path: root/build
diff options
authorTristan Van Berkom <>2013-12-10 19:25:49 +0900
committerTristan Van Berkom <>2013-12-10 19:25:49 +0900
commitd7848a845b9933632b38c9c803e4d376be8148ab (patch)
tree32746e9ab961bb40b9072685c26cc8ab0805b061 /build
parent7668ca51130043dc05369c4175c2764c8ecdc861 (diff)
Added new linux64 build subdirectory.
This build subdirectory includes instructions and resources for building bundles which are relatively portable for any 64bit linux distribution.
Diffstat (limited to 'build')
4 files changed, 394 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build/linux64/ b/build/linux64/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..acf54a19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/linux64/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Base environment variables
+# Pango environment variables
+# GTK+/GIO/GdkPixbuf environment variables
+# Glade environment variables
+# Invoke Glade with the arguments passed
+${APP_IMAGE_ROOT}/usr/bin/glade $*
diff --git a/build/linux64/README b/build/linux64/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..10fb5648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/linux64/README
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+Instructions on how to build a bundle for 64bit linux systems.
+System requirements
+ o A 64bit linux system
+ o AppImageKit (
+ To build AppImageKit, you will require:
+ - A functional cross compiler to generate 32bit binaries as well as 64bit binaries
+ - libfuse (if AppImageKit doesnt find it, make sure there is a symbolic link to
+ from it's actual library, this is because AppImageKit uses CMake, which is just dumb).
+ - An old glib version installed on your system, the older the glib version the better
+ (this system glib version will be required on target hosts which want to run the bundle).
+ - Some other things like python, which you will just have to deal with the CMakeLists.txt
+ to figure out.
+ o jhbuild
+ You will need to build Glade and it's dependencies in a relocated environment, jhbuild is usually
+ a decent choice for this.
+ o chrpath
+ This will be required after your build root is complete, we use it to strip out the -rpaths which
+ libtool loves to embed into binaries.
+Build & Bundle Instructions
+What follows here is a step by step guide to preparing your bundle, the following steps
+should be completed in the order given.
+ Build AppImageKit
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Build AppImageKit in the normal way, you don't need to install it anywhere,
+ and make sure that you build it against your system libraries.
+ DO NOT build this from inside your jhbuild shell or relocated
+ build environment
+ To build you will run:
+ cmake .
+ make
+ Probably you will find yourself cursing a lot, forcing 'cmake .' to pass,
+ but this is just the nature of CMake.
+ Build relocated Glade
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Use jhbuild or your own build scripts to build a properly relocated
+ sandbox of GTK+/Glade and it's requirements.
+ This can be a long process, but if you already build Glade and GTK+
+ from master, chances are that you've already done this.
+ In any case of build setup you choose, the principals are the same:
+ o Relocated environment, PKG_CONFIG_PATH, PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+ and ACLOCAL_FLAGS should all be set into your build environment to
+ prioritize your relocated install prefix
+ o Dependencies should be built in strict order, the last dependency
+ must be installed into your relocated prefix before trying to
+ build the next dependency.
+ o You don't want anything built into your relocated prefix to link
+ to your system libraries, however if you're not so conservative
+ (as I was not), you can omit the X11 libraries as well as fontconfig
+ and freetype libraries (and of course your C runtime libraries are fine).
+ Remember that anything which links to your system libraries is
+ something which will try to link to the user's system libraries in
+ your bundle's runtime (so we can pretty much rely on X11 libs).
+ Apply patches from the patches/ subdirectory
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ There is currently one patch to force pango into not insisting
+ to prepend absolute paths to the relative paths we need to use
+ for the loading of pango modules.
+ There may be more added to this subdirectory in the future.
+ After applying patches, make sure that the modules in question
+ are built with the patches applied.
+ Make sure you've covered all of GTK+/Glade's dependencies
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ If you've used jhbuild, there is a big possibility that you are
+ missing dependencies.
+ jhbuild tends to be lazy and relies on system libraries instead
+ of building them.
+ Here is a full list of packages you will need (in order of dependency):
+ dbus
+ zlib
+ libffi
+ glib
+ harfbuzz
+ pixman
+ cairo
+ pango
+ libpng
+ gdk-pixbuf
+ librsvg
+ atk
+ at-spi2-core
+ at-spi2-atk
+ gtk+
+ gnome-themes-standard
+ hicolor-icon-theme
+ libcanberra
+ expat
+ libxml2
+ glade
+ Some of these are not required for GTK+ to function properly, but
+ are require for the theme. HOWEVER, these are all required to be be
+ built into your bundle. If you miss some of the modules that GTK+ loads
+ then GTK+ might decide to load one from the target system where the
+ bundle runs, which can only end in tears.
+ Some dependencies might be missing in the above list, for normal operation
+ of Glade we only really need the png and svg gdk-pixbuf loaders, so we've
+ only built libpng and librsvg (but it might be prudent to include jpeg
+ libraries and other dependencies of gdk-pixbuf loaders).
+ Some build time exceptions to take care of
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ When building glib, you must ensure to pass '--disable-selinux' to glib's
+ configure script, otherwise you end up with an unneeded dependency on
+ the targe host for
+ Building into the bundle root
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Now we assume you have a functional Glade installed on your system
+ which links to the minimum system libraries as possible (only X11,
+ fontconfig and freetype). Now you must rebuild everything again.
+ First create a directory which will serve as your bundle's root,
+ we'll refer to it from here on after as ${BUNDLE_ROOT}, we'll refer
+ to each dependency build directry as ${dependency}.
+ It's important that you perform this step inside your relocated
+ build environment (for jhbuild, that means inside 'jhbuild shell').
+ For every dependency above you'll need to run these commands:
+ cd ${dependency}
+ make clean
+ ./configure --prefix=/usr
+ make
+ make DESTDIR=${BUNDLE_ROOT} install
+ Alternatively, for modules downloaded directly from git repositories:
+ cd ${dependency}
+ git clean -xdf
+ ./ --prefix=/usr
+ make
+ make DESTDIR=${BUNDLE_ROOT} install
+ Note that for now, the libraries are built with a standard
+ system '/usr' prefix but we are compiling and linking against
+ the dependencies already installed into your relocated install
+ prefix.
+ The important parts of this step are:
+ o We clean out the existing package directories which we
+ already built into your relocated build environment.
+ We don't want any residue here remaining from the previous build.
+ o We do compile and link against the existing libraries installed
+ from your previous build.
+ o We install using the '/usr' system prefix BUT we use the
+ DESTDIR standard to make the installation in ${BUNDLE_ROOT}
+ During this phase, the same exceptions as above apply, i.e. libglib
+ must be configured with --disable-selinux (and any other customizations
+ you may have made there, you should make here).
+ Additional preparations for ${BUNDLE_ROOT}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Now we're getting close, but we need to do a couple more
+ preparations for the ${BUNDLE_ROOT} to work properly (and to run at all).
+ o Add the AppRun program to the root.
+ In the AppImageKit package you built at the beginning, you will find
+ an executable called 'AppRun'. Copy this file to the toplevel of
+ your ${BUNDLE_ROOT}
+ o Add the found in this directory to ${BUNDLE_ROOT}
+ This script will setup the environment to run Glade based on the
+ ${APP_IMAGE_ROOT} which will be set in the environment when the
+ script is called. This script calls Glade with the arguments provided.
+ o Add the glade.desktop file found in glade/data/glade.desktop to ${BUNDLE_ROOT}
+ The AppImageKit uses this at bundling time to prepare it's bundle and
+ chose an appropriate icon to display for the executable.
+ o Add the pangorc found in this directory to ${BUNDLE_ROOT}
+ This will tell pango to look in the right place for it's modules
+ file in ${BUNDLE_ROOT}/usr/etc/pango/pango.modules
+ o Generate and modify ${BUNDLE_ROOT}/usr/etc/pango/pango.modules
+ Inside your relocated build environment, run the following command:
+ pango-querymodules > ${BUNDLE_ROOT}/usr/etc/pango/pango.modules
+ This will generate the pango.modules with the correct modules
+ found in your relocated build, however they will not have the
+ correct paths.
+ Assuming that you've used '/opt/devel' (for example) as your install
+ prefix for your relocated build environment (possibly jhbuild), then
+ you'll need to replace '/opt/devel' with './usr' in the generated
+ pango.modules file.
+ o Generate and modify ${BUNDLE_ROOT}/usr/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache
+ Much like the above pango excercise, we need to generate and modify the module
+ cache for gdk-pixbuf (you can't build gdk-pixbuf without module support, as
+ you really need librsvg).
+ So again, using your relocated build environment, generate the cache with
+ this command:
+ gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders > ${BUNDLE_ROOT}/usr/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache
+ And again, assuming you've used '/opt/devel' (for example), then
+ you'll need to replace '/opt/devel' with './usr' in the generated
+ loaders.cache file.
+ o Create the icon theme cache
+ Assuming you've followed the instructions to the letter, the installation
+ of 'hicolor-icon-theme' will have created an index.theme file at:
+ ${BUNDLE_ROOT}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/index.theme
+ It's imperative that this file exist.
+ Now create the cache using this command:
+ gtk-update-icon-cache ${BUNDLE_ROOT}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/
+ This should create a file named:
+ ${BUNDLE_ROOT}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/icon-theme.cache
+ o Strip the -rpath from any binaries
+ Libtool loves to encode hard coded paths into the binaries it creates,
+ since we will be running the bundle with LD_LIBRARY_PATH set in the
+ bundle's runtime environment (and these paths actually take precedence
+ over the LD_LIBRARY_PATH), we need to strip those out, this is where
+ chrpath comes in.
+ Run chrpath as follows to ensure you don't have any prioritized paths
+ still pointing to your relocated install prefix:
+ chrpath -d ${BUNDLE_ROOT}/usr/lib/*.so
+ chrpath -d ${BUNDLE_ROOT}/usr/bin/glade
+ chrpath -d ${BUNDLE_ROOT}/usr/bin/glade-previewer
+ o Clean up the bundle of unwanted stuff
+ This is optional but helps to reduce the binary size of the
+ generated bundle. Some good removals include:
+ rm -rf ${BUNDLE_ROOT}/usr/include
+ rm -f `find ${BUNDLE_ROOT} -name "*.la"`
+ rm -f `find ${BUNDLE_ROOT} -name "*.a"`
+ You can safely remove everything in ${BUNDLE_ROOT}/usr/bin except
+ for 'glade' and 'glade-previewer'
+ There are also some directories in ${BUNDLE_ROOT}/usr/share that
+ can be discarded (notably the 'gtk-doc' directory).
+ The ${BUNDLE_ROOT}/usr/share/locale directory can be removed and
+ with it, all translations, I don't recommend this for a Glade
+ bundle however it will also dramatically reduce the bundle size.
+ Creating the bundle
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Now that we're all done creating a proper ${BUNDLE_ROOT}, we can
+ go ahead and bundle it.
+ Run the 'AppImageAssistant' binary (found in the AppImageKit directory
+ which we built at the beginning), you can run it from anywhere, I usually
+ run it like this:
+ ./AppImageAssistant ${BUNDLE_ROOT} ~/glade
+ This will create the 'glade' executable, which is probably around 50MB
+ large at this point (depending entirely on how much you successfully
+ trimmed out of ${BUNDLE_ROOT}).
+ Congradulations, now you have a bundle :)
+Debugging considerations
+If your bundle is not working, you will have to get your hands (even more)
+dirty and look into the which launches Glade.
+I recommend inserting 'bash' after running Glade and regenerating the
+bundle, this will give you a shell inside the bundled environment
+where you can try to run ./usr/bin/glade under strace and inspect
+all of the files which Glade and it's dependencies try to open.
+Hint: If Glade successfully opens anything starting with /usr,
+this is usually a sign of trouble.
+Another sanity check is to run ldd on ./usr/bin/glade, it should
+only resolve to system libraries for C runtime libraries, X11
+libraries, fontconfig and freetype.
diff --git a/build/linux64/pangorc b/build/linux64/pangorc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d8a745e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/linux64/pangorc
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ModuleFiles = ./usr/etc/pango/pango.modules
+ModulesPath = ./usr/lib/pango/1.8.0/modules
diff --git a/build/linux64/patches/pango.patch b/build/linux64/patches/pango.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..09ac19d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/linux64/patches/pango.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+diff --git a/pango/modules.c b/pango/modules.c
+index ca8d488..cd00eba 100644
+--- a/pango/modules.c
++++ b/pango/modules.c
+@@ -450,6 +450,7 @@ process_module_file (FILE *module_file, const gchar *module_file_dir)
+ switch (i)
+ {
+ case 0:
++#if 0
+ if (!g_path_is_absolute (tmp_buf->str)
+ #ifdef __APPLE__
+ && strncmp (tmp_buf->str, "@executable_path/", 17)
+@@ -467,7 +468,9 @@ process_module_file (FILE *module_file, const gchar *module_file_dir)
+ g_string_assign (tmp_buf, abs_file_name);
+ g_free ((gpointer) abs_file_name);
+ }
+ pair->module = find_or_create_module (tmp_buf->str);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ pair-> = g_strdup (tmp_buf->str);