Koding: #index: landing page for Koding integration
If enabled it will provide a link to open remote Koding instance url
for now we are also providing the sneak preview video for how
integration works in detail.
Repository: check whether .koding.yml file exists on repository
Projects: landing page: show Run in IDE (Koding) button if repo has stack file
Projects: MR: show Run in IDE Koding button if repo has stack file on active branch
ProjectHelpers: add_koding_stack: stack generator for provided project
With this helper we will auto-generate the required stack template
for a given project. For the feature we can request this base template
from the running Koding instance on integration.
Currently this will provide users to create a t2.nano instance on aws
and it'll automatically configures the instance for basic requirements.
Projects: empty state and landing page provide shortcuts to create stack
projects_helper: use branch on checkout and provide an entry point
This ${var.koding_queryString_branch} will be replaced with the branch
provided in query string which will allow us to use same stack template
for different branches of the same repository.
ref: https://github.com/koding/koding/pull/8597/commits/b8c0e43c4c24bf132670aa8a3cfb0d634acfd09b
projects_helper: provide sha info in query string to use existing vms
With this change we'll be able to query existing vms on Koding side
based on the commit id that they've created.
ref: https://github.com/koding/koding/pull/8597/commits/1d630fadf31963fa6ccd3bed92e526761a30a343
Integration: Docs: Koding documentation added
Disable /koding route if integration is disabled
Use application settings to enable Koding
Projects_helper: better indentation with strip_heredoc usage
Projects_helper: return koding_url as is if there is no project provided
current_settings: set koding_enabled: false by default
Koding_Controller: to render not_found once integration is disabled
Dashboard_specs: update spec for Koding enabled case
Projects_Helper: make repo dynamic
ref: https://github.com/koding/koding/pull/8597/commits/4d615242f45aaea4c4986be84ecc612b0bb1514c
Updated documentation to have right format