path: root/scripts/review_apps/
diff options
authorRémy Coutable <>2018-09-25 16:32:53 +0200
committerRémy Coutable <>2018-09-25 16:41:27 +0200
commit3299680cdd084746f85bcb662523ed6bfe2030f2 (patch)
tree97fe04bd6ed9f792dcebc2a28223b1c9f57c4aca /scripts/review_apps/
parentcb0f024cd4c4aa51c7824e4e1a6c4d0f307afad1 (diff)
[CE] Port review apps file to CEce-improve-review-apps
Signed-off-by: Rémy Coutable <>
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/review_apps/')
1 files changed, 184 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/review_apps/ b/scripts/review_apps/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..78293464265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/review_apps/
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+[[ "$TRACE" ]] && set -x
+function check_kube_domain() {
+ if [ -z ${REVIEW_APPS_DOMAIN+x} ]; then
+ echo "In order to deploy or use Review Apps, REVIEW_APPS_DOMAIN variable must be set"
+ echo "You can do it in Auto DevOps project settings or defining a variable at group or project level"
+ echo "You can also manually add it in .gitlab-ci.yml"
+ false
+ else
+ true
+ fi
+function download_gitlab_chart() {
+ curl -o gitlab.tar.bz2$GITLAB_HELM_CHART_REF/gitlab-$GITLAB_HELM_CHART_REF.tar.bz2
+ tar -xjf gitlab.tar.bz2
+ helm init --client-only
+ helm repo add gitlab
+ helm dependency update
+ helm dependency build
+function ensure_namespace() {
+ kubectl describe namespace "$KUBE_NAMESPACE" || kubectl create namespace "$KUBE_NAMESPACE"
+function install_tiller() {
+ echo "Checking Tiller..."
+ helm init --upgrade
+ kubectl rollout status -n "$TILLER_NAMESPACE" -w "deployment/tiller-deploy"
+ if ! helm version --debug; then
+ echo "Failed to init Tiller."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ echo ""
+function create_secret() {
+ echo "Create secret..."
+ kubectl create secret generic -n "$KUBE_NAMESPACE" \
+ $CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG-gitlab-initial-root-password \
+ --from-literal=password=$REVIEW_APPS_ROOT_PASSWORD \
+ --dry-run -o json | kubectl apply -f -
+function previousDeployFailed() {
+ set +e
+ echo "Checking for previous deployment of $CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG"
+ deployment_status=$(helm status $CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG >/dev/null 2>&1)
+ status=$?
+ # if `status` is `0`, deployment exists, has a status
+ if [ $status -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "Previous deployment found, checking status"
+ deployment_status=$(helm status $CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG | grep ^STATUS | cut -d' ' -f2)
+ echo "Previous deployment state: $deployment_status"
+ if [[ "$deployment_status" == "FAILED" || "$deployment_status" == "PENDING_UPGRADE" || "$deployment_status" == "PENDING_INSTALL" ]]; then
+ status=0;
+ else
+ status=1;
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "Previous deployment NOT found."
+ fi
+ set -e
+ return $status
+function deploy() {
+ track="${1-stable}"
+ if [[ "$track" != "stable" ]]; then
+ name="$name-$track"
+ fi
+ replicas="1"
+ service_enabled="false"
+ postgres_enabled="$POSTGRES_ENABLED"
+ gitlab_migrations_image_repository=""
+ gitlab_sidekiq_image_repository=""
+ gitlab_unicorn_image_repository=""
+ gitlab_gitaly_image_repository=""
+ gitlab_shell_image_repository=""
+ gitlab_workhorse_image_repository=""
+ if [[ "$CI_PROJECT_NAME" == "gitlab-ee" ]]; then
+ gitlab_migrations_image_repository=""
+ gitlab_sidekiq_image_repository=""
+ gitlab_unicorn_image_repository=""
+ gitlab_workhorse_image_repository=""
+ fi
+ # canary uses stable db
+ [[ "$track" == "canary" ]] && postgres_enabled="false"
+ env_track=$( echo $track | tr -s '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' )
+ env_slug=$( echo ${CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG//-/_} | tr -s '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' )
+ if [[ "$track" == "stable" ]]; then
+ # for stable track get number of replicas from `PRODUCTION_REPLICAS`
+ eval new_replicas=\$${env_slug}_REPLICAS
+ service_enabled="true"
+ else
+ # for all tracks get number of replicas from `CANARY_PRODUCTION_REPLICAS`
+ eval new_replicas=\$${env_track}_${env_slug}_REPLICAS
+ fi
+ if [[ -n "$new_replicas" ]]; then
+ replicas="$new_replicas"
+ fi
+ # Cleanup and previous installs, as FAILED and PENDING_UPGRADE will cause errors with `upgrade`
+ if [ "$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG" != "production" ] && previousDeployFailed ; then
+ echo "Deployment in bad state, cleaning up $CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG"
+ delete
+ cleanup
+ fi
+ helm repo add gitlab
+ helm dep update .
+HELM_CMD=$(cat << EOF
+ helm upgrade --install \
+ --wait \
+ --timeout 600 \
+ --set releaseOverride="$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG" \
+ --set global.hosts.hostSuffix="$HOST_SUFFIX" \
+ --set global.hosts.domain="$REVIEW_APPS_DOMAIN" \
+ --set certmanager.install=false \
+ --set global.ingress.configureCertmanager=false \
+ --set global.ingress.tls.secretName=tls-cert \
+ --set global.ingress.annotations."external-dns\.alpha\.kubernetes\.io/ttl"="10"
+ --set gitlab.unicorn.resources.requests.cpu=200m \
+ --set gitlab.sidekiq.resources.requests.cpu=100m \
+ --set gitlab.gitlab-shell.resources.requests.cpu=100m \
+ --set redis.resources.requests.cpu=100m \
+ --set minio.resources.requests.cpu=100m \
+ --set gitlab.migrations.image.repository="$gitlab_migrations_image_repository" \
+ --set gitlab.migrations.image.tag="$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" \
+ --set gitlab.sidekiq.image.repository="$gitlab_sidekiq_image_repository" \
+ --set gitlab.sidekiq.image.tag="$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" \
+ --set gitlab.unicorn.image.repository="$gitlab_unicorn_image_repository" \
+ --set gitlab.unicorn.image.tag="$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" \
+ --set gitlab.gitaly.image.repository="" \
+ --set gitlab.gitaly.image.tag="v$GITALY_VERSION" \
+ --set gitlab.gitlab-shell.image.repository="" \
+ --set gitlab.gitlab-shell.image.tag="v$GITLAB_SHELL_VERSION" \
+ --set gitlab.unicorn.workhorse.image="$gitlab_workhorse_image_repository" \
+ --set gitlab.unicorn.workhorse.tag="$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" \
+ --namespace="$KUBE_NAMESPACE" \
+ --version="$CI_PIPELINE_ID-$CI_JOB_ID" \
+ "$name" \
+ .
+ echo "Deploying with:"
+ echo $HELM_CMD
+ eval $HELM_CMD
+function delete() {
+ track="${1-stable}"
+ if [[ "$track" != "stable" ]]; then
+ name="$name-$track"
+ fi
+ echo "Deleting release '$name'..."
+ helm delete --purge "$name" || true
+function cleanup() {
+ echo "Cleaning up $CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG..."
+ kubectl -n "$KUBE_NAMESPACE" get ingress,svc,pdb,hpa,deploy,statefulset,job,pod,secret,configmap,pvc,secret,clusterrole,clusterrolebinding,role,rolebinding,sa 2>&1 \
+ | awk '{print $1}' \
+ | xargs kubectl -n "$KUBE_NAMESPACE" delete \
+ || true