path: root/git-cvsserver.perl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'git-cvsserver.perl')
1 files changed, 365 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/git-cvsserver.perl b/git-cvsserver.perl
index 4eecc0bc8a..16e2e1ff96 100755
--- a/git-cvsserver.perl
+++ b/git-cvsserver.perl
@@ -2986,6 +2986,9 @@ sub new
die "Git repo '$self->{git_path}' doesn't exist" unless ( -d $self->{git_path} );
+ # Stores full sha1's for various branch/tag names, abbreviations, etc:
+ $self->{commitRefCache} = {};
$self->{dbdriver} = $cfg->{gitcvs}{$state->{method}}{dbdriver} ||
$cfg->{gitcvs}{dbdriver} || "SQLite";
$self->{dbname} = $cfg->{gitcvs}{$state->{method}}{dbname} ||
@@ -3446,7 +3449,7 @@ sub update
# invalidate the gethead cache
- $self->{gethead_cache} = undef;
+ $self->clearCommitRefCaches();
# Ending exclusive lock here
@@ -3648,6 +3651,169 @@ sub gethead
return $tree;
+=head2 getAnyHead
+Returns a reference to an array of getmeta structures, one
+per file in the specified tree hash.
+sub getAnyHead
+ my ($self,$hash) = @_;
+ if(!defined($hash))
+ {
+ return $self->gethead();
+ }
+ my @files;
+ {
+ open(my $filePipe, '-|', 'git', 'ls-tree', '-z', '-r', $hash)
+ or die("Cannot call git-ls-tree : $!");
+ local $/ = "\0";
+ @files=<$filePipe>;
+ close $filePipe;
+ }
+ my $tree=[];
+ my($line);
+ foreach $line (@files)
+ {
+ $line=~s/\0$//;
+ unless ( $line=~/^(\d+)\s+(\w+)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\t(.*)$/o )
+ {
+ die("Couldn't process git-ls-tree line : $_");
+ }
+ my($mode, $git_type, $git_hash, $git_filename) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
+ push @$tree, $self->getMetaFromCommithash($git_filename,$hash);
+ }
+ return $tree;
+=head2 getRevisionDirMap
+A "revision dir map" contains all the plain-file filenames associated
+with a particular revision (treeish), organized by directory:
+ $type = $out->{$dir}{$fullName}
+The type of each is "F" (for ordinary file) or "D" (for directory,
+for which the map $out->{$fullName} will also exist).
+sub getRevisionDirMap
+ my ($self,$ver)=@_;
+ if(!defined($self->{revisionDirMapCache}))
+ {
+ $self->{revisionDirMapCache}={};
+ }
+ # Get file list (previously cached results are dependent on HEAD,
+ # but are early in each case):
+ my $cacheKey;
+ my (@fileList);
+ if( !defined($ver) || $ver eq "" )
+ {
+ $cacheKey="";
+ if( defined($self->{revisionDirMapCache}{$cacheKey}) )
+ {
+ return $self->{revisionDirMapCache}{$cacheKey};
+ }
+ my @head = @{$self->gethead()};
+ foreach my $file ( @head )
+ {
+ next if ( $file->{filehash} eq "deleted" );
+ push @fileList,$file->{name};
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my ($hash)=$self->lookupCommitRef($ver);
+ if( !defined($hash) )
+ {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ $cacheKey=$hash;
+ if( defined($self->{revisionDirMapCache}{$cacheKey}) )
+ {
+ return $self->{revisionDirMapCache}{$cacheKey};
+ }
+ open(my $filePipe, '-|', 'git', 'ls-tree', '-z', '-r', $hash)
+ or die("Cannot call git-ls-tree : $!");
+ local $/ = "\0";
+ while ( <$filePipe> )
+ {
+ chomp;
+ unless ( /^(\d+)\s+(\w+)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\t(.*)$/o )
+ {
+ die("Couldn't process git-ls-tree line : $_");
+ }
+ my($mode, $git_type, $git_hash, $git_filename) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
+ push @fileList, $git_filename;
+ }
+ close $filePipe;
+ }
+ # Convert to normalized form:
+ my %revMap;
+ my $file;
+ foreach $file (@fileList)
+ {
+ my($dir) = ($file=~m%^(?:(.*)/)?([^/]*)$%);
+ $dir='' if(!defined($dir));
+ # parent directories:
+ # ... create empty dir maps for parent dirs:
+ my($td)=$dir;
+ while(!defined($revMap{$td}))
+ {
+ $revMap{$td}={};
+ my($tp)=($td=~m%^(?:(.*)/)?([^/]*)$%);
+ $tp='' if(!defined($tp));
+ $td=$tp;
+ }
+ # ... add children to parent maps (now that they exist):
+ $td=$dir;
+ while($td ne "")
+ {
+ my($tp)=($td=~m%^(?:(.*)/)?([^/]*)$%);
+ $tp='' if(!defined($tp));
+ if(defined($revMap{$tp}{$td}))
+ {
+ if($revMap{$tp}{$td} ne 'D')
+ {
+ die "Weird file/directory inconsistency in $cacheKey";
+ }
+ last; # loop exit
+ }
+ $revMap{$tp}{$td}='D';
+ $td=$tp;
+ }
+ # file
+ $revMap{$dir}{$file}='F';
+ }
+ # Save in cache:
+ $self->{revisionDirMapCache}{$cacheKey}=\%revMap;
+ return $self->{revisionDirMapCache}{$cacheKey};
=head2 getlog
See also gethistorydense().
@@ -3742,6 +3908,204 @@ sub getmeta
return $meta;
+sub getMetaFromCommithash
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my $revCommit = shift;
+ # NOTE: This function doesn't scale well (lots of forks), especially
+ # if you have many files that have not been modified for many commits
+ # (each git-rev-parse redoes a lot of work for each file
+ # that theoretically could be done in parallel by smarter
+ # graph traversal).
+ #
+ # TODO: Possible optimization strategies:
+ # - Solve the issue of assigning and remembering "real" CVS
+ # revision numbers for branches, and ensure the
+ # data structure can do this efficiently. Perhaps something
+ # similar to "git notes", and carefully structured to take
+ # advantage same-sha1-is-same-contents, to roll the same
+ # unmodified subdirectory data onto multiple commits?
+ # - Write and use a C tool that is like git-blame, but
+ # operates on multiple files with file granularity, instead
+ # of one file with line granularity. Cache
+ # most-recently-modified in $self->{commitRefCache}{$revCommit}.
+ # Try to be intelligent about how many files we do with
+ # one fork (perhaps one directory at a time, without recursion,
+ # and/or include directory as one line item, recurse from here
+ # instead of in C tool?).
+ # - Perhaps we could ask the DB for (filename,fileHash),
+ # and just guess that it is correct (that the file hadn't
+ # changed between $revCommit and the found commit, then
+ # changed back, confusing anything trying to interpret
+ # history). Probably need to add another index to revisions
+ # DB table for this.
+ # - NOTE: Trying to store all (commit,file) keys in DB [to
+ # find "lastModfiedCommit] (instead of
+ # just files that changed in each commit as we do now) is
+ # probably not practical from a disk space perspective.
+ # Does the file exist in $revCommit?
+ # TODO: Include file hash in dirmap cache.
+ my($dirMap)=$self->getRevisionDirMap($revCommit);
+ my($dir,$file)=($filename=~m%^(?:(.*)/)?([^/]*$)%);
+ if(!defined($dir))
+ {
+ $dir="";
+ }
+ if( !defined($dirMap->{$dir}) ||
+ !defined($dirMap->{$dir}{$filename}) )
+ {
+ my($fileHash)="deleted";
+ my($retVal)={};
+ $retVal->{name}=$filename;
+ $retVal->{filehash}=$fileHash;
+ # not needed and difficult to compute:
+ $retVal->{revision}="0"; # $revision;
+ $retVal->{commithash}=$revCommit;
+ #$retVal->{author}=$commit->{author};
+ #$retVal->{modified}=convertToCvsDate($commit->{date});
+ #$retVal->{mode}=convertToDbMode($mode);
+ return $retVal;
+ }
+ my($fileHash)=safe_pipe_capture("git","rev-parse","$revCommit:$filename");
+ chomp $fileHash;
+ if(!($fileHash=~/^[0-9a-f]{40}$/))
+ {
+ die "Invalid fileHash '$fileHash' looking up"
+ ." '$revCommit:$filename'\n";
+ }
+ # information about most recent commit to modify $filename:
+ open(my $gitLogPipe, '-|', 'git', 'rev-list',
+ '--max-count=1', '--pretty', '--parents',
+ $revCommit, '--', $filename)
+ or die "Cannot call git-rev-list: $!";
+ my @commits=readCommits($gitLogPipe);
+ close $gitLogPipe;
+ if(scalar(@commits)!=1)
+ {
+ die "Can't find most recent commit changing $filename\n";
+ }
+ my($commit)=$commits[0];
+ if( !defined($commit) || !defined($commit->{hash}) )
+ {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ # does this (commit,file) have a real assigned CVS revision number?
+ my $tablename_rev = $self->tablename("revision");
+ my $db_query;
+ $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached(
+ "SELECT * FROM $tablename_rev WHERE name=? AND commithash=?",
+ {},1);
+ $db_query->execute($filename, $commit->{hash});
+ my($meta)=$db_query->fetchrow_hashref;
+ if($meta)
+ {
+ $meta->{revision} = "1.$meta->{revision}";
+ return $meta;
+ }
+ # fall back on special revision number
+ my($revision)=$commit->{hash};
+ $revision=~s/(..)/'.' . (hex($1)+100)/eg;
+ $revision="$revision";
+ # meta data about $filename:
+ open(my $filePipe, '-|', 'git', 'ls-tree', '-z',
+ $commit->{hash}, '--', $filename)
+ or die("Cannot call git-ls-tree : $!");
+ local $/ = "\0";
+ my $line;
+ $line=<$filePipe>;
+ if(defined(<$filePipe>))
+ {
+ die "Expected only a single file for git-ls-tree $filename\n";
+ }
+ close $filePipe;
+ chomp $line;
+ unless ( $line=~m/^(\d+)\s+(\w+)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\t(.*)$/o )
+ {
+ die("Couldn't process git-ls-tree line : $line\n");
+ }
+ my ( $mode, $git_type, $git_hash, $git_filename ) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4 );
+ # save result:
+ my($retVal)={};
+ $retVal->{name}=$filename;
+ $retVal->{revision}=$revision;
+ $retVal->{filehash}=$fileHash;
+ $retVal->{commithash}=$revCommit;
+ $retVal->{author}=$commit->{author};
+ $retVal->{modified}=convertToCvsDate($commit->{date});
+ $retVal->{mode}=convertToDbMode($mode);
+ return $retVal;
+=head2 lookupCommitRef
+Convert tag/branch/abbreviation/etc into a commit sha1 hash. Caches
+the result so looking it up again is fast.
+sub lookupCommitRef
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ref = shift;
+ my $commitHash = $self->{commitRefCache}{$ref};
+ if(defined($commitHash))
+ {
+ return $commitHash;
+ }
+ $commitHash=safe_pipe_capture("git","rev-parse","--verify","--quiet",
+ $self->unescapeRefName($ref));
+ $commitHash=~s/\s*$//;
+ if(!($commitHash=~/^[0-9a-f]{40}$/))
+ {
+ $commitHash=undef;
+ }
+ if( defined($commitHash) )
+ {
+ my $type=safe_pipe_capture("git","cat-file","-t",$commitHash);
+ if( ! ($type=~/^commit\s*$/ ) )
+ {
+ $commitHash=undef;
+ }
+ }
+ if(defined($commitHash))
+ {
+ $self->{commitRefCache}{$ref}=$commitHash;
+ }
+ return $commitHash;
+=head2 clearCommitRefCaches
+Clears cached commit cache (sha1's for various tags/abbeviations/etc),
+and related caches.
+sub clearCommitRefCaches
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{commitRefCache} = {};
+ $self->{revisionDirMapCache} = undef;
+ $self->{gethead_cache} = undef;
=head2 commitmessage
this function takes a commithash and returns the commit message for that commit