path: root/lib
diff options
authorDmitriy Zaporozhets <>2015-08-11 12:27:38 +0000
committerDmitriy Zaporozhets <>2015-08-11 12:27:38 +0000
commit5daf44b7c86e0e2641a902b1da8b01d91fa3dbfa (patch)
treedbf754ad57c523759284cf5d8af84fd9f096701a /lib
parent2f706fbd231cabe7a76a5d17ac44285aaaf8592c (diff)
parent3a63c00505307a1d1e8196c0eae72a79b2a6885f (diff)
Merge branch 'revert-satellites' into 'master'
Revert satellites Return satellites to master for 7.14 We remove satellites in next release (8.0) See merge request !1136
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
15 files changed, 754 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/lib/api/files.rb b/lib/api/files.rb
index 308c84dd135..83581cd3990 100644
--- a/lib/api/files.rb
+++ b/lib/api/files.rb
@@ -3,26 +3,6 @@ module API
class Files < Grape::API
before { authenticate! }
- helpers do
- def commit_params(attrs)
- {
- file_path: attrs[:file_path],
- current_branch: attrs[:branch_name],
- target_branch: attrs[:branch_name],
- commit_message: attrs[:commit_message],
- file_content: attrs[:content],
- file_content_encoding: attrs[:encoding]
- }
- end
- def commit_response(attrs)
- {
- file_path: attrs[:file_path],
- branch_name: attrs[:branch_name],
- }
- end
- end
resource :projects do
# Get file from repository
# File content is Base64 encoded
@@ -93,11 +73,17 @@ module API
required_attributes! [:file_path, :branch_name, :content, :commit_message]
attrs = attributes_for_keys [:file_path, :branch_name, :content, :commit_message, :encoding]
- result =, current_user, commit_params(attrs)).execute
+ branch_name = attrs.delete(:branch_name)
+ file_path = attrs.delete(:file_path)
+ result =, current_user, attrs, branch_name, file_path).execute
if result[:status] == :success
- commit_response(attrs)
+ {
+ file_path: file_path,
+ branch_name: branch_name
+ }
render_api_error!(result[:message], 400)
@@ -119,11 +105,17 @@ module API
required_attributes! [:file_path, :branch_name, :content, :commit_message]
attrs = attributes_for_keys [:file_path, :branch_name, :content, :commit_message, :encoding]
- result =, current_user, commit_params(attrs)).execute
+ branch_name = attrs.delete(:branch_name)
+ file_path = attrs.delete(:file_path)
+ result =, current_user, attrs, branch_name, file_path).execute
if result[:status] == :success
- commit_response(attrs)
+ {
+ file_path: file_path,
+ branch_name: branch_name
+ }
http_status = result[:http_status] || 400
render_api_error!(result[:message], http_status)
@@ -146,11 +138,17 @@ module API
required_attributes! [:file_path, :branch_name, :commit_message]
attrs = attributes_for_keys [:file_path, :branch_name, :commit_message]
- result =, current_user, commit_params(attrs)).execute
+ branch_name = attrs.delete(:branch_name)
+ file_path = attrs.delete(:file_path)
+ result =, current_user, attrs, branch_name, file_path).execute
if result[:status] == :success
- commit_response(attrs)
+ {
+ file_path: file_path,
+ branch_name: branch_name
+ }
render_api_error!(result[:message], 400)
diff --git a/lib/api/merge_requests.rb b/lib/api/merge_requests.rb
index 7412274b045..ce21c699e8f 100644
--- a/lib/api/merge_requests.rb
+++ b/lib/api/merge_requests.rb
@@ -198,11 +198,7 @@ module API
if && !merge_request.work_in_progress?
if merge_request.can_be_merged?
- commit_message = params[:merge_commit_message] || merge_request.merge_commit_message
-, current_user).
- execute(merge_request, commit_message)
+ merge_request.automerge!(current_user, params[:merge_commit_message] || merge_request.merge_commit_message)
present merge_request, with: Entities::MergeRequest
render_api_error!('Branch cannot be merged', 405)
diff --git a/lib/gitlab.rb b/lib/gitlab.rb
index 6108697bc20..5fc1862c3e9 100644
--- a/lib/gitlab.rb
+++ b/lib/gitlab.rb
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
require 'gitlab/git'
module Gitlab
+ autoload :Satellite, 'gitlab/satellite/satellite'
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/backend/shell.rb b/lib/gitlab/backend/shell.rb
index 14ee4701e7b..172d4902add 100644
--- a/lib/gitlab/backend/shell.rb
+++ b/lib/gitlab/backend/shell.rb
@@ -217,6 +217,20 @@ module Gitlab, full_path(new_name))
+ # Remove GitLab Satellites for provided path (namespace or repo dir)
+ #
+ # Ex.
+ # rm_satellites("gitlab")
+ #
+ # rm_satellites("gitlab/gitlab-ci.git")
+ #
+ def rm_satellites(path)
+ raise"Path can't be blank") if path.blank?
+ satellites_path = File.join(Gitlab.config.satellites.path, path)
+ FileUtils.rm_r(satellites_path, force: true)
+ end
def url_to_repo(path)
Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.ssh_path_prefix + "#{path}.git"
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/satellite/action.rb b/lib/gitlab/satellite/action.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..489070f1a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/satellite/action.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+module Gitlab
+ module Satellite
+ class Action
+ DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { git_timeout: Gitlab.config.satellites.timeout.seconds }
+ attr_accessor :options, :project, :user
+ def initialize(user, project, options = {})
+ @options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(options)
+ @project = project
+ @user = user
+ end
+ protected
+ # * Sets a 30s timeout for Git
+ # * Locks the satellite repo
+ # * Yields the prepared satellite repo
+ def in_locked_and_timed_satellite
+ Gitlab::ShellEnv.set_env(user)
+ Grit::Git.with_timeout(options[:git_timeout]) do
+ project.satellite.lock do
+ return yield project.satellite.repo
+ end
+ end
+ rescue Errno::ENOMEM => ex
+ return handle_exception(ex)
+ rescue Grit::Git::GitTimeout => ex
+ return handle_exception(ex)
+ ensure
+ Gitlab::ShellEnv.reset_env
+ end
+ # * Recreates the satellite
+ # * Sets up Git variables for the user
+ #
+ # Note: use this within #in_locked_and_timed_satellite
+ def prepare_satellite!(repo)
+ project.satellite.clear_and_update!
+ if user
+ repo.config[''] =
+ repo.config[''] =
+ end
+ end
+ def default_options(options = {})
+ { raise: true, timeout: true }.merge(options)
+ end
+ def handle_exception(exception)
+ Gitlab::GitLogger.error(exception.message)
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/satellite/compare_action.rb b/lib/gitlab/satellite/compare_action.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..46c98a8f4ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/satellite/compare_action.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+module Gitlab
+ module Satellite
+ class BranchesWithoutParent < StandardError; end
+ class CompareAction < Action
+ def initialize(user, target_project, target_branch, source_project, source_branch)
+ super user, target_project
+ @target_project, @target_branch = target_project, target_branch
+ @source_project, @source_branch = source_project, source_branch
+ end
+ # Compare 2 repositories and return Gitlab::CompareResult object
+ def result
+ in_locked_and_timed_satellite do |target_repo|
+ prepare_satellite!(target_repo)
+ update_satellite_source_and_target!(target_repo)
+ end
+ rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
+ raise BranchesWithoutParent
+ end
+ private
+ # Assumes a satellite exists that is a fresh clone of the projects repo, prepares satellite for diffs
+ def update_satellite_source_and_target!(target_repo)
+ target_repo.remote_add('source', @source_project.repository.path_to_repo)
+ target_repo.remote_fetch('source')
+ rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
+ handle_exception(ex)
+ end
+ def compare(repo)
+ @compare ||=
+ "origin/#{@target_branch}",
+ "source/#{@source_branch}"
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/satellite/files/delete_file_action.rb b/lib/gitlab/satellite/files/delete_file_action.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0d37b9dea85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/satellite/files/delete_file_action.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+require_relative 'file_action'
+module Gitlab
+ module Satellite
+ class DeleteFileAction < FileAction
+ # Deletes file and creates a new commit for it
+ #
+ # Returns false if committing the change fails
+ # Returns false if pushing from the satellite to bare repo failed or was rejected
+ # Returns true otherwise
+ def commit!(content, commit_message)
+ in_locked_and_timed_satellite do |repo|
+ prepare_satellite!(repo)
+ # create target branch in satellite at the corresponding commit from bare repo
+ repo.git.checkout({ raise: true, timeout: true, b: true }, ref, "origin/#{ref}")
+ # update the file in the satellite's working dir
+ file_path_in_satellite = File.join(repo.working_dir, file_path)
+ # Prevent relative links
+ unless safe_path?(file_path_in_satellite)
+ Gitlab::GitLogger.error("FileAction: Relative path not allowed")
+ return false
+ end
+ File.delete(file_path_in_satellite)
+ # add removed file
+ repo.remove(file_path_in_satellite)
+ # commit the changes
+ # will raise CommandFailed when commit fails
+ repo.git.commit(raise: true, timeout: true, a: true, m: commit_message)
+ # push commit back to bare repo
+ # will raise CommandFailed when push fails
+ repo.git.push({ raise: true, timeout: true }, :origin, ref)
+ # everything worked
+ true
+ end
+ rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
+ Gitlab::GitLogger.error(ex.message)
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/satellite/files/edit_file_action.rb b/lib/gitlab/satellite/files/edit_file_action.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3cb9c0b5ecb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/satellite/files/edit_file_action.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+require_relative 'file_action'
+module Gitlab
+ module Satellite
+ # GitLab server-side file update and commit
+ class EditFileAction < FileAction
+ # Updates the files content and creates a new commit for it
+ #
+ # Returns false if the ref has been updated while editing the file
+ # Returns false if committing the change fails
+ # Returns false if pushing from the satellite to bare repo failed or was rejected
+ # Returns true otherwise
+ def commit!(content, commit_message, encoding, new_branch = nil)
+ in_locked_and_timed_satellite do |repo|
+ prepare_satellite!(repo)
+ # create target branch in satellite at the corresponding commit from bare repo
+ begin
+ repo.git.checkout({ raise: true, timeout: true, b: true }, ref, "origin/#{ref}")
+ rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
+ log_and_raise(CheckoutFailed, ex.message)
+ end
+ # update the file in the satellite's working dir
+ file_path_in_satellite = File.join(repo.working_dir, file_path)
+ # Prevent relative links
+ unless safe_path?(file_path_in_satellite)
+ Gitlab::GitLogger.error("FileAction: Relative path not allowed")
+ return false
+ end
+ # Write file
+ write_file(file_path_in_satellite, content, encoding)
+ # commit the changes
+ # will raise CommandFailed when commit fails
+ begin
+ repo.git.commit(raise: true, timeout: true, a: true, m: commit_message)
+ rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
+ log_and_raise(CommitFailed, ex.message)
+ end
+ target_branch = new_branch.present? ? "#{ref}:#{new_branch}" : ref
+ # push commit back to bare repo
+ # will raise CommandFailed when push fails
+ begin
+ repo.git.push({ raise: true, timeout: true }, :origin, target_branch)
+ rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
+ log_and_raise(PushFailed, ex.message)
+ end
+ # everything worked
+ true
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def log_and_raise(errorClass, message)
+ Gitlab::GitLogger.error(message)
+ raise(errorClass, message)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/satellite/files/file_action.rb b/lib/gitlab/satellite/files/file_action.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6446b14568a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/satellite/files/file_action.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+module Gitlab
+ module Satellite
+ class FileAction < Action
+ attr_accessor :file_path, :ref
+ def initialize(user, project, ref, file_path)
+ super user, project
+ @file_path = file_path
+ @ref = ref
+ end
+ def safe_path?(path)
+ File.absolute_path(path) == path
+ end
+ def write_file(abs_file_path, content, file_encoding = 'text')
+ if file_encoding == 'base64'
+, 'wb') { |f| f.write(Base64.decode64(content)) }
+ else
+, 'w') { |f| f.write(content) }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/satellite/files/new_file_action.rb b/lib/gitlab/satellite/files/new_file_action.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..724dfa0d042
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/satellite/files/new_file_action.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+require_relative 'file_action'
+module Gitlab
+ module Satellite
+ class NewFileAction < FileAction
+ # Updates the files content and creates a new commit for it
+ #
+ # Returns false if the ref has been updated while editing the file
+ # Returns false if committing the change fails
+ # Returns false if pushing from the satellite to bare repo failed or was rejected
+ # Returns true otherwise
+ def commit!(content, commit_message, encoding, new_branch = nil)
+ in_locked_and_timed_satellite do |repo|
+ prepare_satellite!(repo)
+ # create target branch in satellite at the corresponding commit from bare repo
+ current_ref =
+ if @project.empty_repo?
+ # skip this step if we want to add first file to empty repo
+ else
+ repo.git.checkout({ raise: true, timeout: true, b: true }, ref, "origin/#{ref}")
+ ref
+ end
+ file_path_in_satellite = File.join(repo.working_dir, file_path)
+ dir_name_in_satellite = File.dirname(file_path_in_satellite)
+ # Prevent relative links
+ unless safe_path?(file_path_in_satellite)
+ Gitlab::GitLogger.error("FileAction: Relative path not allowed")
+ return false
+ end
+ # Create dir if not exists
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir_name_in_satellite)
+ # Write file
+ write_file(file_path_in_satellite, content, encoding)
+ # add new file
+ repo.add(file_path_in_satellite)
+ # commit the changes
+ # will raise CommandFailed when commit fails
+ repo.git.commit(raise: true, timeout: true, a: true, m: commit_message)
+ target_branch = if new_branch.present? && !@project.empty_repo?
+ "#{ref}:#{new_branch}"
+ else
+ "#{current_ref}:#{ref}"
+ end
+ # push commit back to bare repo
+ # will raise CommandFailed when push fails
+ repo.git.push({ raise: true, timeout: true }, :origin, target_branch)
+ # everything worked
+ true
+ end
+ rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
+ Gitlab::GitLogger.error(ex.message)
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/satellite/logger.rb b/lib/gitlab/satellite/logger.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6f3f8255aca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/satellite/logger.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+module Gitlab
+ module Satellite
+ class Logger < Gitlab::Logger
+ def self.file_name
+ 'satellites.log'
+ end
+ def format_message(severity, timestamp, progname, msg)
+ "#{timestamp.to_s(:long)}: #{msg}\n"
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/satellite/merge_action.rb b/lib/gitlab/satellite/merge_action.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f9bf286697e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/satellite/merge_action.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+module Gitlab
+ module Satellite
+ # GitLab server-side merge
+ class MergeAction < Action
+ attr_accessor :merge_request
+ def initialize(user, merge_request)
+ super user, merge_request.target_project
+ @merge_request = merge_request
+ end
+ # Checks if a merge request can be executed without user interaction
+ def can_be_merged?
+ in_locked_and_timed_satellite do |merge_repo|
+ prepare_satellite!(merge_repo)
+ merge_in_satellite!(merge_repo)
+ end
+ end
+ # Merges the source branch into the target branch in the satellite and
+ # pushes it back to the repository.
+ # It also removes the source branch if requested in the merge request (and this is permitted by the merge request).
+ #
+ # Returns false if the merge produced conflicts
+ # Returns false if pushing from the satellite to the repository failed or was rejected
+ # Returns true otherwise
+ def merge!(merge_commit_message = nil)
+ in_locked_and_timed_satellite do |merge_repo|
+ prepare_satellite!(merge_repo)
+ if merge_in_satellite!(merge_repo, merge_commit_message)
+ # push merge back to bare repo
+ # will raise CommandFailed when push fails
+ merge_repo.git.push(default_options, :origin, merge_request.target_branch)
+ # remove source branch
+ if merge_request.remove_source_branch?
+ # will raise CommandFailed when push fails
+ merge_repo.git.push(default_options, :origin, ":#{merge_request.source_branch}")
+ end
+ # merge, push and branch removal successful
+ true
+ end
+ end
+ rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
+ handle_exception(ex)
+ end
+ def diff_in_satellite
+ in_locked_and_timed_satellite do |merge_repo|
+ prepare_satellite!(merge_repo)
+ update_satellite_source_and_target!(merge_repo)
+ # Only show what is new in the source branch compared to the target branch, not the other way around.
+ # The line below with merge_base is equivalent to diff with three dots (git diff branch1...branch2)
+ # From the git documentation: "git diff A...B" is equivalent to "git diff $(git-merge-base A B) B"
+ common_commit = merge_repo.git.native(:merge_base, default_options, ["origin/#{merge_request.target_branch}", "source/#{merge_request.source_branch}"]).strip
+ merge_repo.git.native(:diff, default_options, common_commit, "source/#{merge_request.source_branch}")
+ end
+ rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
+ handle_exception(ex)
+ end
+ def diffs_between_satellite
+ in_locked_and_timed_satellite do |merge_repo|
+ prepare_satellite!(merge_repo)
+ update_satellite_source_and_target!(merge_repo)
+ if merge_request.for_fork?
+ repository =
+ diffs = Gitlab::Git::Diff.between(
+ repository,
+ "source/#{merge_request.source_branch}",
+ "origin/#{merge_request.target_branch}"
+ )
+ else
+ raise "Attempt to determine diffs between for a non forked merge request in satellite[#{}]"
+ end
+ return diffs
+ end
+ rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
+ handle_exception(ex)
+ end
+ # Get commit as an email patch
+ def format_patch
+ in_locked_and_timed_satellite do |merge_repo|
+ prepare_satellite!(merge_repo)
+ update_satellite_source_and_target!(merge_repo)
+ patch = merge_repo.git.format_patch(default_options({ stdout: true }), "origin/#{merge_request.target_branch}..source/#{merge_request.source_branch}")
+ end
+ rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
+ handle_exception(ex)
+ end
+ # Retrieve an array of commits between the source and the target
+ def commits_between
+ in_locked_and_timed_satellite do |merge_repo|
+ prepare_satellite!(merge_repo)
+ update_satellite_source_and_target!(merge_repo)
+ if merge_request.for_fork?
+ repository =
+ commits = Gitlab::Git::Commit.between(
+ repository,
+ "origin/#{merge_request.target_branch}",
+ "source/#{merge_request.source_branch}"
+ )
+ else
+ raise "Attempt to determine commits between for a non forked merge request in satellite[#{}]"
+ end
+ return commits
+ end
+ rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
+ handle_exception(ex)
+ end
+ private
+ # Merges the source_branch into the target_branch in the satellite.
+ #
+ # Note: it will clear out the satellite before doing anything
+ #
+ # Returns false if the merge produced conflicts
+ # Returns true otherwise
+ def merge_in_satellite!(repo, message = nil)
+ update_satellite_source_and_target!(repo)
+ message ||= "Merge branch '#{merge_request.source_branch}' into '#{merge_request.target_branch}'"
+ # merge the source branch into the satellite
+ # will raise CommandFailed when merge fails
+ repo.git.merge(default_options({ no_ff: true }), "-m#{message}", "source/#{merge_request.source_branch}")
+ rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
+ handle_exception(ex)
+ end
+ # Assumes a satellite exists that is a fresh clone of the projects repo, prepares satellite for merges, diffs etc
+ def update_satellite_source_and_target!(repo)
+ repo.remote_add('source', merge_request.source_project.repository.path_to_repo)
+ repo.remote_fetch('source')
+ repo.git.checkout(default_options({ b: true }), merge_request.target_branch, "origin/#{merge_request.target_branch}")
+ rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
+ handle_exception(ex)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/satellite/satellite.rb b/lib/gitlab/satellite/satellite.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..398643d68de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/satellite/satellite.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+module Gitlab
+ module Satellite
+ autoload :DeleteFileAction, 'gitlab/satellite/files/delete_file_action'
+ autoload :EditFileAction, 'gitlab/satellite/files/edit_file_action'
+ autoload :FileAction, 'gitlab/satellite/files/file_action'
+ autoload :NewFileAction, 'gitlab/satellite/files/new_file_action'
+ class CheckoutFailed < StandardError; end
+ class CommitFailed < StandardError; end
+ class PushFailed < StandardError; end
+ class Satellite
+ include Gitlab::Popen
+ PARKING_BRANCH = "__parking_branch"
+ attr_accessor :project
+ def initialize(project)
+ @project = project
+ end
+ def log(message)
+ Gitlab::Satellite::Logger.error(message)
+ end
+ def clear_and_update!
+ project.ensure_satellite_exists
+ @repo = nil
+ clear_working_dir!
+ delete_heads!
+ remove_remotes!
+ update_from_source!
+ end
+ def create
+ output, status = popen(%W(git clone -- #{project.repository.path_to_repo} #{path}),
+ Gitlab.config.satellites.path)
+ log("PID: #{}: git clone #{project.repository.path_to_repo} #{path}")
+ log("PID: #{}: -> #{output}")
+ if
+ true
+ else
+ log("Failed to create satellite for #{project.name_with_namespace}")
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ def exists?
+ File.exists? path
+ end
+ # * Locks the satellite
+ # * Changes the current directory to the satellite's working dir
+ # * Yields
+ def lock
+ project.ensure_satellite_exists
+, "w+") do |f|
+ begin
+ f.flock File::LOCK_EX
+ yield
+ ensure
+ f.flock File::LOCK_UN
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def lock_file
+ create_locks_dir unless File.exists?(lock_files_dir)
+ File.join(lock_files_dir, "satellite_#{}.lock")
+ end
+ def path
+ File.join(Gitlab.config.satellites.path, project.path_with_namespace)
+ end
+ def repo
+ project.ensure_satellite_exists
+ @repo ||=
+ end
+ def destroy
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(path)
+ end
+ private
+ # Clear the working directory
+ def clear_working_dir!
+ repo.git.reset(hard: true)
+ repo.git.clean(f: true, d: true, x: true)
+ end
+ # Deletes all branches except the parking branch
+ #
+ # This ensures we have no name clashes or issues updating branches when
+ # working with the satellite.
+ def delete_heads!
+ heads =
+ # update or create the parking branch
+ repo.git.checkout(default_options({ B: true }), PARKING_BRANCH)
+ # remove the parking branch from the list of heads ...
+ heads.delete(PARKING_BRANCH)
+ # ... and delete all others
+ heads.each { |head| repo.git.branch(default_options({ D: true }), head) }
+ end
+ # Deletes all remotes except origin
+ #
+ # This ensures we have no remote name clashes or issues updating branches when
+ # working with the satellite.
+ def remove_remotes!
+ remotes = repo.git.remote.split(' ')
+ remotes.delete('origin')
+ remotes.each { |name| repo.git.remote(default_options,'rm', name)}
+ end
+ # Updates the satellite from bare repo
+ #
+ # Note: this will only update remote branches (i.e. origin/*)
+ def update_from_source!
+ repo.git.remote(default_options, 'set-url', :origin, project.repository.path_to_repo)
+ repo.git.fetch(default_options, :origin)
+ end
+ def default_options(options = {})
+ { raise: true, timeout: true }.merge(options)
+ end
+ # Create directory for storing
+ # satellites lock files
+ def create_locks_dir
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(lock_files_dir)
+ end
+ def lock_files_dir
+ @lock_files_dir ||= File.join(Gitlab.config.satellites.path, "tmp")
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/tasks/gitlab/check.rake b/lib/tasks/gitlab/check.rake
index 8acb6a7fd19..badb47c6779 100644
--- a/lib/tasks/gitlab/check.rake
+++ b/lib/tasks/gitlab/check.rake
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ namespace :gitlab do
+ check_satellites_exist
@@ -237,6 +238,37 @@ namespace :gitlab do
+ def check_satellites_exist
+ print "Projects have satellites? ... "
+ unless Project.count > 0
+ puts "can't check, you have no projects".magenta
+ return
+ end
+ puts ""
+ Project.find_each(batch_size: 100) do |project|
+ print sanitized_message(project)
+ if project.satellite.exists?
+ puts "yes".green
+ elsif project.empty_repo?
+ puts "can't create, repository is empty".magenta
+ else
+ puts "no".red
+ try_fixing_it(
+ sudo_gitlab("bundle exec rake gitlab:satellites:create RAILS_ENV=production"),
+ "If necessary, remove the tmp/repo_satellites directory ...",
+ "... and rerun the above command"
+ )
+ for_more_information(
+ "doc/raketasks/ "
+ )
+ fix_and_rerun
+ end
+ end
+ end
def check_log_writable
print "Log directory writable? ... "
@@ -307,6 +339,7 @@ namespace :gitlab do
+ check_satellites_permissions
@@ -384,6 +417,29 @@ namespace :gitlab do
+ def check_satellites_permissions
+ print "Satellites access is drwxr-x---? ... "
+ satellites_path = Gitlab.config.satellites.path
+ unless File.exists?(satellites_path)
+ puts "can't check because of previous errors".magenta
+ return
+ end
+ if File.stat(satellites_path).mode.to_s(8).ends_with?("0750")
+ puts "yes".green
+ else
+ puts "no".red
+ try_fixing_it(
+ "sudo chmod u+rwx,g=rx,o-rwx #{satellites_path}",
+ )
+ for_more_information(
+ see_installation_guide_section "GitLab"
+ )
+ fix_and_rerun
+ end
+ end
def check_repo_base_user_and_group
gitlab_shell_ssh_user = Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.ssh_user
gitlab_shell_owner_group = Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.owner_group
diff --git a/lib/tasks/gitlab/enable_automerge.rake b/lib/tasks/gitlab/enable_automerge.rake
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3dade9d75b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/tasks/gitlab/enable_automerge.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+namespace :gitlab do
+ namespace :satellites do
+ desc "GitLab | Create satellite repos"
+ task create: :environment do
+ create_satellites
+ end
+ end
+ def create_satellites
+ warn_user_is_not_gitlab
+ print "Creating satellites for ..."
+ unless Project.count > 0
+ puts "skipping, because you have no projects".magenta
+ return
+ end
+ puts ""
+ Project.find_each(batch_size: 100) do |project|
+ print "#{project.name_with_namespace.yellow} ... "
+ unless project.repo_exists?
+ puts "skipping, because the repo is empty".magenta
+ next
+ end
+ if project.satellite.exists?
+ puts "exists already".green
+ else
+ print "\n... "
+ if project.satellite.create
+ puts "created".green
+ else
+ puts "error".red
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end