tag name3.13.91 (7abcd993eb91008e942539fa904c1e5832f33363)
tag date2014-09-09 15:41:41 +0200
tagged byStef Walter <>
tagged objectcommit 9a6ecfebdc...
gcr 3.13.91:
- Add support for parsing EC keys [#672137] - Add support for EC keys to key renderer - Parser support for PEM 'PUBLIC KEY' files - Parser support for parsing ECDSA OpenSSH keys - Fix use of libgcrypt 1.6+ - Fix for deprecations in Gtk 3.13.x - Updated translations - Use g_debug() instead of our own debug wrappers - Bump required GLib version to 2.38.x - Don't include deprecated library in our pkg-config file [#732082] - Don't use non-portable 'sed -i' shell command [#728506] - Change CVS to Git in error message [#730340] - Build fixes -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iEYEABECAAYFAlQPA5cACgkQe/sRCNknZa/L5wCfddJnN8ITURycDHrhrE0qVjfz eBIAoPZ42OISEjdaBcmGieLNSG/hs+zd =bZpm -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----