path: root/spec/features/projects
diff options
authorPhil Hughes <>2016-08-03 09:08:24 +0100
committerPhil Hughes <>2016-08-03 09:08:24 +0100
commita45071d0ea18d9bb8a5209ef97e4858dda08cd33 (patch)
treed9f8e538c5c0e6ef2e25acf2520f31a419b34ec8 /spec/features/projects
parente5b64f20c730bd6e18af694b2c1503020ba1db51 (diff)
parente63729d9e70a661fb3fb8cb558716f6a44a52798 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into ref-switcher-enter-submit
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/features/projects')
8 files changed, 303 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/spec/features/projects/badges/list_spec.rb b/spec/features/projects/badges/list_spec.rb
index 01e90618a98..75166bca119 100644
--- a/spec/features/projects/badges/list_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/features/projects/badges/list_spec.rb
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ feature 'list of badges' do
project = create(:project) << [user, :master]
- visit namespace_project_badges_path(project.namespace, project)
+ visit namespace_project_pipelines_settings_path(project.namespace, project)
scenario 'user displays list of badges' do
diff --git a/spec/features/projects/branches_spec.rb b/spec/features/projects/branches_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..79abba21854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/features/projects/branches_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe 'Branches', feature: true do
+ let(:project) { create(:project) }
+ let(:repository) { project.repository }
+ before do
+ login_as :user
+ << [@user, :developer]
+ end
+ describe 'Initial branches page' do
+ it 'shows all the branches' do
+ visit namespace_project_branches_path(project.namespace, project)
+ repository.branches { |branch| expect(page).to have_content("#{}") }
+ expect(page).to have_content("Protected branches can be managed in project settings")
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'Find branches' do
+ it 'shows filtered branches', js: true do
+ visit namespace_project_branches_path(project.namespace, project,
+ fill_in 'branch-search', with: 'fix'
+ find('#branch-search').native.send_keys(:enter)
+ expect(page).to have_content('fix')
+ expect(find('.all-branches')).to have_selector('li', count: 1)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/features/projects/import_export/import_file_spec.rb b/spec/features/projects/import_export/import_file_spec.rb
index bc3bf53fe9d..7835e1678ad 100644
--- a/spec/features/projects/import_export/import_file_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/features/projects/import_export/import_file_spec.rb
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ feature 'project import', feature: true, js: true do
let(:file) { File.join(Rails.root, 'spec', 'features', 'projects', 'import_export', 'test_project_export.tar.gz') }
let(:export_path) { "#{Dir::tmpdir}/import_file_spec" }
let(:project) { Project.last }
+ let(:project_hook) {'post-receive', project.repository.path) }
background do
allow_any_instance_of(Gitlab::ImportExport).to receive(:storage_path).and_return(export_path)
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ feature 'project import', feature: true, js: true do
expect(project).not_to be_nil
expect(project.issues).not_to be_empty
expect(project.merge_requests).not_to be_empty
- expect(project.repo_exists?).to be true
+ expect(project_hook).to exist
expect(wiki_exists?).to be true
expect(project.import_status).to eq('finished')
@@ -59,6 +60,21 @@ feature 'project import', feature: true, js: true do
+ scenario 'project with no name' do
+ create(:project, namespace_id: 2)
+ visit new_project_path
+ select2('2', from: '#project_namespace_id')
+ # click on disabled element
+ find(:link, 'GitLab export').trigger('click')
+ page.within('.flash-container') do
+ expect(page).to have_content('Please enter path and name')
+ end
+ end
def wiki_exists?
wiki =
File.exist?(wiki.repository.path_to_repo) && !wiki.repository.empty?
diff --git a/spec/features/projects/members/user_requests_access_spec.rb b/spec/features/projects/members/user_requests_access_spec.rb
index f2fe3ef364d..56ede8eb5be 100644
--- a/spec/features/projects/members/user_requests_access_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/features/projects/members/user_requests_access_spec.rb
@@ -11,6 +11,13 @@ feature 'Projects > Members > User requests access', feature: true do
visit namespace_project_path(project.namespace, project)
+ scenario 'request access feature is disabled' do
+ project.update_attributes(request_access_enabled: false)
+ visit namespace_project_path(project.namespace, project)
+ expect(page).not_to have_content 'Request Access'
+ end
scenario 'user can request access to a project' do
perform_enqueued_jobs { click_link 'Request Access' }
diff --git a/spec/features/projects/project_settings_spec.rb b/spec/features/projects/project_settings_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3de25d7af7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/features/projects/project_settings_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe 'Edit Project Settings', feature: true do
+ let(:user) { create(:user) }
+ let(:project) { create(:empty_project, path: 'gitlab', name: 'sample') }
+ before do
+ login_as(user)
+ << [user, :master]
+ end
+ describe 'Project settings', js: true do
+ it 'shows errors for invalid project name' do
+ visit edit_namespace_project_path(project.namespace, project)
+ fill_in 'project_name_edit', with: 'foo&bar'
+ click_button 'Save changes'
+ expect(page).to have_field 'project_name_edit', with: 'foo&bar'
+ expect(page).to have_content "Name can contain only letters, digits, '_', '.', dash and space. It must start with letter, digit or '_'."
+ expect(page).to have_button 'Save changes'
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'Rename repository' do
+ it 'shows errors for invalid project path/name' do
+ visit edit_namespace_project_path(project.namespace, project)
+ fill_in 'Project name', with: 'foo&bar'
+ fill_in 'Path', with: 'foo&bar'
+ click_button 'Rename project'
+ expect(page).to have_field 'Project name', with: 'foo&bar'
+ expect(page).to have_field 'Path', with: 'foo&bar'
+ expect(page).to have_content "Name can contain only letters, digits, '_', '.', dash and space. It must start with letter, digit or '_'."
+ expect(page).to have_content "Path can contain only letters, digits, '_', '-' and '.'. Cannot start with '-', end in '.git' or end in '.atom'"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/features/projects/slack_service/slack_service_spec.rb b/spec/features/projects/slack_service/slack_service_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..16541f51d98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/features/projects/slack_service/slack_service_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+feature 'Projects > Slack service > Setup events', feature: true do
+ let(:user) { create(:user) }
+ let(:service) { }
+ let(:project) { create(:project, slack_service: service) }
+ background do
+ service.fields
+ service.update_attributes(push_channel: 1, issue_channel: 2, merge_request_channel: 3, note_channel: 4, tag_push_channel: 5, build_channel: 6, wiki_page_channel: 7)
+ << [user, :master]
+ login_as(user)
+ end
+ scenario 'user can filter events by channel' do
+ visit edit_namespace_project_service_path(project.namespace, project, service)
+ expect(page.find_field("service_push_channel").value).to have_content '1'
+ expect(page.find_field("service_issue_channel").value).to have_content '2'
+ expect(page.find_field("service_merge_request_channel").value).to have_content '3'
+ expect(page.find_field("service_note_channel").value).to have_content '4'
+ expect(page.find_field("service_tag_push_channel").value).to have_content '5'
+ expect(page.find_field("service_build_channel").value).to have_content '6'
+ expect(page.find_field("service_wiki_page_channel").value).to have_content '7'
+ end
diff --git a/spec/features/projects/wiki/markdown_preview_spec.rb b/spec/features/projects/wiki/markdown_preview_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a1c386ddc18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/features/projects/wiki/markdown_preview_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+feature 'Projects > Wiki > User previews markdown changes', feature: true, js: true do
+ let(:user) { create(:user) }
+ let(:project) { create(:project, namespace: user.namespace) }
+ let(:wiki_content) do
+[regular link](regular)
+[relative link 1](../relative)
+[relative link 2](./relative)
+[relative link 3](./e/f/relative)
+ end
+ background do
+ << [user, :master]
+ login_as(user)
+ visit namespace_project_path(project.namespace, project)
+ click_link 'Wiki'
+, user, title: 'home', content: 'Home page').execute
+ end
+ context "while creating a new wiki page" do
+ context "when there are no spaces or hyphens in the page name" do
+ it "rewrites relative links as expected" do
+ click_link 'New Page'
+ fill_in :new_wiki_path, with: 'a/b/c/d'
+ click_button 'Create Page'
+ fill_in :wiki_content, with: wiki_content
+ click_on "Preview"
+ expect(page).to have_content("regular link")
+ expect(page.html).to include("<a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/wikis/regular\">regular link</a>")
+ expect(page.html).to include("<a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/wikis/a/b/relative\">relative link 1</a>")
+ expect(page.html).to include("<a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/wikis/a/b/c/relative\">relative link 2</a>")
+ expect(page.html).to include("<a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/wikis/a/b/c/e/f/relative\">relative link 3</a>")
+ end
+ end
+ context "when there are spaces in the page name" do
+ it "rewrites relative links as expected" do
+ click_link 'New Page'
+ fill_in :new_wiki_path, with: 'a page/b page/c page/d page'
+ click_button 'Create Page'
+ fill_in :wiki_content, with: wiki_content
+ click_on "Preview"
+ expect(page).to have_content("regular link")
+ expect(page.html).to include("<a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/wikis/regular\">regular link</a>")
+ expect(page.html).to include("<a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/wikis/a-page/b-page/relative\">relative link 1</a>")
+ expect(page.html).to include("<a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/wikis/a-page/b-page/c-page/relative\">relative link 2</a>")
+ expect(page.html).to include("<a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/wikis/a-page/b-page/c-page/e/f/relative\">relative link 3</a>")
+ end
+ end
+ context "when there are hyphens in the page name" do
+ it "rewrites relative links as expected" do
+ click_link 'New Page'
+ fill_in :new_wiki_path, with: 'a-page/b-page/c-page/d-page'
+ click_button 'Create Page'
+ fill_in :wiki_content, with: wiki_content
+ click_on "Preview"
+ expect(page).to have_content("regular link")
+ expect(page.html).to include("<a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/wikis/regular\">regular link</a>")
+ expect(page.html).to include("<a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/wikis/a-page/b-page/relative\">relative link 1</a>")
+ expect(page.html).to include("<a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/wikis/a-page/b-page/c-page/relative\">relative link 2</a>")
+ expect(page.html).to include("<a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/wikis/a-page/b-page/c-page/e/f/relative\">relative link 3</a>")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "while editing a wiki page" do
+ def create_wiki_page(path)
+ click_link 'New Page'
+ fill_in :new_wiki_path, with: path
+ click_button 'Create Page'
+ fill_in :wiki_content, with: 'content'
+ click_on "Create page"
+ end
+ context "when there are no spaces or hyphens in the page name" do
+ it "rewrites relative links as expected" do
+ create_wiki_page 'a/b/c/d'
+ click_link 'Edit'
+ fill_in :wiki_content, with: wiki_content
+ click_on "Preview"
+ expect(page).to have_content("regular link")
+ expect(page.html).to include("<a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/wikis/regular\">regular link</a>")
+ expect(page.html).to include("<a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/wikis/a/b/relative\">relative link 1</a>")
+ expect(page.html).to include("<a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/wikis/a/b/c/relative\">relative link 2</a>")
+ expect(page.html).to include("<a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/wikis/a/b/c/e/f/relative\">relative link 3</a>")
+ end
+ end
+ context "when there are spaces in the page name" do
+ it "rewrites relative links as expected" do
+ create_wiki_page 'a page/b page/c page/d page'
+ click_link 'Edit'
+ fill_in :wiki_content, with: wiki_content
+ click_on "Preview"
+ expect(page).to have_content("regular link")
+ expect(page.html).to include("<a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/wikis/regular\">regular link</a>")
+ expect(page.html).to include("<a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/wikis/a-page/b-page/relative\">relative link 1</a>")
+ expect(page.html).to include("<a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/wikis/a-page/b-page/c-page/relative\">relative link 2</a>")
+ expect(page.html).to include("<a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/wikis/a-page/b-page/c-page/e/f/relative\">relative link 3</a>")
+ end
+ end
+ context "when there are hyphens in the page name" do
+ it "rewrites relative links as expected" do
+ create_wiki_page 'a-page/b-page/c-page/d-page'
+ click_link 'Edit'
+ fill_in :wiki_content, with: wiki_content
+ click_on "Preview"
+ expect(page).to have_content("regular link")
+ expect(page.html).to include("<a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/wikis/regular\">regular link</a>")
+ expect(page.html).to include("<a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/wikis/a-page/b-page/relative\">relative link 1</a>")
+ expect(page.html).to include("<a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/wikis/a-page/b-page/c-page/relative\">relative link 2</a>")
+ expect(page.html).to include("<a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/wikis/a-page/b-page/c-page/e/f/relative\">relative link 3</a>")
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/features/projects/wiki/user_creates_wiki_page_spec.rb b/spec/features/projects/wiki/user_creates_wiki_page_spec.rb
index 7e6eef65873..7afd83b7250 100644
--- a/spec/features/projects/wiki/user_creates_wiki_page_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/features/projects/wiki/user_creates_wiki_page_spec.rb
@@ -30,18 +30,48 @@ feature 'Projects > Wiki > User creates wiki page', feature: true do, user, title: 'home', content: 'Home page').execute
- scenario 'via the "new wiki page" page', js: true do
- click_link 'New Page'
+ context 'via the "new wiki page" page' do
+ scenario 'when the wiki page has a single word name', js: true do
+ click_link 'New Page'
- fill_in :new_wiki_path, with: 'foo'
- click_button 'Create Page'
+ fill_in :new_wiki_path, with: 'foo'
+ click_button 'Create Page'
- fill_in :wiki_content, with: 'My awesome wiki!'
- click_button 'Create page'
+ fill_in :wiki_content, with: 'My awesome wiki!'
+ click_button 'Create page'
- expect(page).to have_content('Foo')
- expect(page).to have_content("last edited by #{}")
- expect(page).to have_content('My awesome wiki!')
+ expect(page).to have_content('Foo')
+ expect(page).to have_content("last edited by #{}")
+ expect(page).to have_content('My awesome wiki!')
+ end
+ scenario 'when the wiki page has spaces in the name', js: true do
+ click_link 'New Page'
+ fill_in :new_wiki_path, with: 'Spaces in the name'
+ click_button 'Create Page'
+ fill_in :wiki_content, with: 'My awesome wiki!'
+ click_button 'Create page'
+ expect(page).to have_content('Spaces in the name')
+ expect(page).to have_content("last edited by #{}")
+ expect(page).to have_content('My awesome wiki!')
+ end
+ scenario 'when the wiki page has hyphens in the name', js: true do
+ click_link 'New Page'
+ fill_in :new_wiki_path, with: 'hyphens-in-the-name'
+ click_button 'Create Page'
+ fill_in :wiki_content, with: 'My awesome wiki!'
+ click_button 'Create page'
+ expect(page).to have_content('Hyphens in the name')
+ expect(page).to have_content("last edited by #{}")
+ expect(page).to have_content('My awesome wiki!')
+ end