path: root/app/views/profiles
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Diffstat (limited to 'app/views/profiles')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/app/views/profiles/personal_access_tokens/index.html.haml b/app/views/profiles/personal_access_tokens/index.html.haml
index 7b5121ed550..0645ecad496 100644
--- a/app/views/profiles/personal_access_tokens/index.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/profiles/personal_access_tokens/index.html.haml
@@ -24,66 +24,9 @@
- %h5.prepend-top-0
- Add a Personal Access Token
- %p.profile-settings-content
- Pick a name for the application, and we'll give you a unique token.
- = render "shared/personal_access_tokens_form", path: profile_personal_access_tokens_path, personal_access_token: @personal_access_token, scopes: @scopes
- %hr
- %h5 Active Personal Access Tokens (#{@active_personal_access_tokens.length})
- - if @active_personal_access_tokens.present?
- .table-responsive
- %thead
- %tr
- %th Name
- %th Created
- %th Expires
- %th Scopes
- %th
- %tbody
- - @active_personal_access_tokens.each do |token|
- %tr
- %td=
- %td= token.created_at.to_date.to_s(:medium)
- %td
- - if token.expires?
- %span{ class: ('text-warning' if token.expires_soon?) }
- In #{distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(token.expires_at)}
- - else
- %span.personal-access-tokens-never-expires-label Never
- %td= token.scopes.present? ? token.scopes.join(", ") : "<no scopes selected>"
- %td= link_to "Revoke", revoke_profile_personal_access_token_path(token), method: :put, class: "btn btn-danger pull-right", data: { confirm: "Are you sure you want to revoke this token? This action cannot be undone." }
- - else
- .settings-message.text-center
- You don't have any active tokens yet.
- %hr
- %h5 Inactive Personal Access Tokens (#{@inactive_personal_access_tokens.length})
- - if @inactive_personal_access_tokens.present?
- .table-responsive
- %table.table.inactive-personal-access-tokens
- %thead
- %tr
- %th Name
- %th Created
- %tbody
- - @inactive_personal_access_tokens.each do |token|
- %tr
- %td=
- %td= token.created_at.to_date.to_s(:medium)
- - else
- .settings-message.text-center
- There are no inactive tokens.
+ = render "shared/personal_access_tokens_form", path: profile_personal_access_tokens_path, impersonation: false, token: @personal_access_token, scopes: @scopes
+ = render "shared/personal_access_tokens_table", impersonation: false, active_tokens: @active_personal_access_tokens, inactive_tokens: @inactive_personal_access_tokens
$("#created-personal-access-token").click(function() {