tag name0.5 (4bcce3fc98e83a48cf553b6452ef18e4986850cd)
tag date2012-07-13 13:09:23 +0200
tagged byStef Walter <>
tagged objectcommit 83c8674a03...
* secret_service_remove() removes all unlocked matching items * Make sure that we have some attributes when searching * Add flags for item and collection creation * Add way to get schema name from a SecretItem * Rename secret_service_read_alias() to secret_collection_for_alias() * Split the stable and unstable APIs into separate pkg-config files, girs and vapis * Bump the library major version number to 1 * Document how to migrate from libgnome-keyring * Document how to use libsecret from C, js, python, vala * Documentation fixes -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux) iEYEABECAAYFAlAAAfMACgkQe/sRCNknZa+FgwCdEz6i0hcndP5cfFTjEoi7xxoI wOsAnRR4W8pPo/uE1olFnbbPZnigocKI =faXy -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----