path: root/gitk
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gitk')
1 files changed, 824 insertions, 727 deletions
diff --git a/gitk b/gitk
index f4c662423c..502f2665af 100755
--- a/gitk
+++ b/gitk
@@ -34,13 +34,17 @@ proc parse_args {rargs} {
proc start_rev_list {rlargs} {
global startmsecs nextupdate ncmupdate
- global commfd leftover tclencoding
+ global commfd leftover tclencoding datemode
set startmsecs [clock clicks -milliseconds]
set nextupdate [expr {$startmsecs + 100}]
set ncmupdate 1
+ set order "--topo-order"
+ if {$datemode} {
+ set order "--date-order"
+ }
if {[catch {
- set commfd [open [concat | git-rev-list --header --topo-order \
+ set commfd [open [concat | git-rev-list --header $order \
--parents $rlargs] r]
} err]} {
puts stderr "Error executing git-rev-list: $err"
@@ -77,7 +81,7 @@ proc getcommits {rargs} {
proc getcommitlines {commfd} {
global oldcommits commits parents cdate children nchildren
global commitlisted phase nextupdate
- global stopped redisplaying leftover
+ global stopped leftover
global canv
set stuff [read $commfd]
@@ -105,7 +109,7 @@ proc getcommitlines {commfd} {
set i [string first "\0" $stuff $start]
if {$i < 0} {
append leftover [string range $stuff $start end]
- return
+ break
set cmit [string range $stuff $start [expr {$i - 1}]]
if {$start == 0} {
@@ -140,23 +144,10 @@ proc getcommitlines {commfd} {
set commitlisted($id) 1
parsecommit $id $cmit 1 [lrange $ids 1 end]
drawcommit $id 1
- if {[clock clicks -milliseconds] >= $nextupdate} {
- doupdate 1
- }
- while {$redisplaying} {
- set redisplaying 0
- if {$stopped == 1} {
- set stopped 0
- set phase "getcommits"
- foreach id $commits {
- drawcommit $id 1
- if {$stopped} break
- if {[clock clicks -milliseconds] >= $nextupdate} {
- doupdate 1
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ }
+ layoutmore
+ if {[clock clicks -milliseconds] >= $nextupdate} {
+ doupdate 1
@@ -193,7 +184,7 @@ proc updatecommits {rargs} {
global parsed_args
global canv mainfont
global oldcommits commits
- global parents nchildren children ncleft
+ global parents nchildren children
set old_args $parsed_args
parse_args $rargs
@@ -276,12 +267,11 @@ proc updatecommits {rargs} {
proc updatechildren {id olds} {
- global children nchildren parents nparents ncleft
+ global children nchildren parents nparents
if {![info exists nchildren($id)]} {
set children($id) {}
set nchildren($id) 0
- set ncleft($id) 0
set parents($id) $olds
set nparents($id) [llength $olds]
@@ -289,11 +279,9 @@ proc updatechildren {id olds} {
if {![info exists nchildren($p)]} {
set children($p) [list $id]
set nchildren($p) 1
- set ncleft($p) 1
} elseif {[lsearch -exact $children($p) $id] < 0} {
lappend children($p) $id
incr nchildren($p)
- incr ncleft($p)
@@ -457,7 +445,7 @@ proc makewindow {rargs} {
set canv
canvas $canv -height $geometry(canvh) -width $geometry(canv1) \
-bg white -bd 0 \
- -yscrollincr $linespc -yscrollcommand "$cscroll set"
+ -yscrollincr $linespc -yscrollcommand "scrollcanv $cscroll" add $canv
set canv2
canvas $canv2 -height $geometry(canvh) -width $geometry(canv2) \
@@ -631,6 +619,11 @@ proc makewindow {rargs} {
$rowctxmenu add command -label "Write commit to file" -command writecommit
+proc scrollcanv {cscroll f0 f1} {
+ $cscroll set $f0 $f1
+ drawfrac $f0 $f1
# when we make a key binding for the toplevel, make sure
# it doesn't get triggered when that key is pressed in the
# find string entry widget.
@@ -763,9 +756,9 @@ proc about {} {
toplevel $w
wm title $w "About gitk"
message $w.m -text {
-Gitk version 1.2
+Gitk - a commit viewer for git
-Copyright © 2005 Paul Mackerras
+Copyright © 2005-2006 Paul Mackerras
Use and redistribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License} \
-justify center -aspect 400
@@ -774,6 +767,694 @@ Use and redistribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License} \
pack $w.ok -side bottom
+proc shortids {ids} {
+ set res {}
+ foreach id $ids {
+ if {[llength $id] > 1} {
+ lappend res [shortids $id]
+ } elseif {[regexp {^[0-9a-f]{40}$} $id]} {
+ lappend res [string range $id 0 7]
+ } else {
+ lappend res $id
+ }
+ }
+ return $res
+proc incrange {l x o} {
+ set n [llength $l]
+ while {$x < $n} {
+ set e [lindex $l $x]
+ if {$e ne {}} {
+ lset l $x [expr {$e + $o}]
+ }
+ incr x
+ }
+ return $l
+proc ntimes {n o} {
+ set ret {}
+ for {} {$n > 0} {incr n -1} {
+ lappend ret $o
+ }
+ return $ret
+proc usedinrange {id l1 l2} {
+ global children commitrow
+ if {[info exists commitrow($id)]} {
+ set r $commitrow($id)
+ if {$l1 <= $r && $r <= $l2} {
+ return [expr {$r - $l1 + 1}]
+ }
+ }
+ foreach c $children($id) {
+ if {[info exists commitrow($c)]} {
+ set r $commitrow($c)
+ if {$l1 <= $r && $r <= $l2} {
+ return [expr {$r - $l1 + 1}]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+proc sanity {row {full 0}} {
+ global rowidlist rowoffsets
+ set col -1
+ set ids $rowidlist($row)
+ foreach id $ids {
+ incr col
+ if {$id eq {}} continue
+ if {$col < [llength $ids] - 1 &&
+ [lsearch -exact -start [expr {$col+1}] $ids $id] >= 0} {
+ puts "oops: [shortids $id] repeated in row $row col $col: {[shortids $rowidlist($row)]}"
+ }
+ set o [lindex $rowoffsets($row) $col]
+ set y $row
+ set x $col
+ while {$o ne {}} {
+ incr y -1
+ incr x $o
+ if {[lindex $rowidlist($y) $x] != $id} {
+ puts "oops: rowoffsets wrong at row [expr {$y+1}] col [expr {$x-$o}]"
+ puts " id=[shortids $id] check started at row $row"
+ for {set i $row} {$i >= $y} {incr i -1} {
+ puts " row $i ids={[shortids $rowidlist($i)]} offs={$rowoffsets($i)}"
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ if {!$full} break
+ set o [lindex $rowoffsets($y) $x]
+ }
+ }
+proc makeuparrow {oid x y z} {
+ global rowidlist rowoffsets uparrowlen idrowranges
+ for {set i 1} {$i < $uparrowlen && $y > 1} {incr i} {
+ incr y -1
+ incr x $z
+ set off0 $rowoffsets($y)
+ for {set x0 $x} {1} {incr x0} {
+ if {$x0 >= [llength $off0]} {
+ set x0 [llength $rowoffsets([expr {$y-1}])]
+ break
+ }
+ set z [lindex $off0 $x0]
+ if {$z ne {}} {
+ incr x0 $z
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ set z [expr {$x0 - $x}]
+ set rowidlist($y) [linsert $rowidlist($y) $x $oid]
+ set rowoffsets($y) [linsert $rowoffsets($y) $x $z]
+ }
+ set tmp [lreplace $rowoffsets($y) $x $x {}]
+ set rowoffsets($y) [incrange $tmp [expr {$x+1}] -1]
+ lappend idrowranges($oid) $y
+proc initlayout {} {
+ global rowidlist rowoffsets displayorder
+ global rowlaidout rowoptim
+ global idinlist rowchk
+ set rowidlist(0) {}
+ set rowoffsets(0) {}
+ catch {unset idinlist}
+ catch {unset rowchk}
+ set rowlaidout 0
+ set rowoptim 0
+proc visiblerows {} {
+ global canv numcommits linespc
+ set ymax [lindex [$canv cget -scrollregion] 3]
+ if {$ymax eq {} || $ymax == 0} return
+ set f [$canv yview]
+ set y0 [expr {int([lindex $f 0] * $ymax)}]
+ set r0 [expr {int(($y0 - 3) / $linespc) - 1}]
+ if {$r0 < 0} {
+ set r0 0
+ }
+ set y1 [expr {int([lindex $f 1] * $ymax)}]
+ set r1 [expr {int(($y1 - 3) / $linespc) + 1}]
+ if {$r1 >= $numcommits} {
+ set r1 [expr {$numcommits - 1}]
+ }
+ return [list $r0 $r1]
+proc layoutmore {} {
+ global rowlaidout rowoptim commitidx numcommits optim_delay
+ global uparrowlen
+ set row $rowlaidout
+ set rowlaidout [layoutrows $row $commitidx 0]
+ set orow [expr {$rowlaidout - $uparrowlen - 1}]
+ if {$orow > $rowoptim} {
+ checkcrossings $rowoptim $orow
+ optimize_rows $rowoptim 0 $orow
+ set rowoptim $orow
+ }
+ set canshow [expr {$rowoptim - $optim_delay}]
+ if {$canshow > $numcommits} {
+ showstuff $canshow
+ }
+proc showstuff {canshow} {
+ global numcommits
+ global canvy0 linespc
+ global linesegends idrowranges idrangedrawn
+ set row $numcommits
+ set numcommits $canshow
+ allcanvs conf -scrollregion \
+ [list 0 0 0 [expr {$canvy0 + ($numcommits - 0.5) * $linespc + 2}]]
+ set rows [visiblerows]
+ set r0 [lindex $rows 0]
+ set r1 [lindex $rows 1]
+ for {set r $row} {$r < $canshow} {incr r} {
+ if {[info exists linesegends($r)]} {
+ foreach id $linesegends($r) {
+ set i -1
+ foreach {s e} $idrowranges($id) {
+ incr i
+ if {$e ne {} && $e < $numcommits && $s <= $r1 && $e >= $r0
+ && ![info exists idrangedrawn($id,$i)]} {
+ drawlineseg $id $i 1
+ set idrangedrawn($id,$i) 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$canshow > $r1} {
+ set canshow $r1
+ }
+ while {$row < $canshow} {
+ drawcmitrow $row
+ incr row
+ }
+proc layoutrows {row endrow last} {
+ global rowidlist rowoffsets displayorder
+ global uparrowlen downarrowlen maxwidth mingaplen
+ global nchildren parents nparents
+ global idrowranges linesegends
+ global commitidx
+ global idinlist rowchk
+ set idlist $rowidlist($row)
+ set offs $rowoffsets($row)
+ while {$row < $endrow} {
+ set id [lindex $displayorder $row]
+ set oldolds {}
+ set newolds {}
+ foreach p $parents($id) {
+ if {![info exists idinlist($p)]} {
+ lappend newolds $p
+ } elseif {!$idinlist($p)} {
+ lappend oldolds $p
+ }
+ }
+ set nev [expr {[llength $idlist] + [llength $newolds]
+ + [llength $oldolds] - $maxwidth + 1}]
+ if {$nev > 0} {
+ if {!$last && $row + $uparrowlen + $mingaplen >= $commitidx} break
+ for {set x [llength $idlist]} {[incr x -1] >= 0} {} {
+ set i [lindex $idlist $x]
+ if {![info exists rowchk($i)] || $row >= $rowchk($i)} {
+ set r [usedinrange $i [expr {$row - $downarrowlen}] \
+ [expr {$row + $uparrowlen + $mingaplen}]]
+ if {$r == 0} {
+ set idlist [lreplace $idlist $x $x]
+ set offs [lreplace $offs $x $x]
+ set offs [incrange $offs $x 1]
+ set idinlist($i) 0
+ lappend linesegends($row) $i
+ lappend idrowranges($i) [expr {$row-1}]
+ if {[incr nev -1] <= 0} break
+ continue
+ }
+ set rowchk($id) [expr {$row + $r}]
+ }
+ }
+ set rowidlist($row) $idlist
+ set rowoffsets($row) $offs
+ }
+ set col [lsearch -exact $idlist $id]
+ if {$col < 0} {
+ set col [llength $idlist]
+ lappend idlist $id
+ set rowidlist($row) $idlist
+ set z {}
+ if {$nchildren($id) > 0} {
+ set z [expr {[llength $rowidlist([expr {$row-1}])] - $col}]
+ unset idinlist($id)
+ }
+ lappend offs $z
+ set rowoffsets($row) $offs
+ if {$z ne {}} {
+ makeuparrow $id $col $row $z
+ }
+ } else {
+ unset idinlist($id)
+ }
+ if {[info exists idrowranges($id)]} {
+ lappend linesegends($row) $id
+ lappend idrowranges($id) $row
+ }
+ incr row
+ set offs [ntimes [llength $idlist] 0]
+ set l [llength $newolds]
+ set idlist [eval lreplace \$idlist $col $col $newolds]
+ set o 0
+ if {$l != 1} {
+ set offs [lrange $offs 0 [expr {$col - 1}]]
+ foreach x $newolds {
+ lappend offs {}
+ incr o -1
+ }
+ incr o
+ set tmp [expr {[llength $idlist] - [llength $offs]}]
+ if {$tmp > 0} {
+ set offs [concat $offs [ntimes $tmp $o]]
+ }
+ } else {
+ lset offs $col {}
+ }
+ foreach i $newolds {
+ set idinlist($i) 1
+ set idrowranges($i) $row
+ }
+ incr col $l
+ foreach oid $oldolds {
+ set idinlist($oid) 1
+ set idlist [linsert $idlist $col $oid]
+ set offs [linsert $offs $col $o]
+ makeuparrow $oid $col $row $o
+ incr col
+ }
+ set rowidlist($row) $idlist
+ set rowoffsets($row) $offs
+ }
+ return $row
+proc addextraid {id row} {
+ global displayorder commitrow lineid commitinfo nparents
+ global commitidx
+ incr commitidx
+ lappend displayorder $id
+ set commitrow($id) $row
+ set lineid($row) $id
+ readcommit $id
+ if {![info exists commitinfo($id)]} {
+ set commitinfo($id) {"No commit information available"}
+ set nparents($id) 0
+ }
+proc layouttail {} {
+ global rowidlist rowoffsets idinlist commitidx
+ global idrowranges linesegends
+ set row $commitidx
+ set idlist $rowidlist($row)
+ while {$idlist ne {}} {
+ set col [expr {[llength $idlist] - 1}]
+ set id [lindex $idlist $col]
+ addextraid $id $row
+ unset idinlist($id)
+ lappend linesegends($row) $id
+ lappend idrowranges($id) $row
+ incr row
+ set offs [ntimes $col 0]
+ set idlist [lreplace $idlist $col $col]
+ set rowidlist($row) $idlist
+ set rowoffsets($row) $offs
+ }
+ foreach id [array names idinlist] {
+ addextraid $id $row
+ set rowidlist($row) [list $id]
+ set rowoffsets($row) 0
+ makeuparrow $id 0 $row 0
+ lappend linesegends($row) $id
+ lappend idrowranges($id) $row
+ incr row
+ }
+proc insert_pad {row col npad} {
+ global rowidlist rowoffsets
+ set pad [ntimes $npad {}]
+ set rowidlist($row) [eval linsert \$rowidlist($row) $col $pad]
+ set tmp [eval linsert \$rowoffsets($row) $col $pad]
+ set rowoffsets($row) [incrange $tmp [expr {$col + $npad}] [expr {-$npad}]]
+proc optimize_rows {row col endrow} {
+ global rowidlist rowoffsets idrowranges
+ for {} {$row < $endrow} {incr row} {
+ set idlist $rowidlist($row)
+ set offs $rowoffsets($row)
+ set haspad 0
+ for {} {$col < [llength $offs]} {incr col} {
+ if {[lindex $idlist $col] eq {}} {
+ set haspad 1
+ continue
+ }
+ set z [lindex $offs $col]
+ if {$z eq {}} continue
+ set isarrow 0
+ set x0 [expr {$col + $z}]
+ set y0 [expr {$row - 1}]
+ set z0 [lindex $rowoffsets($y0) $x0]
+ if {$z0 eq {}} {
+ set id [lindex $idlist $col]
+ if {[info exists idrowranges($id)] &&
+ $y0 > [lindex $idrowranges($id) 0]} {
+ set isarrow 1
+ }
+ }
+ if {$z < -1 || ($z < 0 && $isarrow)} {
+ set npad [expr {-1 - $z + $isarrow}]
+ set offs [incrange $offs $col $npad]
+ insert_pad $y0 $x0 $npad
+ if {$y0 > 0} {
+ optimize_rows $y0 $x0 $row
+ }
+ set z [lindex $offs $col]
+ set x0 [expr {$col + $z}]
+ set z0 [lindex $rowoffsets($y0) $x0]
+ } elseif {$z > 1 || ($z > 0 && $isarrow)} {
+ set npad [expr {$z - 1 + $isarrow}]
+ set y1 [expr {$row + 1}]
+ set offs2 $rowoffsets($y1)
+ set x1 -1
+ foreach z $offs2 {
+ incr x1
+ if {$z eq {} || $x1 + $z < $col} continue
+ if {$x1 + $z > $col} {
+ incr npad
+ }
+ set rowoffsets($y1) [incrange $offs2 $x1 $npad]
+ break
+ }
+ set pad [ntimes $npad {}]
+ set idlist [eval linsert \$idlist $col $pad]
+ set tmp [eval linsert \$offs $col $pad]
+ incr col $npad
+ set offs [incrange $tmp $col [expr {-$npad}]]
+ set z [lindex $offs $col]
+ set haspad 1
+ }
+ if {$z0 ne {} && $z < 0 && $z0 > 0} {
+ insert_pad $y0 $x0 1
+ set offs [incrange $offs $col 1]
+ optimize_rows $y0 [expr {$x0 + 1}] $row
+ }
+ }
+ if {!$haspad} {
+ for {set col [llength $idlist]} {[incr col -1] >= 0} {} {
+ set o [lindex $offs $col]
+ if {$o eq {} || $o <= 0} break
+ }
+ if {[incr col] < [llength $idlist]} {
+ set y1 [expr {$row + 1}]
+ set offs2 $rowoffsets($y1)
+ set x1 -1
+ foreach z $offs2 {
+ incr x1
+ if {$z eq {} || $x1 + $z < $col} continue
+ set rowoffsets($y1) [incrange $offs2 $x1 1]
+ break
+ }
+ set idlist [linsert $idlist $col {}]
+ set tmp [linsert $offs $col {}]
+ incr col
+ set offs [incrange $tmp $col -1]
+ }
+ }
+ set rowidlist($row) $idlist
+ set rowoffsets($row) $offs
+ set col 0
+ }
+proc xc {row col} {
+ global canvx0 linespc
+ return [expr {$canvx0 + $col * $linespc}]
+proc yc {row} {
+ global canvy0 linespc
+ return [expr {$canvy0 + $row * $linespc}]
+proc drawlineseg {id i wid} {
+ global rowoffsets rowidlist idrowranges
+ global canv colormap lthickness
+ set startrow [lindex $idrowranges($id) [expr {2 * $i}]]
+ set row [lindex $idrowranges($id) [expr {2 * $i + 1}]]
+ if {$startrow == $row} return
+ assigncolor $id
+ set coords {}
+ set col [lsearch -exact $rowidlist($row) $id]
+ if {$col < 0} {
+ puts "oops: drawline: id $id not on row $row"
+ return
+ }
+ set lasto {}
+ set ns 0
+ while {1} {
+ set o [lindex $rowoffsets($row) $col]
+ if {$o eq {}} break
+ if {$o ne $lasto} {
+ # changing direction
+ set x [xc $row $col]
+ set y [yc $row]
+ lappend coords $x $y
+ set lasto $o
+ }
+ incr col $o
+ incr row -1
+ }
+ if {$coords eq {}} return
+ set last [expr {[llength $idrowranges($id)] / 2 - 1}]
+ set arrow [expr {2 * ($i > 0) + ($i < $last)}]
+ set arrow [lindex {none first last both} $arrow]
+ set wid [expr {$wid * $lthickness}]
+ set x [xc $row $col]
+ set y [yc $row]
+ lappend coords $x $y
+ set t [$canv create line $coords -width $wid \
+ -fill $colormap($id) -tags lines.$id -arrow $arrow]
+ $canv lower $t
+ bindline $t $id
+proc drawparentlinks {id row col olds wid} {
+ global rowoffsets rowidlist canv colormap lthickness
+ set row2 [expr {$row + 1}]
+ set x [xc $row $col]
+ set y [yc $row]
+ set y2 [yc $row2]
+ set ids $rowidlist($row2)
+ set offs $rowidlist($row2)
+ # rmx = right-most X coord used
+ set rmx 0
+ set wid [expr {$wid * $lthickness}]
+ foreach p $olds {
+ set i [lsearch -exact $ids $p]
+ if {$i < 0} {
+ puts "oops, parent $p of $id not in list"
+ continue
+ }
+ assigncolor $p
+ # should handle duplicated parents here...
+ set coords [list $x $y]
+ if {$i < $col - 1} {
+ lappend coords [xc $row [expr {$i + 1}]] $y
+ } elseif {$i > $col + 1} {
+ lappend coords [xc $row [expr {$i - 1}]] $y
+ }
+ set x2 [xc $row2 $i]
+ if {$x2 > $rmx} {
+ set rmx $x2
+ }
+ lappend coords $x2 $y2
+ set t [$canv create line $coords -width $wid \
+ -fill $colormap($p) -tags lines.$p]
+ $canv lower $t
+ bindline $t $p
+ }
+ return $rmx
+proc drawlines {id xtra} {
+ global colormap canv
+ global idrowranges idrangedrawn
+ global children iddrawn commitrow rowidlist
+ $canv delete lines.$id
+ set wid [expr {$xtra + 1}]
+ set nr [expr {[llength $idrowranges($id)] / 2}]
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $nr} {incr i} {
+ if {[info exists idrangedrawn($id,$i)]} {
+ drawlineseg $id $i $wid
+ }
+ }
+ if {[info exists children($id)]} {
+ foreach child $children($id) {
+ if {[info exists iddrawn($child)]} {
+ set row $commitrow($child)
+ set col [lsearch -exact $rowidlist($row) $child]
+ if {$col >= 0} {
+ drawparentlinks $child $row $col [list $id] $wid
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+proc drawcmittext {id row col rmx} {
+ global linespc canv canv2 canv3 canvy0
+ global commitlisted commitinfo rowidlist
+ global rowtextx idpos idtags idheads idotherrefs
+ global linehtag linentag linedtag
+ global mainfont namefont
+ set ofill [expr {[info exists commitlisted($id)]? "blue": "white"}]
+ set x [xc $row $col]
+ set y [yc $row]
+ set orad [expr {$linespc / 3}]
+ set t [$canv create oval [expr {$x - $orad}] [expr {$y - $orad}] \
+ [expr {$x + $orad - 1}] [expr {$y + $orad - 1}] \
+ -fill $ofill -outline black -width 1]
+ $canv raise $t
+ $canv bind $t <1> {selcanvline {} %x %y}
+ set xt [xc $row [llength $rowidlist($row)]]
+ if {$xt < $rmx} {
+ set xt $rmx
+ }
+ set rowtextx($row) $xt
+ set idpos($id) [list $x $xt $y]
+ if {[info exists idtags($id)] || [info exists idheads($id)]
+ || [info exists idotherrefs($id)]} {
+ set xt [drawtags $id $x $xt $y]
+ }
+ set headline [lindex $commitinfo($id) 0]
+ set name [lindex $commitinfo($id) 1]
+ set date [lindex $commitinfo($id) 2]
+ set date [formatdate $date]
+ set linehtag($row) [$canv create text $xt $y -anchor w \
+ -text $headline -font $mainfont ]
+ $canv bind $linehtag($row) <Button-3> "rowmenu %X %Y $id"
+ set linentag($row) [$canv2 create text 3 $y -anchor w \
+ -text $name -font $namefont]
+ set linedtag($row) [$canv3 create text 3 $y -anchor w \
+ -text $date -font $mainfont]
+proc drawcmitrow {row} {
+ global displayorder rowidlist rowoffsets
+ global idrowranges idrangedrawn iddrawn
+ global commitinfo commitlisted parents numcommits
+ if {![info exists rowidlist($row)]} return
+ foreach id $rowidlist($row) {
+ if {![info exists idrowranges($id)]} continue
+ set i -1
+ foreach {s e} $idrowranges($id) {
+ incr i
+ if {$row < $s} continue
+ if {$e eq {}} break
+ if {$row <= $e} {
+ if {$e < $numcommits && ![info exists idrangedrawn($id,$i)]} {
+ drawlineseg $id $i 1
+ set idrangedrawn($id,$i) 1
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set id [lindex $displayorder $row]
+ if {[info exists iddrawn($id)]} return
+ set col [lsearch -exact $rowidlist($row) $id]
+ if {$col < 0} {
+ puts "oops, row $row id $id not in list"
+ return
+ }
+ if {![info exists commitinfo($id)]} {
+ readcommit $id
+ if {![info exists commitinfo($id)]} {
+ set commitinfo($id) {"No commit information available"}
+ set nparents($id) 0
+ }
+ }
+ assigncolor $id
+ if {[info exists commitlisted($id)] && [info exists parents($id)]
+ && $parents($id) ne {}} {
+ set rmx [drawparentlinks $id $row $col $parents($id) 1]
+ } else {
+ set rmx 0
+ }
+ drawcmittext $id $row $col $rmx
+ set iddrawn($id) 1
+proc drawfrac {f0 f1} {
+ global numcommits canv
+ global linespc
+ set ymax [lindex [$canv cget -scrollregion] 3]
+ if {$ymax eq {} || $ymax == 0} return
+ set y0 [expr {int($f0 * $ymax)}]
+ set row [expr {int(($y0 - 3) / $linespc) - 1}]
+ if {$row < 0} {
+ set row 0
+ }
+ set y1 [expr {int($f1 * $ymax)}]
+ set endrow [expr {int(($y1 - 3) / $linespc) + 1}]
+ if {$endrow >= $numcommits} {
+ set endrow [expr {$numcommits - 1}]
+ }
+ for {} {$row <= $endrow} {incr row} {
+ drawcmitrow $row
+ }
+proc drawvisible {} {
+ global canv
+ eval drawfrac [$canv yview]
+proc clear_display {} {
+ global iddrawn idrangedrawn
+ allcanvs delete all
+ catch {unset iddrawn}
+ catch {unset idrangedrawn}
proc assigncolor {id} {
global colormap commcolors colors nextcolor
global parents nparents children nchildren
@@ -781,7 +1462,7 @@ proc assigncolor {id} {
if {[info exists colormap($id)]} return
set ncolors [llength $colors]
- if {$nparents($id) <= 1 && $nchildren($id) == 1} {
+ if {$nchildren($id) == 1} {
set child [lindex $children($id) 0]
if {[info exists colormap($child)]
&& $nparents($child) == 1} {
@@ -846,25 +1527,16 @@ proc assigncolor {id} {
proc initgraph {} {
- global canvy canvy0 lineno numcommits nextcolor linespc
- global nchildren ncleft
- global displist nhyperspace
+ global numcommits nextcolor linespc
+ global nchildren
allcanvs delete all
set nextcolor 0
- set canvy $canvy0
- set lineno -1
set numcommits 0
- foreach v {mainline mainlinearrow sidelines colormap cornercrossings
- crossings idline lineid} {
+ foreach v {colormap cornercrossings crossings lineid} {
global $v
catch {unset $v}
- foreach id [array names nchildren] {
- set ncleft($id) $nchildren($id)
- }
- set displist {}
- set nhyperspace 0
proc bindline {t id} {
@@ -876,121 +1548,10 @@ proc bindline {t id} {
$canv bind $t <Button-1> "lineclick %x %y $id 1"
-proc drawlines {id xtra delold} {
- global mainline mainlinearrow sidelines lthickness colormap canv
- if {$delold} {
- $canv delete lines.$id
- }
- if {[info exists mainline($id)]} {
- set t [$canv create line $mainline($id) \
- -width [expr {($xtra + 1) * $lthickness}] \
- -fill $colormap($id) -tags lines.$id \
- -arrow $mainlinearrow($id)]
- $canv lower $t
- bindline $t $id
- }
- if {[info exists sidelines($id)]} {
- foreach ls $sidelines($id) {
- set coords [lindex $ls 0]
- set thick [lindex $ls 1]
- set arrow [lindex $ls 2]
- set t [$canv create line $coords -fill $colormap($id) \
- -width [expr {($thick + $xtra) * $lthickness}] \
- -arrow $arrow -tags lines.$id]
- $canv lower $t
- bindline $t $id
- }
- }
-# level here is an index in displist
-proc drawcommitline {level} {
- global parents children nparents displist
- global canv canv2 canv3 mainfont namefont canvy linespc
- global lineid linehtag linentag linedtag commitinfo
- global colormap numcommits currentparents dupparents
- global idtags idline idheads idotherrefs
- global lineno lthickness mainline mainlinearrow sidelines
- global commitlisted rowtextx idpos lastuse displist
- global oldnlines olddlevel olddisplist
- incr numcommits
- incr lineno
- set id [lindex $displist $level]
- set lastuse($id) $lineno
- set lineid($lineno) $id
- set idline($id) $lineno
- set ofill [expr {[info exists commitlisted($id)]? "blue": "white"}]
- if {![info exists commitinfo($id)]} {
- readcommit $id
- if {![info exists commitinfo($id)]} {
- set commitinfo($id) {"No commit information available"}
- set nparents($id) 0
- }
- }
- assigncolor $id
- set currentparents {}
- set dupparents {}
- if {[info exists commitlisted($id)] && [info exists parents($id)]} {
- foreach p $parents($id) {
- if {[lsearch -exact $currentparents $p] < 0} {
- lappend currentparents $p
- } else {
- # remember that this parent was listed twice
- lappend dupparents $p
- }
- }
- }
- set x [xcoord $level $level $lineno]
- set y1 $canvy
- set canvy [expr {$canvy + $linespc}]
- allcanvs conf -scrollregion \
- [list 0 0 0 [expr {$y1 + 0.5 * $linespc + 2}]]
- if {[info exists mainline($id)]} {
- lappend mainline($id) $x $y1
- if {$mainlinearrow($id) ne "none"} {
- set mainline($id) [trimdiagstart $mainline($id)]
- }
- }
- drawlines $id 0 0
- set orad [expr {$linespc / 3}]
- set t [$canv create oval [expr {$x - $orad}] [expr {$y1 - $orad}] \
- [expr {$x + $orad - 1}] [expr {$y1 + $orad - 1}] \
- -fill $ofill -outline black -width 1]
- $canv raise $t
- $canv bind $t <1> {selcanvline {} %x %y}
- set xt [xcoord [llength $displist] $level $lineno]
- if {[llength $currentparents] > 2} {
- set xt [expr {$xt + ([llength $currentparents] - 2) * $linespc}]
- }
- set rowtextx($lineno) $xt
- set idpos($id) [list $x $xt $y1]
- if {[info exists idtags($id)] || [info exists idheads($id)]
- || [info exists idotherrefs($id)]} {
- set xt [drawtags $id $x $xt $y1]
- }
- set headline [lindex $commitinfo($id) 0]
- set name [lindex $commitinfo($id) 1]
- set date [lindex $commitinfo($id) 2]
- set date [formatdate $date]
- set linehtag($lineno) [$canv create text $xt $y1 -anchor w \
- -text $headline -font $mainfont ]
- $canv bind $linehtag($lineno) <Button-3> "rowmenu %X %Y $id"
- set linentag($lineno) [$canv2 create text 3 $y1 -anchor w \
- -text $name -font $namefont]
- set linedtag($lineno) [$canv3 create text 3 $y1 -anchor w \
- -text $date -font $mainfont]
- set olddlevel $level
- set olddisplist $displist
- set oldnlines [llength $displist]
proc drawtags {id x xt y1} {
global idtags idheads idotherrefs
global linespc lthickness
- global canv mainfont idline rowtextx
+ global canv mainfont commitrow rowtextx
set marks {}
set ntags 0
@@ -1033,7 +1594,7 @@ proc drawtags {id x xt y1} {
$xr $yt $xr $yb $xl $yb $x [expr {$yb - $delta}] \
-width 1 -outline black -fill yellow -tags tag.$id]
$canv bind $t <1> [list showtag $tag 1]
- set rowtextx($idline($id)) [expr {$xr + $linespc}]
+ set rowtextx($commitrow($id)) [expr {$xr + $linespc}]
} else {
# draw a head or other ref
if {[incr nheads -1] >= 0} {
@@ -1054,11 +1615,32 @@ proc drawtags {id x xt y1} {
return $xt
-proc notecrossings {id lo hi corner} {
- global olddisplist crossings cornercrossings
+proc checkcrossings {row endrow} {
+ global displayorder parents rowidlist
+ for {} {$row < $endrow} {incr row} {
+ set id [lindex $displayorder $row]
+ set i [lsearch -exact $rowidlist($row) $id]
+ if {$i < 0} continue
+ set idlist $rowidlist([expr {$row+1}])
+ foreach p $parents($id) {
+ set j [lsearch -exact $idlist $p]
+ if {$j > 0} {
+ if {$j < $i - 1} {
+ notecrossings $row $p $j $i [expr {$j+1}]
+ } elseif {$j > $i + 1} {
+ notecrossings $row $p $i $j [expr {$j-1}]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+proc notecrossings {row id lo hi corner} {
+ global rowidlist crossings cornercrossings
for {set i $lo} {[incr i] < $hi} {} {
- set p [lindex $olddisplist $i]
+ set p [lindex $rowidlist($row) $i]
if {$p == {}} continue
if {$i == $corner} {
if {![info exists cornercrossings($id)]
@@ -1094,491 +1676,29 @@ proc xcoord {i level ln} {
return $x
-# it seems Tk can't draw arrows on the end of diagonal line segments...
-proc trimdiagend {line} {
- while {[llength $line] > 4} {
- set x1 [lindex $line end-3]
- set y1 [lindex $line end-2]
- set x2 [lindex $line end-1]
- set y2 [lindex $line end]
- if {($x1 == $x2) != ($y1 == $y2)} break
- set line [lreplace $line end-1 end]
- }
- return $line
-proc trimdiagstart {line} {
- while {[llength $line] > 4} {
- set x1 [lindex $line 0]
- set y1 [lindex $line 1]
- set x2 [lindex $line 2]
- set y2 [lindex $line 3]
- if {($x1 == $x2) != ($y1 == $y2)} break
- set line [lreplace $line 0 1]
- }
- return $line
-proc drawslants {id needonscreen nohs} {
- global canv mainline mainlinearrow sidelines
- global canvx0 canvy xspc1 xspc2 lthickness
- global currentparents dupparents
- global lthickness linespc canvy colormap lineno geometry
- global maxgraphpct maxwidth
- global displist onscreen lastuse
- global parents commitlisted
- global oldnlines olddlevel olddisplist
- global nhyperspace numcommits nnewparents
- if {$lineno < 0} {
- lappend displist $id
- set onscreen($id) 1
- return 0
- }
- set y1 [expr {$canvy - $linespc}]
- set y2 $canvy
- # work out what we need to get back on screen
- set reins {}
- if {$onscreen($id) < 0} {
- # next to do isn't displayed, better get it on screen...
- lappend reins [list $id 0]
- }
- # make sure all the previous commits's parents are on the screen
- foreach p $currentparents {
- if {$onscreen($p) < 0} {
- lappend reins [list $p 0]
- }
- }
- # bring back anything requested by caller
- if {$needonscreen ne {}} {
- lappend reins $needonscreen
- }
- # try the shortcut
- if {$currentparents == $id && $onscreen($id) == 0 && $reins eq {}} {
- set dlevel $olddlevel
- set x [xcoord $dlevel $dlevel $lineno]
- set mainline($id) [list $x $y1]
- set mainlinearrow($id) none
- set lastuse($id) $lineno
- set displist [lreplace $displist $dlevel $dlevel $id]
- set onscreen($id) 1
- set xspc1([expr {$lineno + 1}]) $xspc1($lineno)
- return $dlevel
- }
- # update displist
- set displist [lreplace $displist $olddlevel $olddlevel]
- set j $olddlevel
- foreach p $currentparents {
- set lastuse($p) $lineno
- if {$onscreen($p) == 0} {
- set displist [linsert $displist $j $p]
- set onscreen($p) 1
- incr j
- }
- }
- if {$onscreen($id) == 0} {
- lappend displist $id
- set onscreen($id) 1
- }
- # remove the null entry if present
- set nullentry [lsearch -exact $displist {}]
- if {$nullentry >= 0} {
- set displist [lreplace $displist $nullentry $nullentry]
- }
- # bring back the ones we need now (if we did it earlier
- # it would change displist and invalidate olddlevel)
- foreach pi $reins {
- # test again in case of duplicates in reins
- set p [lindex $pi 0]
- if {$onscreen($p) < 0} {
- set onscreen($p) 1
- set lastuse($p) $lineno
- set displist [linsert $displist [lindex $pi 1] $p]
- incr nhyperspace -1
- }
- }
- set lastuse($id) $lineno
- # see if we need to make any lines jump off into hyperspace
- set displ [llength $displist]
- if {$displ > $maxwidth} {
- set ages {}
- foreach x $displist {
- lappend ages [list $lastuse($x) $x]
- }
- set ages [lsort -integer -index 0 $ages]
- set k 0
- while {$displ > $maxwidth} {
- set use [lindex $ages $k 0]
- set victim [lindex $ages $k 1]
- if {$use >= $lineno - 5} break
- incr k
- if {[lsearch -exact $nohs $victim] >= 0} continue
- set i [lsearch -exact $displist $victim]
- set displist [lreplace $displist $i $i]
- set onscreen($victim) -1
- incr nhyperspace
- incr displ -1
- if {$i < $nullentry} {
- incr nullentry -1
- }
- set x [lindex $mainline($victim) end-1]
- lappend mainline($victim) $x $y1
- set line [trimdiagend $mainline($victim)]
- set arrow "last"
- if {$mainlinearrow($victim) ne "none"} {
- set line [trimdiagstart $line]
- set arrow "both"
- }
- lappend sidelines($victim) [list $line 1 $arrow]
- unset mainline($victim)
- }
- }
- set dlevel [lsearch -exact $displist $id]
- # If we are reducing, put in a null entry
- if {$displ < $oldnlines} {
- # does the next line look like a merge?
- # i.e. does it have > 1 new parent?
- if {$nnewparents($id) > 1} {
- set i [expr {$dlevel + 1}]
- } elseif {$nnewparents([lindex $olddisplist $olddlevel]) == 0} {
- set i $olddlevel
- if {$nullentry >= 0 && $nullentry < $i} {
- incr i -1
- }
- } elseif {$nullentry >= 0} {
- set i $nullentry
- while {$i < $displ
- && [lindex $olddisplist $i] == [lindex $displist $i]} {
- incr i
- }
- } else {
- set i $olddlevel
- if {$dlevel >= $i} {
- incr i
- }
- }
- if {$i < $displ} {
- set displist [linsert $displist $i {}]
- incr displ
- if {$dlevel >= $i} {
- incr dlevel
- }
- }
- }
- # decide on the line spacing for the next line
- set lj [expr {$lineno + 1}]
- set maxw [expr {$maxgraphpct * $geometry(canv1) / 100}]
- if {$displ <= 1 || $canvx0 + $displ * $xspc2 <= $maxw} {
- set xspc1($lj) $xspc2
- } else {
- set xspc1($lj) [expr {($maxw - $canvx0 - $xspc2) / ($displ - 1)}]
- if {$xspc1($lj) < $lthickness} {
- set xspc1($lj) $lthickness
- }
- }
- foreach idi $reins {
- set id [lindex $idi 0]
- set j [lsearch -exact $displist $id]
- set xj [xcoord $j $dlevel $lj]
- set mainline($id) [list $xj $y2]
- set mainlinearrow($id) first
- }
- set i -1
- foreach id $olddisplist {
- incr i
- if {$id == {}} continue
- if {$onscreen($id) <= 0} continue
- set xi [xcoord $i $olddlevel $lineno]
- if {$i == $olddlevel} {
- foreach p $currentparents {
- set j [lsearch -exact $displist $p]
- set coords [list $xi $y1]
- set xj [xcoord $j $dlevel $lj]
- if {$xj < $xi - $linespc} {
- lappend coords [expr {$xj + $linespc}] $y1
- notecrossings $p $j $i [expr {$j + 1}]
- } elseif {$xj > $xi + $linespc} {
- lappend coords [expr {$xj - $linespc}] $y1
- notecrossings $p $i $j [expr {$j - 1}]
- }
- if {[lsearch -exact $dupparents $p] >= 0} {
- # draw a double-width line to indicate the doubled parent
- lappend coords $xj $y2
- lappend sidelines($p) [list $coords 2 none]
- if {![info exists mainline($p)]} {
- set mainline($p) [list $xj $y2]
- set mainlinearrow($p) none
- }
- } else {
- # normal case, no parent duplicated
- set yb $y2
- set dx [expr {abs($xi - $xj)}]
- if {0 && $dx < $linespc} {
- set yb [expr {$y1 + $dx}]
- }
- if {![info exists mainline($p)]} {
- if {$xi != $xj} {
- lappend coords $xj $yb
- }
- set mainline($p) $coords
- set mainlinearrow($p) none
- } else {
- lappend coords $xj $yb
- if {$yb < $y2} {
- lappend coords $xj $y2
- }
- lappend sidelines($p) [list $coords 1 none]
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- set j $i
- if {[lindex $displist $i] != $id} {
- set j [lsearch -exact $displist $id]
- }
- if {$j != $i || $xspc1($lineno) != $xspc1($lj)
- || ($olddlevel < $i && $i < $dlevel)
- || ($dlevel < $i && $i < $olddlevel)} {
- set xj [xcoord $j $dlevel $lj]
- lappend mainline($id) $xi $y1 $xj $y2
- }
- }
- }
- return $dlevel
-# search for x in a list of lists
-proc llsearch {llist x} {
- set i 0
- foreach l $llist {
- if {$l == $x || [lsearch -exact $l $x] >= 0} {
- return $i
- }
- incr i
- }
- return -1
-proc drawmore {reading} {
- global displayorder numcommits ncmupdate nextupdate
- global stopped nhyperspace parents commitlisted
- global maxwidth onscreen displist currentparents olddlevel
- set n [llength $displayorder]
- while {$numcommits < $n} {
- set id [lindex $displayorder $numcommits]
- set ctxend [expr {$numcommits + 10}]
- if {!$reading && $ctxend > $n} {
- set ctxend $n
- }
- set dlist {}
- if {$numcommits > 0} {
- set dlist [lreplace $displist $olddlevel $olddlevel]
- set i $olddlevel
- foreach p $currentparents {
- if {$onscreen($p) == 0} {
- set dlist [linsert $dlist $i $p]
- incr i
- }
- }
- }
- set nohs {}
- set reins {}
- set isfat [expr {[llength $dlist] > $maxwidth}]
- if {$nhyperspace > 0 || $isfat} {
- if {$ctxend > $n} break
- # work out what to bring back and
- # what we want to don't want to send into hyperspace
- set room 1
- for {set k $numcommits} {$k < $ctxend} {incr k} {
- set x [lindex $displayorder $k]
- set i [llsearch $dlist $x]
- if {$i < 0} {
- set i [llength $dlist]
- lappend dlist $x
- }
- if {[lsearch -exact $nohs $x] < 0} {
- lappend nohs $x
- }
- if {$reins eq {} && $onscreen($x) < 0 && $room} {
- set reins [list $x $i]
- }
- set newp {}
- if {[info exists commitlisted($x)]} {
- set right 0
- foreach p $parents($x) {
- if {[llsearch $dlist $p] < 0} {
- lappend newp $p
- if {[lsearch -exact $nohs $p] < 0} {
- lappend nohs $p
- }
- if {$reins eq {} && $onscreen($p) < 0 && $room} {
- set reins [list $p [expr {$i + $right}]]
- }
- }
- set right 1
- }
- }
- set l [lindex $dlist $i]
- if {[llength $l] == 1} {
- set l $newp
- } else {
- set j [lsearch -exact $l $x]
- set l [concat [lreplace $l $j $j] $newp]
- }
- set dlist [lreplace $dlist $i $i $l]
- if {$room && $isfat && [llength $newp] <= 1} {
- set room 0
- }
- }
- }
- set dlevel [drawslants $id $reins $nohs]
- drawcommitline $dlevel
- if {[clock clicks -milliseconds] >= $nextupdate
- && $numcommits >= $ncmupdate} {
- doupdate $reading
- if {$stopped} break
- }
- }
-# level here is an index in todo
-proc updatetodo {level noshortcut} {
- global ncleft todo nnewparents
- global commitlisted parents onscreen
- set id [lindex $todo $level]
- set olds {}
- if {[info exists commitlisted($id)]} {
- foreach p $parents($id) {
- if {[lsearch -exact $olds $p] < 0} {
- lappend olds $p
- }
- }
- }
- if {!$noshortcut && [llength $olds] == 1} {
- set p [lindex $olds 0]
- if {$ncleft($p) == 1 && [lsearch -exact $todo $p] < 0} {
- set ncleft($p) 0
- set todo [lreplace $todo $level $level $p]
- set onscreen($p) 0
- set nnewparents($id) 1
- return 0
- }
- }
- set todo [lreplace $todo $level $level]
- set i $level
- set n 0
- foreach p $olds {
- incr ncleft($p) -1
- set k [lsearch -exact $todo $p]
- if {$k < 0} {
- set todo [linsert $todo $i $p]
- set onscreen($p) 0
- incr i
- incr n
- }
- }
- set nnewparents($id) $n
- return 1
-proc decidenext {{noread 0}} {
- global ncleft todo
- global datemode cdate
- global commitinfo
- # choose which one to do next time around
- set todol [llength $todo]
- set level -1
- set latest {}
- for {set k $todol} {[incr k -1] >= 0} {} {
- set p [lindex $todo $k]
- if {$ncleft($p) == 0} {
- if {$datemode} {
- if {![info exists commitinfo($p)]} {
- if {$noread} {
- return {}
- }
- readcommit $p
- }
- if {$latest == {} || $cdate($p) > $latest} {
- set level $k
- set latest $cdate($p)
- }
- } else {
- set level $k
- break
- }
- }
- }
- return $level
proc drawcommit {id reading} {
- global phase todo nchildren datemode nextupdate revlistorder ncleft
- global numcommits ncmupdate displayorder todo onscreen parents
- global commitlisted commitordered
+ global phase todo nchildren nextupdate
+ global displayorder parents
+ global commitrow commitidx lineid
if {$phase != "incrdraw"} {
set phase incrdraw
set displayorder {}
set todo {}
+ set commitidx 0
+ initlayout
- catch {unset commitordered}
- }
- set commitordered($id) 1
- if {$nchildren($id) == 0} {
- lappend todo $id
- set onscreen($id) 0
- }
- if {$revlistorder} {
- set level [lsearch -exact $todo $id]
- if {$level < 0} {
- error_popup "oops, $id isn't in todo"
- return
- }
- lappend displayorder $id
- updatetodo $level 0
- } else {
- set level [decidenext 1]
- if {$level == {} || $level < 0} return
- while 1 {
- set id [lindex $todo $level]
- if {![info exists commitordered($id)]} {
- break
- }
- lappend displayorder [lindex $todo $level]
- if {[updatetodo $level $datemode]} {
- set level [decidenext 1]
- if {$level == {} || $level < 0} break
- }
- }
- drawmore $reading
+ set commitrow($id) $commitidx
+ set lineid($commitidx) $id
+ incr commitidx
+ lappend displayorder $id
proc finishcommits {} {
global phase oldcommits commits
global canv mainfont ctext maincursor textcursor
- global parents displayorder todo
+ global parents todo
if {$phase == "incrdraw" || $phase == "removecommits"} {
foreach id $oldcommits {
@@ -1613,61 +1733,22 @@ proc settextcursor {c} {
set curtextcursor $c
-proc drawgraph {} {
- global nextupdate startmsecs ncmupdate
- global displayorder onscreen
- if {$displayorder == {}} return
- set startmsecs [clock clicks -milliseconds]
- set nextupdate [expr {$startmsecs + 100}]
- set ncmupdate 1
- initgraph
- foreach id $displayorder {
- set onscreen($id) 0
- }
- drawmore 0
proc drawrest {} {
- global phase stopped redisplaying selectedline
- global datemode todo displayorder ncleft
- global numcommits ncmupdate
- global nextupdate startmsecs revlistorder
+ global phase
+ global numcommits
+ global startmsecs
+ global canvy0 numcommits linespc
+ global rowlaidout commitidx
+ set row $rowlaidout
+ layoutrows $rowlaidout $commitidx 1
+ layouttail
+ optimize_rows $row 0 $commitidx
+ showstuff $commitidx
- set level [decidenext]
- if {$level >= 0} {
- set phase drawgraph
- while 1 {
- lappend displayorder [lindex $todo $level]
- set hard [updatetodo $level $datemode]
- if {$hard} {
- set level [decidenext]
- if {$level < 0} break
- }
- }
- }
- if {$todo != {}} {
- puts "ERROR: none of the pending commits can be done yet:"
- foreach p $todo {
- puts " $p ($ncleft($p))"
- }
- }
- drawmore 0
set phase {}
set drawmsecs [expr {[clock clicks -milliseconds] - $startmsecs}]
#puts "overall $drawmsecs ms for $numcommits commits"
- if {$redisplaying} {
- if {$stopped == 0 && [info exists selectedline]} {
- selectline $selectedline 0
- }
- if {$stopped == 1} {
- set stopped 0
- after idle drawgraph
- } else {
- set redisplaying 0
- }
- }
proc findmatches {f} {
@@ -1734,10 +1815,13 @@ proc dofind {} {
if {$matches == {}} continue
set doesmatch 1
if {$ty == "Headline"} {
+ drawcmitrow $l
markmatches $canv $l $f $linehtag($l) $matches $mainfont
} elseif {$ty == "Author"} {
+ drawcmitrow $l
markmatches $canv2 $l $f $linentag($l) $matches $namefont
} elseif {$ty == "Date"} {
+ drawcmitrow $l
markmatches $canv3 $l $f $linedtag($l) $matches $mainfont
@@ -1886,7 +1970,7 @@ proc findpatches {} {
proc readfindproc {} {
global findprocfile finddidsel
- global idline matchinglines findinsertpos
+ global commitrow matchinglines findinsertpos
set n [gets $findprocfile line]
if {$n < 0} {
@@ -1903,11 +1987,11 @@ proc readfindproc {} {
- if {![info exists idline($id)]} {
+ if {![info exists commitrow($id)]} {
puts stderr "spurious id: $id"
- set l $idline($id)
+ set l $commitrow($id)
insertmatch $l $id
@@ -2090,6 +2174,7 @@ proc findcont {id} {
proc markheadline {l id} {
global canv mainfont linehtag commitinfo
+ drawcmitrow $l
set bbox [$canv bbox $linehtag($l)]
set t [$canv create rect $bbox -outline {} -tags matches -fill yellow]
$canv lower $t
@@ -2123,7 +2208,7 @@ proc unmarkmatches {} {
proc selcanvline {w x y} {
global canv canvy0 ctext linespc
- global lineid linehtag linentag linedtag rowtextx
+ global rowtextx
set ymax [lindex [$canv cget -scrollregion] 3]
if {$ymax == {}} return
set yfrac [lindex [$canv yview] 0]
@@ -2151,7 +2236,7 @@ proc commit_descriptor {p} {
# append some text to the ctext widget, and make any SHA1 ID
# that we know about be a clickable link.
proc appendwithlinks {text} {
- global ctext idline linknum
+ global ctext commitrow linknum
set start [$ctext index "end - 1c"]
$ctext insert end $text
@@ -2161,11 +2246,11 @@ proc appendwithlinks {text} {
set s [lindex $l 0]
set e [lindex $l 1]
set linkid [string range $text $s $e]
- if {![info exists idline($linkid)]} continue
+ if {![info exists commitrow($linkid)]} continue
incr e
$ctext tag add link "$start + $s c" "$start + $e c"
$ctext tag add link$linknum "$start + $s c" "$start + $e c"
- $ctext tag bind link$linknum <1> [list selectline $idline($linkid) 1]
+ $ctext tag bind link$linknum <1> [list selectline $commitrow($linkid) 1]
incr linknum
$ctext tag conf link -foreground blue -underline 1
@@ -2178,24 +2263,12 @@ proc selectline {l isnew} {
global lineid linehtag linentag linedtag
global canvy0 linespc parents nparents children
global cflist currentid sha1entry
- global commentend idtags idline linknum
+ global commentend idtags linknum
global mergemax
$canv delete hover
- if {![info exists lineid($l)] || ![info exists linehtag($l)]} return
- $canv delete secsel
- set t [eval $canv create rect [$canv bbox $linehtag($l)] -outline {{}} \
- -tags secsel -fill [$canv cget -selectbackground]]
- $canv lower $t
- $canv2 delete secsel
- set t [eval $canv2 create rect [$canv2 bbox $linentag($l)] -outline {{}} \
- -tags secsel -fill [$canv2 cget -selectbackground]]
- $canv2 lower $t
- $canv3 delete secsel
- set t [eval $canv3 create rect [$canv3 bbox $linedtag($l)] -outline {{}} \
- -tags secsel -fill [$canv3 cget -selectbackground]]
- $canv3 lower $t
+ if {![info exists lineid($l)]} return
set y [expr {$canvy0 + $l * $linespc}]
set ymax [lindex [$canv cget -scrollregion] 3]
set ytop [expr {$y - $linespc - 1}]
@@ -2229,8 +2302,23 @@ proc selectline {l isnew} {
set newtop 0
allcanvs yview moveto [expr {$newtop * 1.0 / $ymax}]
+ drawvisible
+ if {![info exists linehtag($l)]} return
+ $canv delete secsel
+ set t [eval $canv create rect [$canv bbox $linehtag($l)] -outline {{}} \
+ -tags secsel -fill [$canv cget -selectbackground]]
+ $canv lower $t
+ $canv2 delete secsel
+ set t [eval $canv2 create rect [$canv2 bbox $linentag($l)] -outline {{}} \
+ -tags secsel -fill [$canv2 cget -selectbackground]]
+ $canv2 lower $t
+ $canv3 delete secsel
+ set t [eval $canv3 create rect [$canv3 bbox $linedtag($l)] -outline {{}} \
+ -tags secsel -fill [$canv3 cget -selectbackground]]
+ $canv3 lower $t
if {$isnew} {
addtohistory [list selectline $l 0]
@@ -2662,22 +2750,27 @@ proc setcoords {} {
set linespc [font metrics $mainfont -linespace]
set charspc [font measure $mainfont "m"]
- set canvy0 [expr {3 + 0.5 * $linespc}]
- set canvx0 [expr {3 + 0.5 * $linespc}]
+ set canvy0 [expr {int(3 + 0.5 * $linespc)}]
+ set canvx0 [expr {int(3 + 0.5 * $linespc)}]
set lthickness [expr {int($linespc / 9) + 1}]
set xspc1(0) $linespc
set xspc2 $linespc
proc redisplay {} {
- global stopped redisplaying phase
- if {$stopped > 1} return
- if {$phase == "getcommits"} return
- set redisplaying 1
- if {$phase == "drawgraph" || $phase == "incrdraw"} {
- set stopped 1
- } else {
- drawgraph
+ global canv canvy0 linespc numcommits
+ global selectedline
+ set ymax [lindex [$canv cget -scrollregion] 3]
+ if {$ymax eq {} || $ymax == 0} return
+ set span [$canv yview]
+ clear_display
+ allcanvs conf -scrollregion \
+ [list 0 0 0 [expr {$canvy0 + ($numcommits - 0.5) * $linespc + 2}]]
+ allcanvs yview moveto [lindex $span 0]
+ drawvisible
+ if {[info exists selectedline]} {
+ selectline $selectedline 0
@@ -2724,7 +2817,7 @@ proc sha1change {n1 n2 op} {
proc gotocommit {} {
- global sha1string currentid idline tagids
+ global sha1string currentid commitrow tagids
global lineid numcommits
if {$sha1string == {}
@@ -2749,8 +2842,8 @@ proc gotocommit {} {
- if {[info exists idline($id)]} {
- selectline $idline($id) 1
+ if {[info exists commitrow($id)]} {
+ selectline $commitrow($id) 1
if {[regexp {^[0-9a-fA-F]{4,}$} $sha1string]} {
@@ -2905,7 +2998,7 @@ proc lineclick {x y id isnew} {
$canv delete hover
# draw this line thicker than normal
- drawlines $id 1 1
+ drawlines $id 1
set thickerline $id
if {$isnew} {
set ymax [lindex [$canv cget -scrollregion] 3]
@@ -2959,15 +3052,15 @@ proc lineclick {x y id isnew} {
proc normalline {} {
global thickerline
if {[info exists thickerline]} {
- drawlines $thickerline 0 1
+ drawlines $thickerline 0
unset thickerline
proc selbyid {id} {
- global idline
- if {[info exists idline($id)]} {
- selectline $idline($id) 1
+ global commitrow
+ if {[info exists commitrow($id)]} {
+ selectline $commitrow($id) 1
@@ -2980,9 +3073,9 @@ proc mstime {} {
proc rowmenu {x y id} {
- global rowctxmenu idline selectedline rowmenuid
+ global rowctxmenu commitrow selectedline rowmenuid
- if {![info exists selectedline] || $idline($id) eq $selectedline} {
+ if {![info exists selectedline] || $commitrow($id) eq $selectedline} {
set state disabled
} else {
set state normal
@@ -3185,13 +3278,14 @@ proc domktag {} {
proc redrawtags {id} {
- global canv linehtag idline idpos selectedline
+ global canv linehtag commitrow idpos selectedline
- if {![info exists idline($id)]} return
+ if {![info exists commitrow($id)]} return
+ drawcmitrow $commitrow($id)
$canv delete tag.$id
set xt [eval drawtags $id $idpos($id)]
- $canv coords $linehtag($idline($id)) $xt [lindex $idpos($id) 2]
- if {[info exists selectedline] && $selectedline == $idline($id)} {
+ $canv coords $linehtag($commitrow($id)) $xt [lindex $idpos($id) 2]
+ if {[info exists selectedline] && $selectedline == $commitrow($id)} {
selectline $selectedline 0
@@ -3697,6 +3791,9 @@ set maxgraphpct 50
set maxwidth 16
set revlistorder 0
set fastdate 0
+set uparrowlen 7
+set downarrowlen 7
+set mingaplen 30
set colors {green red blue magenta darkgrey brown orange}
@@ -3711,7 +3808,6 @@ foreach arg $argv {
switch -regexp -- $arg {
"^$" { }
"^-d" { set datemode 1 }
- "^-r" { set revlistorder 1 }
default {
lappend revtreeargs $arg
@@ -3721,8 +3817,9 @@ foreach arg $argv {
set history {}
set historyindex 0
+set optim_delay 16
set stopped 0
-set redisplaying 0
set stuffsaved 0
set patchnum 0