- - tests/*/*.log
- - tests/suite/*/*.log
- retry: 1
-# This enables SSL3.0 and SHA-1 support, and runs interop tests
-# with openssl 1.1.0, which include legacy algorithms like DSA.
- stage: stage1-testing
- script:
- - ./bootstrap
- - mkdir -p build
- - cd build
- - dash ../configure --disable-tls13-interop --disable-gcc-warnings --cache-file ../cache/config.cache --enable-sha1-support --enable-ssl3-support --enable-seccomp-tests --disable-doc --disable-guile --disable-strict-der-time
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS
- - make -j$CHECKJOBS check
- - cd ..
- tags:
- - shared
- - linux
- except:
- - tags
- artifacts:
- expire_in: 1 week
- when: on_failure
- paths:
- - build/guile/tests/*.log
- - build/tests/*.log
- - build/*.log
- - build/tests/*/*.log
- - build/tests/suite/*/*.log
- retry: 1
- stage: stage1-testing
- script:
- - ./bootstrap
- - mkdir -p build
- - cd build
- - dash ../configure --disable-gcc-warnings --cache-file ../cache/config.cache --disable-non-suiteb-curves --enable-fips140-mode --disable-doc --disable-full-test-suite --disable-guile
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS
- - make -j$CHECKJOBS check
- - mkdir -p lib/.libs/fipscheck
- - fipshmac -d lib/.libs/fipscheck/ -s .hmac lib/.libs/*
- - cd ..
- tags:
- - shared
- - linux
- except:
- - tags
- artifacts:
- expire_in: 1 week
- when: on_failure
- paths:
- - build/guile/tests/*.log
- - build/tests/*.log
- - build/tests/*/*.log
- retry: 1
- stage: stage1-testing
- script:
- - ./bootstrap
-# gcc in fedora31 inlines strcmp in a way that causes valgrind errors
- - CFLAGS="-O2 -g -fno-builtin-strcmp" ./configure --disable-gcc-warnings --disable-doc --cache-file cache/config.cache --disable-guile --disable-full-test-suite --enable-valgrind-tests
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS
- - make -j$CHECKJOBS check
- tags:
- - shared
- - linux
- except:
- - tags
- artifacts:
- expire_in: 1 week
- when: on_failure
- paths:
- - ./*.log
- - tests/*.log
- - tests/*/*.log
- retry: 1
- stage: stage1-testing
- script:
- - ./bootstrap
- - CFLAGS="-fsanitize=thread -g -O2" CXXFLAGS=$CFLAGS
- dash ./configure --disable-gcc-warnings --disable-doc --cache-file cache/config.cache --disable-non-suiteb-curves --disable-guile --enable-fips140-mode --disable-full-test-suite
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS
- - make -j$CHECKJOBS -C tests check SUBDIRS=. TESTS="tls-pthread dtls-pthread fips-mode-pthread rng-pthread" TSAN_OPTIONS="suppressions=$(pwd)/devel/tsan.supp" GNUTLS_SKIP_FIPS_INTEGRITY_CHECKS=1 GNUTLS_FORCE_FIPS_MODE=1
- tags:
- - shared
- - linux
- except:
- - tags
- artifacts:
- expire_in: 1 week
- when: on_failure
- paths:
- - ./*.log
- - fuzz/*.log
- - tests/*.log
- - tests/*/*.log
- - tests/suite/*/*.log
- retry: 1
- stage: stage1-testing
- before_script:
- - /bin/true
- script:
- - ./bootstrap
- - scan-build ./configure --cache-file cache/config.cache --disable-doc --disable-guile --enable-fips140-mode
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS syntax-check gnulib_dir=$GNULIB_SRCDIR
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS -C gl
- - scan-build --status-bugs -o scan-build-lib make -j$BUILDJOBS -C lib
- - scan-build --status-bugs -o scan-build-lib make -j$BUILDJOBS -C libdane
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS -C src/gl
- - scan-build --status-bugs -o scan-build-lib make -j$BUILDJOBS -C src
- - cppcheck --force -q -Ilib/include -Igl/ -Ilib/ -I. --error-exitcode=1 lib/ -i lib/unistring -i lib/minitasn1 -i lib/nettle/backport -j2 $CPPCHECK_OPTIONS
- - cppcheck --force -q -Ilib/include -Igl/ -Ilibdane/ -I. --error-exitcode=1 libdane/ -j2 $CPPCHECK_OPTIONS
- after_script:
- - /bin/true
- tags:
- - shared
- - linux
- except:
- - tags
- artifacts:
- expire_in: 1 week
- when: on_failure
- paths:
- - ./*.log
- - scan-build-lib/*
- - scan-build-libdane/*
- retry: 1
- stage: stage1-testing
- script:
- - mount -t binfmt_misc binfmt_misc /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc
- - echo ':DOSWin:M::MZ::/usr/bin/wine:' > /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register
- - ./bootstrap
- - export CC="ccache i686-w64-mingw32-gcc"
- - export WINEPATH=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin
- - dash ./configure --disable-gcc-warnings --host=i686-w64-mingw32 --target=i686-w64-mingw32 --cache-file cache/config.cache --with-included-libtasn1 --disable-nls --disable-guile --with-included-unistring --enable-local-libopts --disable-non-suiteb-curves --disable-full-test-suite --disable-doc
- - mingw32-make -j$BUILDJOBS
- - mingw32-make -j$BUILDJOBS -C tests check
-# Combine generated apps and DLLs.
-#libwinpthread is required by libgcc
-#libffi is required by libp11-kit
- - mkdir -p win32-build/bin win32-build/lib/includes
- - cp lib/.libs/*.dll src/.libs/*.exe win32-build/bin
- - i686-w64-mingw32-strip --strip-unneeded win32-build/bin/*.dll
- - i686-w64-mingw32-strip win32-build/bin/*.exe
- - cp /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libp11-*.dll win32-build/bin
- - cp /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libnettle-*.dll win32-build/bin
- - cp /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libhogweed-*.dll win32-build/bin
- - cp /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libgmp-*.dll win32-build/bin
- - cp /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libgcc*.dll win32-build/bin
- - cp /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libwinpthread*.dll win32-build/bin
- - cp /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libidn2-*.dll win32-build/bin
- - cp /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libffi-*.dll win32-build/bin
- - cp lib/.libs/*.a lib/*.def lib/gnutls.pc win32-build/lib
- - cp lib/includes/gnutls/*.h win32-build/lib/includes
- tags:
- - shared
- - docker
- - linux
- only:
- - tags
- artifacts:
- paths:
- - win32-build/
- retry: 1
- stage: stage1-testing
- script:
- - mount -t binfmt_misc binfmt_misc /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc
- - echo ':DOSWin:M::MZ::/usr/bin/wine:' > /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register
- - ./bootstrap
- - export CC="ccache x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc"
- - export WINEPATH=/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin
- - dash ./configure --disable-gcc-warnings --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 --target=x86_64-w64-mingw32 --cache-file cache/config.cache --with-included-libtasn1 --disable-guile --disable-nls --with-included-unistring --enable-local-libopts --disable-non-suiteb-curves --disable-full-test-suite --disable-doc
- - mingw64-make -j$BUILDJOBS
- - mingw64-make -j$BUILDJOBS -C tests check
-# Combine generated apps and DLLs.
-#libwinpthread is required by libgcc
-#libffi is required by libp11-kit
- - mkdir -p win64-build/bin win64-build/lib/includes
- - cp lib/.libs/*.dll src/.libs/*.exe win64-build/bin
- - x86_64-w64-mingw32-strip --strip-unneeded win64-build/bin/*.dll
- - x86_64-w64-mingw32-strip win64-build/bin/*.exe
- - cp /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libp11-*.dll win64-build/bin
- - cp /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libnettle-*.dll win64-build/bin
- - cp /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libhogweed-*.dll win64-build/bin
- - cp /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libgmp-*.dll win64-build/bin
- - cp /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libgcc*.dll win64-build/bin
- - cp /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libwinpthread*.dll win64-build/bin
- - cp /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libidn2-*.dll win64-build/bin
- - cp /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libffi-*.dll win64-build/bin
- - cp lib/.libs/*.a lib/*.def lib/gnutls.pc win64-build/lib
- - cp lib/includes/gnutls/*.h win64-build/lib/includes
- tags:
- - shared
- - docker
- - linux
- only:
- - tags
- artifacts:
- paths:
- - win64-build/
- retry: 1
- stage: stage1-testing
- script:
- - ./bootstrap
- - export CC="ccache x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc"
- - export WINEPATH=/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin
- - mount -t binfmt_misc binfmt_misc /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc
- - echo ':DOSWin:M::MZ::/usr/bin/wine64:' > /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register
- - mkdir -p build
- - cd build
- - dash ../configure --disable-gcc-warnings --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 --target=x86_64-w64-mingw32 --cache-file ../cache/config.cache --with-included-libtasn1 --disable-guile --disable-nls --with-included-unistring --enable-local-libopts --disable-full-test-suite --disable-non-suiteb-curves --disable-doc
- # generate the certtool autogen file to check whether later compilation will modify it
- - mingw64-make -j$BUILDJOBS -C src certtool-args.c.bak
- - mingw64-make -j$BUILDJOBS
- - mingw64-make -j$CHECKJOBS -C tests check
- - cd ..
- # since we use --enable-local-libopts the generated files must equal the .bak
- - cmp build/src/certtool-args.c build/src/certtool-args.c.bak || false
- tags:
- - shared
- - docker
- - linux
- except:
- - tags
- artifacts:
- expire_in: 1 week
- when: on_failure
- paths:
- - build/*.log
- - build/tests/*.log
- - build/tests/*/*.log
- retry: 1
- stage: stage1-testing
- script:
- - ./bootstrap
- - export CC="ccache i686-w64-mingw32-gcc"
- - export WINEPATH=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin
- - mount -t binfmt_misc binfmt_misc /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc
- - echo ':DOSWin:M::MZ::/usr/bin/wine:' > /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register
- - mkdir -p build
- - cd build
- - dash ../configure --disable-gcc-warnings --host=i686-w64-mingw32 --target=i686-w64-mingw32 --cache-file ../cache/config.cache --with-included-libtasn1 --disable-guile --disable-nls --with-included-unistring --enable-local-libopts --disable-full-test-suite --disable-non-suiteb-curves --disable-doc
- - mingw32-make -j$BUILDJOBS
- - mingw32-make -j$CHECKJOBS -C tests check
- - cd ..
- tags:
- - shared
- - docker
- - linux
- except:
- - tags
- artifacts:
- expire_in: 1 week
- when: on_failure
- paths:
- - build/*.log
- - build/tests/*.log
- - build/tests/*/*.log
- retry: 1
-# That is a specific runner that we cannot enable universally.
-# We restrict it to builds under the $BUILD_IMAGES_PROJECT project.
- stage: stage1-testing
- image:
- script:
- - export CC="ccache clang"
- - ./bootstrap
- - export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib"
- - ./configure --disable-full-test-suite
- --cache-file cache/config.cache --disable-gcc-warnings --disable-guile --disable-doc
- - gmake -j$(sysctl hw.ncpu | awk '{print $2}')
- - gmake check -j$(sysctl hw.ncpu | awk '{print $2}')
- tags:
- - freebsd
- only:
- - branches@gnutls/gnutls
- except:
- - tags
- artifacts:
- expire_in: 1 week
- when: on_failure
- paths:
- - ./*.log
- - tests/*.log
- - tests/*/*.log
- retry: 1
-# Two runs, one with normal backend and another with pkcs11 trust store
- stage: stage1-testing
- script:
- - ./bootstrap
- - export UBSAN_OPTIONS=print_stacktrace=1
- - export LSAN_OPTIONS=suppressions=$(pwd)/devel/lsan.supp
- - export CFLAGS="-std=c99 -O1 -g -Wno-cpp -Werror -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsanitize=undefined,bool,alignment,null,enum,bounds-strict,address,leak,nonnull-attribute -fno-sanitize-recover=all -fsanitize-address-use-after-scope"
- - export CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS"
- - dash ./configure --cache-file cache/config.cache --disable-guile --disable-doc --disable-hardware-acceleration
- - sed -i 's/-Werror/-Wno-parentheses -Werror/g' src/Makefile
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS
- # Use $BUILDJOBS since the fuzzers should use mainly CPU (no blocking I/O)
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS check -C fuzz
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS check -C fuzz GNUTLS_CPUID_OVERRIDE=0x1
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS check -C fuzz GNUTLS_CPUID_OVERRIDE=0x2
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS check -C fuzz GNUTLS_CPUID_OVERRIDE=0x4
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS check -C fuzz GNUTLS_CPUID_OVERRIDE=0x8
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS check -C fuzz GNUTLS_CPUID_OVERRIDE=0x20
- - make -j$CHECKJOBS check -C tests
- - dash ./configure --cache-file cache/config.cache --disable-guile --disable-doc --disable-hardware-acceleration --with-default-trust-store-pkcs11="pkcs11:" --with-system-priority-file=/etc/crypto-policies/back-ends/gnutls.config --with-default-priority-string=@SYSTEM
- - make clean
- - sed -i 's/-Werror/-Wno-parentheses -Werror/g' src/Makefile
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS
- # Use $BUILDJOBS since most of the job is building all tests, then just running 4 tests
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS check -C tests TESTS="trust-store priority-init2 set-default-prio" SUBDIRS=.
- tags:
- - shared
- - linux
- except:
- - tags
- artifacts:
- expire_in: 1 week
- when: on_failure
- paths:
- - guile/tests/*.log
- - ./*.log
- - fuzz/*.log
- - tests/*.log
- - tests/*/*.log
- - tests/suite/*/*.log
- retry: 1
-# This includes interoperability testing with gnutls 2.12.x
- stage: stage1-testing
- script:
- - ./bootstrap
- - mkdir -p build
- - cd build
- - dash ../configure --enable-oldgnutls-interop --disable-gcc-warnings --cache-file ../cache/config.cache --disable-doc --disable-guile LDFLAGS='-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now'
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS
- - make -j$CHECKJOBS check
- - cd ..
- tags:
- - shared
- - linux
- except:
- - tags
- artifacts:
- expire_in: 1 week
- when: on_failure
- paths:
- - build/guile/tests/*.log
- - build/*.log
- - build/tests/*.log
- - build/tests/*/*.log
- - build/tests/suite/*/*.log
- retry: 1
- stage: stage1-testing
- script:
- - build=$(dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)
- - host=i686-linux-gnu
- # not setting CC_FOR_BUILD paired with qemu-user/binfmt somehow causes
- # config.guess to detect the target as the build platform and not activate
- # cross-compile mode even though --build is given
- - export CC_FOR_BUILD="ccache gcc"
- - export CC="ccache $host-gcc"
- - ./bootstrap
- - mkdir -p build
- - cd build
- # Debian's softhsm package is not multiarch yet. Missing softhsm libraries
- # for the target will cause the test suite to fail when p11-kit is enabled.
- - dash ../configure --build=$build --host=$host --disable-gcc-warnings
- --cache-file ../cache/config.cache --disable-doc --disable-guile
- --without-p11-kit --disable-full-test-suite
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS
- - make pic-check
- # Parallel tests cause random failures, likely timing errors
- - make -j1 check
- - cd ..
- tags:
- - shared
- - docker
- - linux
- except:
- - tags
- artifacts:
- expire_in: 1 week
- when: on_failure
- paths:
- - build/guile/tests/*.log
- - build/*.log
- - build/tests/*.log
- - build/tests/*/*.log
- - build/tests/suite/*/*.log
- retry: 1
-.Debian.cross.template: &Debian_cross_template
- stage: stage1-testing
- script:
- - build=$(dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)
- - host="${CI_JOB_NAME#*.cross.}"
- # not setting CC_FOR_BUILD paired with qemu-user/binfmt somehow causes
- # config.guess to detect the target as the build platform and not activate
- # cross-compile mode even though --build is given
- - export CC_FOR_BUILD="ccache gcc"
- - export CC="ccache $host-gcc"
- - ./bootstrap
- - sed -i '/errno.==.EINVAL/d' gl/tests/test-strerror.c
- - mkdir -p build
- - cd build
- # Debian's softhsm package is not multiarch yet. Missing softhsm libraries
- # for the target will cause the test suite to fail when p11-kit is enabled.
- - dash ../configure --build=$build --host=$host --disable-gcc-warnings
- --cache-file ../cache/config.cache --disable-doc --disable-guile
- --without-p11-kit --disable-full-test-suite
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS
- # Parallel tests cause random failures, likely timing errors
- - make -j1 check
- - cd ..
- tags:
- - shared
- - docker
- - linux
- except:
- - tags
- artifacts:
- expire_in: 1 week
- when: on_failure
- paths:
- - build/guile/tests/*.log
- - build/*.log
- - build/tests/*.log
- - build/tests/*/*.log
- - build/tests/suite/*/*.log
- retry: 1
- <<: *Debian_cross_template
- <<: *Debian_cross_template
- <<: *Debian_cross_template
- stage: stage1-testing
- script:
- - git clone --depth 1 --branch master nettle-git
- - export NETTLE_DIR=${PWD}/nettle
- - pushd nettle-git
- - ./.bootstrap
- - ./configure --disable-documentation --prefix=$NETTLE_DIR
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS install
- - popd
- - SUBMODULE_NOFETCH=1 ./bootstrap
- - PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$NETTLE_DIR/lib64/pkgconfig dash ./configure --cache-file cache/config.cache --disable-gcc-warnings --disable-doc --disable-guile
- - make -j$BUILDJOBS
- tags:
- - shared
- - linux
- except:
- - tags
- artifacts:
- expire_in: 1 week
- when: on_failure
- paths:
- - ./*.log
- - fuzz/*.log
- - tests/*.log
- - tests/*/*.log
- - tests/suite/*/*.log
+ - export CC=clang
+ - export CXX=clang++
+ - export CFLAGS="-std=c99 -O2 -g"
+ - git clone
+ - cd nettle
+ - bash .bootstrap
+ - CC=clang ./configure --enable-mini-gmp --enable-shared --disable-documentation
+ - make -j$(nproc)
+ - make check -j$(nproc)
+ - make install
+ - cd ..
+ - SKIP_PO=1 ./bootstrap
+ - ./configure --with-nettle-mini --enable-shared --with-included-libtasn1 --with-included-unistring --without-p11-kit --disable-doc --disable-libdane
+ - make -j$BUILDJOBS
+ - make -j$CHECKJOBS check
+ tags:
+ - shared
+ - linux
+ except:
+ - tags
retry: 1