path: root/lib/mime/types.rb
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1 files changed, 254 insertions, 910 deletions
diff --git a/lib/mime/types.rb b/lib/mime/types.rb
index 40d299f71f..de7546413a 100644
--- a/lib/mime/types.rb
+++ b/lib/mime/types.rb
@@ -1,966 +1,310 @@
# -*- ruby encoding: utf-8 -*-
-# The namespace for MIME applications, tools, and libraries.
-module MIME
- # Reflects a MIME Content-Type which is in invalid format (e.g., it isn't
- # in the form of type/subtype).
- class InvalidContentType < RuntimeError; end
- # The definition of one MIME content-type.
- #
- # == Usage
- # require 'mime/types'
- #
- # plaintext = MIME::Types['text/plain'].first
- # # returns [text/plain, text/plain]
- # text = plaintext.first
- # print text.media_type # => 'text'
- # print text.sub_type # => 'plain'
- #
- # puts text.extensions.join(" ") # => 'asc txt c cc h hh cpp'
- #
- # puts text.encoding # => 8bit
- # puts text.binary? # => false
- # puts text.ascii? # => true
- # puts text == 'text/plain' # => true
- # puts MIME::Type.simplified('x-appl/x-zip') # => 'appl/zip'
- #
- # puts MIME::Types.any? { |type|
- # type.content_type == 'text/plain'
- # } # => true
- # puts MIME::Types.all?(&:registered?)
- # # => false
- #
- class Type
- # The released version of Ruby MIME::Types
- VERSION = '1.25'
- include Comparable
- MEDIA_TYPE_RE = %r{([-\w.+]+)/([-\w.+]*)}o
- UNREG_RE = %r{[Xx]-}o
- ENCODING_RE = %r{(?:base64|7bit|8bit|quoted\-printable)}o
- SIGNATURES = %w(application/pgp-keys application/pgp
- application/pgp-signature application/pkcs10
- application/pkcs7-mime application/pkcs7-signature
- text/vcard)
- IANA_URL = ""
- RFC_URL = ""
- DRAFT_URL = ""
- LTSW_URL = ""
- # Returns +true+ if the simplified type matches the current
- def like?(other)
- if other.respond_to?(:simplified)
- @simplified == other.simplified
- else
- @simplified == Type.simplified(other)
- end
- end
- # Compares the MIME::Type against the exact content type or the
- # simplified type (the simplified type will be used if comparing against
- # something that can be treated as a String with #to_s). In comparisons,
- # this is done against the lowercase version of the MIME::Type.
- def <=>(other)
- if other.respond_to?(:content_type)
- @content_type.downcase <=> other.content_type.downcase
- elsif other.respond_to?(:to_s)
- @simplified <=> Type.simplified(other.to_s)
- else
- @content_type.downcase <=> other.downcase
- end
- end
- # Compares the MIME::Type based on how reliable it is before doing a
- # normal <=> comparison. Used by MIME::Types#[] to sort types. The
- # comparisons involved are:
- #
- # 1. self.simplified <=> other.simplified (ensures that we
- # don't try to compare different types)
- # 2. IANA-registered definitions < other definitions.
- # 3. Generic definitions < platform definitions.
- # 3. Complete definitions < incomplete definitions.
- # 4. Current definitions < obsolete definitions.
- # 5. Obselete with use-instead references < obsolete without.
- # 6. Obsolete use-instead definitions are compared.
- def priority_compare(other)
- pc = simplified <=> other.simplified
- if
- pc = if registered? != other.registered?
- registered? ? -1 : 1 # registered < unregistered
- elsif platform? != other.platform?
- platform? ? 1 : -1 # generic < platform
- elsif complete? != other.complete?
- pc = complete? ? -1 : 1 # complete < incomplete
- elsif obsolete? != other.obsolete?
- pc = obsolete? ? 1 : -1 # current < obsolete
- end
- if and obsolete? and (use_instead != other.use_instead)
- pc = if use_instead.nil?
- -1
- elsif other.use_instead.nil?
- 1
- else
- use_instead <=> other.use_instead
- end
- end
- end
- pc
- end
- # Returns +true+ if the other object is a MIME::Type and the content
- # types match.
- def eql?(other)
- other.kind_of?(MIME::Type) and self == other
- end
- # Returns the whole MIME content-type string.
- #
- # text/plain => text/plain
- # x-chemical/x-pdb => x-chemical/x-pdb
- attr_reader :content_type
- # Returns the media type of the simplified MIME type.
- #
- # text/plain => text
- # x-chemical/x-pdb => chemical
- attr_reader :media_type
- # Returns the media type of the unmodified MIME type.
- #
- # text/plain => text
- # x-chemical/x-pdb => x-chemical
- attr_reader :raw_media_type
- # Returns the sub-type of the simplified MIME type.
- #
- # text/plain => plain
- # x-chemical/x-pdb => pdb
- attr_reader :sub_type
- # Returns the media type of the unmodified MIME type.
- #
- # text/plain => plain
- # x-chemical/x-pdb => x-pdb
- attr_reader :raw_sub_type
- # The MIME types main- and sub-label can both start with <tt>x-</tt>,
- # which indicates that it is a non-registered name. Of course, after
- # registration this flag can disappear, adds to the confusing
- # proliferation of MIME types. The simplified string has the <tt>x-</tt>
- # removed and are translated to lowercase.
- #
- # text/plain => text/plain
- # x-chemical/x-pdb => chemical/pdb
- attr_reader :simplified
- # The list of extensions which are known to be used for this MIME::Type.
- # Non-array values will be coerced into an array with #to_a. Array
- # values will be flattened and +nil+ values removed.
- attr_accessor :extensions
- remove_method :extensions= ;
- def extensions=(ext) #:nodoc:
- @extensions = [ext].flatten.compact
- end
- # The encoding (7bit, 8bit, quoted-printable, or base64) required to
- # transport the data of this content type safely across a network, which
- # roughly corresponds to Content-Transfer-Encoding. A value of +nil+ or
- # <tt>:default</tt> will reset the #encoding to the #default_encoding
- # for the MIME::Type. Raises ArgumentError if the encoding provided is
- # invalid.
- #
- # If the encoding is not provided on construction, this will be either
- # 'quoted-printable' (for text/* media types) and 'base64' for eveything
- # else.
- attr_accessor :encoding
- remove_method :encoding= ;
- def encoding=(enc) #:nodoc:
- if enc.nil? or enc == :default
- @encoding = self.default_encoding
- elsif enc =~ ENCODING_RE
- @encoding = enc
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "The encoding must be nil, :default, base64, 7bit, 8bit, or quoted-printable."
- end
- end
- # The regexp for the operating system that this MIME::Type is specific
- # to.
- attr_accessor :system
- remove_method :system= ;
- def system=(os) #:nodoc:
- if os.nil? or os.kind_of?(Regexp)
- @system = os
- else
- @system = %r|#{os}|
- end
- end
- # Returns the default encoding for the MIME::Type based on the media
- # type.
- attr_reader :default_encoding
- remove_method :default_encoding
- def default_encoding
- (@media_type == 'text') ? 'quoted-printable' : 'base64'
- end
- # Returns the media type or types that should be used instead of this
- # media type, if it is obsolete. If there is no replacement media type,
- # or it is not obsolete, +nil+ will be returned.
- attr_reader :use_instead
- remove_method :use_instead
- def use_instead
- return nil unless @obsolete
- @use_instead
- end
- # Returns +true+ if the media type is obsolete.
- def obsolete?
- @obsolete ? true : false
- end
- # Sets the obsolescence indicator for this media type.
- attr_writer :obsolete
- # The documentation for this MIME::Type. Documentation about media
- # types will be found on a media type definition as a comment.
- # Documentation will be found through #docs.
- attr_accessor :docs
- remove_method :docs= ;
- def docs=(d)
- if d
- a = d.scan(%r{use-instead:#{MEDIA_TYPE_RE}})
- if a.empty?
- @use_instead = nil
- else
- @use_instead = { |el| "#{el[0]}/#{el[1]}" }
- end
- end
- @docs = d
- end
- # The encoded URL list for this MIME::Type. See #urls for more
- # information.
- attr_accessor :url
- # The decoded URL list for this MIME::Type.
- # The special URL value IANA will be translated into:
- #<mediatype>/<subtype>
- #
- # The special URL value RFC### will be translated into:
- #
- #
- # The special URL value DRAFT:name will be translated into:
- #
- # command=id_detail&filename=<name>
- #
- # The special URL value LTSW will be translated into:
- #<mediatype>.htp
- #
- # The special URL value [token] will be translated into:
- #<token>
- #
- # These values will be accessible through #urls, which always returns an
- # array.
- def urls
- do |el|
- case el
- when %r{^IANA$}
- IANA_URL % [ @media_type, @sub_type ]
- when %r{^RFC(\d+)$}
- RFC_URL % $1
- when %r{^DRAFT:(.+)$}
- DRAFT_URL % $1
- when %r{^LTSW$}
- LTSW_URL % @media_type
- when %r{^\{([^=]+)=([^\}]+)\}}
- [$1, $2]
- when %r{^\[([^=]+)=([^\]]+)\]}
- [$1, CONTACT_URL % $2]
- when %r{^\[([^\]]+)\]}
- else
- el
- end
- end
- end
- class << self
- # The MIME types main- and sub-label can both start with <tt>x-</tt>,
- # which indicates that it is a non-registered name. Of course, after
- # registration this flag can disappear, adds to the confusing
- # proliferation of MIME types. The simplified string has the
- # <tt>x-</tt> removed and are translated to lowercase.
- def simplified(content_type)
- matchdata = MEDIA_TYPE_RE.match(content_type)
- if matchdata.nil?
- simplified = nil
- else
- media_type = matchdata.captures[0].downcase.gsub(UNREG_RE, '')
- subtype = matchdata.captures[1].downcase.gsub(UNREG_RE, '')
- simplified = "#{media_type}/#{subtype}"
- end
- simplified
- end
- # Creates a MIME::Type from an array in the form of:
- # [type-name, [extensions], encoding, system]
- #
- # +extensions+, +encoding+, and +system+ are optional.
- #
- # MIME::Type.from_array("application/x-ruby", ['rb'], '8bit')
- # MIME::Type.from_array(["application/x-ruby", ['rb'], '8bit'])
- #
- # These are equivalent to:
- #
- #'application/x-ruby') do |t|
- # t.extensions = %w(rb)
- # t.encoding = '8bit'
- # end
- def from_array(*args) #:yields
- # Dereferences the array one level, if necessary.
- args = args.first if args.first.kind_of? Array
- unless args.size.between?(1, 8)
- raise ArgumentError, "Array provided must contain between one and eight elements."
- end
- do |t|
- t.extensions, t.encoding, t.system, t.obsolete,, t.url,
- t.registered = *args
- yield t if block_given?
- end
- end
- # Creates a MIME::Type from a hash. Keys are case-insensitive,
- # dashes may be replaced with underscores, and the internal Symbol
- # of the lowercase-underscore version can be used as well. That is,
- # Content-Type can be provided as content-type, Content_Type,
- # content_type, or :content_type.
- #
- # Known keys are <tt>Content-Type</tt>,
- # <tt>Content-Transfer-Encoding</tt>, <tt>Extensions</tt>, and
- # <tt>System</tt>.
- #
- # MIME::Type.from_hash('Content-Type' => 'text/x-yaml',
- # 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => '8bit',
- # 'System' => 'linux',
- # 'Extensions' => ['yaml', 'yml'])
- #
- # This is equivalent to:
- #
- #'text/x-yaml') do |t|
- # t.encoding = '8bit'
- # t.system = 'linux'
- # t.extensions = ['yaml', 'yml']
- # end
- def from_hash(hash) #:yields
- type = {}
- hash.each_pair do |k, v|
- type['A-Z', 'a-z').gsub(/-/, '_').to_sym] = v
- end
-[:content_type]) do |t|
- t.extensions = type[:extensions]
- t.encoding = type[:content_transfer_encoding]
- t.system = type[:system]
- t.obsolete = type[:obsolete]
- = type[:docs]
- t.url = type[:url]
- t.registered = type[:registered]
- yield t if block_given?
- end
- end
- # Essentially a copy constructor.
- #
- # MIME::Type.from_mime_type(plaintext)
- #
- # is equivalent to:
- #
- # do |t|
- # t.extensions = plaintext.extensions.dup
- # t.system = plaintext.system.dup
- # t.encoding = plaintext.encoding.dup
- # end
- def from_mime_type(mime_type) #:yields the new MIME::Type:
- do |t|
- t.extensions = { |e| e.dup }
- t.url = mime_type.url && { |e| e.dup }
- mime_type.system && t.system = mime_type.system.dup
- mime_type.encoding && t.encoding = mime_type.encoding.dup
- t.obsolete = mime_type.obsolete?
- t.registered = mime_type.registered?
- && =
- yield t if block_given?
- end
- end
- end
- # Builds a MIME::Type object from the provided MIME Content Type value
- # (e.g., 'text/plain' or 'applicaton/x-eruby'). The constructed object
- # is yielded to an optional block for additional configuration, such as
- # associating extensions and encoding information.
- def initialize(content_type) #:yields self:
- matchdata = MEDIA_TYPE_RE.match(content_type)
- if matchdata.nil?
- raise InvalidContentType, "Invalid Content-Type provided ('#{content_type}')"
- end
- @content_type = content_type
- @raw_media_type = matchdata.captures[0]
- @raw_sub_type = matchdata.captures[1]
- @simplified = MIME::Type.simplified(@content_type)
- matchdata = MEDIA_TYPE_RE.match(@simplified)
- @media_type = matchdata.captures[0]
- @sub_type = matchdata.captures[1]
- self.extensions = nil
- self.encoding = :default
- self.system = nil
- self.registered = true
- self.url = nil
- self.obsolete = nil
- = nil
- yield self if block_given?
- end
- # MIME content-types which are not regestered by IANA nor defined in
- # RFCs are required to start with <tt>x-</tt>. This counts as well for
- # a new media type as well as a new sub-type of an existing media
- # type. If either the media-type or the content-type begins with
- # <tt>x-</tt>, this method will return +false+.
- def registered?
- if (@raw_media_type =~ UNREG_RE) || (@raw_sub_type =~ UNREG_RE)
- false
- else
- @registered
- end
- end
- attr_writer :registered #:nodoc:
- # MIME types can be specified to be sent across a network in particular
- # formats. This method returns +true+ when the MIME type encoding is set
- # to <tt>base64</tt>.
- def binary?
- @encoding == 'base64'
- end
- # MIME types can be specified to be sent across a network in particular
- # formats. This method returns +false+ when the MIME type encoding is
- # set to <tt>base64</tt>.
- def ascii?
- not binary?
- end
- # Returns +true+ when the simplified MIME type is in the list of known
- # digital signatures.
- def signature?
- SIGNATURES.include?(@simplified.downcase)
- end
- # Returns +true+ if the MIME::Type is specific to an operating system.
- def system?
- not @system.nil?
- end
- # Returns +true+ if the MIME::Type is specific to the current operating
- # system as represented by RUBY_PLATFORM.
- def platform?
- system? and (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ @system)
- end
+require 'mime/type'
+require 'mime/types/cache'
+require 'mime/types/loader'
+# MIME::Types is a registry of MIME types. It is both a class (created with
+# and a default registry (loaded automatically or through
+# interactions with MIME::Types.[] and MIME::Types.type_for).
+# == The Default mime-types Registry
+# The default mime-types registry is loaded automatically when the library
+# is required (<tt>require 'mime/types'</tt>), but it may be lazily loaded
+# (loaded on first use) with the use of the environment variable
+# +RUBY_MIME_TYPES_LAZY_LOAD+ having any value other than +false+. The
+# initial startup is about 14× faster (~10 ms vs ~140 ms), but the
+# registry will be loaded at some point in the future.
+# The default mime-types registry can also be loaded from a Marshal cache
+# file specific to the version of MIME::Types being loaded. This will be
+# handled automatically with the use of a file referred to in the
+# environment variable +RUBY_MIME_TYPES_CACHE+. MIME::Types will attempt to
+# load the registry from this cache file (MIME::Type::Cache.load); if it
+# cannot be loaded (because the file does not exist, there is an error, or
+# the data is for a different version of mime-types), the default registry
+# will be loaded from the normal JSON version and then the cache file will
+# be *written* to the location indicated by +RUBY_MIME_TYPES_CACHE+. Cache
+# file loads just over 4½× faster (~30 ms vs ~140 ms).
+# loads.
+# Notes:
+# * The loading of the default registry is *not* atomic; when using a
+# multi-threaded environment, it is recommended that lazy loading is not
+# used and mime-types is loaded as early as possible.
+# * Cache files should be specified per application in a multiprocess
+# environment and should be initialized during deployment or before
+# forking to minimize the chance that the multiple processes will be
+# trying to write to the same cache file at the same time, or that two
+# applications that are on different versions of mime-types would be
+# thrashing the cache.
+# * Unless cache files are preinitialized, the application using the
+# mime-types cache file must have read/write permission to the cache file.
+# == Usage
+# require 'mime/types'
+# plaintext = MIME::Types['text/plain']
+# print plaintext.media_type # => 'text'
+# print plaintext.sub_type # => 'plain'
+# puts plaintext.extensions.join(" ") # => 'asc txt c cc h hh cpp'
+# puts plaintext.encoding # => 8bit
+# puts plaintext.binary? # => false
+# puts plaintext.ascii? # => true
+# puts plaintext.obsolete? # => false
+# puts plaintext.registered? # => true
+# puts plaintext == 'text/plain' # => true
+# puts MIME::Type.simplified('x-appl/x-zip') # => 'appl/zip'
+class MIME::Types
+ # The release version of Ruby MIME::Types
+ include Enumerable
+ # The data version.
+ attr_reader :data_version
+ # Creates a new MIME::Types registry.
+ def initialize
+ @type_variants =
+ @extension_index =
+ @data_version = VERSION.dup.freeze
+ end
- # Returns +true+ if the MIME::Type specifies an extension list,
- # indicating that it is a complete MIME::Type.
- def complete?
- not @extensions.empty?
- end
+ def add_type_variant(mime_type) # :nodoc:
+ MIME.deprecated(self, __method__, :private)
+ add_type_variant!(mime_type)
+ end
- # Returns the MIME type as a string.
- def to_s
- @content_type
- end
+ def index_extensions(mime_type) # :nodoc:
+ MIME.deprecated(self, __method__, :private)
+ index_extensions!(mime_type)
+ end
- # Returns the MIME type as a string for implicit conversions.
- def to_str
- @content_type
- end
+ def defined_types # :nodoc:
+ MIME.deprecated(self, __method__)
+ @type_variants.values.flatten
+ end
- # Returns the MIME type as an array suitable for use with
- # MIME::Type.from_array.
- def to_a
- [ @content_type, @extensions, @encoding, @system, @obsolete, @docs,
- @url, registered? ]
- end
+ # Returns the number of known type variants.
+ def count
+ @type_variants.values.reduce(0) { |m, o| m + o.size }
+ end
- # Returns the MIME type as an array suitable for use with
- # MIME::Type.from_hash.
- def to_hash
- { 'Content-Type' => @content_type,
- 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => @encoding,
- 'Extensions' => @extensions,
- 'System' => @system,
- 'Obsolete' => @obsolete,
- 'Docs' => @docs,
- 'URL' => @url,
- 'Registered' => registered?,
- }
- end
+ # Iterates through the type variants.
+ def each
+ @type_variants.values.each { |tv| tv.each { |t| yield t } }
- # = MIME::Types
- # MIME types are used in MIME-compliant communications, as in e-mail or
- # HTTP traffic, to indicate the type of content which is transmitted.
- # MIME::Types provides the ability for detailed information about MIME
- # entities (provided as a set of MIME::Type objects) to be determined and
- # used programmatically. There are many types defined by RFCs and vendors,
- # so the list is long but not complete; don't hesitate to ask to add
- # additional information. This library follows the IANA collection of MIME
- # types (see below for reference).
+ @__types__ = nil
+ # Returns a list of MIME::Type objects, which may be empty. The optional
+ # flag parameters are <tt>:complete</tt> (finds only complete MIME::Type
+ # objects) and <tt>:registered</tt> (finds only MIME::Types that are
+ # registered). It is possible for multiple matches to be returned for
+ # either type (in the example below, 'text/plain' returns two values --
+ # one for the general case, and one for VMS systems).
- # == Description
- # MIME types are used in MIME entities, as in email or HTTP traffic. It is
- # useful at times to have information available about MIME types (or,
- # inversely, about files). A MIME::Type stores the known information about
- # one MIME type.
+ # puts "\nMIME::Types['text/plain']"
+ # MIME::Types['text/plain'].each { |t| puts t.to_a.join(", ") }
- # == Usage
- # require 'mime/types'
+ # puts "\nMIME::Types[/^image/, complete: true]"
+ # MIME::Types[/^image/, :complete => true].each do |t|
+ # puts t.to_a.join(", ")
+ # end
- # plaintext = MIME::Types['text/plain']
- # print plaintext.media_type # => 'text'
- # print plaintext.sub_type # => 'plain'
+ # If multiple type definitions are returned, returns them sorted as
+ # follows:
+ # 1. Complete definitions sort before incomplete ones;
+ # 2. IANA-registered definitions sort before LTSW-recorded
+ # definitions.
+ # 3. Generic definitions sort before platform-specific ones;
+ # 4. Current definitions sort before obsolete ones;
+ # 5. Obsolete definitions with use-instead clauses sort before those
+ # without;
+ # 6. Obsolete definitions use-instead clauses are compared.
+ # 7. Sort on name.
- # puts plaintext.extensions.join(" ") # => 'asc txt c cc h hh cpp'
+ # An additional flag of :platform (finds only MIME::Types for the current
+ # platform) is currently supported but deprecated.
+ def [](type_id, flags = {})
+ if flags[:platform]
+ MIME.deprecated(self, __method__, "using the :platform flag")
+ end
+ matches = case type_id
+ when MIME::Type
+ @type_variants[type_id.simplified]
+ when Regexp
+ match(type_id)
+ else
+ @type_variants[MIME::Type.simplified(type_id)]
+ end
+ prune_matches(matches, flags).sort { |a, b| a.priority_compare(b) }
+ end
+ # Return the list of MIME::Types which belongs to the file based on its
+ # filename extension. If there is no extension, the filename will be used
+ # as the matching criteria on its own.
- # puts plaintext.encoding # => 8bit
- # puts plaintext.binary? # => false
- # puts plaintext.ascii? # => true
- # puts plaintext.obsolete? # => false
- # puts plaintext.registered? # => true
- # puts plaintext == 'text/plain' # => true
- # puts MIME::Type.simplified('x-appl/x-zip') # => 'appl/zip'
+ # This will always return a merged, flatten, priority sorted, unique array.
- # This module is built to conform to the MIME types of RFCs 2045 and 2231.
- # It follows the official IANA registry at
- # and
- # with some unofficial types
- # added from the the collection at
- #
- class Types
- # The released version of Ruby MIME::Types
- DATA_VERSION = (VERSION.to_f * 100).to_i
- # The data version.
- attr_reader :data_version
- class HashWithArrayDefault < Hash # :nodoc:
- def initialize
- super { |h, k| h[k] = [] }
- end
- def marshal_dump
- {}.merge(self)
- end
- def marshal_load(hash)
- self.merge!(hash)
- end
+ # puts MIME::Types.type_for('citydesk.xml')
+ # => [application/xml, text/xml]
+ # puts MIME::Types.type_for('citydesk.gif')
+ # => [image/gif]
+ # puts MIME::Types.type_for(%w(citydesk.xml citydesk.gif))
+ # => [application/xml, image/gif, text/xml]
+ #
+ # If +platform+ is +true+, then only file types that are specific to the
+ # current platform will be returned. This parameter has been deprecated.
+ def type_for(filename, platform = false)
+ types = [ filename ] { |fn|
+ @extension_index[File.basename(fn.chomp.downcase).gsub(/.*\./o, '')]
+ }.flatten.sort { |a, b| a.priority_compare(b) }.uniq
+ if platform
+ MIME.deprecated(self, __method__,
+ "using the platform parameter")
+ else
+ types
+ end
+ alias_method :of, :type_for
- class CacheContainer # :nodoc:
- attr_reader :version, :data
- def initialize(version, data)
- @version, @data = version, data
+ # Add one or more MIME::Type objects to the set of known types. If the
+ # type is already known, a warning will be displayed.
+ #
+ # The last parameter may be the value <tt>:silent</tt> or +true+ which
+ # will suppress duplicate MIME type warnings.
+ def add(*types)
+ quiet = ((types.last == :silent) or (types.last == true))
+ types.each do |mime_type|
+ case mime_type
+ when true, false, nil, Symbol
+ nil
+ when MIME::Types
+ variants = mime_type.instance_variable_get(:@type_variants)
+ add(*variants.values.flatten, quiet)
+ when Array
+ add(*mime_type, quiet)
+ else
+ add_type(mime_type, quiet)
+ end
- def initialize(data_version = DATA_VERSION)
- @type_variants =
- @extension_index =
- @data_version = data_version
+ # Add a single MIME::Type object to the set of known types. If the type is
+ # already known, a warning will be displayed. The +quiet+ parameter may be
+ # a truthy value to suppress that warning.
+ def add_type(mime_type, quiet = false)
+ if !quiet and @type_variants[mime_type.simplified].include?(mime_type)
+ warn("Type %s is already registered as a variant of %s." % [
+ mime_type, mime_type.simplified ])
- def add_type_variant(mime_type) #:nodoc:
- @type_variants[mime_type.simplified] << mime_type
- end
+ add_type_variant!(mime_type)
+ index_extensions!(mime_type)
+ end
+ class << self
+ include Enumerable
- def index_extensions(mime_type) #:nodoc:
- mime_type.extensions.each { |ext| @extension_index[ext] << mime_type }
+ # Load MIME::Types from a v1 file registry.
+ #
+ # This method has been deprecated.
+ def load_from_file(filename)
+ MIME.deprecated(self, __method__)
+ MIME::Types::Loader.load_from_v1(filename)
- def defined_types #:nodoc:
- @type_variants.values.flatten
+ # MIME::Types#[] against the default MIME::Types registry.
+ def [](type_id, flags = {})
+ __types__[type_id, flags]
- # Returns the number of known types. A shortcut of MIME::Types[//].size.
- # (Keep in mind that this is memory intensive, cache the result to spare
- # resources)
+ # MIME::Types#count against the default MIME::Types registry.
def count
- defined_types.size
+ __types__.count
+ # MIME::Types#each against the default MIME::Types registry.
def each
- defined_types.each { |t| yield t }
+ __types__.each {|t| yield t }
- @__types__ = nil
+ # MIME::Types#type_for against the default MIME::Types registry.
+ def type_for(filename, platform = false)
+ __types__.type_for(filename, platform)
+ end
+ alias_method :of, :type_for
- # Returns a list of MIME::Type objects, which may be empty. The optional
- # flag parameters are :complete (finds only complete MIME::Type objects)
- # and :platform (finds only MIME::Types for the current platform). It is
- # possible for multiple matches to be returned for either type (in the
- # example below, 'text/plain' returns two values -- one for the general
- # case, and one for VMS systems.
- #
- # puts "\nMIME::Types['text/plain']"
- # MIME::Types['text/plain'].each { |t| puts t.to_a.join(", ") }
- #
- # puts "\nMIME::Types[/^image/, :complete => true]"
- # MIME::Types[/^image/, :complete => true].each do |t|
- # puts t.to_a.join(", ")
- # end
- #
- # If multiple type definitions are returned, returns them sorted as
- # follows:
- # 1. Complete definitions sort before incomplete ones;
- # 2. IANA-registered definitions sort before LTSW-recorded
- # definitions.
- # 3. Generic definitions sort before platform-specific ones;
- # 4. Current definitions sort before obsolete ones;
- # 5. Obsolete definitions with use-instead clauses sort before those
- # without;
- # 6. Obsolete definitions use-instead clauses are compared.
- # 7. Sort on name.
- def [](type_id, flags = {})
- matches = case type_id
- when MIME::Type
- @type_variants[type_id.simplified]
- when Regexp
- match(type_id)
- else
- @type_variants[MIME::Type.simplified(type_id)]
- end
- prune_matches(matches, flags).sort { |a, b| a.priority_compare(b) }
+ # MIME::Types#add against the default MIME::Types registry.
+ def add(*types)
+ __types__.add(*types)
- # Return the list of MIME::Types which belongs to the file based on its
- # filename extension. If +platform+ is +true+, then only file types that
- # are specific to the current platform will be returned.
- #
- # This will always return an array.
- #
- # puts "MIME::Types.type_for('citydesk.xml')
- # => [application/xml, text/xml]
- # puts "MIME::Types.type_for('citydesk.gif')
- # => [image/gif]
- def type_for(filename, platform = false)
- ext = filename.chomp.downcase.gsub(/.*\./o, '')
- list = @extension_index[ext]
- list.delete_if { |e| not e.platform? } if platform
- list
+ # Returns the currently defined cache file, if any.
+ def cache_file
+ MIME.deprecated(self, __method__)
- # A synonym for MIME::Types.type_for
- def of(filename, platform = false)
- type_for(filename, platform)
+ def add_type_variant(mime_type) # :nodoc:
+ __types__.add_type_variant(mime_type)
- # Add one or more MIME::Type objects to the set of known types. Each
- # type should be experimental (e.g., 'application/x-ruby'). If the type
- # is already known, a warning will be displayed.
- #
- # <strong>Please inform the maintainer of this module when registered
- # types are missing.</strong>
- def add(*types)
- types.each do |mime_type|
- if mime_type.kind_of? MIME::Types
- add(*mime_type.defined_types)
- else
- if @type_variants.include?(mime_type.simplified)
- if @type_variants[mime_type.simplified].include?(mime_type)
- warn "Type #{mime_type} already registered as a variant of #{mime_type.simplified}." unless defined? MIME::Types::LOAD
- end
- end
- add_type_variant(mime_type)
- index_extensions(mime_type)
- end
- end
+ def index_extensions(mime_type) # :nodoc:
+ __types__.index_extensions(mime_type)
- def prune_matches(matches, flags)
- matches.delete_if { |e| not e.complete? } if flags[:complete]
- matches.delete_if { |e| not e.platform? } if flags[:platform]
- matches
+ def lazy_load?
+ (lazy = ENV['RUBY_MIME_TYPES_LAZY_LOAD']) && (lazy != 'false')
- def match(pattern)
- matches = { |k, v| k =~ pattern }
- if matches.respond_to? :values
- matches.values.flatten
- else
- { |m| m.last }.flatten
- end
+ def __types__
+ (defined?(@__types__) and @__types__) or load_default_mime_types
- class << self
- def add_type_variant(mime_type) #:nodoc:
- __types__.add_type_variant(mime_type)
- end
- def index_extensions(mime_type) #:nodoc:
- __types__.index_extensions(mime_type)
- end
- # The regular expression used to match a file-based MIME type
- # definition.
- \A
- \s*
- ([*])? # 0: Unregistered?
- (!)? # 1: Obsolete?
- (?:(\w+):)? # 2: Platform marker
- #{MIME::Type::MEDIA_TYPE_RE}? # 3,4: Media type
- (?:\s+@([^\s]+))? # 5: Extensions
- (?:\s+:(#{MIME::Type::ENCODING_RE}))? # 6: Encoding
- (?:\s+'(.+))? # 7: URL list
- (?:\s+=(.+))? # 8: Documentation
- (?:\s*([#].*)?)?
- \s*
- \z
- }x
- # Build the type list from a file in the format:
- #
- # [*][!][os:]mt/st[<ws>@ext][<ws>:enc][<ws>'url-list][<ws>=docs]
- #
- # == *
- # An unofficial MIME type. This should be used if and only if the MIME type
- # is not properly specified (that is, not under either x-type or
- #
- #
- # == !
- # An obsolete MIME type. May be used with an unofficial MIME type.
- #
- # == os:
- # Platform-specific MIME type definition.
- #
- # == mt
- # The media type.
- #
- # == st
- # The media subtype.
- #
- # == <ws>@ext
- # The list of comma-separated extensions.
- #
- # == <ws>:enc
- # The encoding.
- #
- # == <ws>'url-list
- # The list of comma-separated URLs.
- #
- # == <ws>=docs
- # The documentation string.
- #
- # That is, everything except the media type and the subtype is optional. The
- # more information that's available, though, the richer the values that can
- # be provided.
- def load_from_file(filename) #:nodoc:
- if defined? ::Encoding
- data =, 'r:UTF-8:-') { |f| }
- else
- data = { |f| }
- end
- data = data.split($/)
- mime =
- data.each_with_index { |line, index|
- item = line.chomp.strip
- next if item.empty?
- begin
- m = TEXT_FORMAT_RE.match(item).captures
- rescue Exception
- puts "#{filename}:#{index}: Parsing error in MIME type definitions."
- puts "=> #{line}"
- raise
- end
- unregistered, obsolete, platform, mediatype, subtype, extensions,
- encoding, urls, docs, comment = *m
- if mediatype.nil?
- if comment.nil?
- puts "#{filename}:#{index}: Parsing error in MIME type definitions."
- puts "=> #{line}"
- raise RuntimeError
- end
- next
- end
- extensions &&= extensions.split(/,/)
- urls &&= urls.split(/,/)
- mime_type ="#{mediatype}/#{subtype}") do |t|
- t.extensions = extensions
- t.encoding = encoding
- t.system = platform
- t.obsolete = obsolete
- t.registered = false if unregistered
- = docs
- t.url = urls
- end
- mime.add(mime_type)
- }
- mime
- end
- # Returns a list of MIME::Type objects, which may be empty. The
- # optional flag parameters are :complete (finds only complete
- # MIME::Type objects) and :platform (finds only MIME::Types for the
- # current platform). It is possible for multiple matches to be
- # returned for either type (in the example below, 'text/plain' returns
- # two values -- one for the general case, and one for VMS systems.
- #
- # puts "\nMIME::Types['text/plain']"
- # MIME::Types['text/plain'].each { |t| puts t.to_a.join(", ") }
- #
- # puts "\nMIME::Types[/^image/, :complete => true]"
- # MIME::Types[/^image/, :complete => true].each do |t|
- # puts t.to_a.join(", ")
- # end
- def [](type_id, flags = {})
- __types__[type_id, flags]
- end
- include Enumerable
- def count
- __types__.count
- end
- def each
- __types__.each {|t| yield t }
- end
- # Return the list of MIME::Types which belongs to the file based on
- # its filename extension. If +platform+ is +true+, then only file
- # types that are specific to the current platform will be returned.
- #
- # This will always return an array.
- #
- # puts "MIME::Types.type_for('citydesk.xml')
- # => [application/xml, text/xml]
- # puts "MIME::Types.type_for('citydesk.gif')
- # => [image/gif]
- def type_for(filename, platform = false)
- __types__.type_for(filename, platform)
- end
- # A synonym for MIME::Types.type_for
- def of(filename, platform = false)
- __types__.type_for(filename, platform)
- end
- # Add one or more MIME::Type objects to the set of known types. Each
- # type should be experimental (e.g., 'application/x-ruby'). If the
- # type is already known, a warning will be displayed.
- #
- # <strong>Please inform the maintainer of this module when registered
- # types are missing.</strong>
- def add(*types)
- __types__.add(*types)
- end
- # Returns the currently defined cache file, if any.
- def cache_file
- end
- private
- def load_mime_types_from_cache
- load_mime_types_from_cache! if cache_file
- end
- def load_mime_types_from_cache!
- raise ArgumentError, "No RUBY_MIME_TYPES_CACHE set." unless cache_file
- return false unless File.exists? cache_file
- begin
- data =
- container = Marshal.load(data)
- if container.version == VERSION
- @__types__ = Marshal.load(
- true
- else
- false
- end
- rescue => e
- warn "Could not load MIME::Types cache: #{e}"
- false
- end
- end
- def write_mime_types_to_cache
- write_mime_types_to_cache! if cache_file
- end
- def write_mime_types_to_cache!
- raise ArgumentError, "No RUBY_MIME_TYPES_CACHE set." unless cache_file
-, 'w') do |f|
- cache =,
- Marshal.dump(__types__))
- f.write Marshal.dump(cache)
- end
- true
- end
- def load_and_parse_mime_types
- const_set(:LOAD, true) unless $DEBUG
- Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'types', '*')].sort.each { |f|
- add(load_from_file(f))
- }
- remove_const :LOAD if defined? LOAD
+ def load_default_mime_types
+ @__types__ = MIME::Types::Cache.load
+ unless @__types__
+ @__types__ = MIME::Types::Loader.load
+ @__types__
+ end
+ end
- def lazy_load?
- (lazy = ENV['RUBY_MIME_TYPES_LAZY_LOAD']) && (lazy != 'false')
- end
+ private
+ def add_type_variant!(mime_type)
+ @type_variants[mime_type.simplified] << mime_type
+ end
- def __types__
- load_mime_types unless @__types__
- @__types__
- end
+ def index_extensions!(mime_type)
+ mime_type.extensions.each { |ext| @extension_index[ext] << mime_type }
+ end
- def load_mime_types
- @__types__ = new(VERSION)
- unless load_mime_types_from_cache
- load_and_parse_mime_types
- write_mime_types_to_cache
- end
- end
- end
+ def prune_matches(matches, flags)
+ matches.delete_if { |e| not e.complete? } if flags[:complete]
+ matches.delete_if { |e| not e.platform? } if flags[:platform]
+ matches.delete_if { |e| not e.registered? } if flags[:registered]
+ matches
+ end
- load_mime_types unless lazy_load?
+ def match(pattern)
+ { |k, v| k =~ pattern }.values.flatten
+ load_default_mime_types unless lazy_load?
# vim: ft=ruby