path: root/lib/tasks/sidekiq.rake
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Move from script to bin directory.Marin Jankovski2014-05-271-4/+4
* Invoke Kernel#system with separate argumentsJacob Vosmaer2014-03-031-4/+4
* Restore sidekiq rake tasksJacob Vosmaer2013-10-251-2/+4
* Move unicorn and sidekiq commands into bash scriptJacob Vosmaer2013-10-151-20/+7
* Use built-in sidekiq deamonizationJacob Vosmaer2013-10-091-1/+1
* Remove duplicate log path generationJacob Vosmaer2013-10-091-2/+6
* Always shut down sidekiq before startingJacob Vosmaer2013-10-091-1/+9
* use system call to start sidekiqDmitriy Zaporozhets2013-02-271-5/+5
* Update lib/tasks/sidekiq.rakeMichael Lee2013-02-121-1/+6
* No gitolite in project any moreDmitriy Zaporozhets2013-02-111-1/+1
* Do gitolite calls async. Remove satellite with project removeDmitriy Zaporozhets2013-01-281-1/+1
* Updates project to process web hooks async via sidekiq.Ryan LaNeve2013-01-251-1/+1
* Fix sidekiq task to use RailsRiyad Preukschas2013-01-101-10/+2
* email via sidekiq. start and stop rake tasksDmitriy Zaporozhets2013-01-091-0/+23