path: root/sysdeps/pthread/threads.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'sysdeps/pthread/threads.h')
1 files changed, 204 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sysdeps/pthread/threads.h b/sysdeps/pthread/threads.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ac489b4a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysdeps/pthread/threads.h
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+/* ISO C11 Standard: 7.26 - Thread support library <threads.h>.
+ Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+ The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+ <>. */
+#ifndef _THREADS_H
+#define _THREADS_H 1
+#include <features.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <bits/thread-shared-types.h>
+#include <bits/types/struct_timespec.h>
+#ifndef __cplusplus
+# define thread_local _Thread_local
+typedef __tss_t tss_t;
+typedef void (*tss_dtor_t) (void*);
+typedef __thrd_t thrd_t;
+typedef int (*thrd_start_t) (void*);
+/* Exit and error codes. */
+ thrd_success = 0,
+ thrd_busy = 1,
+ thrd_error = 2,
+ thrd_nomem = 3,
+ thrd_timedout = 4
+/* Mutex types. */
+ mtx_plain = 0,
+ mtx_recursive = 1,
+ mtx_timed = 2
+typedef __once_flag once_flag;
+typedef union
+ char __size[__SIZEOF_PTHREAD_MUTEX_T];
+ long int __align __LOCK_ALIGNMENT;
+} mtx_t;
+typedef union
+ char __size[__SIZEOF_PTHREAD_COND_T];
+ __extension__ long long int __align __LOCK_ALIGNMENT;
+} cnd_t;
+/* Threads functions. */
+/* Create a new thread executing the function __FUNC. Arguments for __FUNC
+ are passed through __ARG. If succesful, __THR is set to new thread
+ identifier. */
+extern int thrd_create (thrd_t *__thr, thrd_start_t __func, void *__arg);
+/* Check if __LHS and __RHS point to the same thread. */
+extern int thrd_equal (thrd_t __lhs, thrd_t __rhs);
+/* Return current thread identifier. */
+extern thrd_t thrd_current (void);
+/* Block current thread execution for at least the time pointed by
+ __TIME_POINT. The current thread may resume if receives a signal. In
+ that case, if __REMAINING is not NULL, the remaining time is stored in
+ the object pointed by it. */
+extern int thrd_sleep (const struct timespec *__time_point,
+ struct timespec *__remaining);
+/* Terminate current thread execution, cleaning up any thread local
+ storage and freeing resources. Returns the value specified in __RES. */
+extern void thrd_exit (int __res) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
+/* Detach the thread identified by __THR from the current environment
+ (it does not allow join or wait for it). */
+extern int thrd_detach (thrd_t __thr);
+/* Block current thread until execution of __THR is complete. In case that
+ __RES is not NULL, will store the return value of __THR when exiting. */
+extern int thrd_join (thrd_t __thr, int *__res);
+/* Stop current thread execution and call the scheduler to decide which
+ thread should execute next. The current thread may be selected by the
+ scheduler to keep running. */
+extern void thrd_yield (void);
+/* Optimizations. */
+__extern_inline int
+thrd_equal (thrd_t __thread1, thrd_t __thread2)
+ return __thread1 == __thread2;
+/* Mutex functions. */
+/* Creates a new mutex object with type __TYPE. If successful the new
+ object is pointed by __MUTEX. */
+extern int mtx_init (mtx_t *__mutex, int __type);
+/* Block the current thread until the mutex pointed to by __MUTEX is
+ unlocked. In that case current thread will not be blocked. */
+extern int mtx_lock (mtx_t *__mutex);
+/* Block the current thread until the mutex pointed by __MUTEX is unlocked
+ or time pointed by __TIME_POINT is reached. In case the mutex is unlock,
+ the current thread will not be blocked. */
+extern int mtx_timedlock (mtx_t *__restrict __mutex,
+ const struct timespec *__restrict __time_point);
+/* Try to lock the mutex pointed by __MUTEX without blocking. If the mutex
+ is free the current threads takes control of it, otherwise it returns
+ immediately. */
+extern int mtx_trylock (mtx_t *__mutex);
+/* Unlock the mutex pointed by __MUTEX. It may potentially awake other
+ threads waiting on this mutex. */
+extern int mtx_unlock (mtx_t *__mutex);
+/* Destroy the mutex object pointed by __MUTEX. */
+extern void mtx_destroy (mtx_t *__mutex);
+/* Call function __FUNC exactly once, even if invoked from several threads.
+ All calls must be made with the same __FLAGS object. */
+extern void call_once (once_flag *__flag, void (*__func)(void));
+/* Condition variable functions. */
+/* Initialize new condition variable pointed by __COND. */
+extern int cnd_init (cnd_t *__cond);
+/* Unblock one thread that currently waits on condition variable pointed
+ by __COND. */
+extern int cnd_signal (cnd_t *__cond);
+/* Unblock all threads currently waiting on condition variable pointed by
+ __COND. */
+extern int cnd_broadcast (cnd_t *__cond);
+/* Block current thread on the condition variable pointed by __COND. */
+extern int cnd_wait (cnd_t *__cond, mtx_t *__mutex);
+/* Block current thread on the condition variable until condition variable
+ pointed by __COND is signaled or time pointed by __TIME_POINT is
+ reached. */
+extern int cnd_timedwait (cnd_t *__restrict __cond,
+ mtx_t *__restrict __mutex,
+ const struct timespec *__restrict __time_point);
+/* Destroy condition variable pointed by __cond and free all of its
+ resources. */
+extern void cnd_destroy (cnd_t *__COND);
+/* Thread specific storage functions. */
+/* Create new thread-specific storage key and stores it in the object pointed
+ by __TSS_ID. If __DESTRUCTOR is not NULL, the function will be called when
+ the thread terminates. */
+extern int tss_create (tss_t *__tss_id, tss_dtor_t __destructor);
+/* Return the value held in thread-specific storage for the current thread
+ identified by __TSS_ID. */
+extern void *tss_get (tss_t __tss_id);
+/* Sets the value of the thread-specific storage identified by __TSS_ID for
+ the current thread to __VAL. */
+extern int tss_set (tss_t __tss_id, void *__val);
+/* Destroys the thread-specific storage identified by __TSS_ID. The
+ destructor is not called until thrd_exit is called. */
+extern void tss_delete (tss_t __tss_id);
+#endif /* _THREADS_H */