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1 files changed, 58 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/tools/pm/ b/tools/pm/
index f6038494..ccc512fb 100644
--- a/tools/pm/
+++ b/tools/pm/
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ $DocsParser::currentParam = undef;
$DocsParser::objCurrentFunction = undef; #Function
%DocsParser::hasharrayFunctions = (); #Function elements
-#~ $DocsParser::bOverride = 0; #First we parse the C docs, then we parse the C++ override docs.
$DocsParser::commentStart = " /** ";
$DocsParser::commentMiddleStart = " * ";
@@ -144,8 +143,6 @@ sub parse_on_start($$%)
$$DocsParser::objCurrentFunction{param_descriptions} = ();
$$DocsParser::objCurrentFunction{return_description} = "";
$$DocsParser::objCurrentFunction{mapped_class} = "";
- # We don't need this any more, the only reference to this field is commented
- # $$DocsParser::objCurrentFunction{description_overridden} = $DocsParser::bOverride;
elsif($tag eq "parameters")
@@ -570,19 +567,66 @@ sub convert_docs_to_cpp($$)
# Chop off leading and trailing whitespace.
$$text =~ s/^\s+//;
$$text =~ s/\s+$//;
-# HagenM: this is the only reference to $$obj_function{description_overridden}
-# and it seems not to be in use.
-# if(!$$obj_function{description_overridden})
-# {
- # Convert C documentation to C++.
- DocsParser::convert_tags_to_doxygen($text);
- DocsParser::substitute_identifiers($$obj_function{name}, $text);
- $$text =~ s/\bX\s+Window\b/X \%Window/g;
- $$text =~ s/\bWindow\s+manager/\%Window manager/g;
-# }
+ # Convert C documentation to C++.
+ DocsParser::remove_c_memory_handling_info($text);
+ DocsParser::convert_tags_to_doxygen($text);
+ DocsParser::substitute_identifiers($$obj_function{name}, $text);
+ $$text =~ s/\bX\s+Window\b/X \%Window/g;
+ $$text =~ s/\bWindow\s+manager/\%Window manager/g;
+sub remove_c_memory_handling_info($)
+ my ($text) = @_;
+ # These C memory handling functions are removed, in most cases:
+ # g_free, g_strfreev, g_list_free, g_slist_free
+ my $mem_funcs = '\\bg_(?:free|strfreev|s?list_free)\\b';
+ return if ($$text !~ /$mem_funcs/);
+ # The text contains $mem_funcs. That's usually not relevant to C++ programmers.
+ # Try to remove irrelevant text without removing too much.
+ # This function is called separately for the description of each method,
+ # parameter and return value. Let's assume that only one removal is necessary.
+ # Don't modify the text, if $mem_funcs is part of example code.
+ # remove_c_memory_handling_info() is called before remove_example_code().
+ return if ($$text =~ m"(?:<informalexample>|<programlisting>|\|\[).*?$mem_funcs.*?(?:</informalexample>|</programlisting>|]\|)"s);
+ # First try to remove the sentence containing $mem_funcs.
+ # For simplicity, assume that a sentence is any string ending with a period.
+ my $tmp = $$text;
+ if ($tmp =~ s/[^.]*$mem_funcs.*?(?:\.|$)//s)
+ {
+ if ($tmp =~ /\w/)
+ {
+ # A sentence contains $mem_funcs, and it's not the only sentence in the text.
+ # Remove that sentence.
+ $$text = $tmp;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ $tmp = $$text;
+ if ($tmp =~ s/[^.,]*$mem_funcs.*?(?:\.|,|$)//s)
+ {
+ if ($tmp =~ /\w/)
+ {
+ # A clause, delimited by comma or period, contains $mem_funcs,
+ # and it's not the only clause in the text. Remove that clause.
+ $tmp =~ s/,\s*$/./;
+ $$text = $tmp;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ # Last attempt. If this doesn't remove anything, don't modify the text.
+ $$text =~ s/ that (?:must|should) be freed with g_free(?:\(\))?//;
sub convert_tags_to_doxygen($)