path: root/app/assets/javascripts/blob
diff options
authorRobert Speicher <>2015-06-15 17:53:39 -0400
committerRobert Speicher <>2015-06-19 04:31:24 -0400
commit32366d18118281b32b5e770824d637a01d15093b (patch)
treee8241017935ec6a01632b060b45429f2471dba9e /app/assets/javascripts/blob
parent1f88d9b56f02ab05aa1ea055a53627b4c934cf51 (diff)
Rename BlobView to LineHighlighter
Diffstat (limited to 'app/assets/javascripts/blob')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 160 deletions
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/blob/ b/app/assets/javascripts/blob/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6df5e870d85..00000000000
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/blob/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-# BlobView
-# Handles single- and multi-line selection and highlight for blob views.
-#= require jquery.scrollTo
-# ### Example Markup
-# <div id="tree-content-holder">
-# <div class="file-content">
-# <div class="line-numbers">
-# <a href="#L1" id="L1" data-line-number="1">1</a>
-# <a href="#L2" id="L2" data-line-number="2">2</a>
-# <a href="#L3" id="L3" data-line-number="3">3</a>
-# <a href="#L4" id="L4" data-line-number="4">4</a>
-# <a href="#L5" id="L5" data-line-number="5">5</a>
-# </div>
-# <pre class="code highlight">
-# <code>
-# <span id="LC1" class="line">...</span>
-# <span id="LC2" class="line">...</span>
-# <span id="LC3" class="line">...</span>
-# <span id="LC4" class="line">...</span>
-# <span id="LC5" class="line">...</span>
-# </code>
-# </pre>
-# </div>
-# </div>
-class @BlobView
- # Internal copy of location.hash so we're not dependent on `location` in tests
- @_hash = ''
- # Initialize a BlobView object
- #
- # hash - String URL hash for dependency injection in tests
- constructor: (hash = location.hash) ->
- @_hash = hash
- @bindEvents()
- unless hash == ''
- range = @hashToRange(hash)
- unless isNaN(range[0])
- @highlightRange(range)
- # Scroll to the first highlighted line on initial load
- # Offset -50 for the sticky top bar, and another -100 for some context
- $.scrollTo("#L#{range[0]}", offset: -150)
- bindEvents: ->
- $('#tree-content-holder').on 'mousedown', 'a[data-line-number]', @clickHandler
- # While it may seem odd to bind to the mousedown event and then throw away
- # the click event, there is a method to our madness.
- #
- # If not done this way, the line number anchor will sometimes keep its
- # active state even when the event is cancelled, resulting in an ugly border
- # around the link and/or a persisted underline text decoration.
- $('#tree-content-holder').on 'click', 'a[data-line-number]', (event) ->
- event.preventDefault()
- clickHandler: (event) =>
- event.preventDefault()
- @clearHighlight()
- lineNumber = $('line-number')
- current = @hashToRange(@_hash)
- if isNaN(current[0]) or !event.shiftKey
- # If there's no current selection, or there is but Shift wasn't held,
- # treat this like a single-line selection.
- @setHash(lineNumber)
- @highlightLine(lineNumber)
- else if event.shiftKey
- if lineNumber < current[0]
- range = [lineNumber, current[0]]
- else
- range = [current[0], lineNumber]
- @setHash(range[0], range[1])
- @highlightRange(range)
- # Unhighlight previously highlighted lines
- clearHighlight: ->
- $('.hll').removeClass('hll')
- # Convert a URL hash String into line numbers
- #
- # hash - Hash String
- #
- # Examples:
- #
- # hashToRange('#L5') # => [5, NaN]
- # hashToRange('#L5-15') # => [5, 15]
- # hashToRange('#foo') # => [NaN, NaN]
- #
- # Returns an Array
- hashToRange: (hash) ->
- first = parseInt(hash.replace(/^#L(\d+)/, '$1'))
- last = parseInt(hash.replace(/^#L\d+-(\d+)/, '$1'))
- [first, last]
- # Highlight a single line
- #
- # lineNumber - Number to highlight. Must be parsable as an Integer.
- #
- # Returns undefined if lineNumber is not parsable as an Integer.
- highlightLine: (lineNumber) ->
- return if isNaN(parseInt(lineNumber))
- $("#LC#{lineNumber}").addClass('hll')
- # Highlight all lines within a range
- #
- # range - An Array of starting and ending line numbers.
- #
- # Examples:
- #
- # # Highlight lines 5 through 15
- # highlightRange([5, 15])
- #
- # # The first value is required, and must be a number
- # highlightRange(['foo', 15]) # Invalid, returns undefined
- # highlightRange([NaN, NaN]) # Invalid, returns undefined
- #
- # # The second value is optional; if omitted, only highlights the first line
- # highlightRange([5, NaN]) # Valid
- #
- # Returns undefined if the first line is NaN.
- highlightRange: (range) ->
- return if isNaN(range[0])
- if isNaN(range[1])
- @highlightLine(range[0])
- else
- for lineNumber in [range[0]..range[1]]
- @highlightLine(lineNumber)
- setHash: (firstLineNumber, lastLineNumber) =>
- return if isNaN(parseInt(firstLineNumber))
- if isNaN(parseInt(lastLineNumber))
- hash = "#L#{firstLineNumber}"
- else
- hash = "#L#{firstLineNumber}-#{lastLineNumber}"
- @_hash = hash
- @__setLocationHash__(hash)
- # Make the actual hash change in the browser
- #
- # This method is stubbed in tests.
- __setLocationHash__: (value) ->
- # We're using pushState instead of assigning location.hash directly to
- # prevent the page from scrolling on the hashchange event
- history.pushState({turbolinks: false, url: value}, document.title, value)