path: root/32x32
diff options
authorLapo Calamandrei <>2007-06-28 13:47:01 +0000
committerLapo Calamandrei <>2007-06-28 13:47:01 +0000
commit676e9a73293bd9986d20dc99500051a4626657f6 (patch)
tree802404df7770c69877dd0f7ec316ed05d24bbbea /32x32
parent46178b7f901137e9dbc50c5f2edfc4921e57f834 (diff)
emblem-unreadable and emblem-readonly in.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=1487
Diffstat (limited to '32x32')
-rw-r--r--32x32/emblems/emblem-readonly.pngbin0 -> 1118 bytes
-rw-r--r--32x32/emblems/emblem-unreadable.pngbin0 -> 2203 bytes
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+++ b/32x32/emblems/
@@ -13,7 +13,9 @@ icons_DATA = \
emblem-new.png \
emblem-package.png \
emblem-photos.png \
+ emblem-readonly.png \
emblem-symbolic-link.png \
+ emblem-unreadable.png \
emblem-web.png \
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Binary files differ
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