path: root/src/symbolic/core.svg
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/symbolic/core.svg')
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/src/symbolic/core.svg b/src/symbolic/core.svg
index 54a7e1c71..b78c82578 100644
--- a/src/symbolic/core.svg
+++ b/src/symbolic/core.svg
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
- inkscape:zoom="1.4142136"
- inkscape:cx="836.50732"
- inkscape:cy="285.67114"
+ inkscape:zoom="2"
+ inkscape:cx="1267.25"
+ inkscape:cy="179"
@@ -4363,6 +4363,75 @@
d="m 42,296 a 1.0001,1.0001 0 0 0 -1,1 v 8 c 0,2.5 1.81731,4.24669 3.44531,5.33203 1.62801,1.08534 3.23828,1.61719 3.23828,1.61719 a 1.0001,1.0001 0 0 0 0.63282,0 c 0,0 1.61027,-0.53185 3.23828,-1.61719 C 53.18269,309.24669 55,307.5 55,305 v -8 a 1.0001,1.0001 0 0 0 -1,-1 h -6 z m 1,2 h 5 5 v 7 c 0,1.5 -1.1827,2.75331 -2.55469,3.66797 -1.21485,0.8099 -2.17981,1.1298 -2.44531,1.22461 -0.2655,-0.0948 -1.23046,-0.41471 -2.44531,-1.22461 C 44.1827,307.75331 43,306.5 43,305 Z m 1,1 v 6 c 0,1 0.86538,2.00662 2.10938,2.83594 0.93191,0.62128 1.47183,0.78696 1.89062,0.94922 V 299 Z"
style="fill:#2e3436;fill-opacity:1" />
+ <g
+ id="g12559"
+ inkscape:label="power performance saving"
+ transform="matrix(-1,0,0,1,1696,44)">
+ <title
+ id="title12551">power-profile-power-saver-rtl</title>
+ <rect
+ y="-616"
+ x="76.000801"
+ height="16"
+ width="16"
+ id="rect12553"
+ transform="rotate(90)"
+ style="fill:none" />
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+ id="path12555"
+ style="fill:#2e3434;fill-opacity:1"
+ d="m 608,77.005859 c -2.04947,0 -4.09834,0.779983 -5.65625,2.337891 -3.11582,3.115816 -3.11582,8.196684 0,11.3125 0.39051,0.390422 1.02355,0.390422 1.41406,0 0.39042,-0.390507 0.39042,-1.023557 0,-1.414062 -0.3806,-0.380603 -0.69768,-0.798798 -0.95508,-1.242188 -1.33291,-2.296059 -1.01584,-5.27127 0.95508,-7.242188 2.35152,-2.351517 6.13286,-2.351517 8.48438,0 2.35152,2.351519 2.35152,6.132858 0,8.484376 -0.39042,0.390506 -0.39042,1.023555 0,1.414062 0.39051,0.390422 1.02355,0.390422 1.41406,0 3.11582,-3.115816 3.11582,-8.196684 0,-11.3125 C 612.09834,77.785842 610.04947,77.005859 608,77.005859 Z M 602.80273,88 l 1.36719,0.365234 2.83399,-1.636718 c 0.6171,0.356291 1.37801,0.358541 1.99609,0.0039 0.95658,-0.552285 1.2847,-1.775837 0.73242,-2.732422 -0.55229,-0.956585 -1.77584,-1.284707 -2.73242,-0.732422 -0.61611,0.358017 -0.99609,1.015945 -0.99609,1.728516 l -2.83399,1.636718 z" />
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+ id="path12557"
+ style="opacity:1;fill:#2e3436;fill-opacity:0.35"
+ d="m 612,85 a 4,4 0 0 1 -1.17969,2.820312 l 2.12891,2.128907 A 7,7 0 0 0 615,85 Z" />
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="g12569"
+ inkscape:label="power performance saving"
+ transform="matrix(-1,0,0,1,1736,44)">
+ <title
+ id="title12561">power-profile-balanced-rtl</title>
+ <rect
+ y="-636"
+ x="76.000801"
+ height="16"
+ width="16"
+ id="rect12563"
+ transform="rotate(90)"
+ style="fill:none" />
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+ id="path12565"
+ d="m 628,77.005859 c -2.04947,0 -4.09834,0.779983 -5.65625,2.337891 -3.11582,3.115816 -3.11582,8.196684 0,11.3125 0.39051,0.390422 1.02355,0.390422 1.41406,0 0.39042,-0.390507 0.39042,-1.023555 0,-1.414062 -2.35152,-2.351518 -2.35152,-6.132857 0,-8.484376 2.35152,-2.351517 6.13286,-2.351517 8.48438,0 2.35152,2.351519 2.35152,6.132858 0,8.484376 -0.39042,0.390507 -0.39042,1.023555 0,1.414062 0.39051,0.390422 1.02355,0.390422 1.41406,0 3.11582,-3.115816 3.11582,-8.196684 0,-11.3125 C 632.09834,77.785842 630.04947,77.005859 628,77.005859 Z M 627,80 v 3.273438 c -0.61711,0.356283 -0.99804,1.013993 -1,1.726562 0,1.104569 0.89543,2 2,2 1.10457,0 2,-0.895431 2,-2 -5.6e-4,-0.713966 -0.38169,-1.373486 -1,-1.730469 V 80 l -1,-1 z"
+ style="fill:#2e3434;fill-opacity:1" />
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+ id="path12567"
+ style="opacity:1;fill:#2e3436;fill-opacity:0.35"
+ d="m 632,85 a 4,4 0 0 1 -1.17969,2.820312 l 2.12891,2.128907 A 7,7 0 0 0 635,85 Z" />
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="g12579"
+ inkscape:label="power performance saving"
+ transform="matrix(-1,0,0,1,1776,44)">
+ <title
+ id="title12571">power-profile-performance-rtl</title>
+ <rect
+ y="-656"
+ x="76.000801"
+ height="16"
+ width="16"
+ id="rect12573"
+ transform="rotate(90)"
+ style="fill:none" />
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+ id="path12575"
+ style="fill:#2e3434;fill-opacity:1"
+ d="m 648,77.005859 c -2.04947,0 -4.09834,0.779983 -5.65625,2.337891 -3.11582,3.115816 -3.11582,8.196684 0,11.3125 0.39051,0.390422 1.02355,0.390422 1.41406,0 0.39042,-0.390507 0.39042,-1.023556 0,-1.414062 -2.35152,-2.351518 -2.35152,-6.132857 0,-8.484376 2.35152,-2.351517 6.13286,-2.351517 8.48438,0 1.97242,1.972418 2.28957,4.951277 0.95312,7.248047 -0.25687,0.441444 -0.57402,0.857227 -0.95312,1.236329 -0.39042,0.390506 -0.39042,1.023555 0,1.414062 0.39051,0.390422 1.02355,0.390422 1.41406,0 3.11582,-3.115816 3.11582,-8.196684 0,-11.3125 C 652.09834,77.785842 650.04947,77.005859 648,77.005859 Z m 5.19531,11 -0.36523,-1.367187 -2.83203,-1.634766 c 10e-6,-0.713965 -0.38001,-1.372995 -0.99805,-1.730468 -0.95658,-0.552285 -2.18013,-0.224164 -2.73242,0.732421 -0.55228,0.956585 -0.22416,2.180137 0.73242,2.732422 0.61811,0.354553 1.37899,0.352339 1.99609,-0.0039 l 2.83399,1.636719 z" />
+ <path
+ id="path12577"
+ style="opacity:1;fill:#2e3436;fill-opacity:0.35"
+ d="m 652,85 a 4,4 0 0 1 -1.17969,2.820312 l 2.12891,2.128907 A 7,7 0 0 0 655,85 Z" />
+ </g>
@@ -9912,6 +9981,44 @@
style="fill:none" />
+ <g
+ inkscape:label="play continue repeat run execute"
+ id="g3259"
+ transform="matrix(0,1,1,0,904.99683,-141.13581)">
+ <title
+ id="title3253">media-playback-start-rtl</title>
+ <rect
+ y="195.00317"
+ x="163.1358"
+ height="16"
+ width="16"
+ id="rect3255"
+ style="fill:none;fill-opacity:1" />
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+ id="path3257"
+ d="m 165.63581,209.55378 h 11 c 1.5,0 1.49371,-1.26818 1.49371,-1.26818 v -0.13119 c 10e-4,-0.24477 -0.0542,-0.48668 -0.17493,-0.69969 l -5.59748,-9.79559 c -0.24054,-0.43478 -0.7325,-0.65596 -1.22445,-0.65596 -0.49194,0 -0.98391,0.22118 -1.22445,0.65596 l -5.59748,9.79559 c -0.12076,0.21301 -0.17676,0.45492 -0.17492,0.69969 v 0.13119 c 0,0 0,1.26818 1.5,1.26818 z"
+ style="font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-stretch:normal;font-size:medium;line-height:normal;font-family:'Bitstream Vera Sans';-inkscape-font-specification:'Bitstream Vera Sans';text-indent:0;text-align:start;text-decoration:none;text-decoration-line:none;letter-spacing:normal;word-spacing:normal;text-transform:none;writing-mode:lr-tb;direction:ltr;text-anchor:start;fill:#2e3436;fill-opacity:1" />
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="g12549"
+ inkscape:label="system users switch change quick"
+ transform="matrix(-1,0,0,1,1288.0002,-646)">
+ <title
+ id="title12543">system-switch-user-rtl</title>
+ <rect
+ transform="scale(-1,1)"
+ id="rect12545"
+ width="16"
+ height="16"
+ x="-68.000191"
+ y="648"
+ style="fill:none" />
+ <path
+ id="path12547"
+ style="fill:#2e3436;fill-opacity:1"
+ d="m 172,362 c -1.10457,0 -2,0.89543 -2,2 0,1.10457 0.89543,2 2,2 1.10457,0 2,-0.89543 2,-2 0,-1.10457 -0.89543,-2 -2,-2 z m -8,2 c -1.10457,0 -2,0.89543 -2,2 0,1.10457 0.89543,2 2,2 1.10457,0 2,-0.89543 2,-2 0,-1.10457 -0.89543,-2 -2,-2 z m 7,3 c -1.31093,0 -2.41991,0.83272 -2.83008,2 h 7.66016 c -0.41017,-1.16728 -1.51915,-2 -2.83008,-2 z m -8,2 c -1.662,0 -3,1.338 -3,3 0,0.554 0.446,1 1,1 h 6 c 0.554,0 1,-0.446 1,-1 0,-1.662 -1.338,-3 -3,-3 z m 9,1 c -0.25588,0 -0.51177,0.0978 -0.70703,0.29297 l -2,2 c -0.18539,0.18847 -0.28911,0.44267 -0.28711,0.70703 H 169 v 1 h 2 v 1 c -0.10355,0.80236 -0.5,1 -1,1 h -4 c -1,0 -1,-1 -1,-1 a 1,1 0 0 0 -1,-1 1,1 0 0 0 -1,1 c 0,1.33333 0.81422,2.27527 1.55273,2.64453 C 165.29129,378.01379 166,378 166,378 h 4 c 0,0 0.70875,0.0138 1.44727,-0.35547 C 172.18578,377.27528 173,376.33333 173,375 v -1 h 2 v -1 h -0.006 c 0.002,-0.26436 -0.10186,-0.51856 -0.28711,-0.70703 l -2,-2 C 172.51195,370.09778 172.25588,370 172,370 Z"
+ transform="translate(-107.99981,286)" />
+ </g>
@@ -10681,16 +10788,31 @@
- y="-8"
+ y="-54"
- y="-8"
+ y="-54"
style="font-size:13.3333px">Additional language variants with the -rtl suffix. Some icons are just symbolic links to</tspan><tspan
- y="8.6666241"
+ y="-37.333374"
+ style="font-size:13.3333px"
+ id="tspan29592">other icons that already exist.</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="1075"
+ y="-20.666752"
+ style="font-size:13.3333px"
+ id="tspan4057" /><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="1075"
+ y="-4.0001259"
+ style="font-size:13.3333px"
+ id="tspan4059">Icons are flipped if they have directionality, exceptions are if they represent items held in</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="1075"
+ y="12.666496"
- id="tspan29592">other icons that already exist.</tspan></text>
+ id="tspan11813">one's hand.</tspan></text>