path: root/src
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authorAlexander Larsson <>2011-09-08 18:33:03 +0200
committerAlexander Larsson <>2011-09-09 14:18:04 +0200
commit44e73d7851a0803a43acadbb1e3c816d1dbf0a22 (patch)
tree83c21429f5123bd600a89c34f9ea33b9c1b6c13a /src
parenta5be4423cc1118fce29fe8a994334e930588ca23 (diff)
Initial cut at unlinking algorithm
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 473 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/contacts-linking.vala b/src/contacts-linking.vala
index d2418ec..95663c0 100644
--- a/src/contacts-linking.vala
+++ b/src/contacts-linking.vala
@@ -265,4 +265,477 @@ namespace Contacts {
yield link_data.apply_to_persona (writable_persona);
+ internal abstract class PersonaAttribute : Object {
+ public string property_name;
+ public static HashSet<PersonaAttribute> create_set () {
+ return new HashSet<PersonaAttribute>((GLib.HashFunc) PersonaAttribute.hash,
+ (GLib.EqualFunc) PersonaAttribute.equal);
+ }
+ public virtual bool is_removable (Persona from_persona) {
+ return (property_name in from_persona.writeable_properties);
+ }
+ public abstract bool is_referenced_by_persona (Persona persona);
+ public abstract string to_string ();
+ public virtual bool equal (PersonaAttribute that) {
+ return this.property_name == that.property_name;
+ }
+ public virtual uint hash () {
+ return this.property_name.hash ();
+ }
+ public abstract async void persona_apply_attributes (Persona persona,
+ Set<PersonaAttribute> added_attributes,
+ Set<PersonaAttribute> removed_attributes);
+ }
+ internal class PersonaAttributeLocalId : PersonaAttribute {
+ string value;
+ public PersonaAttributeLocalId (string value) {
+ property_name = "local-ids";
+ this.value = value;
+ }
+ public override bool is_removable (Persona from_persona) {
+ return base.is_removable (from_persona) && value != from_persona.iid;
+ }
+ public override string to_string () {
+ return "local_id: " + value;
+ }
+ public override bool is_referenced_by_persona (Persona persona) {
+ var details = persona as LocalIdDetails;
+ if (details == null)
+ return false;
+ return value in details.local_ids;
+ }
+ public override async void persona_apply_attributes (Persona persona,
+ Set<PersonaAttribute> added_attributes,
+ Set<PersonaAttribute> removed_attributes) {
+ var details = persona as LocalIdDetails;
+ if (details == null)
+ return;
+ var added_values = new HashSet<string> ();
+ foreach (var added in added_attributes) {
+ added_values.add (((PersonaAttributeLocalId)added).value);
+ }
+ var removed_values = new HashSet<string> ();
+ foreach (var removed in removed_attributes) {
+ removed_values.add (((PersonaAttributeLocalId)removed).value);
+ }
+ var new_values = new HashSet<string> ();
+ bool changed = false;
+ foreach (var v in details.local_ids) {
+ if (v in removed_values) {
+ changed = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ new_values.add (v);
+ if (v in added_values)
+ added_values.remove (v);
+ }
+ foreach (var v2 in added_values) {
+ changed = true;
+ new_values.add (v2);
+ }
+ if (changed) {
+ try {
+ yield details.change_local_ids (new_values);
+ } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+ warning ("Unable to set local ids when linking: %s\n", e.message);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public override bool equal (PersonaAttribute _that) {
+ var that = _that as PersonaAttributeLocalId;
+ return
+ that != null &&
+ base.equal (that) &&
+ this.value == that.value;
+ }
+ public override uint hash () {
+ return this.value.hash () ^ base.hash ();
+ }
+ }
+ internal class PersonaAttributeImAddress : PersonaAttribute {
+ string protocol;
+ ImFieldDetails detail;
+ public PersonaAttributeImAddress (string protocol, ImFieldDetails detail) {
+ property_name = "im-addresses";
+ this.protocol = protocol;
+ this.detail = detail;
+ }
+ public override string to_string () {
+ return "im_addresses: " + protocol + ":" + detail.value;
+ }
+ public override bool is_referenced_by_persona (Persona persona) {
+ var details = persona as ImDetails;
+ if (details == null)
+ return false;
+ return detail in details.im_addresses.get (protocol);
+ }
+ public override async void persona_apply_attributes (Persona persona,
+ Set<PersonaAttribute> added_attributes,
+ Set<PersonaAttribute> removed_attributes) {
+ var details = persona as ImDetails;
+ if (details == null)
+ return;
+ var added_values = new HashMultiMap<string, ImFieldDetails> (null, null,
+ (GLib.HashFunc) ImFieldDetails.hash,
+ (GLib.EqualFunc) ImFieldDetails.equal);
+ foreach (var added in added_attributes) {
+ added_values.set (((PersonaAttributeImAddress)added).protocol, ((PersonaAttributeImAddress)added).detail);
+ }
+ var removed_values = new HashMultiMap<string, ImFieldDetails> (null, null,
+ (GLib.HashFunc) ImFieldDetails.hash,
+ (GLib.EqualFunc) ImFieldDetails.equal);
+ foreach (var removed in removed_attributes) {
+ removed_values.set (((PersonaAttributeImAddress)removed).protocol, ((PersonaAttributeImAddress)removed).detail);
+ }
+ var new_values =
+ new HashMultiMap<string, ImFieldDetails> (null, null,
+ (GLib.HashFunc) ImFieldDetails.hash,
+ (GLib.EqualFunc) ImFieldDetails.equal);
+ bool changed = false;
+ foreach (var proto1 in details.im_addresses.get_keys ()) {
+ foreach (var detail1 in details.im_addresses.get (proto1)) {
+ if (removed_values.get (proto1).contains (detail1)) {
+ changed = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ new_values.set (proto1, detail1);
+ if (added_values.get (proto1).contains (detail1)) {
+ added_values.remove (proto1, detail1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (var proto2 in added_values.get_keys ()) {
+ foreach (var detail2 in added_values.get (proto2)) {
+ changed = true;
+ new_values.set (proto2, detail2);
+ }
+ }
+ if (changed) {
+ try {
+ yield details.change_im_addresses (new_values);
+ } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+ warning ("Unable to set im address when linking: %s\n", e.message);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public override bool equal (PersonaAttribute _that) {
+ var that = _that as PersonaAttributeImAddress;
+ return
+ that != null &&
+ base.equal (that) &&
+ this.protocol == that.protocol &&
+ this.detail.equal (that.detail);
+ }
+ public override uint hash () {
+ return this.protocol.hash () ^ this.detail.hash () ^ base.hash ();
+ }
+ }
+ internal class PersonaAttributeWebService : PersonaAttribute {
+ string service;
+ WebServiceFieldDetails detail;
+ public PersonaAttributeWebService (string service, WebServiceFieldDetails detail) {
+ property_name = "web-service-addresses";
+ this.service = service;
+ this.detail = detail;
+ }
+ public override string to_string () {
+ return "web_service_addresses: " + service + ":" + detail.value;
+ }
+ public override bool is_referenced_by_persona (Persona persona) {
+ var details = persona as WebServiceDetails;
+ if (details == null)
+ return false;
+ return detail in details.web_service_addresses.get (service);
+ }
+ public override async void persona_apply_attributes (Persona persona,
+ Set<PersonaAttribute> added_attributes,
+ Set<PersonaAttribute> removed_attributes) {
+ var details = persona as WebServiceDetails;
+ if (details == null)
+ return;
+ var added_values = new HashMultiMap<string, WebServiceFieldDetails> (null, null,
+ (GLib.HashFunc) WebServiceFieldDetails.hash,
+ (GLib.EqualFunc) WebServiceFieldDetails.equal);
+ foreach (var added in added_attributes) {
+ added_values.set (((PersonaAttributeWebService)added).service, ((PersonaAttributeWebService)added).detail);
+ }
+ var removed_values = new HashMultiMap<string, WebServiceFieldDetails> (null, null,
+ (GLib.HashFunc) WebServiceFieldDetails.hash,
+ (GLib.EqualFunc) WebServiceFieldDetails.equal);
+ foreach (var removed in removed_attributes) {
+ removed_values.set (((PersonaAttributeWebService)removed).service, ((PersonaAttributeWebService)removed).detail);
+ }
+ var new_values =
+ new HashMultiMap<string, WebServiceFieldDetails> (null, null,
+ (GLib.HashFunc) WebServiceFieldDetails.hash,
+ (GLib.EqualFunc) WebServiceFieldDetails.equal);
+ bool changed = false;
+ foreach (var srv1 in details.web_service_addresses.get_keys ()) {
+ foreach (var detail1 in details.web_service_addresses.get (srv1)) {
+ if (removed_values.get (srv1).contains (detail1)) {
+ changed = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ new_values.set (srv1, detail1);
+ if (added_values.get (srv1).contains (detail1)) {
+ added_values.remove (srv1, detail1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (var srv2 in added_values.get_keys ()) {
+ foreach (var detail2 in added_values.get (srv2)) {
+ changed = true;
+ new_values.set (srv2, detail2);
+ }
+ }
+ if (changed) {
+ try {
+ yield details.change_web_service_addresses (new_values);
+ } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+ warning ("Unable to set web service when linking: %s\n", e.message);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public override bool equal (PersonaAttribute _that) {
+ var that = _that as PersonaAttributeWebService;
+ return
+ that != null &&
+ base.equal (that) &&
+ this.service == that.service &&
+ this.detail.equal (that.detail);
+ }
+ public override uint hash () {
+ return this.service.hash () ^ this.detail.hash () ^ base.hash ();
+ }
+ }
+ public static Set<PersonaAttribute> get_linkable_attributes (Persona persona) {
+ var res = PersonaAttribute.create_set ();
+ if (persona is LocalIdDetails) {
+ foreach (var id in ((LocalIdDetails) persona).local_ids) {
+ res.add (new PersonaAttributeLocalId (id));
+ }
+ }
+ if (persona is ImDetails) {
+ foreach (var proto in ((ImDetails) persona).im_addresses.get_keys ()) {
+ foreach (var im in ((ImDetails) persona).im_addresses.get (proto)) {
+ res.add (new PersonaAttributeImAddress (proto, im));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (persona is WebServiceDetails) {
+ foreach (var srv in ((WebServiceDetails) persona).web_service_addresses.get_keys ()) {
+ foreach (var web in ((WebServiceDetails) persona).web_service_addresses.get (srv)) {
+ res.add (new PersonaAttributeWebService (srv, web));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ public static bool persona_can_link_to (Persona persona, Set<PersonaAttribute> attributes) {
+ var property_names = new HashSet<string>(str_hash, str_equal);
+ foreach (var a in attributes)
+ property_names.add (a.property_name);
+ foreach (var p in property_names) {
+ if (! (p in persona.writeable_properties))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ internal bool attr_type_equal (PersonaAttribute a, PersonaAttribute b) {
+ return
+ a.get_type() == b.get_type() &&
+ a.property_name == b.property_name;
+ }
+ internal uint attr_type_hash (PersonaAttribute key) {
+ return (uint)key.get_type() ^ key.property_name. hash ();
+ }
+ public static async void persona_apply_attributes (Persona persona,
+ Set<PersonaAttribute>? added_attributes,
+ Set<PersonaAttribute>? removed_attributes) {
+ var properties = new HashSet<PersonaAttribute>((GLib.HashFunc)attr_type_hash, (GLib.EqualFunc) attr_type_equal);
+ if (added_attributes != null) {
+ foreach (var a1 in added_attributes) {
+ properties.add (a1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (removed_attributes != null) {
+ foreach (var a2 in removed_attributes) {
+ properties.add (a2);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (var property in properties) {
+ var added = PersonaAttribute.create_set ();
+ var removed = PersonaAttribute.create_set ();
+ if (added_attributes != null) {
+ foreach (var a3 in added_attributes) {
+ if (attr_type_equal (a3, property))
+ added.add (a3);
+ }
+ }
+ if (removed_attributes != null) {
+ foreach (var a4 in removed_attributes) {
+ if (attr_type_equal (a4, property))
+ removed.add (a4);
+ }
+ }
+ yield property.persona_apply_attributes (persona, added, removed);
+ }
+ }
+ public async void unlink_persona (Contact contact, Persona persona_to_unlink) {
+ var individual = contact.individual;
+ var persona_to_unlink_removals = PersonaAttribute.create_set ();
+ var other_personas_removals = PersonaAttribute.create_set ();
+ foreach (PersonaAttribute a1 in get_linkable_attributes (persona_to_unlink)) {
+ // Check that this attribute actually is used to link this persona to the individual
+ bool used_to_link = false;
+ foreach (var persona in individual.personas) {
+ if (persona != persona_to_unlink &&
+ a1.is_referenced_by_persona (persona)) {
+ used_to_link = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!used_to_link)
+ continue; // Wasn't used, no need to do anything about it
+ if (a1.is_removable (persona_to_unlink)) {
+ // We can remove the attribute from the persona, which should completely break any linkage
+ // due to this attribute
+ persona_to_unlink_removals.add (a1);
+ } else {
+ // We can't remove the attribute from the persona, need to make sure no other persona
+ // references this
+ other_personas_removals.add (a1);
+ }
+ }
+ // At this point we know how to unlink the persona from the individual, however
+ // doing so may cause the remaining personas to form disjoint sets rather than
+ // a single Individual. Consider two subsets of personas A and B, and the unlinked
+ // persona u which make up the original individual. When unlinking u A and B may be
+ // disjoint if:
+ // * A links to u and u Links to B, then the data from u that linked it to B was
+ // removed (and no other links go between A and B)
+ // or
+ // * A and B both link to u, but to unlink them from u we removed the data in A and
+ // B that caused this link (and no other links go between A and B)
+ //
+ // To fix this up we need to ensure that all the remaining personas in the inidivudal
+ // do have links by picking (or creating if there is none) a persona where all linkable
+ // attributes are writeable and ensuring that it can reach all the other remaining
+ // personas. We do this the easy way by just adding all linkable attributes to this
+ // persona
+ var main_persona_additions = PersonaAttribute.create_set ();
+ foreach (var p1 in individual.personas) {
+ if (p1 == persona_to_unlink)
+ continue;
+ foreach (PersonaAttribute a2 in get_linkable_attributes (p1)) {
+ if (a2 in other_personas_removals)
+ continue;
+ main_persona_additions.add (a2);
+ }
+ }
+ // Find tha main persona that will be used to add the extra linking info to
+ // avoid disjoint sets
+ Persona? main_persona = null;
+ foreach (var p2 in individual.personas) {
+ if (p2 != persona_to_unlink && persona_can_link_to (p2, main_persona_additions)) {
+ main_persona = p2;
+ if (
+ break; // Exit if we find a primary persona, as we prefer these
+ }
+ }
+ // We make a copy of the personas as the on in the individual may start
+ // changing now
+ var other_personas = new HashSet<Persona>();
+ foreach (var p3 in individual.personas) {
+ if (p3 != persona_to_unlink &&
+ p3 != main_persona)
+ other_personas.add (p3);
+ }
+ if (main_persona == null) {
+ var details = new HashTable<string, Value?> (str_hash, str_equal);
+ try {
+ main_persona = yield (details);
+ } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+ warning ("Unable to create new persona when unlinking: %s\n", e.message);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ persona_to_unlink.set_data ("contacts-new-contact", true);
+ // First apply all additions on the primary persona so that we avoid temporarily being
+ // unlinked and then relinked
+ // Note, this may cause a new persona to be added to the individual if
+ // main_persona is null
+ yield persona_apply_attributes (main_persona, main_persona_additions, other_personas_removals);
+ foreach (var p in other_personas) {
+ yield persona_apply_attributes (p, null, other_personas_removals);
+ }
+ // Last we do the removals on the persona_to_unlink
+ yield persona_apply_attributes (persona_to_unlink, null, persona_to_unlink_removals);
+ }