path: root/src/io/contacts-io-vcard-importer.vala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/io/contacts-io-vcard-importer.vala')
1 files changed, 280 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/io/contacts-io-vcard-importer.vala b/src/io/contacts-io-vcard-importer.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..165c29f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/io/contacts-io-vcard-importer.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Niels De Graef <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ */
+using Folks;
+ * a {@link Contacts.Io.Importer} that specifically deals with importing
+ * VCard files/strings.
+ */
+public class Contacts.Io.VCardImporter : Contacts.Io.Importer {
+ public VCardImporter () {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Takes the given VCard string and tries to parse it into a
+ * {@link GLib.HashTable}, which can then be used for methods like
+ * {@link Folks.PersonaStore.add_persona_from_details}.
+ */
+ public override HashTable<string, Value?> import_string (string vcard_str) {
+ var details = new HashTable<string, Value?> (GLib.str_hash, GLib.str_equal);
+ var vcard = new E.VCard.from_string (vcard_str);
+ unowned var vcard_attrs = vcard.get_attributes ();
+ message ("Got %u attributes in this vcard", vcard_attrs.length ());
+ foreach (unowned E.VCardAttribute attr in vcard_attrs) {
+ switch (attr.get_name ()) {
+ // Identification Properties
+ case E.EVC_FN:
+ handle_fn (details, attr);
+ break;
+ case E.EVC_N:
+ handle_n (details, attr);
+ break;
+ handle_nickname (details, attr);
+ break;
+ case E.EVC_PHOTO:
+ handle_photo (details, attr);
+ break;
+ case E.EVC_BDAY:
+ handle_bday (details, attr);
+ break;
+ // Delivery Addressing Properties
+ case E.EVC_ADR:
+ handle_adr (details, attr);
+ break;
+ // Communications Properties
+ case E.EVC_TEL:
+ handle_tel (details, attr);
+ break;
+ case E.EVC_EMAIL:
+ handle_email (details, attr);
+ break;
+ // Explanatory Properties
+ case E.EVC_NOTE:
+ handle_note (details, attr);
+ break;
+ case E.EVC_URL:
+ handle_url (details, attr);
+ break;
+ default:
+ debug ("Unknown property name '%s'", attr.get_name ());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return details;
+ }
+ // Handles the "FN" (Full Name) attribute
+ private void handle_fn (HashTable<string, Value?> details,
+ E.VCardAttribute attr) {
+ var full_name = attr.get_value ();
+ message ("Got FN '%s'", full_name);
+ Value? fn_v = Value (typeof (string));
+ fn_v.set_string (full_name);
+ details.insert (Folks.PersonaStore.detail_key (PersonaDetail.FULL_NAME),
+ (owned) fn_v);
+ }
+ // Handles the "N" (structured Name) attribute
+ private void handle_n (HashTable<string, Value?> details,
+ E.VCardAttribute attr) {
+ unowned var values = attr.get_values ();
+ // From the VCard spec:
+ // The structured property value corresponds, in sequence, to the Family
+ // Names (also known as surnames), Given Names, Additional Names, Honorific
+ // Prefixes, and Honorific Suffixes.
+ unowned var family_name = values.nth_data (0) ?? "";
+ unowned var given_name = values.nth_data (1) ?? "";
+ unowned var additional_names = values.nth_data (2) ?? "";
+ unowned var prefixes = values.nth_data (3) ?? "";
+ unowned var suffixes = values.nth_data (4) ?? "";
+ var structured_name = new StructuredName (family_name, given_name,
+ additional_names,
+ prefixes, suffixes);
+ Value? n_v = Value (typeof (StructuredName));
+ n_v.take_object ((owned) structured_name);
+ details.insert (Folks.PersonaStore.detail_key (PersonaDetail.STRUCTURED_NAME),
+ (owned) n_v);
+ }
+ private void handle_nickname (HashTable<string, Value?> details,
+ E.VCardAttribute attr) {
+ var nickname = attr.get_value ();
+ message ("Got nickname '%s'", nickname);
+ Value? nick_v = Value (typeof (string));
+ nick_v.set_string (nickname);
+ details.insert (Folks.PersonaStore.detail_key (PersonaDetail.NICKNAME),
+ (owned) nick_v);
+ }
+ // Handles the "BDAY" (birthday) attribute
+ private void handle_bday (HashTable<string, Value?> details,
+ E.VCardAttribute attr) {
+ // Get the attribute valuec
+ var bday = attr.get_value ();
+ // Parse it using the logic in E.ContactDate
+ var e_date = E.ContactDate.from_string (bday);
+ // Turn it into a GLib.DateTime
+ var datetime = new DateTime.utc ((int) e_date.year,
+ (int) e_date.month,
+ (int),
+ 0, 0, 0.0);
+ // Insert it into the hashtable as a GLib.Value
+ Value? bday_val = Value (typeof (DateTime));
+ bday_val.take_boxed ((owned) datetime);
+ details.insert (Folks.PersonaStore.detail_key (PersonaDetail.BIRTHDAY),
+ (owned) bday_val);
+ }
+ private void handle_email (HashTable<string, Value?> details,
+ E.VCardAttribute attr) {
+ var email = attr.get_value ();
+ if (email == null || email == "")
+ return;
+ var email_fd = new EmailFieldDetails (email);
+ add_params (email_fd, attr);
+ insert_field_details<EmailFieldDetails> (details, PersonaDetail.EMAIL_ADDRESSES,
+ email_fd,
+ AbstractFieldDetails<string>.hash_static,
+ AbstractFieldDetails<string>.equal_static);
+ }
+ private void handle_tel (HashTable<string, Value?> details,
+ E.VCardAttribute attr) {
+ var phone_nr = attr.get_value ();
+ if (phone_nr == null || phone_nr == "")
+ return;
+ var phone_fd = new PhoneFieldDetails (phone_nr);
+ add_params (phone_fd, attr);
+ insert_field_details<PhoneFieldDetails> (details, PersonaDetail.PHONE_NUMBERS,
+ phone_fd,
+ AbstractFieldDetails<string>.hash_static,
+ AbstractFieldDetails<string>.equal_static);
+ }
+ // Handles the ADR (postal address) attributes
+ private void handle_adr (HashTable<string, Value?> details,
+ E.VCardAttribute attr) {
+ unowned var values = attr.get_values ();
+ // From the VCard spec:
+ // ADR-value = ADR-component-pobox ";" ADR-component-ext ";"
+ // ADR-component-street ";" ADR-component-locality ";"
+ // ADR-component-region ";" ADR-component-code ";"
+ // ADR-component-country
+ unowned var po_box = values.nth_data (0) ?? "";
+ unowned var extension = values.nth_data (1) ?? "";
+ unowned var street = values.nth_data (2) ?? "";
+ unowned var locality = values.nth_data (3) ?? "";
+ unowned var region = values.nth_data (4) ?? "";
+ unowned var postal_code = values.nth_data (5) ?? "";
+ unowned var country = values.nth_data (6) ?? "";
+ var addr = new PostalAddress (po_box, extension, street, locality, region,
+ postal_code, country, "", null);
+ var addr_fd = new PostalAddressFieldDetails ((owned) addr);
+ add_params (addr_fd, attr);
+ insert_field_details<PostalAddressFieldDetails> (details,
+ addr_fd,
+ AbstractFieldDetails<PostalAddress>.hash_static,
+ AbstractFieldDetails<PostalAddress>.equal_static);
+ }
+ private void handle_url (HashTable<string, Value?> details,
+ E.VCardAttribute attr) {
+ var url = attr.get_value ();
+ if (url == null || url == "")
+ return;
+ var url_fd = new UrlFieldDetails (url);
+ add_params (url_fd, attr);
+ insert_field_details<UrlFieldDetails> (details, PersonaDetail.URLS,
+ url_fd,
+ AbstractFieldDetails<string>.hash_static,
+ AbstractFieldDetails<string>.equal_static);
+ }
+ private void handle_note (HashTable<string, Value?> details,
+ E.VCardAttribute attr) {
+ var note = attr.get_value ();
+ if (note == null || note == "")
+ return;
+ var note_fd = new NoteFieldDetails (note);
+ add_params (note_fd, attr);
+ insert_field_details<NoteFieldDetails> (details, PersonaDetail.NOTES,
+ note_fd,
+ AbstractFieldDetails<string>.hash_static,
+ AbstractFieldDetails<string>.equal_static);
+ }
+ // Helper method for inserting aggregated properties
+ private bool insert_field_details<T> (HashTable<string, Value?> details,
+ PersonaDetail key,
+ T field_details,
+ owned Gee.HashDataFunc<T>? hash_func,
+ owned Gee.EqualDataFunc<T>? equal_func) {
+ // Get the existing set, or create a new one and add it
+ unowned var old_val = details.lookup (Folks.PersonaStore.detail_key (key));
+ if (old_val != null) {
+ unowned var values = old_val as Gee.HashSet<T>;
+ return values.add (field_details);
+ }
+ var values = new Gee.HashSet<T> ((owned) hash_func, (owned) equal_func);
+ Value? new_val = Value (typeof (Gee.Set));
+ new_val.set_object (values);
+ details.insert (Folks.PersonaStore.detail_key (key), (owned) new_val);
+ return values.add (field_details);
+ }
+ // Helper method to get VCard parameters into an AbstractFieldDetails object.
+ // Will take care of setting the correct "type"
+ private void add_params (AbstractFieldDetails details, E.VCardAttribute attr) {
+ foreach (unowned E.VCardAttributeParam param in attr.get_params ()) {
+ string param_name = param.get_name ().down ();
+ foreach (unowned string param_value in param.get_values ()) {
+ if (param_name == AbstractFieldDetails.PARAM_TYPE)
+ details.add_parameter (param_name, param_value.down ());
+ else
+ details.add_parameter (param_name, param_value);
+ }
+ }
+ }