path: root/src/libtracker-data/tracker-sparql-query.vala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/libtracker-data/tracker-sparql-query.vala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1102 deletions
diff --git a/src/libtracker-data/tracker-sparql-query.vala b/src/libtracker-data/tracker-sparql-query.vala
deleted file mode 100644
index 54ce57003..000000000
--- a/src/libtracker-data/tracker-sparql-query.vala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1102 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2008-2010, Nokia
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the
- * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-namespace Tracker.Sparql {
- enum VariableState {
- }
- enum UpdateType {
- }
- // Represents a SQL table
- class DataTable : Object {
- public string sql_db_tablename; // as in db schema
- public string sql_query_tablename; // temp. name, generated
- public PredicateVariable predicate_variable;
- }
- abstract class DataBinding : Object {
- public PropertyType data_type;
- public DataTable table;
- public string sql_db_column_name;
- public string sql_expression {
- get {
- if (this._sql_expression == null && table != null) {
- this._sql_expression = "\"%s\".\"%s\"".printf (table.sql_query_tablename, sql_db_column_name);
- }
- return this._sql_expression;
- }
- set {
- this._sql_expression = value;
- }
- }
- string? _sql_expression;
- public string get_extra_sql_expression (string suffix) {
- return "\"%s\".\"%s:%s\"".printf (table.sql_query_tablename, sql_db_column_name, suffix);
- }
- }
- // Represents a mapping of a SPARQL literal to a SQL table and column
- class LiteralBinding : DataBinding {
- public bool is_fts_match;
- public string literal;
- }
- // Represents a mapping of a SPARQL variable to a SQL table and column
- class VariableBinding : DataBinding {
- public weak Variable variable;
- // Specified whether SQL column may contain NULL entries
- public bool maybe_null;
- public bool in_simple_optional;
- public Class? type;
- }
- class VariableBindingList : Object {
- public List<VariableBinding> list;
- }
- class Variable : Object {
- public string name { get; private set; }
- public int index { get; private set; }
- public string sql_expression { get; private set; }
- public VariableBinding binding;
- string sql_identifier;
- public Variable (string name, int index) {
- = name;
- this.index = index;
- this.sql_identifier = "%d_u".printf (index);
- this.sql_expression = "\"%s\"".printf (sql_identifier);
- }
- public string get_extra_sql_expression (string suffix) {
- return "\"%s:%s\"".printf (sql_identifier, suffix);
- }
- public static bool equal (Variable a, Variable b) {
- return a.index == b.index;
- }
- public static uint hash (Variable variable) {
- return (uint) variable.index;
- }
- }
- class Context {
- public weak Query query;
- public Context? parent_context;
- // All SPARQL variables within a subgraph pattern (used by UNION)
- // value is VariableState
- public HashTable<Variable,int> var_set;
- public HashTable<string,Variable> var_map;
- // All selected SPARQL variables (used by compositional subqueries)
- public HashTable<Variable,int> select_var_set;
- // Variables used as predicates
- public HashTable<Variable,PredicateVariable> predicate_variable_map;
- public bool scalar_subquery;
- public bool need_binding_expression;
- public Context (Query query, Context? parent_context = null) {
- this.query = query;
- this.parent_context = parent_context;
- this.var_set = new HashTable<Variable,int>.full (Variable.hash, Variable.equal, g_object_unref, null);
- if (parent_context == null) {
- select_var_set = new HashTable<Variable,int>.full (Variable.hash, Variable.equal, g_object_unref, null);
- var_map = new HashTable<string,Variable>.full (str_hash, str_equal, g_free, g_object_unref);
- predicate_variable_map = new HashTable<Variable,PredicateVariable>.full (Variable.hash, Variable.equal, g_object_unref, g_object_unref);
- } else {
- select_var_set = parent_context.select_var_set;
- var_map = parent_context.var_map;
- predicate_variable_map = parent_context.predicate_variable_map;
- }
- }
- public Context.subquery (Query query, Context parent_context) {
- this.query = query;
- this.parent_context = parent_context;
- this.var_set = new HashTable<Variable,int>.full (Variable.hash, Variable.equal, g_object_unref, null);
- select_var_set = new HashTable<Variable,int>.full (Variable.hash, Variable.equal, g_object_unref, null);
- var_map = parent_context.var_map;
- predicate_variable_map = new HashTable<Variable,PredicateVariable>.full (Variable.hash, Variable.equal, g_object_unref, g_object_unref);
- scalar_subquery = true;
- }
- internal unowned Variable get_variable (string name) {
- unowned Variable result = this.var_map.lookup (name);
- if (result == null) {
- var variable = new Variable (name, ++query.last_var_index);
- this.var_map.insert (name, variable);
- result = variable;
- }
- return result;
- }
- }
- class SelectContext : Context {
- public PropertyType type;
- public PropertyType[] types = {};
- public string[] variable_names = {};
- public SelectContext (Query query, Context? parent_context = null) {
- base (query, parent_context);
- }
- public SelectContext.subquery (Query query, Context parent_context) {
- base.subquery (query, parent_context);
- }
- }
- class Solution {
- public HashTable<string,int?> hash;
- public GenericArray<string> values;
- public int solution_index;
- public Solution () {
- this.hash = new HashTable<string,int?> (str_hash, str_equal);
- this.values = new GenericArray<string> ();
- }
- public string? lookup (string variable_name) {
- int? variable_index = hash.get (variable_name);
- if (variable_index == null) {
- return null;
- }
- return values[solution_index * hash.size () + variable_index];
- }
- }
-public class Tracker.Sparql.Query : Object {
- SparqlScanner scanner;
- // token buffer
- TokenInfo[] tokens;
- // index of current token in buffer
- int index;
- // number of tokens in buffer
- int size;
- const int BUFFER_SIZE = 32;
- struct TokenInfo {
- public SparqlTokenType type;
- public SourceLocation begin;
- public SourceLocation end;
- }
- const string FN_NS = "";
- string query_string;
- bool update_extensions;
- internal Expression expression;
- internal Pattern pattern;
- string current_graph;
- string current_subject;
- bool current_subject_is_var;
- string current_predicate;
- bool current_predicate_is_var;
- // SILENT => ignore (non-syntax) errors
- bool silent;
- HashTable<string,string> prefix_map;
- // All SPARQL literals
- internal List<LiteralBinding> bindings;
- internal Context context;
- int bnodeid = 0;
- // base UUID used for blank nodes
- uchar[] base_uuid;
- HashTable<string,string> blank_nodes;
- public Data.Manager manager;
- // Keep track of used SQL identifiers for SPARQL variables
- public int last_var_index;
- public bool no_cache { get; set; }
- public Query (Data.Manager manager, string query) {
- no_cache = false; /* Start with false, expression sets it */
- tokens = new TokenInfo[BUFFER_SIZE];
- prefix_map = new HashTable<string,string>.full (str_hash, str_equal, g_free, g_free);
- base_uuid = new uchar[16];
- uuid_generate (base_uuid);
- this.query_string = query;
- this.manager = manager;
- expression = new Expression (this);
- pattern = new Pattern (this);
- }
- public Query.update (Data.Manager manager, string query) {
- this (manager, query);
- this.update_extensions = true;
- }
- string get_uuid_for_name (uchar[] base_uuid, string name) {
- var checksum = new Checksum (ChecksumType.SHA1);
- // base UUID, unique per file
- checksum.update (base_uuid, 16);
- // node ID
- checksum.update ((uchar[]) name, -1);
- string sha1 = checksum.get_string ();
- // generate name based uuid
- return "urn:uuid:%.8s-%.4s-%.4s-%.4s-%.12s".printf (
- sha1, sha1.substring (8), sha1.substring (12), sha1.substring (16), sha1.substring (20));
- }
- internal string generate_bnodeid (string? user_bnodeid) {
- // user_bnodeid is NULL for anonymous nodes
- if (user_bnodeid == null) {
- return ":%d".printf (++bnodeid);
- } else {
- string uri = null;
- if (blank_nodes != null) {
- uri = blank_nodes.lookup (user_bnodeid);
- if (uri != null) {
- return uri;
- }
- }
- uri = get_uuid_for_name (base_uuid, user_bnodeid);
- if (blank_nodes != null) {
- var iface = manager.get_db_interface ();
- while (Data.query_resource_id (manager, iface, uri) > 0) {
- // uri collision, generate new UUID
- uchar[] new_base_uuid = new uchar[16];
- uuid_generate (new_base_uuid);
- uri = get_uuid_for_name (new_base_uuid, user_bnodeid);
- }
- blank_nodes.insert (user_bnodeid, uri);
- }
- return uri;
- }
- }
- internal bool next () throws Sparql.Error {
- index = (index + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE;
- size--;
- if (size <= 0) {
- SourceLocation begin, end;
- SparqlTokenType type = scanner.read_token (out begin, out end);
- tokens[index].type = type;
- tokens[index].begin = begin;
- tokens[index].end = end;
- size = 1;
- }
- return (tokens[index].type != SparqlTokenType.EOF);
- }
- internal SparqlTokenType current () {
- return tokens[index].type;
- }
- internal SparqlTokenType last () {
- int last_index = (index + BUFFER_SIZE - 1) % BUFFER_SIZE;
- return tokens[last_index].type;
- }
- internal bool accept (SparqlTokenType type) throws Sparql.Error {
- if (current () == type) {
- next ();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- internal void optional (SparqlTokenType type) throws Sparql.Error {
- if (current () == type)
- next ();
- }
- internal Sparql.Error get_error (string msg) {
- return new Sparql.Error.PARSE ("%d.%d: syntax error, %s".printf (tokens[index].begin.line, tokens[index].begin.column, msg));
- }
- internal Sparql.Error get_internal_error (string msg) {
- return new Sparql.Error.INTERNAL ("%d.%d: %s".printf (tokens[index].begin.line, tokens[index].begin.column, msg));
- }
- internal bool expect (SparqlTokenType type) throws Sparql.Error {
- if (accept (type)) {
- return true;
- }
- throw get_error ("expected %s".printf (type.to_string ()));
- }
- internal SourceLocation get_location () {
- return tokens[index].begin;
- }
- internal void set_location (SourceLocation location) {
- (location);
- size = 0;
- index = 0;
- try {
- next ();
- } catch (Sparql.Error e) {
- // this should never happen as this is the second time we scan this token
- critical ("internal error: next in set_location failed");
- }
- }
- internal string get_last_string (int strip = 0) {
- int last_index = (index + BUFFER_SIZE - 1) % BUFFER_SIZE;
- return ((string) (tokens[last_index].begin.pos + strip)).substring (0, (int) (tokens[last_index].end.pos - tokens[last_index].begin.pos - 2 * strip));
- }
- private void parse_prologue () throws Sparql.Error {
- if (accept (SparqlTokenType.BASE)) {
- expect (SparqlTokenType.IRI_REF);
- }
- while (accept (SparqlTokenType.PREFIX)) {
- string ns = "";
- if (accept (SparqlTokenType.PN_PREFIX)) {
- ns = get_last_string ();
- }
- expect (SparqlTokenType.COLON);
- expect (SparqlTokenType.IRI_REF);
- string uri = get_last_string (1);
- prefix_map.insert (ns, uri);
- }
- }
- private void prepare_execute () throws DBInterfaceError, Sparql.Error, DateError {
- assert (!update_extensions);
- scanner = new SparqlScanner ((char*) query_string, (long) query_string.length);
- next ();
- // declare fn prefix for XPath functions
- prefix_map.insert ("fn", FN_NS);
- var ontologies = manager.get_ontologies ();
- foreach (Namespace ns in ontologies.get_namespaces ()) {
- if (ns.prefix == null) {
- critical ("Namespace does not specify a prefix: %s", ns.uri);
- continue;
- }
- prefix_map.insert (ns.prefix, ns.uri);
- }
- parse_prologue ();
- }
- public DBCursor? execute_cursor () throws DBInterfaceError, Sparql.Error, DateError {
- prepare_execute ();
- switch (current ()) {
- case SparqlTokenType.SELECT:
- return execute_select_cursor ();
- case SparqlTokenType.CONSTRUCT:
- throw get_internal_error ("CONSTRUCT is not supported");
- case SparqlTokenType.DESCRIBE:
- throw get_internal_error ("DESCRIBE is not supported");
- case SparqlTokenType.ASK:
- return execute_ask_cursor ();
- case SparqlTokenType.INSERT:
- case SparqlTokenType.DELETE:
- case SparqlTokenType.DROP:
- throw get_error ("INSERT and DELETE are not supported in query mode");
- default:
- throw get_error ("expected SELECT or ASK");
- }
- }
- public Variant? execute_update (bool blank) throws GLib.Error {
- Variant result = null;
- assert (update_extensions);
- scanner = new SparqlScanner ((char*) query_string, (long) query_string.length);
- next ();
- // declare fn prefix for XPath functions
- prefix_map.insert ("fn", FN_NS);
- var ontologies = manager.get_ontologies ();
- foreach (Namespace ns in ontologies.get_namespaces ()) {
- if (ns.prefix == null) {
- critical ("Namespace does not specify a prefix: %s", ns.uri);
- continue;
- }
- prefix_map.insert (ns.prefix, ns.uri);
- }
- parse_prologue ();
- // SPARQL update supports multiple operations in a single query
- VariantBuilder? ublank_nodes = null;
- if (blank) {
- ublank_nodes = new VariantBuilder ((VariantType) "aaa{ss}");
- }
- while (current () != SparqlTokenType.EOF) {
- switch (current ()) {
- case SparqlTokenType.WITH:
- case SparqlTokenType.INSERT:
- case SparqlTokenType.DELETE:
- if (blank) {
- ((VariantType) "aa{ss}");
- execute_insert_delete (ublank_nodes);
- ublank_nodes.close ();
- } else {
- execute_insert_delete (null);
- }
- break;
- case SparqlTokenType.DROP:
- throw get_internal_error ("DROP GRAPH is not supported");
- case SparqlTokenType.SELECT:
- case SparqlTokenType.CONSTRUCT:
- case SparqlTokenType.DESCRIBE:
- case SparqlTokenType.ASK:
- throw get_error ("SELECT, CONSTRUCT, DESCRIBE, and ASK are not supported in update mode");
- default:
- throw get_error ("expected INSERT or DELETE");
- }
- // semicolon is used to separate multiple operations in the current SPARQL Update draft
- // keep it optional for now to reatin backward compatibility
- optional (SparqlTokenType.SEMICOLON);
- }
- if (blank) {
- result = ublank_nodes.end ();
- }
- return result;
- }
- private DBStatement prepare_for_exec (DBInterface iface, string sql) throws DBInterfaceError, Sparql.Error, DateError {
- var stmt = iface.create_statement (no_cache ? DBStatementCacheType.NONE : DBStatementCacheType.SELECT, "%s", sql);
- // set literals specified in query
- int i = 0;
- foreach (LiteralBinding binding in bindings) {
- if (binding.data_type == PropertyType.BOOLEAN) {
- if (binding.literal == "true" || binding.literal == "1") {
- stmt.bind_int (i, 1);
- } else if (binding.literal == "false" || binding.literal == "0") {
- stmt.bind_int (i, 0);
- } else {
- throw new Sparql.Error.TYPE ("`%s' is not a valid boolean".printf (binding.literal));
- }
- } else if (binding.data_type == PropertyType.DATE) {
- stmt.bind_int (i, (int) string_to_date (binding.literal + "T00:00:00Z", null));
- } else if (binding.data_type == PropertyType.DATETIME) {
- stmt.bind_double (i, string_to_date (binding.literal, null));
- } else if (binding.data_type == PropertyType.INTEGER) {
- stmt.bind_int (i, int.parse (binding.literal));
- } else {
- stmt.bind_text (i, binding.literal);
- }
- i++;
- }
- return stmt;
- }
- private DBCursor? exec_sql_cursor (DBInterface iface, string sql, PropertyType[]? types, string[]? variable_names) throws DBInterfaceError, Sparql.Error, DateError {
- var stmt = prepare_for_exec (iface, sql);
- return stmt.start_sparql_cursor (types, variable_names);
- }
- private string get_select_query (out SelectContext context) throws DBInterfaceError, Sparql.Error, DateError {
- // SELECT query
- // build SQL
- var sql = new StringBuilder ();
- context = pattern.translate_select (sql);
- expect (SparqlTokenType.EOF);
- return sql.str;
- }
- private DBCursor? execute_select_cursor () throws DBInterfaceError, Sparql.Error, DateError {
- SelectContext context;
- string sql = get_select_query (out context);
- var iface = manager.get_db_interface ();
- return exec_sql_cursor (iface, sql, context.types, context.variable_names);
- }
- private string get_ask_query () throws DBInterfaceError, Sparql.Error, DateError {
- // ASK query
- var pattern_sql = new StringBuilder ();
- // build SQL
- var sql = new StringBuilder ();
- sql.append ("SELECT CASE EXISTS ( ");
- expect (SparqlTokenType.ASK);
- optional (SparqlTokenType.WHERE);
- context = pattern.translate_group_graph_pattern (pattern_sql);
- // select from results of WHERE clause
- sql.append (pattern_sql.str);
- sql.append (" ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END");
- if (accept (SparqlTokenType.GROUP) || accept (SparqlTokenType.ORDER) ||
- accept (SparqlTokenType.OFFSET) || accept (SparqlTokenType.LIMIT)) {
- throw get_error ("invalid use of %s in ASK".printf (last().to_string()));
- }
- expect (SparqlTokenType.EOF);
- context = context.parent_context;
- return sql.str;
- }
- private DBCursor? execute_ask_cursor () throws DBInterfaceError, Sparql.Error, DateError {
- var iface = manager.get_db_interface ();
- return exec_sql_cursor (iface, get_ask_query (), new PropertyType[] { PropertyType.BOOLEAN }, new string[] { "result" });
- }
- private void parse_from_or_into_param () throws Sparql.Error {
- if (accept (SparqlTokenType.IRI_REF)) {
- current_graph = get_last_string (1);
- } else if (accept (SparqlTokenType.PN_PREFIX)) {
- string ns = get_last_string ();
- expect (SparqlTokenType.COLON);
- current_graph = resolve_prefixed_name (ns, get_last_string ().substring (1));
- } else {
- expect (SparqlTokenType.COLON);
- current_graph = resolve_prefixed_name ("", get_last_string ().substring (1));
- }
- }
- private void execute_insert_delete (VariantBuilder? update_blank_nodes) throws GLib.Error {
- bool blank = true;
- // DELETE and/or INSERT
- if (accept (SparqlTokenType.WITH)) {
- parse_from_or_into_param ();
- } else {
- current_graph = null;
- }
- SourceLocation? delete_location = null;
- SourceLocation? insert_location = null;
- bool insert_is_update = false;
- bool delete_where = false;
- bool data = false;
- var data_update = manager.get_data ();
- // Sparql 1.1 defines deletes/inserts as a single
- // operation with the syntax:
- // [DELETE {...}] [INSERT {...}] WHERE {...}
- if (accept (SparqlTokenType.DELETE)) {
- blank = false;
- // SILENT => ignore (non-syntax) errors
- silent = accept (SparqlTokenType.SILENT);
- if (current_graph == null && accept (SparqlTokenType.FROM)) {
- parse_from_or_into_param ();
- }
- if (current_graph == null && accept (SparqlTokenType.DATA)) {
- // INSERT/DELETE DATA are simpler variants
- // that don't support variables
- data = true;
- } else if (accept (SparqlTokenType.WHERE)) {
- // DELETE WHERE is a short form where the pattern
- // is also used as the template for deletion
- delete_where = true;
- }
- delete_location = get_location ();
- if (!data && !delete_where) {
- skip_braces ();
- }
- }
- if (!data && !delete_where && accept (SparqlTokenType.INSERT)) {
- if (accept (SparqlTokenType.OR)) {
- expect (SparqlTokenType.REPLACE);
- insert_is_update = true;
- }
- if (!insert_is_update) {
- // SILENT => ignore (non-syntax) errors
- silent = accept (SparqlTokenType.SILENT);
- }
- if (current_graph == null && accept (SparqlTokenType.INTO)) {
- parse_from_or_into_param ();
- }
- if (current_graph == null && accept (SparqlTokenType.DATA)) {
- // INSERT/DELETE DATA are simpler variants
- // that don't support variables
- data = true;
- }
- if (current () != SparqlTokenType.OPEN_BRACE) {
- throw get_error ("Expected '{' beginning a quad data/pattern block");
- }
- insert_location = get_location ();
- if (!data) {
- skip_braces ();
- }
- }
- var pattern_sql = new StringBuilder ();
- var sql = new StringBuilder ();
- if (!data) {
- if (delete_where || accept (SparqlTokenType.WHERE)) {
- pattern.current_graph = current_graph;
- context = pattern.translate_group_graph_pattern (pattern_sql);
- pattern.current_graph = null;
- } else {
- context = new Context (this);
- pattern_sql.append ("SELECT 1");
- }
- } else {
- // WHERE pattern not supported for INSERT/DELETE DATA,
- // nor unbound values in the quad data.
- if (quad_data_unbound_var_count () > 0) {
- throw get_error ("INSERT/DELETE DATA do not allow unbound values");
- }
- context = new Context (this);
- pattern_sql.append ("SELECT 1");
- }
- var after_where = get_location ();
- var solution = new Solution ();
- // build SQL
- sql.append ("SELECT ");
- int var_idx = 0;
- foreach (var variable in context.var_set.get_keys ()) {
- if (var_idx > 0) {
- sql.append (", ");
- }
- if (variable.binding == null) {
- throw get_error ("use of undefined variable `%s'".printf (;
- }
- Expression.append_expression_as_string (sql, variable.sql_expression, variable.binding.data_type);
- solution.hash.insert (, var_idx++);
- }
- if (var_idx == 0) {
- sql.append ("1");
- }
- // select from results of WHERE clause
- sql.append (" FROM (");
- sql.append (pattern_sql.str);
- sql.append (")");
- var iface = manager.get_writable_db_interface ();
- var cursor = exec_sql_cursor (iface, sql.str, null, null);
- int n_solutions = 0;
- while ( ()) {
- // get values of all variables to be bound
- for (var_idx = 0; var_idx < solution.hash.size (); var_idx++) {
- solution.values.add (cursor.get_string (var_idx));
- }
- n_solutions++;
- }
- cursor = null;
- // Iterate over all solutions twice
- // First handle deletes
- if (delete_location != null) {
- for (int i = 0; i < n_solutions; i++) {
- solution.solution_index = i;
- set_location (delete_location);
- parse_construct_triples_block (solution, UpdateType.DELETE);
- data_update.update_buffer_might_flush ();
- }
- // Force flush on delete/insert operations,
- // so the elements are already removed at
- // the time of insertion.
- if (insert_location != null)
- data_update.update_buffer_flush ();
- }
- // Then handle inserts/updates
- if (insert_location != null) {
- for (int i = 0; i < n_solutions; i++) {
- uuid_generate (base_uuid);
- blank_nodes = new HashTable<string,string>.full (str_hash, str_equal, g_free, g_free);
- solution.solution_index = i;
- set_location (insert_location);
- parse_construct_triples_block (solution,
- insert_is_update ?
- UpdateType.UPDATE :
- UpdateType.INSERT);
- if (blank && update_blank_nodes != null) {
- update_blank_nodes.add_value (blank_nodes);
- }
- data_update.update_buffer_might_flush ();
- }
- }
- solution = null;
- if (!data) {
- // reset location to the end of the update
- set_location (after_where);
- }
- // ensure possible WHERE clause in next part gets the correct results
- data_update.update_buffer_flush ();
- bindings = null;
- context = context.parent_context;
- }
- internal string resolve_prefixed_name (string prefix, string local_name) throws Sparql.Error {
- string ns = prefix_map.lookup (prefix);
- if (ns == null) {
- throw get_error ("use of undefined prefix `%s'".printf (prefix));
- }
- return ns + local_name;
- }
- private int quad_data_unbound_var_count () throws Sparql.Error {
- SourceLocation current_pos = get_location ();
- int n_braces = 1;
- int n_unbound = 0;
- expect (SparqlTokenType.OPEN_BRACE);
- while (n_braces > 0) {
- if (accept (SparqlTokenType.OPEN_BRACE)) {
- n_braces++;
- } else if (accept (SparqlTokenType.CLOSE_BRACE)) {
- n_braces--;
- } else if (current () == SparqlTokenType.EOF) {
- throw get_error ("unexpected end of query, expected }");
- } else {
- if (current () == SparqlTokenType.VAR)
- n_unbound++;
- // ignore everything else
- next ();
- }
- }
- set_location (current_pos);
- return n_unbound;
- }
- private void skip_braces () throws Sparql.Error {
- expect (SparqlTokenType.OPEN_BRACE);
- int n_braces = 1;
- while (n_braces > 0) {
- if (accept (SparqlTokenType.OPEN_BRACE)) {
- n_braces++;
- } else if (accept (SparqlTokenType.CLOSE_BRACE)) {
- n_braces--;
- } else if (current () == SparqlTokenType.EOF) {
- throw get_error ("unexpected end of query, expected }");
- } else {
- // ignore everything else
- next ();
- }
- }
- }
- private void parse_construct_triples_block (Solution var_value_map, UpdateType type) throws Sparql.Error, DateError {
- expect (SparqlTokenType.OPEN_BRACE);
- while (current () != SparqlTokenType.CLOSE_BRACE) {
- bool is_null = false;
- if (accept (SparqlTokenType.GRAPH)) {
- var old_graph = current_graph;
- current_graph = parse_construct_var_or_term (var_value_map, type, out is_null);
- if (is_null) {
- throw get_error ("'null' not supported for graph");
- }
- expect (SparqlTokenType.OPEN_BRACE);
- while (current () != SparqlTokenType.CLOSE_BRACE) {
- current_subject = parse_construct_var_or_term (var_value_map, type, out is_null);
- if (is_null) {
- throw get_error ("'null' not supported for subject");
- }
- parse_construct_property_list_not_empty (var_value_map, type);
- if (!accept (SparqlTokenType.DOT)) {
- // no triples following
- break;
- }
- }
- expect (SparqlTokenType.CLOSE_BRACE);
- current_graph = old_graph;
- optional (SparqlTokenType.DOT);
- } else {
- current_subject = parse_construct_var_or_term (var_value_map, type, out is_null);
- if (is_null) {
- throw get_error ("'null' not supported for subject");
- }
- parse_construct_property_list_not_empty (var_value_map, type);
- if (!accept (SparqlTokenType.DOT) && current () != SparqlTokenType.GRAPH) {
- // neither GRAPH nor triples following
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- expect (SparqlTokenType.CLOSE_BRACE);
- }
- bool anon_blank_node_open = false;
- private string? parse_construct_var_or_term (Solution var_value_map, UpdateType type, out bool is_null) throws Sparql.Error, DateError {
- string result = "";
- is_null = false;
- if (current () == SparqlTokenType.VAR) {
- next ();
- result = var_value_map.lookup (get_last_string ().substring (1));
- } else if (current () == SparqlTokenType.IRI_REF) {
- next ();
- result = get_last_string (1);
- } else if (current () == SparqlTokenType.PN_PREFIX) {
- // prefixed name with namespace foo:bar
- next ();
- string ns = get_last_string ();
- expect (SparqlTokenType.COLON);
- result = resolve_prefixed_name (ns, get_last_string ().substring (1));
- } else if (current () == SparqlTokenType.COLON) {
- // prefixed name without namespace :bar
- next ();
- result = resolve_prefixed_name ("", get_last_string ().substring (1));
- } else if (accept (SparqlTokenType.BLANK_NODE)) {
- // _:foo
- expect (SparqlTokenType.COLON);
- result = generate_bnodeid (get_last_string ().substring (1));
- } else if (current () == SparqlTokenType.MINUS) {
- next ();
- if (current () == SparqlTokenType.INTEGER ||
- current () == SparqlTokenType.DECIMAL ||
- current () == SparqlTokenType.DOUBLE) {
- next ();
- result = "-" + get_last_string ();
- } else {
- throw get_error ("expected variable or term");
- }
- } else if (current () == SparqlTokenType.INTEGER) {
- next ();
- result = get_last_string ();
- } else if (current () == SparqlTokenType.NULL) {
- next ();
- result = "null";
- is_null = true;
- } else if (current () == SparqlTokenType.DECIMAL) {
- next ();
- result = get_last_string ();
- } else if (current () == SparqlTokenType.DOUBLE) {
- next ();
- result = get_last_string ();
- } else if (current () == SparqlTokenType.TRUE) {
- next ();
- result = "true";
- } else if (current () == SparqlTokenType.FALSE) {
- next ();
- result = "false";
- } else if (current () == SparqlTokenType.STRING_LITERAL1) {
- result = expression.parse_string_literal ();
- } else if (current () == SparqlTokenType.STRING_LITERAL2) {
- result = expression.parse_string_literal ();
- } else if (current () == SparqlTokenType.STRING_LITERAL_LONG1) {
- result = expression.parse_string_literal ();
- } else if (current () == SparqlTokenType.STRING_LITERAL_LONG2) {
- result = expression.parse_string_literal ();
- } else if (current () == SparqlTokenType.OPEN_BRACKET) {
- if (anon_blank_node_open) {
- throw get_error ("no support for nested anonymous blank nodes");
- }
- anon_blank_node_open = true;
- next ();
- result = generate_bnodeid (null);
- string old_subject = current_subject;
- bool old_subject_is_var = current_subject_is_var;
- current_subject = result;
- parse_construct_property_list_not_empty (var_value_map, type);
- expect (SparqlTokenType.CLOSE_BRACKET);
- anon_blank_node_open = false;
- current_subject = old_subject;
- current_subject_is_var = old_subject_is_var;
- } else {
- throw get_error ("expected variable or term");
- }
- return result;
- }
- private void parse_construct_property_list_not_empty (Solution var_value_map, UpdateType type) throws Sparql.Error, DateError {
- while (true) {
- var old_predicate = current_predicate;
- current_predicate = null;
- if (current () == SparqlTokenType.VAR) {
- current_predicate_is_var = true;
- next ();
- current_predicate = var_value_map.lookup (get_last_string ().substring (1));
- } else if (current () == SparqlTokenType.IRI_REF) {
- next ();
- current_predicate = get_last_string (1);
- } else if (current () == SparqlTokenType.PN_PREFIX) {
- next ();
- string ns = get_last_string ();
- expect (SparqlTokenType.COLON);
- current_predicate = resolve_prefixed_name (ns, get_last_string ().substring (1));
- } else if (current () == SparqlTokenType.COLON) {
- next ();
- current_predicate = resolve_prefixed_name ("", get_last_string ().substring (1));
- } else if (current () == SparqlTokenType.A) {
- next ();
- current_predicate = "";
- } else {
- throw get_error ("expected non-empty property list");
- }
- parse_construct_object_list (var_value_map, type);
- current_predicate = old_predicate;
- if (accept (SparqlTokenType.SEMICOLON)) {
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- private void parse_construct_object_list (Solution var_value_map, UpdateType type) throws Sparql.Error, DateError {
- while (true) {
- parse_construct_object (var_value_map, type);
- if (accept (SparqlTokenType.COMMA)) {
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- private void parse_construct_object (Solution var_value_map, UpdateType type) throws Sparql.Error, DateError {
- bool is_null = false;
- string object = parse_construct_var_or_term (var_value_map, type, out is_null);
- var data = manager.get_data ();
- if (current_subject == null || current_predicate == null || object == null) {
- // the SPARQL specification says that triples containing unbound variables
- // should be excluded from the output RDF graph of CONSTRUCT
- return;
- }
- try {
- if (type == UpdateType.UPDATE) {
- // update triple in database
- data.update_statement (current_graph, current_subject, current_predicate, is_null ? null : object);
- } else if (type == UpdateType.DELETE) {
- // delete triple from database
- if (is_null) {
- throw get_error ("'null' not supported in this mode");
- }
- data.delete_statement (current_graph, current_subject, current_predicate, object);
- } else if (type == UpdateType.INSERT) {
- // insert triple into database
- if (is_null) {
- throw get_error ("'null' not supported in this mode");
- }
- data.insert_statement (current_graph, current_subject, current_predicate, object);
- }
- } catch (Sparql.Error e) {
- if (!silent) {
- throw e;
- }
- } catch (DateError e) {
- if (!silent) {
- throw new Sparql.Error.TYPE (e.message);
- }
- }
- }
- [CCode (cname = "uuid_generate")]
- public extern static void uuid_generate ([CCode (array_length = false)] uchar[] uuid);