tag name0.16 (b42005a08de01a33ee9ef747a4b68826ec0f44ff)
tag date2013-08-26 17:44:17 +0200
tagged byStef Walter <>
tagged objectcommit 349e845460...
* Clarify documentation for secret_service_clear_xxx() [#705629] * Pass return_type to prompt async begin functions, rather than finish * Simpler way to use custom service/collection/item types * service: Rename secret_service_new() and friends to xxx_open() * Add secret_value_get_text() function to return NULL terminated secret * Fix return types in secret_service_search_finish() on error paths [#698040] * Testing fixes [#705202] * Build fixes [#704233] * Updated translations -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.14 (GNU/Linux) iEYEABECAAYFAlIbd9kACgkQe/sRCNknZa955ACgmBp+14UMvvPQJfmt92ZIDtzt Ab4AoO8przTTljBKPdl/NL36fGT2pRMp =IJrv -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----