path: root/lib
diff options
authorJacob Vosmaer (GitLab) <>2017-10-03 16:58:33 +0000
committerSean McGivern <>2017-10-03 16:58:33 +0000
commit5dd26d4e5a5a27ca93e6d55b4261c42f4f70e762 (patch)
treef29535350ca0fe47d6c9fbddf8a915365b39d281 /lib
parent6e0d17b8c605218ef5df8337fa573caa887bf41f (diff)
Hide Gollum inside Gitlab::Git::Wiki
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
4 files changed, 192 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/git/wiki.rb b/lib/gitlab/git/wiki.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d651c931a38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/git/wiki.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+module Gitlab
+ module Git
+ class Wiki
+ DuplicatePageError =
+ CommitDetails =, :email, :message) do
+ def to_h
+ { name: name, email: email, message: message }
+ end
+ end
+ def self.default_ref
+ 'master'
+ end
+ # Initialize with a Gitlab::Git::Repository instance
+ def initialize(repository)
+ @repository = repository
+ end
+ def repository_exists?
+ @repository.exists?
+ end
+ def write_page(name, format, content, commit_details)
+ assert_type!(format, Symbol)
+ assert_type!(commit_details, CommitDetails)
+ gollum_wiki.write_page(name, format, content, commit_details.to_h)
+ nil
+ rescue Gollum::DuplicatePageError => e
+ raise Gitlab::Git::Wiki::DuplicatePageError, e.message
+ end
+ def delete_page(page_path, commit_details)
+ assert_type!(commit_details, CommitDetails)
+ gollum_wiki.delete_page(gollum_page_by_path(page_path), commit_details.to_h)
+ nil
+ end
+ def update_page(page_path, title, format, content, commit_details)
+ assert_type!(format, Symbol)
+ assert_type!(commit_details, CommitDetails)
+ gollum_wiki.update_page(gollum_page_by_path(page_path), title, format, content, commit_details.to_h)
+ nil
+ end
+ def pages
+ { |gollum_page| new_page(gollum_page) }
+ end
+ def page(title:, version: nil, dir: nil)
+ if version
+ version = Gitlab::Git::Commit.find(@repository, version).id
+ end
+ gollum_page =, version, dir)
+ return unless gollum_page
+ new_page(gollum_page)
+ end
+ def file(name, version)
+ version ||= self.class.default_ref
+ gollum_file = gollum_wiki.file(name, version)
+ return unless gollum_file
+ end
+ def page_versions(page_path)
+ current_page = gollum_page_by_path(page_path)
+ do |gollum_git_commit|
+ gollum_page =,
+ new_version(gollum_page,
+ end
+ end
+ def preview_slug(title, format)
+ gollum_wiki.preview_page(title, '', format).url_path
+ end
+ private
+ def gollum_wiki
+ @gollum_wiki ||=
+ end
+ def gollum_page_by_path(page_path)
+ page_name = Gollum::Page.canonicalize_filename(page_path)
+ page_dir = File.split(page_path).first
+ gollum_wiki.paged(page_name, page_dir)
+ end
+ def new_page(gollum_page)
+, new_version(gollum_page,
+ end
+ def new_version(gollum_page, commit_id)
+ commit = Gitlab::Git::Commit.find(@repository, commit_id)
+, gollum_page&.format)
+ end
+ def assert_type!(object, klass)
+ unless object.is_a?(klass)
+ raise ArgumentError, "expected a #{klass}, got #{object.inspect}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/git/wiki_file.rb b/lib/gitlab/git/wiki_file.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..527f2a44dea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/git/wiki_file.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+module Gitlab
+ module Git
+ class WikiFile
+ attr_reader :mime_type, :raw_data, :name
+ # This class is meant to be serializable so that it can be constructed
+ # by Gitaly and sent over the network to GitLab.
+ #
+ # Because Gollum::File is not serializable we must get all the data from
+ # 'gollum_file' during initialization, and NOT store it in an instance
+ # variable.
+ def initialize(gollum_file)
+ @mime_type = gollum_file.mime_type
+ @raw_data = gollum_file.raw_data
+ @name =
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/git/wiki_page.rb b/lib/gitlab/git/wiki_page.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a06bac4414f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/git/wiki_page.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+module Gitlab
+ module Git
+ class WikiPage
+ attr_reader :url_path, :title, :format, :path, :version, :raw_data, :name, :text_data, :historical
+ # This class is meant to be serializable so that it can be constructed
+ # by Gitaly and sent over the network to GitLab.
+ #
+ # Because Gollum::Page is not serializable we must get all the data from
+ # 'gollum_page' during initialization, and NOT store it in an instance
+ # variable.
+ #
+ # Note that 'version' is a WikiPageVersion instance which it itself
+ # serializable. That means it's OK to store 'version' in an instance
+ # variable.
+ def initialize(gollum_page, version)
+ @url_path = gollum_page.url_path
+ @title = gollum_page.title
+ @format = gollum_page.format
+ @path = gollum_page.path
+ @raw_data = gollum_page.raw_data
+ @name =
+ @historical = gollum_page.historical?
+ @version = version
+ end
+ def historical?
+ @historical
+ end
+ def text_data
+ return @text_data if defined?(@text_data)
+ @text_data = @raw_data && Gitlab::EncodingHelper.encode!(@raw_data.dup)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/git/wiki_page_version.rb b/lib/gitlab/git/wiki_page_version.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..55f1afedcab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/git/wiki_page_version.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+module Gitlab
+ module Git
+ class WikiPageVersion
+ attr_reader :commit, :format
+ # This class is meant to be serializable so that it can be constructed
+ # by Gitaly and sent over the network to GitLab.
+ #
+ # Both 'commit' (a Gitlab::Git::Commit) and 'format' (a string) are
+ # serializable.
+ def initialize(commit, format)
+ @commit = commit
+ @format = format
+ end
+ delegate :message, :sha, :id, :author_name, :authored_date, to: :commit
+ end
+ end