path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 89e505709a3..12fb34b24be 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ _This notice should stay as the first item in the CONTRIBUTING.MD file._
- [Issue tracker guidelines](#issue-tracker-guidelines)
- [Issue weight](#issue-weight)
- [Regression issues](#regression-issues)
- - [Technical debt](#technical-debt)
+ - [Technical and UX debt](#technical-and-ux-debt)
- [Stewardship](#stewardship)
- [Merge requests](#merge-requests)
- [Merge request guidelines](#merge-request-guidelines)
@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ scheduling into milestones. Labelling is a task for everyone.
Most issues will have labels for at least one of the following:
- Type: ~"feature proposal", ~bug, ~customer, etc.
-- Subject: ~wiki, ~"container registry", ~ldap, ~api, etc.
-- Team: ~CI, ~Discussion, ~Edge, ~Frontend, ~Platform, etc.
+- Subject: ~wiki, ~"container registry", ~ldap, ~api, ~frontend, etc.
+- Team: ~CI, ~Discussion, ~Edge, ~Platform, etc.
- Priority: ~Deliverable, ~Stretch
All labels, their meaning and priority are defined on the
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ For feature proposals for EE, open an issue on the
In order to help track the feature proposals, we have created a
[`feature proposal`][fpl] label. For the time being, users that are not members
of the project cannot add labels. You can instead ask one of the [core team]
-members to add the label `feature proposal` to the issue or add the following
+members to add the label ~"feature proposal" to the issue or add the following
code snippet right after your description in a new line: `~"feature proposal"`.
Please keep feature proposals as small and simple as possible, complex ones
@@ -344,27 +344,29 @@ addressed.
[8.3 Regressions]:
[update the notes]:
-### Technical debt
+### Technical and UX debt
-In order to track things that can be improved in GitLab's codebase, we created
-the ~"technical debt" label in [GitLab's issue tracker][ce-tracker].
+In order to track things that can be improved in GitLab's codebase,
+we use the ~"technical debt" label in [GitLab's issue tracker][ce-tracker].
+For user experience improvements, we use the ~"UX debt" label.
-This label should be added to issues that describe things that can be improved,
-shortcuts that have been taken, code that needs refactoring, features that need
-additional attention, and all other things that have been left behind due to
-high velocity of development.
+These labels should be added to issues that describe things that can be improved,
+shortcuts that have been taken, features that need additional attention, and all
+other things that have been left behind due to high velocity of development.
+For example, code that needs refactoring should use the ~"technical debt" label,
+user experience refinements should use the ~"UX debt" label.
Everyone can create an issue, though you may need to ask for adding a specific
label, if you do not have permissions to do it by yourself. Additional labels
-can be combined with the `technical debt` label, to make it easier to schedule
+can be combined with these labels, to make it easier to schedule
the improvements for a release.
-Issues tagged with the `technical debt` label have the same priority like issues
+Issues tagged with these labels have the same priority like issues
that describe a new feature to be introduced in GitLab, and should be scheduled
for a release by the appropriate person.
-Make sure to mention the merge request that the `technical debt` issue is
-associated with in the description of the issue.
+Make sure to mention the merge request that the ~"technical debt" issue or
+~"UX debt" issue is associated with in the description of the issue.
### Stewardship