diff options
authorZeger-Jan van de Weg <>2017-08-21 17:50:34 +0200
committerZeger-Jan van de Weg <>2017-08-22 11:33:18 +0200
commit539dee96739f1dd8925bd890ec2f9549775a949a (patch)
parentfa293df2b7f3f63b72640dbc5e70b539cbd106b1 (diff)
Update form to properly set the path
Also includes a change in allowing uploaded files, as there was a mismatch in object_id between classes, disallowing params[:file], which is a UploadedFile, newly loaded. The params checked against the older version. Fixes gitlab-org/gitlab-ce#36519
3 files changed, 49 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/app/views/import/gitlab_projects/new.html.haml b/app/views/import/gitlab_projects/new.html.haml
index 008e8287aa3..5d68e1e2156 100644
--- a/app/views/import/gitlab_projects/new.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/import/gitlab_projects/new.html.haml
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
= hidden_field_tag :namespace_id, value: current_user.namespace_id
= label_tag :path, 'Project name', class: 'label-light'
- = text_field_tag :path, nil, placeholder: "my-awesome-project", class: "js-path-name form-control", tabindex: 2, autofocus: true, required: true
+ = text_field_tag :path, @path, placeholder: "my-awesome-project", class: "js-path-name form-control", tabindex: 2, autofocus: true, required: true
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
= hidden_field_tag :namespace_id,
- = hidden_field_tag :path, @path
= label_tag :file, 'GitLab project export', class: 'label-light'
= file_field_tag :file, class: ''
diff --git a/config/initializers/workhorse_multipart.rb b/config/initializers/workhorse_multipart.rb
index 064e5964f09..4196e3a8f61 100644
--- a/config/initializers/workhorse_multipart.rb
+++ b/config/initializers/workhorse_multipart.rb
@@ -10,10 +10,8 @@ end
module Gitlab
module StrongParameterScalars
- GITLAB_PERMITTED_SCALAR_TYPES = [::UploadedFile].freeze
def permitted_scalar?(value)
- super || GITLAB_PERMITTED_SCALAR_TYPES.any? { |type| value.is_a?(type) }
+ super || value.is_a?(::UploadedFile)
diff --git a/spec/features/projects/import_export/import_file_spec.rb b/spec/features/projects/import_export/import_file_spec.rb
index 6a324d32ca7..9f2c86923b7 100644
--- a/spec/features/projects/import_export/import_file_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/features/projects/import_export/import_file_spec.rb
@@ -3,11 +3,13 @@ require 'spec_helper'
feature 'Import/Export - project import integration test', js: true do
include Select2Helper
+ let(:user) { create(:user) }
let(:file) { File.join(Rails.root, 'spec', 'features', 'projects', 'import_export', 'test_project_export.tar.gz') }
let(:export_path) { "#{Dir.tmpdir}/import_file_spec" }
background do
allow_any_instance_of(Gitlab::ImportExport).to receive(:storage_path).and_return(export_path)
+ gitlab_sign_in(user)
after do
@@ -18,57 +20,67 @@ feature 'Import/Export - project import integration test', js: true do
let(:user) { create(:admin) }
let!(:namespace) { create(:namespace, name: "asd", owner: user) }
- before do
- gitlab_sign_in(user)
- end
+ context 'prefilled the path' do
+ scenario 'user imports an exported project successfully' do
+ visit new_project_path
- scenario 'user imports an exported project successfully' do
- visit new_project_path
+ select2(, from: '#project_namespace_id')
+ fill_in :project_path, with: 'test-project-path', visible: true
+ click_link 'GitLab export'
- select2(, from: '#project_namespace_id')
- fill_in :project_path, with: 'test-project-path', visible: true
- click_link 'GitLab export'
+ expect(page).to have_content('Import an exported GitLab project')
+ expect(URI.parse(current_url).query).to eq("namespace_id=#{}&path=test-project-path")
+ expect(Gitlab::ImportExport).to receive(:import_upload_path).with(filename: /\A\h{32}_test-project-path\z/).and_call_original
- expect(page).to have_content('Import an exported GitLab project')
- expect(URI.parse(current_url).query).to eq("namespace_id=#{}&path=test-project-path")
- expect(Gitlab::ImportExport).to receive(:import_upload_path).with(filename: /\A\h{32}_test-project-path\z/).and_call_original
+ attach_file('file', file)
- attach_file('file', file)
+ expect { click_on 'Import project' }.to change { Project.count }.by(1)
- expect { click_on 'Import project' }.to change { Project.count }.from(0).to(1)
- project = Project.last
- expect(project).not_to be_nil
- expect(project.issues).not_to be_empty
- expect(project.merge_requests).not_to be_empty
- expect(project_hook_exists?(project)).to be true
- expect(wiki_exists?(project)).to be true
- expect(project.import_status).to eq('finished')
+ project = Project.last
+ expect(project).not_to be_nil
+ expect(project.issues).not_to be_empty
+ expect(project.merge_requests).not_to be_empty
+ expect(project_hook_exists?(project)).to be true
+ expect(wiki_exists?(project)).to be true
+ expect(project.import_status).to eq('finished')
+ end
- scenario 'invalid project' do
- project = create(:project, namespace: namespace)
+ context 'path is not prefilled' do
+ scenario 'user imports an exported project successfully' do
+ visit new_project_path
+ click_link 'GitLab export'
- visit new_project_path
+ fill_in :path, with: 'test-project-path', visible: true
+ attach_file('file', file)
- select2(, from: '#project_namespace_id')
- fill_in :project_path, with:, visible: true
- click_link 'GitLab export'
- attach_file('file', file)
- click_on 'Import project'
+ expect { click_on 'Import project' }.to change { Project.count }.by(1)
- page.within('.flash-container') do
- expect(page).to have_content('Project could not be imported')
+ project = Project.last
+ expect(project).not_to be_nil
+ expect(page).to have_content("Project 'test-project-path' is being imported")
- context 'when limited to the default user namespace' do
- let(:user) { create(:user) }
- before do
- gitlab_sign_in(user)
+ scenario 'invalid project' do
+ namespace = create(:namespace, name: "asd", owner: user)
+ project = create(:project, namespace: namespace)
+ visit new_project_path
+ select2(, from: '#project_namespace_id')
+ fill_in :project_path, with:, visible: true
+ click_link 'GitLab export'
+ attach_file('file', file)
+ click_on 'Import project'
+ page.within('.flash-container') do
+ expect(page).to have_content('Project could not be imported')
+ end
+ context 'when limited to the default user namespace' do
scenario 'passes correct namespace ID in the URL' do
visit new_project_path