path: root/refs/refs-internal.h
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diff --git a/refs/refs-internal.h b/refs/refs-internal.h
index 8ad02d84df..fc2088ba57 100644
--- a/refs/refs-internal.h
+++ b/refs/refs-internal.h
@@ -249,6 +249,200 @@ int rename_ref_available(const char *oldname, const char *newname);
+ * Reference iterators
+ *
+ * A reference iterator encapsulates the state of an in-progress
+ * iteration over references. Create an instance of `struct
+ * ref_iterator` via one of the functions in this module.
+ *
+ * A freshly-created ref_iterator doesn't yet point at a reference. To
+ * advance the iterator, call ref_iterator_advance(). If successful,
+ * this sets the iterator's refname, oid, and flags fields to describe
+ * the next reference and returns ITER_OK. The data pointed at by
+ * refname and oid belong to the iterator; if you want to retain them
+ * after calling ref_iterator_advance() again or calling
+ * ref_iterator_abort(), you must make a copy. When the iteration has
+ * been exhausted, ref_iterator_advance() releases any resources
+ * assocated with the iteration, frees the ref_iterator object, and
+ * returns ITER_DONE. If you want to abort the iteration early, call
+ * ref_iterator_abort(), which also frees the ref_iterator object and
+ * any associated resources. If there was an internal error advancing
+ * to the next entry, ref_iterator_advance() aborts the iteration,
+ * frees the ref_iterator, and returns ITER_ERROR.
+ *
+ * The reference currently being looked at can be peeled by calling
+ * ref_iterator_peel(). This function is often faster than peel_ref(),
+ * so it should be preferred when iterating over references.
+ *
+ * Putting it all together, a typical iteration looks like this:
+ *
+ * int ok;
+ * struct ref_iterator *iter = ...;
+ *
+ * while ((ok = ref_iterator_advance(iter)) == ITER_OK) {
+ * if (want_to_stop_iteration()) {
+ * ok = ref_iterator_abort(iter);
+ * break;
+ * }
+ *
+ * // Access information about the current reference:
+ * if (!(iter->flags & REF_ISSYMREF))
+ * printf("%s is %s\n", iter->refname, oid_to_hex(&iter->oid));
+ *
+ * // If you need to peel the reference:
+ * ref_iterator_peel(iter, &oid);
+ * }
+ *
+ * if (ok != ITER_DONE)
+ * handle_error();
+ */
+struct ref_iterator {
+ struct ref_iterator_vtable *vtable;
+ const char *refname;
+ const struct object_id *oid;
+ unsigned int flags;
+ * Advance the iterator to the first or next item and return ITER_OK.
+ * If the iteration is exhausted, free the resources associated with
+ * the ref_iterator and return ITER_DONE. On errors, free the iterator
+ * resources and return ITER_ERROR. It is a bug to use ref_iterator or
+ * call this function again after it has returned ITER_DONE or
+ */
+int ref_iterator_advance(struct ref_iterator *ref_iterator);
+ * If possible, peel the reference currently being viewed by the
+ * iterator. Return 0 on success.
+ */
+int ref_iterator_peel(struct ref_iterator *ref_iterator,
+ struct object_id *peeled);
+ * End the iteration before it has been exhausted, freeing the
+ * reference iterator and any associated resources and returning
+ * ITER_DONE. If the abort itself failed, return ITER_ERROR.
+ */
+int ref_iterator_abort(struct ref_iterator *ref_iterator);
+ * An iterator over nothing (its first ref_iterator_advance() call
+ * returns ITER_DONE).
+ */
+struct ref_iterator *empty_ref_iterator_begin(void);
+ * Return true iff ref_iterator is an empty_ref_iterator.
+ */
+int is_empty_ref_iterator(struct ref_iterator *ref_iterator);
+ * A callback function used to instruct merge_ref_iterator how to
+ * interleave the entries from iter0 and iter1. The function should
+ * return one of the constants defined in enum iterator_selection. It
+ * must not advance either of the iterators itself.
+ *
+ * The function must be prepared to handle the case that iter0 and/or
+ * iter1 is NULL, which indicates that the corresponding sub-iterator
+ * has been exhausted. Its return value must be consistent with the
+ * current states of the iterators; e.g., it must not return
+ * ITER_SKIP_1 if iter1 has already been exhausted.
+ */
+typedef enum iterator_selection ref_iterator_select_fn(
+ struct ref_iterator *iter0, struct ref_iterator *iter1,
+ void *cb_data);
+ * Iterate over the entries from iter0 and iter1, with the values
+ * interleaved as directed by the select function. The iterator takes
+ * ownership of iter0 and iter1 and frees them when the iteration is
+ * over.
+ */
+struct ref_iterator *merge_ref_iterator_begin(
+ struct ref_iterator *iter0, struct ref_iterator *iter1,
+ ref_iterator_select_fn *select, void *cb_data);
+ * An iterator consisting of the union of the entries from front and
+ * back. If there are entries common to the two sub-iterators, use the
+ * one from front. Each iterator must iterate over its entries in
+ * strcmp() order by refname for this to work.
+ *
+ * The new iterator takes ownership of its arguments and frees them
+ * when the iteration is over. As a convenience to callers, if front
+ * or back is an empty_ref_iterator, then abort that one immediately
+ * and return the other iterator directly, without wrapping it.
+ */
+struct ref_iterator *overlay_ref_iterator_begin(
+ struct ref_iterator *front, struct ref_iterator *back);
+ * Wrap iter0, only letting through the references whose names start
+ * with prefix. If trim is set, set iter->refname to the name of the
+ * reference with that many characters trimmed off the front;
+ * otherwise set it to the full refname. The new iterator takes over
+ * ownership of iter0 and frees it when iteration is over. It makes
+ * its own copy of prefix.
+ *
+ * As an convenience to callers, if prefix is the empty string and
+ * trim is zero, this function returns iter0 directly, without
+ * wrapping it.
+ */
+struct ref_iterator *prefix_ref_iterator_begin(struct ref_iterator *iter0,
+ const char *prefix,
+ int trim);
+ * Iterate over the packed and loose references in the specified
+ * submodule that are within find_containing_dir(prefix). If prefix is
+ * NULL or the empty string, iterate over all references in the
+ * submodule.
+ */
+struct ref_iterator *files_ref_iterator_begin(const char *submodule,
+ const char *prefix,
+ unsigned int flags);
+/* Internal implementation of reference iteration: */
+ * Base class constructor for ref_iterators. Initialize the
+ * ref_iterator part of iter, setting its vtable pointer as specified.
+ * This is meant to be called only by the initializers of derived
+ * classes.
+ */
+void base_ref_iterator_init(struct ref_iterator *iter,
+ struct ref_iterator_vtable *vtable);
+ * Base class destructor for ref_iterators. Destroy the ref_iterator
+ * part of iter and shallow-free the object. This is meant to be
+ * called only by the destructors of derived classes.
+ */
+void base_ref_iterator_free(struct ref_iterator *iter);
+/* Virtual function declarations for ref_iterators: */
+typedef int ref_iterator_advance_fn(struct ref_iterator *ref_iterator);
+typedef int ref_iterator_peel_fn(struct ref_iterator *ref_iterator,
+ struct object_id *peeled);
+ * Implementations of this function should free any resources specific
+ * to the derived class, then call base_ref_iterator_free() to clean
+ * up and free the ref_iterator object.
+ */
+typedef int ref_iterator_abort_fn(struct ref_iterator *ref_iterator);
+struct ref_iterator_vtable {
+ ref_iterator_advance_fn *advance;
+ ref_iterator_peel_fn *peel;
+ ref_iterator_abort_fn *abort;
* Call fn for each reference in the specified submodule for which the
* refname begins with prefix. If trim is non-zero, then trim that
* many characters off the beginning of each refname before passing