path: root/features
diff options
authorVitaliy @blackst0ne Klachkov <>2017-09-18 16:15:42 +1100
committerVitaliy @blackst0ne Klachkov <>2017-09-18 16:15:42 +1100
commitb5a091e3a4c01374138b3b327ec8cde3c23bef69 (patch)
treee4ced1f34035158a6d4e73d86bb39b6b30ea7451 /features
parent2defc7b931ac46603780944907d7e19233ad1e97 (diff)
Replace the 'project/commits/revert.feature' spinach test with an rspec analog
Diffstat (limited to 'features')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/features/project/commits/revert.feature b/features/project/commits/revert.feature
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ee1d717d80..00000000000
--- a/features/project/commits/revert.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-Feature: Revert Commits
- Background:
- Given I sign in as a user
- And I own a project
- And I visit my project's commits page
- @javascript
- Scenario: I revert a commit
- Given I click on commit link
- And I click on the revert button
- And I revert the changes directly
- Then I should see the revert commit notice
- @javascript
- Scenario: I revert a commit that was previously reverted
- Given I click on commit link
- And I click on the revert button
- And I revert the changes directly
- And I visit my project's commits page
- And I click on commit link
- And I click on the revert button
- And I revert the changes directly
- Then I should see a revert error
- @javascript
- Scenario: I revert a commit in a new merge request
- Given I click on commit link
- And I click on the revert button
- And I revert the changes in a new merge request
- Then I should see the new merge request notice
diff --git a/features/steps/project/commits/revert.rb b/features/steps/project/commits/revert.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ebfa7a878bb..00000000000
--- a/features/steps/project/commits/revert.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-class Spinach::Features::RevertCommits < Spinach::FeatureSteps
- include SharedAuthentication
- include SharedProject
- include SharedPaths
- include SharedDiffNote
- include RepoHelpers
- step 'I click on commit link' do
- visit project_commit_path(@project,
- end
- step 'I click on the revert button' do
- find(".header-action-buttons .dropdown").click
- find("a[href='#modal-revert-commit']").click
- end
- step 'I revert the changes directly' do
- page.within('#modal-revert-commit') do
- uncheck 'create_merge_request'
- click_button 'Revert'
- end
- end
- step 'I should see the revert commit notice' do
- page.should have_content('The commit has been successfully reverted.')
- end
- step 'I should see a revert error' do
- page.should have_content('Sorry, we cannot revert this commit automatically.')
- end
- step 'I revert the changes in a new merge request' do
- page.within('#modal-revert-commit') do
- click_button 'Revert'
- end
- end
- step 'I should see the new merge request notice' do
- page.should have_content('The commit has been successfully reverted. You can now submit a merge request to get this change into the original branch.')
- page.should have_content("From revert-#{Commit.truncate_sha(} into master")
- end