diff options
authorDaniel Silverstone <>2012-05-13 16:25:34 +0100
committerDaniel Silverstone <>2012-05-13 16:25:34 +0100
commit7ce9834646fa91b4abf92f50f86e08d90220e013 (patch)
parent0745d0828f55f348c86468dd2a4894682c85f200 (diff)
Lexer, fixes and tests
2 files changed, 129 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/lib/lace/lex.lua b/lib/lace/lex.lua
index c768d08..07277a5 100644
--- a/lib/lace/lex.lua
+++ b/lib/lace/lex.lua
@@ -54,8 +54,11 @@ local function lex_one_line(line)
elseif c == " " or c == "\t" then
-- A space (or tab) and not quoting, so clear the accumulator
if acc ~= "" then
- r[#r+1] = { spos, acc }
+ r[#r+1] = { spos, acc, pos = spos, str = acc }
spos = cpos + 1
+ elseif cpos == spos then
+ -- Increment the start position since we've not found a word yet
+ spos = spos + 1
acc = ""
@@ -64,7 +67,7 @@ local function lex_one_line(line)
if acc ~= "" then
- r[#r+1] = { spos, acc }
+ r[#r+1] = { spos, acc, pos = spos, str = acc }
local warnings = {}
@@ -86,25 +89,28 @@ local function lex_a_ruleset(ruleset, sourcename)
local ret = { source = sourcename, lines = lines }
local n = 1
local warn
+ if ruleset:match("[^\n]$") then
+ ruleset = ruleset .. "\n"
+ end
for oneline in ruleset:gmatch("([^\n]*)\n") do
local linetab = { original = oneline }
- if linetab:find("^[ \t]*#") or
- linetab:find("^[ \t]*//") or
- linetab:find("^[ \t]*%-%-") then
+ if oneline:match("^[ \t]*#") or
+ oneline:match("^[ \t]*//") or
+ oneline:match("^[ \t]*%-%-") then
linetab.type = "comment"
- elseif linetab:find("^[ \t]*$") then
+ elseif oneline:match("^[ \t]*$") then
linetab.type = "whitespace"
linetab.type = "rule"
linetab.content, warn = lex_one_line(oneline)
- if #warn then
+ if #warn > 0 then
linetab.warnings = warn
lines[n] = linetab
n = n + 1
- return lines
+ return ret
local function lex_a_file(filename)
diff --git a/test/test-lace.lex.lua b/test/test-lace.lex.lua
index e0119e4..c583d58 100644
--- a/test/test-lace.lex.lua
+++ b/test/test-lace.lex.lua
@@ -13,22 +13,128 @@ local luacov = require 'luacov'
local lex = require 'lace.lex'
-local suite = {}
+local testnames = {}
-function suite.test_01_empty_string()
+local function add_test(suite, name, value)
+ rawset(suite, name, value)
+ testnames[#testnames+1] = name
-local testnames = {}
-for k in pairs(suite) do
- testnames[#testnames+1] = k
+local suite = setmetatable({}, {__newindex = add_test})
+function suite.empty_string()
+ local content = assert(lex.string("", "SRC"))
+ assert(content.source == "SRC", "Source name not propagated")
+ assert(type(content.lines), "Lines is not a table")
+ assert(#content.lines == 0, "There are lines provided, despite source being empty")
+function suite.single_cmd_string()
+ local content = assert(lex.string("hello", "SRC"))
+ assert(content.source == "SRC", "Source name not propagated")
+ assert(type(content.lines), "Lines is not a table")
+ assert(#content.lines == 1, "There should have been one line")
+ assert(#content.lines[1].content == 1, "The line should have 1 word")
+ assert(content.lines[1].content[1].pos == 1, "The word starts at the first character")
+ assert(content.lines[1].content[1].str == "hello", "The word is 'hello'")
+function suite.single_cmd_two_words_string()
+ local content = assert(lex.string("hello world", "SRC"))
+ assert(content.source == "SRC", "Source name not propagated")
+ assert(type(content.lines), "Lines is not a table")
+ assert(#content.lines == 1, "There should have been one line")
+ assert(#content.lines[1].content == 2, "The line should have 2 words")
+ assert(content.lines[1].content[1].pos == 1, "The word starts at the first character")
+ assert(content.lines[1].content[1].str == "hello", "The word is 'hello'")
+ assert(content.lines[1].content[2].pos == 7, "The word starts at the seventh character")
+ assert(content.lines[1].content[2].str == "world", "The word is 'world'")
+function suite.two_cmds_two_words_string()
+ local content = assert(lex.string("hello world\nworld hello", "SRC"))
+ assert(content.source == "SRC", "Source name not propagated")
+ assert(type(content.lines), "Lines is not a table")
+ assert(#content.lines == 2, "There should have been two lines")
+ assert(#content.lines[1].content == 2, "The line should have 2 words")
+ assert(content.lines[1].content[1].pos == 1, "The word starts at the first character")
+ assert(content.lines[1].content[1].str == "hello", "The word starts is 'hello'")
+ assert(content.lines[1].content[2].pos == 7, "The word starts at the seventh character")
+ assert(content.lines[1].content[2].str == "world", "The word is 'hello'")
+ assert(#content.lines[2].content == 2, "The line should have 2 words")
+ assert(content.lines[2].content[1].pos == 1, "The word starts at the first character")
+ assert(content.lines[2].content[1].str == "world", "The word is 'word'")
+ assert(content.lines[2].content[2].pos == 7, "The word starts at the seventh character")
+ assert(content.lines[2].content[2].str == "hello", "The word is 'hello'")
+function suite.one_hash_comment()
+ local content = assert(lex.string("# Hello", "SRC"))
+ assert(content.source == "SRC", "Source name not propagated")
+ assert(type(content.lines), "Lines is not a table")
+ assert(#content.lines == 1, "There should have been one line")
+ assert(content.lines[1].type == "comment", "The line should be a comment")
+function suite.one_slashes_comment()
+ local content = assert(lex.string("// Hello", "SRC"))
+ assert(content.source == "SRC", "Source name not propagated")
+ assert(type(content.lines), "Lines is not a table")
+ assert(#content.lines == 1, "There should have been one line")
+ assert(content.lines[1].type == "comment", "The line should be a comment")
+function suite.one_dashes_comment()
+ local content = assert(lex.string("-- Hello", "SRC"))
+ assert(content.source == "SRC", "Source name not propagated")
+ assert(type(content.lines), "Lines is not a table")
+ assert(#content.lines == 1, "There should have been one line")
+ assert(content.lines[1].type == "comment", "The line should be a comment")
+function suite.pure_whitespace()
+ local content = assert(lex.string(" ", "SRC"))
+ assert(content.source == "SRC", "Source name not propagated")
+ assert(type(content.lines), "Lines is not a table")
+ assert(#content.lines == 1, "There should have been one line")
+ assert(content.lines[1].type == "whitespace", "The line should be whitespace")
+function suite.whitespace_then_comment()
+ local content = assert(lex.string(" -- Fish", "SRC"))
+ assert(content.source == "SRC", "Source name not propagated")
+ assert(type(content.lines), "Lines is not a table")
+ assert(#content.lines == 1, "There should have been one line")
+ assert(content.lines[1].type == "comment", "The line should be whitespace")
+function suite.whitespace_then_command()
+ local content = assert(lex.string(" hello", "SRC"))
+ assert(content.source == "SRC", "Source name not propagated")
+ assert(type(content.lines), "Lines is not a table")
+ assert(#content.lines == 1, "There should have been one line")
+ assert(#content.lines[1].content == 1, "The line should have 1 word")
+ assert(content.lines[1].content[1].pos == 4, "The word starts at the fourth character")
+ assert(content.lines[1].content[1].str == "hello", "The word is 'hello'")
+function suite.whitespace_in_command()
+ local content = assert(lex.string("hello world", "SRC"))
+ assert(content.source == "SRC", "Source name not propagated")
+ assert(type(content.lines), "Lines is not a table")
+ assert(#content.lines == 1, "There should have been one line")
+ assert(#content.lines[1].content == 2, "The line should have 2 words")
+ assert(content.lines[1].content[1].pos == 1, "The word starts at the first character")
+ assert(content.lines[1].content[1].str == "hello", "The word is 'hello'")
+ assert(content.lines[1].content[2].pos == 9, "The word starts at the ninth character")
+ assert(content.lines[1].content[2].str == "world", "The word is 'world'")
local count_ok = 0
for _, testname in ipairs(testnames) do
+ print("Run: " .. testname)
local ok, err = xpcall(suite[testname], debug.traceback)
if not ok then
- print(testname .. ":")
@@ -37,3 +143,5 @@ for _, testname in ipairs(testnames) do
print("Lex: " .. tostring(count_ok) .. "/" .. tostring(#testnames) .. " OK")
+os.exit(count_ok == #testnames and 0 or 1)