path: root/doc/release/
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diff --git a/doc/release/ b/doc/release/
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index 907c19e65a0..00000000000
--- a/doc/release/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-# Monthly Release
-NOTE: This is a guide used by the GitLab the company to release GitLab.
-As an end user you do not need to use this guide.
-The process starts 7 working days before the release.
-The release manager doesn't have to perform all the work but must ensure someone is assigned.
-The current release manager must schedule the appointment of the next release manager.
-The new release manager should create overall issue to track the progress.
-The release manager should be the only person pushing/merging commits to the x-y-stable branches.
-## Release Manager
-A release manager is selected that coordinates all releases the coming month,
-including the patch releases for previous releases.
-The release manager has to make sure all the steps below are done and delegated where necessary.
-This person should also make sure this document is kept up to date and issues are created and updated.
-## Take vacations into account
-The time is measured in weekdays to compensate for weekends.
-Do everything on time to prevent problems due to rush jobs or too little testing time.
-Make sure that you take into account any vacations of maintainers.
-If the release is falling behind immediately warn the team.
-## Create an overall issue and follow it
-Create an issue in the GitLab CE project. Name it "Release x.x" and tag it with
-the `release` label for easier searching. Replace the dates with actual dates
-based on the number of workdays before the release. All steps from issue
-template are explained below:
-### Xth: (7 working days before the 22nd)
-- [ ] Triage the [Omnibus milestone]
-### Xth: (6 working days before the 22nd)
-- [ ] Determine QA person and notify this person
-- [ ] Check the tasks in [how to rc1 guide]( and delegate tasks if necessary
-- [ ] Merge CE `master` into EE `master` via merge request (#LINK)
-- [ ] Create CE and EE RC1 versions (#LINK)
-- [ ] Build RC1 packages
-### Xth: (5 working days before the 22nd)
-- [ ] Do QA and fix anything coming out of it (#LINK)
-- [ ] Close the [Omnibus milestone]
-- [ ] Prepare the [blog post]
-### Xth: (4 working days before the 22nd)
-- [ ] Update with RC1
-- [ ] Create the regression issue in the CE issue tracker:
- ```
- This is a meta issue to index possible regressions in this monthly release
- and any patch versions.
- Please do not raise or discuss issues directly in this issue but link to
- issues that might warrant a patch release. If there is a Merge Request
- that fixes the issue, please link to that as well.
- Please only post one regression issue and/or merge request per comment.
- Comments will be updated by the release manager as they are addressed.
- ```
-- [ ] Tweet about RC1 release:
- ```
- GitLab x.y.0.rc1 is available:
- Use at your own risk. Please link regressions issues from
- ```
-### Xth: (3 working days before the 22nd)
-- [ ] Merge `x-y-stable` into `x-y-stable-ee`
-- [ ] Check that everyone is mentioned on the [blog post] using `@all`
-### Xth: (2 working days before the 22nd)
-- [ ] Check that MVP is added to the [MVP page]
-### Xth: (1 working day before the 22nd)
-- [ ] Merge `x-y-stable` into `x-y-stable-ee`
-- [ ] Create CE and EE release candidates
-- [ ] Create Omnibus tags and build packages for the latest release candidates
-- [ ] Update with the latest RC
-### 22nd before 1200 CET:
-Release before 1200 CET / 2AM PST, to make sure the majority of our users
-get the new version on the 22nd and there is sufficient time in the European
-workday to quickly fix any issues.
-- [ ] Merge `x-y-stable` into `x-y-stable-ee`
-- [ ] Create the 'x.y.0' tag with the [release tools](
-- [ ] Create the 'x.y.0' version on
-- [ ] Try to do before 1100 CET: Create and push Omnibus tags for x.y.0 (will auto-release the packages)
-- [ ] Try to do before 1200 CET: Publish the release [blog post]
-- [ ] Tweet about the release
-- [ ] Schedule a second Tweet of the release announcement with the same text at 1800 CET / 8AM PST
-[Omnibus milestone]: LINK_TO_OMNIBUS_MILESTONE
-[blog post]: LINK_TO_WIP_BLOG_POST
-[MVP page]:
-- - -
-## Update changelog
-Any changes not yet added to the changelog are added by lead developer and in that merge request the complete team is
-asked if there is anything missing.
-There are three changelogs that need to be updated: CE, EE and CI.
-## Create RC1 (CE, EE, CI)
-[Follow this How-to guide]( to create RC1.
-## Prepare CHANGELOG for next release
-Once the stable branches have been created, update the CHANGELOG in `master` with the upcoming version, usually X.X.X.pre.
-On creating the stable branches, notify the core team and developers.
-## QA
-Create issue on `gitlab` repository, named "GitLab X.X QA" in order to keep track of the progress.
-Use the omnibus packages created for RC1 of Enterprise Edition using [this guide](
-**NOTE** Upgrader can only be tested when tags are pushed to all repositories. Do not forget to confirm it is working before releasing. Note that in the issue.
-#### Fix anything coming out of the QA
-Create an issue with description of a problem, if it is quick fix fix it yourself otherwise contact the team for advice.
-**NOTE** If there is a problem that cannot be fixed in a timely manner, reverting the feature is an option! If the feature is reverted,
-create an issue about it in order to discuss the next steps after the release.
-## Update with RC1
-Use the omnibus EE packages created for RC1.
-If there are big database migrations consider testing them with the production db on a VM.
-Try to deploy in the morning.
-It is important to do this as soon as possible, so we can catch any errors before we release the full version.
-## Create a regressions issue
-On [the GitLab CE issue tracker on]( create an issue titled "GitLab X.X regressions" add the following text:
-This is a meta issue to discuss possible regressions in this monthly release and any patch versions.
-Please do not raise issues directly in this issue but link to issues that might warrant a patch release.
-The decision to create a patch release or not is with the release manager who is assigned to this issue.
-The release manager will comment here about the plans for patch releases.
-Assign the issue to the release manager and at mention all members of GitLab core team. If there are any known bugs in the release add them immediately.
-## Tweet about RC1
-Tweet about the RC release:
-> GitLab x.x.0.rc1 is out. This release candidate is only suitable for testing. Please link regressions issues from LINK_TO_REGRESSION_ISSUE
-## Prepare the blog post
-1. The blog post template for this release should already exist and might have comments that were added during the month.
-1. Fill out as much of the blog post template as you can.
-1. Make sure the blog post contains information about the GitLab CI release.
-1. Check the changelog of CE and EE for important changes.
-1. Also check the CI changelog
-1. Add a proposed tweet text to the blog post WIP MR description.
-1. Create a WIP MR for the blog post
-1. Make sure merge request title starts with `WIP` so it can not be accidentally merged until ready.
-1. Ask Dmitriy (or a team member with OS X) to add screenshots to the WIP MR.
-1. Decide with core team who will be the MVP user.
-1. Create WIP MR for adding MVP to MVP page on website
-1. Add a note if there are security fixes: This release fixes an important security issue and we advise everyone to upgrade as soon as possible.
-1. Create a merge request on [](
-1. Assign to one reviewer who will fix spelling issues by editing the branch (either with a git client or by using the online editor)
-1. Comment to the reviewer: '@person Please mention the whole team as soon as you are done (3 workdays before release at the latest)'
-1. Create a new merge request with complete copy of the [release blog template]( for the next release using the branch name `release-x-x-x`.
-## Create CE, EE, CI stable versions
-Get release tools
-git clone
-cd release-tools
-Bump version, create release tag and push to remotes:
-bundle exec rake release["x.x.0"]
-This will create correct version and tag and push to all CE, EE and CI remotes.
-Update [](/doc/install/ to the newest version in master.
-## Create Omnibus tags and build packages
-Follow the [release doc in the Omnibus repository](
-This can happen before tagging because Omnibus uses tags in its own repo and SHA1's to refer to the GitLab codebase.
-## Update with the stable version
-- Deploy the package (should not need downtime because of the small difference with RC1)
-- Deploy the package for
-## Release CE, EE and CI
-__1. Publish packages for new release__
-Update `downloads/index.html` and `downloads/archive/index.html` in `www-gitlab-com` repository.
-__2. Publish blog for new release__
-Doublecheck the everyone has been mentioned in the blog post.
-Merge the [blog merge request](#1-prepare-the-blog-post) in `www-gitlab-com` repository.
-__3. Tweet to blog__
-Send out a tweet to share the good news with the world.
-List the most important features and link to the blog post.
-Proposed tweet "Release of GitLab X.X & CI Y.Y! FEATURE, FEATURE and FEATURE <link-to-blog-post> #gitlab"
-Consider creating a post on Hacker News.
-## Release new AMIs
-[Follow this guide](
-## Create a WIP blogpost for the next release
-Create a WIP blogpost using [release blog template](