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authorYorick Peterse <>2016-07-20 20:13:02 +0200
committerYorick Peterse <>2016-07-29 12:51:18 +0200
commit002ad215818450d2cbbc5fa065850a953dc7ada8 (patch)
parent9b0e131b83cfc44d3132bddfefb6cbd4bff7d253 (diff)
Method for returning issues readable by a userability-batch-issue-checking
The method Ability.issues_readable_by_user takes a list of users and an optional user and returns an Array of issues readable by said user. This method in turn is used by Banzai::ReferenceParser::IssueParser#nodes_visible_to_user so this method no longer needs to get all the available abilities just to check if a user has the "read_issue" ability. To test this I benchmarked an issue with 222 comments on my development environment. Using these changes the time spent in nodes_visible_to_user was reduced from around 120 ms to around 40 ms.
8 files changed, 355 insertions, 10 deletions
index d555d23860d..e18a133cfb0 100644
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ v 8.11.0 (unreleased)
- Update to gitlab_git 10.4.1 and take advantage of preserved Ref objects
- Retrieve rendered HTML from cache in one request
- Fix renaming repository when name contains invalid chararacters under project settings
+ - Optimize checking if a user has read access to a list of issues !5370
- Nokogiri's various parsing methods are now instrumented
- Add a way to send an email and create an issue based on private personal token. Find the email address from issues page. !3363
- Add build event color in HipChat messages (David Eisner)
diff --git a/app/models/ability.rb b/app/models/ability.rb
index e47c5539f60..d95a2507199 100644
--- a/app/models/ability.rb
+++ b/app/models/ability.rb
@@ -47,6 +47,16 @@ class Ability
+ # Returns an Array of Issues that can be read by the given user.
+ #
+ # issues - The issues to reduce down to those readable by the user.
+ # user - The User for which to check the issues
+ def issues_readable_by_user(issues, user = nil)
+ return issues if user && user.admin?
+ { |issue| issue.visible_to_user?(user) }
+ end
# List of possible abilities for anonymous user
def anonymous_abilities(user, subject)
if subject.is_a?(PersonalSnippet)
diff --git a/app/models/issue.rb b/app/models/issue.rb
index d9428ebc9fb..11f734cfc6d 100644
--- a/app/models/issue.rb
+++ b/app/models/issue.rb
@@ -230,6 +230,34 @@ class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base
+ # Returns `true` if the current issue can be viewed by either a logged in User
+ # or an anonymous user.
+ def visible_to_user?(user = nil)
+ user ? readable_by?(user) : publicly_visible?
+ end
+ # Returns `true` if the given User can read the current Issue.
+ def readable_by?(user)
+ if user.admin?
+ true
+ elsif project.owner == user
+ true
+ elsif confidential?
+ author == user ||
+ assignee == user ||
+, Gitlab::Access::REPORTER)
+ else
+ project.public? ||
+ project.internal? && !user.external? ||
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns `true` if this Issue is visible to everybody.
+ def publicly_visible?
+ project.public? && !confidential?
+ end
def overdue?
due_date.try(:past?) || false
diff --git a/lib/banzai/reference_parser/issue_parser.rb b/lib/banzai/reference_parser/issue_parser.rb
index f306079d833..6c20dec5734 100644
--- a/lib/banzai/reference_parser/issue_parser.rb
+++ b/lib/banzai/reference_parser/issue_parser.rb
@@ -9,10 +9,11 @@ module Banzai
issues = issues_for_nodes(nodes)
- do |node|
- issue = issue_for_node(issues, node)
+ readable_issues = Ability.
+ issues_readable_by_user(issues.values, user).to_set
- issue ? can?(user, :read_issue, issue) : false
+ do |node|
+ readable_issues.include?(issue_for_node(issues, node))
diff --git a/spec/lib/banzai/reference_parser/issue_parser_spec.rb b/spec/lib/banzai/reference_parser/issue_parser_spec.rb
index 514c752546d..85cfe728b6a 100644
--- a/spec/lib/banzai/reference_parser/issue_parser_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/banzai/reference_parser/issue_parser_spec.rb
@@ -16,17 +16,17 @@ describe Banzai::ReferenceParser::IssueParser, lib: true do
it 'returns the nodes when the user can read the issue' do
- expect(Ability.abilities).to receive(:allowed?).
- with(user, :read_issue, issue).
- and_return(true)
+ expect(Ability).to receive(:issues_readable_by_user).
+ with([issue], user).
+ and_return([issue])
expect(subject.nodes_visible_to_user(user, [link])).to eq([link])
it 'returns an empty Array when the user can not read the issue' do
- expect(Ability.abilities).to receive(:allowed?).
- with(user, :read_issue, issue).
- and_return(false)
+ expect(Ability).to receive(:issues_readable_by_user).
+ with([issue], user).
+ and_return([])
expect(subject.nodes_visible_to_user(user, [link])).to eq([])
diff --git a/spec/models/ability_spec.rb b/spec/models/ability_spec.rb
index cd5f40fe3d2..853f6943cef 100644
--- a/spec/models/ability_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/ability_spec.rb
@@ -170,4 +170,52 @@ describe Ability, lib: true do
+ describe '.issues_readable_by_user' do
+ context 'with an admin user' do
+ it 'returns all given issues' do
+ user = build(:user, admin: true)
+ issue = build(:issue)
+ expect(described_class.issues_readable_by_user([issue], user)).
+ to eq([issue])
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with a regular user' do
+ it 'returns the issues readable by the user' do
+ user = build(:user)
+ issue = build(:issue)
+ expect(issue).to receive(:readable_by?).with(user).and_return(true)
+ expect(described_class.issues_readable_by_user([issue], user)).
+ to eq([issue])
+ end
+ it 'returns an empty Array when no issues are readable' do
+ user = build(:user)
+ issue = build(:issue)
+ expect(issue).to receive(:readable_by?).with(user).and_return(false)
+ expect(described_class.issues_readable_by_user([issue], user)).to eq([])
+ end
+ end
+ context 'without a regular user' do
+ it 'returns issues that are publicly visible' do
+ hidden_issue = build(:issue)
+ visible_issue = build(:issue)
+ expect(hidden_issue).to receive(:publicly_visible?).and_return(false)
+ expect(visible_issue).to receive(:publicly_visible?).and_return(true)
+ issues = described_class.
+ issues_readable_by_user([hidden_issue, visible_issue])
+ expect(issues).to eq([visible_issue])
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/models/concerns/mentionable_spec.rb b/spec/models/concerns/mentionable_spec.rb
index 5e652660e2c..549b0042038 100644
--- a/spec/models/concerns/mentionable_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/concerns/mentionable_spec.rb
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ describe Issue, "Mentionable" do
describe '#create_cross_references!' do
let(:project) { create(:project) }
- let(:author) { double('author') }
+ let(:author) { build(:user) }
let(:commit) { project.commit }
let(:commit2) { project.commit }
@@ -88,6 +88,10 @@ describe Issue, "Mentionable" do
let(:author) { create(:author) }
let(:issues) { create_list(:issue, 2, project: project, author: author) }
+ before do
+ << [author, Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER]
+ end
context 'before changes are persisted' do
it 'ignores pre-existing references' do
issue = create_issue(description: issues[0].to_reference)
diff --git a/spec/models/issue_spec.rb b/spec/models/issue_spec.rb
index 6a897c96690..3259f795296 100644
--- a/spec/models/issue_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/issue_spec.rb
@@ -306,4 +306,257 @@ describe Issue, models: true do
expect(user2.assigned_open_issues_count).to eq(1)
+ describe '#visible_to_user?' do
+ context 'with a user' do
+ let(:user) { build(:user) }
+ let(:issue) { build(:issue) }
+ it 'returns true when the issue is readable' do
+ expect(issue).to receive(:readable_by?).with(user).and_return(true)
+ expect(issue.visible_to_user?(user)).to eq(true)
+ end
+ it 'returns false when the issue is not readable' do
+ expect(issue).to receive(:readable_by?).with(user).and_return(false)
+ expect(issue.visible_to_user?(user)).to eq(false)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'without a user' do
+ let(:issue) { build(:issue) }
+ it 'returns true when the issue is publicly visible' do
+ expect(issue).to receive(:publicly_visible?).and_return(true)
+ expect(issue.visible_to_user?).to eq(true)
+ end
+ it 'returns false when the issue is not publicly visible' do
+ expect(issue).to receive(:publicly_visible?).and_return(false)
+ expect(issue.visible_to_user?).to eq(false)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#readable_by?' do
+ describe 'with a regular user that is not a team member' do
+ let(:user) { create(:user) }
+ context 'using a public project' do
+ let(:project) { create(:empty_project, :public) }
+ it 'returns true for a regular issue' do
+ issue = build(:issue, project: project)
+ expect(issue).to be_readable_by(user)
+ end
+ it 'returns false for a confidential issue' do
+ issue = build(:issue, project: project, confidential: true)
+ expect(issue).not_to be_readable_by(user)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'using an internal project' do
+ let(:project) { create(:empty_project, :internal) }
+ context 'using an internal user' do
+ it 'returns true for a regular issue' do
+ issue = build(:issue, project: project)
+ expect(issue).to be_readable_by(user)
+ end
+ it 'returns false for a confidential issue' do
+ issue = build(:issue, :confidential, project: project)
+ expect(issue).not_to be_readable_by(user)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'using an external user' do
+ before do
+ allow(user).to receive(:external?).and_return(true)
+ end
+ it 'returns false for a regular issue' do
+ issue = build(:issue, project: project)
+ expect(issue).not_to be_readable_by(user)
+ end
+ it 'returns false for a confidential issue' do
+ issue = build(:issue, :confidential, project: project)
+ expect(issue).not_to be_readable_by(user)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'using a private project' do
+ let(:project) { create(:empty_project, :private) }
+ it 'returns false for a regular issue' do
+ issue = build(:issue, project: project)
+ expect(issue).not_to be_readable_by(user)
+ end
+ it 'returns false for a confidential issue' do
+ issue = build(:issue, :confidential, project: project)
+ expect(issue).not_to be_readable_by(user)
+ end
+ context 'when the user is the project owner' do
+ it 'returns true for a regular issue' do
+ issue = build(:issue, project: project)
+ expect(issue).not_to be_readable_by(user)
+ end
+ it 'returns true for a confidential issue' do
+ issue = build(:issue, :confidential, project: project)
+ expect(issue).not_to be_readable_by(user)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with a regular user that is a team member' do
+ let(:user) { create(:user) }
+ let(:project) { create(:empty_project, :public) }
+ context 'using a public project' do
+ before do
+ << [user, Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER]
+ end
+ it 'returns true for a regular issue' do
+ issue = build(:issue, project: project)
+ expect(issue).to be_readable_by(user)
+ end
+ it 'returns true for a confidential issue' do
+ issue = build(:issue, :confidential, project: project)
+ expect(issue).to be_readable_by(user)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'using an internal project' do
+ let(:project) { create(:empty_project, :internal) }
+ before do
+ << [user, Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER]
+ end
+ it 'returns true for a regular issue' do
+ issue = build(:issue, project: project)
+ expect(issue).to be_readable_by(user)
+ end
+ it 'returns true for a confidential issue' do
+ issue = build(:issue, :confidential, project: project)
+ expect(issue).to be_readable_by(user)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'using a private project' do
+ let(:project) { create(:empty_project, :private) }
+ before do
+ << [user, Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER]
+ end
+ it 'returns true for a regular issue' do
+ issue = build(:issue, project: project)
+ expect(issue).to be_readable_by(user)
+ end
+ it 'returns true for a confidential issue' do
+ issue = build(:issue, :confidential, project: project)
+ expect(issue).to be_readable_by(user)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with an admin user' do
+ let(:project) { create(:empty_project) }
+ let(:user) { create(:user, admin: true) }
+ it 'returns true for a regular issue' do
+ issue = build(:issue, project: project)
+ expect(issue).to be_readable_by(user)
+ end
+ it 'returns true for a confidential issue' do
+ issue = build(:issue, :confidential, project: project)
+ expect(issue).to be_readable_by(user)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#publicly_visible?' do
+ context 'using a public project' do
+ let(:project) { create(:empty_project, :public) }
+ it 'returns true for a regular issue' do
+ issue = build(:issue, project: project)
+ expect(issue).to be_publicly_visible
+ end
+ it 'returns false for a confidential issue' do
+ issue = build(:issue, :confidential, project: project)
+ expect(issue).not_to be_publicly_visible
+ end
+ end
+ context 'using an internal project' do
+ let(:project) { create(:empty_project, :internal) }
+ it 'returns false for a regular issue' do
+ issue = build(:issue, project: project)
+ expect(issue).not_to be_publicly_visible
+ end
+ it 'returns false for a confidential issue' do
+ issue = build(:issue, :confidential, project: project)
+ expect(issue).not_to be_publicly_visible
+ end
+ end
+ context 'using a private project' do
+ let(:project) { create(:empty_project, :private) }
+ it 'returns false for a regular issue' do
+ issue = build(:issue, project: project)
+ expect(issue).not_to be_publicly_visible
+ end
+ it 'returns false for a confidential issue' do
+ issue = build(:issue, :confidential, project: project)
+ expect(issue).not_to be_publicly_visible
+ end
+ end
+ end