path: root/libjava/doc/java-io.texi
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1 files changed, 2592 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libjava/doc/java-io.texi b/libjava/doc/java-io.texi
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index 00000000000..753bf96639e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/doc/java-io.texi
@@ -0,0 +1,2592 @@
+@deftypemethod BufferedInputStream {public synchronized int} available () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod BufferedInputStream {public void} close () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod BufferedInputStream {public synchronized void} mark (int@w{ }@var{readlimit})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod BufferedInputStream {public boolean} markSupported ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod BufferedInputStream {public synchronized int} read () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod BufferedInputStream {public synchronized int} read (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}, int@w{ }@var{off}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod BufferedInputStream {public synchronized void} reset () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod BufferedInputStream {public synchronized long} skip (long@w{ }@var{n}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod BufferedOutputStream {public synchronized void} flush () @*throws IOException
+This method causes any currently buffered bytes to be immediately
+ written to the underlying output stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod BufferedOutputStream {public synchronized void} write (int@w{ }@var{b}) @*throws IOException
+This method writes a single byte of data. This will be written to the
+ buffer instead of the underlying data source. However, if the buffer
+ is filled as a result of this write request, it will be flushed to the
+ underlying output stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod BufferedOutputStream {public synchronized void} write (byte[]@w{ }@var{buf}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException
+This method writes @code{len} bytes from the byte array
+ @code{buf} starting at position @code{offset} in the buffer.
+ These bytes will be written to the internal buffer. However, if this
+ write operation fills the buffer, the buffer will be flushed to the
+ underlying output stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod BufferedReader {public void} close () @*throws IOException
+This method closes the stream
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod BufferedReader {public boolean} markSupported ()
+Returns @code{true} to indicate that this class supports mark/reset
+ functionality.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod BufferedReader {public void} mark (int@w{ }@var{readLimit}) @*throws IOException
+Mark a position in the input to which the stream can be
+ "reset" by calling the @code{reset()} method. The parameter
+ @code{readlimit} is the number of chars that can be read from the
+ stream after setting the mark before the mark becomes invalid. For
+ example, if @code{mark()} is called with a read limit of 10, then
+ when 11 chars of data are read from the stream before the
+ @code{reset()} method is called, then the mark is invalid and the
+ stream object instance is not required to remember the mark.
+ Note that the number of chars that can be remembered by this method
+ can be greater than the size of the internal read buffer. It is also
+ not dependent on the subordinate stream supporting mark/reset
+ functionality.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod BufferedReader {public void} reset () @*throws IOException
+Reset the stream to the point where the @code{mark()} method
+ was called. Any chars that were read after the mark point was set will
+ be re-read during subsequent reads.
+ This method will throw an IOException if the number of chars read from
+ the stream since the call to @code{mark()} exceeds the mark limit
+ passed when establishing the mark.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod BufferedReader {public boolean} ready () @*throws IOException
+This method determines whether or not a stream is ready to be read. If
+ This method returns @code{false} then this stream could (but is
+ not guaranteed to) block on the next read attempt.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod BufferedReader {public int} read (char[]@w{ }@var{buf}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{count}) @*throws IOException
+This method read chars from a stream and stores them into a caller
+ supplied buffer. It starts storing the data at index @code{offset} into
+ the buffer and attempts to read @code{len} chars. This method can
+ return before reading the number of chars requested. The actual number
+ of chars read is returned as an int. A -1 is returned to indicate the
+ end of the stream.
+ This method will block until some data can be read.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod BufferedReader {public int} read () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod BufferedReader {public String} readLine () @*throws IOException
+This method reads a single line of text from the input stream, returning
+ it as a @code{String}. A line is terminated by "\n", a "\r", or
+ an "\r\n" sequence. The system dependent line separator is not used.
+ The line termination characters are not returned in the resulting
+ @code{String}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod BufferedReader {public long} skip (long@w{ }@var{count}) @*throws IOException
+This method skips the specified number of chars in the stream. It
+ returns the actual number of chars skipped, which may be less than the
+ requested amount.
+ This method first discards chars in the buffer, then calls the
+ @code{skip} method on the underlying stream to skip the remaining chars.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod BufferedWriter {public void} close () @*throws IOException
+This method flushes any remaining buffered chars then closes the
+ underlying output stream. Any further attempts to write to this stream
+ may throw an exception
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod BufferedWriter {public void} flush () @*throws IOException
+This method causes any currently buffered chars to be immediately
+ written to the underlying output stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod BufferedWriter {public void} newLine () @*throws IOException
+This method writes out a system depedent line separator sequence. The
+ actual value written is detemined from the <xmp>line.separator</xmp>
+ system property.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod BufferedWriter {public void} write (int@w{ }@var{oneChar}) @*throws IOException
+This method writes a single char of data. This will be written to the
+ buffer instead of the underlying data source. However, if the buffer
+ is filled as a result of this write request, it will be flushed to the
+ underlying output stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod BufferedWriter {public void} write (char[]@w{ }@var{buf}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException
+This method writes @code{len} chars from the char array
+ @code{buf} starting at position @code{offset} in the buffer.
+ These chars will be written to the internal buffer. However, if this
+ write operation fills the buffer, the buffer will be flushed to the
+ underlying output stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod BufferedWriter {public void} write (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{str}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException
+This method writes @code{len} chars from the @code{String}
+ @code{str} starting at position @code{offset} in the string.
+ These chars will be written to the internal buffer. However, if this
+ write operation fills the buffer, the buffer will be flushed to the
+ underlying output stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ByteArrayInputStream {public synchronized int} available ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ByteArrayInputStream {public synchronized void} mark (int@w{ }@var{readAheadLimit})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ByteArrayInputStream {public boolean} markSupported ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ByteArrayInputStream {public synchronized int} read ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ByteArrayInputStream {public synchronized int} read (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}, int@w{ }@var{off}, int@w{ }@var{len})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ByteArrayInputStream {public synchronized void} reset ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ByteArrayInputStream {public synchronized long} skip (long@w{ }@var{n})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ByteArrayOutputStream {public synchronized void} reset ()
+This method discards all of the bytes that have been written to
+ the internal buffer so far by setting the @code{count}
+ variable to 0. The internal buffer remains at its currently
+ allocated size.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ByteArrayOutputStream {public int} size ()
+This method returns the number of bytes that have been written to
+ the buffer so far. This is the same as the value of the protected
+ @code{count} variable. If the @code{reset} method is
+ called, then this value is reset as well. Note that this method does
+ not return the length of the internal buffer, but only the number
+ of bytes that have been written to it.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ByteArrayOutputStream {public synchronized byte} toByteArray ()
+This method returns a byte array containing the bytes that have been
+ written to this stream so far. This array is a copy of the valid
+ bytes in the internal buffer and its length is equal to the number of
+ valid bytes, not necessarily to the the length of the current
+ internal buffer. Note that since this method allocates a new array,
+ it should be used with caution when the internal buffer is very large.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ByteArrayOutputStream {public String} toString ()
+Returns the bytes in the internal array as a @code{String}. The
+ bytes in the buffer are converted to characters using the system default
+ encoding. There is an overloaded @code{toString()} method that
+ allows an application specified character encoding to be used.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ByteArrayOutputStream {public String} toString (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{enc}) @*throws UnsupportedEncodingException
+Returns the bytes in the internal array as a @code{String}. The
+ bytes in the buffer are converted to characters using the specified
+ encoding.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ByteArrayOutputStream {public String} toString (int@w{ }@var{hibyte})
+This method returns the bytes in the internal array as a
+ @code{String}. It uses each byte in the array as the low
+ order eight bits of the Unicode character value and the passed in
+ parameter as the high eight bits.
+ This method does not convert bytes to characters in the proper way and
+ so is deprecated in favor of the other overloaded @code{toString}
+ methods which use a true character encoding.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ByteArrayOutputStream {public synchronized void} write (int@w{ }@var{oneByte})
+This method writes the writes the specified byte into the internal
+ buffer.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ByteArrayOutputStream {public synchronized void} write (byte[]@w{ }@var{buffer}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{add})
+This method writes @code{len} bytes from the passed in array
+ @code{buf} starting at index @code{offset} into the
+ internal buffer.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ByteArrayOutputStream {public synchronized void} writeTo ({ }@var{out}) @*throws IOException
+This method writes all the bytes that have been written to this stream
+ from the internal buffer to the specified @code{OutputStream}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CharArrayReader {public void} close ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CharArrayReader {public void} mark (int@w{ }@var{readAheadLimit})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CharArrayReader {public boolean} markSupported ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CharArrayReader {public int} read () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CharArrayReader {public int} read (char[]@w{ }@var{b}, int@w{ }@var{off}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CharArrayReader {public boolean} ready () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CharArrayReader {public void} reset () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CharArrayReader {public long} skip (long@w{ }@var{n}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CharArrayWriter {public void} close ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CharArrayWriter {public void} flush ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CharArrayWriter {public synchronized void} reset ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CharArrayWriter {public int} size ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CharArrayWriter {public char} toCharArray ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CharArrayWriter {public String} toString ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CharArrayWriter {public void} write (int@w{ }@var{oneChar})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CharArrayWriter {public void} write (char[]@w{ }@var{buffer}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{len})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CharArrayWriter {public void} write (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{str}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{len})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CharArrayWriter {public void} writeTo ({ }@var{out}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInput {public boolean} readBoolean () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInput {public byte} readByte () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInput {public char} readChar () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInput {public double} readDouble () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInput {public float} readFloat () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInput {public void} readFully (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}) @*throws IOException, NullPointerException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInput {public void} readFully (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}, int@w{ }@var{off}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException, NullPointerException, IndexOutOfBoundsException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInput {public int} readInt () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInput {public String} readLine () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInput {public long} readLong () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInput {public short} readShort () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInput {public int} readUnsignedByte () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInput {public int} readUnsignedShort () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInput {public String} readUTF () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInput {public int} skipBytes (int@w{ }@var{n}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInputStream {public final int} read (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}) @*throws IOException
+This method reads bytes from the underlying stream into the specified
+ byte array buffer. It will attempt to fill the buffer completely, but
+ may return a short count if there is insufficient data remaining to be
+ read to fill the buffer.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInputStream {public final int} read (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}, int@w{ }@var{off}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException
+This method reads bytes from the underlying stream into the specified
+ byte array buffer. It will attempt to read @code{len} bytes and
+ will start storing them at position @code{off} into the buffer.
+ This method can return a short count if there is insufficient data
+ remaining to be read to complete the desired read length.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInputStream {public final boolean} readBoolean () @*throws IOException
+This method reads a Java boolean value from an input stream. It does
+ so by reading a single byte of data. If that byte is zero, then the
+ value returned is @code{false}. If the byte is non-zero, then
+ the value returned is @code{true}.
+ This method can read a @code{boolean} written by an object
+ implementing the @code{writeBoolean()} method in the
+ @code{DataOutput} interface.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInputStream {public final byte} readByte () @*throws IOException
+This method reads a Java byte value from an input stream. The value
+ is in the range of -128 to 127.
+ This method can read a @code{byte} written by an object
+ implementing the @code{writeByte()} method in the
+ @code{DataOutput} interface.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInputStream {public final char} readChar () @*throws IOException
+This method reads a Java @code{char} value from an input stream.
+ It operates by reading two bytes from the stream and converting them to
+ a single 16-bit Java @code{char}. The two bytes are stored most
+ significant byte first (i.e., "big endian") regardless of the native
+ host byte ordering.
+ As an example, if @code{byte1} and @code{byte2}
+ represent the first and second byte read from the stream
+ respectively, they will be transformed to a @code{char} in
+ the following manner:
+ @code{(char)(((byte1 & 0xFF) << 8) | (byte2 & 0xFF)}
+ This method can read a @code{char} written by an object
+ implementing the @code{writeChar()} method in the
+ @code{DataOutput} interface.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInputStream {public final double} readDouble () @*throws IOException
+This method reads a Java double value from an input stream. It operates
+ by first reading a @code{long} value from the stream by calling the
+ @code{readLong()} method in this interface, then converts
+ that @code{long} to a @code{double} using the
+ @code{longBitsToDouble} method in the class
+ @code{java.lang.Double}
+ This method can read a @code{double} written by an object
+ implementing the @code{writeDouble()} method in the
+ @code{DataOutput} interface.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInputStream {public final float} readFloat () @*throws IOException
+This method reads a Java float value from an input stream. It
+ operates by first reading an @code{int} value from the
+ stream by calling the @code{readInt()} method in this
+ interface, then converts that @code{int} to a
+ @code{float} using the @code{intBitsToFloat} method
+ in the class @code{java.lang.Float}
+ This method can read a @code{float} written by an object
+ implementing the * @code{writeFloat()} method in the
+ @code{DataOutput} interface.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInputStream {public final void} readFully (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}) @*throws IOException
+This method reads raw bytes into the passed array until the array is
+ full. Note that this method blocks until the data is available and
+ throws an exception if there is not enough data left in the stream to
+ fill the buffer
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInputStream {public final void} readFully (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}, int@w{ }@var{off}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException
+This method reads raw bytes into the passed array
+ @code{buf} starting @code{offset} bytes into the
+ buffer. The number of bytes read will be exactly
+ @code{len} Note that this method blocks until the data is
+ available and * throws an exception if there is not enough data
+ left in the stream to read @code{len} bytes.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInputStream {public final int} readInt () @*throws IOException
+This method reads a Java @code{int} value from an input
+ stream It operates by reading four bytes from the stream and
+ converting them to a single Java @code{int} The bytes are
+ stored most significant byte first (i.e., "big endian")
+ regardless of the native host byte ordering.
+ As an example, if @code{byte1} through @code{byte4}
+ represent the first four bytes read from the stream, they will be
+ transformed to an @code{int} in the following manner:
+ @code{(int)(((byte1 & 0xFF) << 24) + ((byte2 & 0xFF) << 16) +
+ ((byte3 & 0xFF) << 8) + (byte4 & 0xFF)))}
+ The value returned is in the range of 0 to 65535.
+ This method can read an @code{int} written by an object
+ implementing the @code{writeInt()} method in the
+ @code{DataOutput} interface.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInputStream {public final String} readLine () @*throws IOException
+This method reads the next line of text data from an input
+ stream. It operates by reading bytes and converting those bytes
+ to @code{char} values by treating the byte read as the low
+ eight bits of the @code{char} and using 0 as the high eight
+ bits. Because of this, it does not support the full 16-bit
+ Unicode character set.
+ The reading of bytes ends when either the end of file or a line
+ terminator is encountered. The bytes read are then returned as a
+ @code{String} A line terminator is a byte sequence
+ consisting of either @code{\r}, @code{\n} or
+ @code{\r\n}. These termination charaters are discarded and
+ are not returned as part of the string.
+ This method can read data that was written by an object implementing the
+ @code{writeLine()} method in @code{DataOutput}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInputStream {public final long} readLong () @*throws IOException
+This method reads a Java long value from an input stream
+ It operates by reading eight bytes from the stream and converting them to
+ a single Java @code{long} The bytes are stored most
+ significant byte first (i.e., "big endian") regardless of the native
+ host byte ordering.
+ As an example, if @code{byte1} through @code{byte8}
+ represent the first eight bytes read from the stream, they will
+ be transformed to an @code{long} in the following manner:
+ @code{(long)((((long)byte1 & 0xFF) << 56) + (((long)byte2 & 0xFF) << 48) +
+ (((long)byte3 & 0xFF) << 40) + (((long)byte4 & 0xFF) << 32) +
+ (((long)byte5 & 0xFF) << 24) + (((long)byte6 & 0xFF) << 16) +
+ (((long)byte7 & 0xFF) << 8) + ((long)byte9 & 0xFF)))}
+ The value returned is in the range of 0 to 65535.
+ This method can read an @code{long} written by an object
+ implementing the @code{writeLong()} method in the
+ @code{DataOutput} interface.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInputStream {public final short} readShort () @*throws IOException
+This method reads a signed 16-bit value into a Java in from the
+ stream. It operates by reading two bytes from the stream and
+ converting them to a single 16-bit Java @code{short}. The
+ two bytes are stored most significant byte first (i.e., "big
+ endian") regardless of the native host byte ordering.
+ As an example, if @code{byte1} and @code{byte2}
+ represent the first and second byte read from the stream
+ respectively, they will be transformed to a @code{short}. in
+ the following manner:
+ @code{(short)(((byte1 & 0xFF) << 8) | (byte2 & 0xFF)}
+ The value returned is in the range of -32768 to 32767.
+ This method can read a @code{short} written by an object
+ implementing the @code{writeShort()} method in the
+ @code{DataOutput} interface.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInputStream {public final int} readUnsignedByte () @*throws IOException
+This method reads 8 unsigned bits into a Java @code{int}
+ value from the stream. The value returned is in the range of 0 to
+ 255.
+ This method can read an unsigned byte written by an object
+ implementing the @code{writeUnsignedByte()} method in the
+ @code{DataOutput} interface.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInputStream {public final int} readUnsignedShort () @*throws IOException
+This method reads 16 unsigned bits into a Java int value from the stream.
+ It operates by reading two bytes from the stream and converting them to
+ a single Java @code{int} The two bytes are stored most
+ significant byte first (i.e., "big endian") regardless of the native
+ host byte ordering.
+ As an example, if @code{byte1} and @code{byte2}
+ represent the first and second byte read from the stream
+ respectively, they will be transformed to an @code{int} in
+ the following manner:
+ @code{(int)(((byte1 & 0xFF) << 8) + (byte2 & 0xFF))}
+ The value returned is in the range of 0 to 65535.
+ This method can read an unsigned short written by an object
+ implementing the @code{writeUnsignedShort()} method in the
+ @code{DataOutput} interface.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInputStream {public final String} readUTF () @*throws IOException
+This method reads a @code{String} from an input stream that
+ is encoded in a modified UTF-8 format. This format has a leading
+ two byte sequence that contains the remaining number of bytes to
+ read. This two byte sequence is read using the
+ @code{readUnsignedShort()} method of this interface.
+ After the number of remaining bytes have been determined, these
+ bytes are read an transformed into @code{char} values.
+ These @code{char} values are encoded in the stream using
+ either a one, two, or three byte format. The particular format
+ in use can be determined by examining the first byte read.
+ If the first byte has a high order bit of 0, then that character
+ consists on only one byte. This character value consists of
+ seven bits that are at positions 0 through 6 of the byte. As an
+ example, if @code{byte1} is the byte read from the stream,
+ it would be converted to a @code{char} like so:
+ @code{(char)byte1}
+ If the first byte has 110 as its high order bits, then the
+ character consists of two bytes. The bits that make up the character
+ value are in positions 0 through 4 of the first byte and bit positions
+ 0 through 5 of the second byte. (The second byte should have
+ 10 as its high order bits). These values are in most significant
+ byte first (i.e., "big endian") order.
+ As an example, if @code{byte1} and @code{byte2} are
+ the first two bytes read respectively, and the high order bits of
+ them match the patterns which indicate a two byte character
+ encoding, then they would be converted to a Java
+ @code{char} like so:
+ @code{(char)(((byte1 & 0x1F) << 6) | (byte2 & 0x3F))}
+ If the first byte has a 1110 as its high order bits, then the
+ character consists of three bytes. The bits that make up the character
+ value are in positions 0 through 3 of the first byte and bit positions
+ 0 through 5 of the other two bytes. (The second and third bytes should
+ have 10 as their high order bits). These values are in most
+ significant byte first (i.e., "big endian") order.
+ As an example, if @code{byte1} @code{byte2} and
+ @code{byte3} are the three bytes read, and the high order
+ bits of them match the patterns which indicate a three byte
+ character encoding, then they would be converted to a Java
+ @code{char} like so:
+ @code{(char)(((byte1 & 0x0F) << 12) | ((byte2 & 0x3F) << 6) | (byte3 & 0x3F))}
+ Note that all characters are encoded in the method that requires
+ the fewest number of bytes with the exception of the character
+ with the value of @code{&#92;u0000} which is encoded as two
+ bytes. This is a modification of the UTF standard used to
+ prevent C language style @code{NUL} values from appearing
+ in the byte stream.
+ This method can read data that was written by an object implementing the
+ @code{writeUTF()} method in @code{DataOutput}
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInputStream {public static final String} readUTF ({ }@var{in}) @*throws IOException
+This method reads a String encoded in UTF-8 format from the
+ specified @code{DataInput} source.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataInputStream {public final int} skipBytes (int@w{ }@var{n}) @*throws IOException
+This method attempts to skip and discard the specified number of bytes
+ in the input stream. It may actually skip fewer bytes than requested.
+ This method will not skip any bytes if passed a negative number of bytes
+ to skip.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutput {public void} write (int@w{ }@var{b}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutput {public void} write (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}) @*throws IOException, NullPointerException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutput {public void} write (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}, int@w{ }@var{off}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException, NullPointerException, IndexOutOfBoundsException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutput {public void} writeBoolean (boolean@w{ }@var{v}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutput {public void} writeByte (int@w{ }@var{v}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutput {public void} writeShort (int@w{ }@var{v}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutput {public void} writeChar (int@w{ }@var{v}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutput {public void} writeInt (int@w{ }@var{v}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutput {public void} writeLong (long@w{ }@var{v}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutput {public void} writeFloat (float@w{ }@var{v}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutput {public void} writeDouble (double@w{ }@var{v}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutput {public void} writeBytes (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{s}) @*throws IOException, NullPointerException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutput {public void} writeChars (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{s}) @*throws IOException, NullPointerException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutput {public void} writeUTF (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{s}) @*throws IOException, NullPointerException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutputStream {public void} flush () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutputStream {public final int} size ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutputStream {public synchronized void} write (int@w{ }@var{b}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutputStream {public synchronized void} write (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}, int@w{ }@var{off}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException, NullPointerException, IndexOutOfBoundsException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutputStream {public final void} writeBoolean (boolean@w{ }@var{v}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutputStream {public final void} writeByte (int@w{ }@var{v}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutputStream {public final void} writeShort (int@w{ }@var{v}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutputStream {public final void} writeChar (int@w{ }@var{v}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutputStream {public final void} writeInt (int@w{ }@var{v}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutputStream {public final void} writeLong (long@w{ }@var{v}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutputStream {public final void} writeFloat (float@w{ }@var{v}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutputStream {public final void} writeDouble (double@w{ }@var{v}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutputStream {public final void} writeBytes (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{s}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutputStream {public final void} writeChars (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{s}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataOutputStream {public final void} writeUTF (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{s}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Externalizable {public void} readExternal ({ }@var{in}) @*throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
+This method restores an object's state by reading in the instance data
+ for the object from the passed in stream. Note that this stream is not
+ a subclass of @code{InputStream}, but rather is a class that implements
+ the @code{ObjectInput} interface. That interface provides a mechanism for
+ reading in Java data types from a stream.
+ Note that this method must be compatible with @code{writeExternal}.
+ It must read back the exact same types that were written by that
+ method in the exact order they were written.
+ If this method needs to read back an object instance, then the class
+ for that object must be found and loaded. If that operation fails,
+ then this method throws a @code{ClassNotFoundException}
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Externalizable {public void} writeExternal ({ }@var{out}) @*throws IOException
+This method is responsible for writing the instance data of an object
+ to the passed in stream. Note that this stream is not a subclass of
+ @code{OutputStream}, but rather is a class that implements the
+ @code{ObjectOutput} interface. That interface provides a number of methods
+ for writing Java data values to a stream.
+ Not that the implementation of this method must be coordinated with
+ the implementation of @code{readExternal}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FileDescriptor {public native void} sync () @*throws SyncFailedException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FileDescriptor {public native boolean} valid ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FileDescriptor {protected void} finalize () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FileFilter {public boolean} accept ({ }@var{pathname})
+This method determines whether or not a given pathname should be included
+ in a pathname listing.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FileInputStream {public int} available () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FileInputStream {public void} close () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FileInputStream {protected void} finalize () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FileInputStream {public final FileDescriptor} getFD () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FileInputStream {public int} read () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FileInputStream {public int} read (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FileInputStream {public int} read (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}, int@w{ }@var{off}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FileInputStream {public long} skip (long@w{ }@var{n}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod File {public boolean} canRead ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod File {public boolean} canWrite ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod File {public boolean} delete ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod File {public boolean} equals (java.lang.Object@w{ }@var{obj})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod File {public boolean} exists ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod File {public String} getAbsolutePath ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod File {public native String} getCanonicalPath () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod File {public String} getName ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod File {public String} getParent ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod File {public File} getParentFile ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod File {public String} getPath ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod File {public int} hashCode ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod File {public native boolean} isAbsolute ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod File {public boolean} isDirectory ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod File {public boolean} isFile ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod File {public long} lastModified ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod File {public long} length ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod File {public String} list ({ }@var{filter})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod File {public String} list ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod File {public String} toString ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod File {public boolean} mkdir ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod File {public boolean} mkdirs ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod File {public static File} createTempFile (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{prefix}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{suffix},{ }@var{directory}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod File {public static File} createTempFile (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{prefix}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{suffix}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod File {public boolean} renameTo ({ }@var{dest})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod File {public void} deleteOnExit ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilenameFilter {public boolean} accept ({ }@var{dir}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FileOutputStream {protected void} finalize () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FileOutputStream {public final FileDescriptor} getFD () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FileOutputStream {public void} write (int@w{ }@var{b}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FileOutputStream {public void} write (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}) @*throws IOException, NullPointerException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FileOutputStream {public void} write (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}, int@w{ }@var{off}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException, NullPointerException, IndexOutOfBoundsException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FileOutputStream {public void} close () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilePermission {public String} getActions ()
+Get the actions this FilePermission supports.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilePermission {public int} hashCode ()
+Get the hash code for this Object.
+ FilePermission's hash code is calculated as the exclusive or of the target
+ String's hash code and the action String's hash code.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilePermission {public boolean} equals (java.lang.Object@w{ }@var{o})
+Check two FilePermissions for semantic equality.
+ Two FilePermissions are exactly equivalent if they have identical path
+ expressions and have exactly the same access permissions.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilePermission {public boolean} implies ({ }@var{p})
+Check to see if this permission implies another.
+ Permission A implies permission B if these things are all true:
+@itemize @bullet
+A and B are both FilePermissions.
+All possible files in B are included in A (possibly more are in A).
+All actions B supports, A also supports.
+@end itemize
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilterInputStream {public int} available () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilterInputStream {public void} close () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilterInputStream {public synchronized void} mark (int@w{ }@var{readlimit})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilterInputStream {public boolean} markSupported ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilterInputStream {public int} read () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilterInputStream {public int} read (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilterInputStream {public int} read (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}, int@w{ }@var{off}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilterInputStream {public synchronized void} reset () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilterInputStream {public long} skip (long@w{ }@var{n}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilterOutputStream {public void} close () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilterOutputStream {public void} flush () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilterOutputStream {public void} write (int@w{ }@var{b}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilterOutputStream {public void} write (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}) @*throws IOException, NullPointerException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilterOutputStream {public void} write (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}, int@w{ }@var{off}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException, NullPointerException, IndexOutOfBoundsException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilterReader {public void} close () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilterReader {public synchronized void} mark (int@w{ }@var{readlimit}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilterReader {public boolean} markSupported ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilterReader {public int} read () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilterReader {public int} read (char[]@w{ }@var{b}, int@w{ }@var{off}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilterReader {public boolean} ready () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilterReader {public synchronized void} reset () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilterReader {public long} skip (long@w{ }@var{n}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilterWriter {public void} close () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilterWriter {public void} flush () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilterWriter {public void} write (int@w{ }@var{oneChar}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilterWriter {public void} write (char[]@w{ }@var{buffer}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{count}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod FilterWriter {public void} write (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{str}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{count}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod InputStream {public int} available () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod InputStream {public void} close () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod InputStream {public void} mark (int@w{ }@var{readlimit})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod InputStream {public boolean} markSupported ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod InputStream {public abstract int} read () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod InputStream {public int} read (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod InputStream {public int} read (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}, int@w{ }@var{off}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod InputStream {public void} reset () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod InputStream {public long} skip (long@w{ }@var{n}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod InputStreamReader {public void} close () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod InputStreamReader {public String} getEncoding ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod InputStreamReader {public boolean} ready () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod InputStreamReader {public int} read (char[]@w{ }@var{buf}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{length}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod InputStreamReader {public int} read () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod InvalidClassException {public String} getMessage ()
+Returns the descriptive error message for this exception. It will
+ include the class name that caused the problem if known. This method
+ overrides Throwable.getMessage()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod LineNumberInputStream {public int} available () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod LineNumberInputStream {public int} getLineNumber ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod LineNumberInputStream {public void} mark (int@w{ }@var{readlimit})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod LineNumberInputStream {public int} read () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod LineNumberInputStream {public int} read (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}, int@w{ }@var{off}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod LineNumberInputStream {public void} reset () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod LineNumberInputStream {public void} setLineNumber (int@w{ }@var{lineNumber})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod LineNumberInputStream {public long} skip (long@w{ }@var{n}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod LineNumberReader {public int} getLineNumber ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod LineNumberReader {public void} setLineNumber (int@w{ }@var{lineNumber})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod LineNumberReader {public void} mark (int@w{ }@var{readLimit}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod LineNumberReader {public void} reset () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod LineNumberReader {public int} read () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod LineNumberReader {public int} read (char[]@w{ }@var{buf}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{count}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod LineNumberReader {public String} readLine () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod LineNumberReader {public long} skip (long@w{ }@var{count}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInput {public int} available () @*throws IOException
+This method returns the number of bytes that can be read without
+ blocking.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInput {public int} read () @*throws IOException
+This method reading a byte of data from a stream. It returns that byte
+ as an int. This method blocks if no data is available to be read.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInput {public int} read (byte[]@w{ }@var{buf}) @*throws IOException
+This method reads raw bytes and stores them them a byte array buffer.
+ Note that this method will block if no data is available. However,
+ it will not necessarily block until it fills the entire buffer. That is,
+ a "short count" is possible.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInput {public int} read (byte[]@w{ }@var{buf}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException
+This method reads raw bytes and stores them in a byte array buffer
+ @code{buf} starting at position @code{offset} into the buffer. A
+ maximum of @code{len} bytes will be read. Note that this method
+ blocks if no data is available, but will not necessarily block until
+ it can read @code{len} bytes of data. That is, a "short count" is
+ possible.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInput {public Object} readObject () @*throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
+Reads an object instance and returns it. If the class for the object
+ being read cannot be found, then a ClassNotFoundException will
+ be thrown.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInput {public long} skip (long@w{ }@var{num_bytes}) @*throws IOException
+This method causes the specified number of bytes to be read and
+ discarded. It is possible that fewer than the requested number of bytes
+ will actually be skipped.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInput {public void} close () @*throws IOException
+This method closes the input source
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {public final Object} readObject () @*throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
+Returns the next deserialized object read from the underlying stream.
+This method can be overriden by a class by implementing
+@code{private void readObject (ObjectInputStream)}.
+If an exception is thrown from this method, the stream is left in
+an undefined state.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {public void} defaultReadObject () @*throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException, NotActiveException
+Reads the current objects non-transient, non-static fields from
+the current class from the underlying output stream.
+This method is intended to be called from within a object's
+@code{private void readObject (ObjectInputStream)}
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {public void} registerValidation ({ }@var{validator}, int@w{ }@var{priority}) @*throws InvalidObjectException, NotActiveException
+Registers a @code{ObjectInputValidation} to be carried out
+on the object graph currently being deserialized before it is
+returned to the original caller of @code{readObject ()}.
+The order of validation for multiple
+@code{ObjectInputValidation}s can be controled using
+@code{priority}. Validators with higher priorities are
+called first.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {protected Class} resolveClass ({ }@var{osc}) @*throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
+Called when a class is being deserialized. This is a hook to
+allow subclasses to read in information written by the
+@code{annotateClass (Class)} method of an
+This implementation looks up the active call stack for a
+@code{ClassLoader}; if a @code{ClassLoader} is found,
+it is used to load the class associated with @code{osc},
+otherwise, the default system @code{ClassLoader} is used.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {protected Object} resolveObject (java.lang.Object@w{ }@var{obj}) @*throws IOException
+Allows subclasses to resolve objects that are read from the
+stream with other objects to be returned in their place. This
+method is called the first time each object is encountered.
+This method must be enabled before it will be called in the
+serialization process.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {protected boolean} enableResolveObject (boolean@w{ }@var{enable}) @*throws SecurityException
+If @code{enable} is @code{true} and this object is
+trusted, then @code{resolveObject (Object)} will be called
+in subsequent calls to @code{readObject (Object)}.
+Otherwise, @code{resolveObject (Object)} will not be called.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {protected void} readStreamHeader () @*throws IOException, StreamCorruptedException
+Reads stream magic and stream version information from the
+underlying stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {public int} read () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {public int} read (byte[]@w{ }@var{data}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{length}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {public int} available () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {public void} close () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {public boolean} readBoolean () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {public byte} readByte () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {public int} readUnsignedByte () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {public short} readShort () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {public int} readUnsignedShort () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {public char} readChar () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {public int} readInt () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {public long} readLong () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {public float} readFloat () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {public double} readDouble () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {public void} readFully (byte[]@w{ }@var{data}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {public void} readFully (byte[]@w{ }@var{data}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{size}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {public int} skipBytes (int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {public String} readLine () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {public String} readUTF () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {public ObjectInputStream.GetField} readFields () @*throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, NotActiveException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream {protected Object} readObjectOverride () @*throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException, OptionalDataException
+This method allows subclasses to override the default
+de serialization mechanism provided by
+@code{ObjectInputStream}. To make this method be used for
+writing objects, subclasses must invoke the 0-argument
+constructor on this class from there constructor.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream.GetField {public abstract ObjectStreamClass} getObjectStreamClass ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream.GetField {public abstract boolean} defaulted (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}) @*throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream.GetField {public abstract boolean} get (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, boolean@w{ }@var{defvalue}) @*throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream.GetField {public abstract char} get (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, char@w{ }@var{defvalue}) @*throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream.GetField {public abstract byte} get (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, byte@w{ }@var{defvalue}) @*throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream.GetField {public abstract short} get (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, short@w{ }@var{defvalue}) @*throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream.GetField {public abstract int} get (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, int@w{ }@var{defvalue}) @*throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream.GetField {public abstract long} get (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, long@w{ }@var{defvalue}) @*throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream.GetField {public abstract float} get (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, float@w{ }@var{defvalue}) @*throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream.GetField {public abstract double} get (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, double@w{ }@var{defvalue}) @*throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputStream.GetField {public abstract Object} get (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, java.lang.Object@w{ }@var{defvalue}) @*throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectInputValidation {public void} validateObject () @*throws InvalidObjectException
+This method is called to validate an object. If the object is invalid
+ an exception is thrown.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutput {public void} write (int@w{ }@var{b}) @*throws IOException
+This method writes the specified byte to the output stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutput {public void} write (byte[]@w{ }@var{buf}) @*throws IOException
+This method writes all the bytes in the specified byte array to the
+ output stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutput {public void} write (byte[]@w{ }@var{buf}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException
+This method writes @code{len} bytes from the specified array
+ starting at index @code{offset} into that array.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutput {public void} writeObject (java.lang.Object@w{ }@var{obj}) @*throws IOException
+This method writes a object instance to a stream. The format of the
+ data written is determined by the actual implementation of this method
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutput {public void} flush () @*throws IOException
+This method causes any buffered data to be flushed out to the underlying
+ stream
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutput {public void} close () @*throws IOException
+This method closes the underlying stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {public final void} writeObject (java.lang.Object@w{ }@var{obj}) @*throws IOException
+Writes a representation of @code{obj} to the underlying
+output stream by writing out information about its class, then
+writing out each of the objects non-transient, non-static
+fields. If any of these fields are other objects,
+they are written out in the same manner.
+This method can be overriden by a class by implementing
+@code{private void writeObject (ObjectOutputStream)}.
+If an exception is thrown from this method, the stream is left in
+an undefined state.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {public void} defaultWriteObject () @*throws IOException, NotActiveException
+Writes the current objects non-transient, non-static fields from
+the current class to the underlying output stream.
+This method is intended to be called from within a object's
+@code{private void writeObject (ObjectOutputStream)}
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {public void} reset () @*throws IOException
+Resets stream to state equivalent to the state just after it was
+Causes all objects previously written to the stream to be
+forgotten. A notification of this reset is also written to the
+underlying stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {public void} useProtocolVersion (int@w{ }@var{version}) @*throws IOException
+Informs this @code{ObjectOutputStream} to write data
+according to the specified protocol. There are currently two
+different protocols, specified by @code{PROTOCOL_VERSION_1}
+and @code{PROTOCOL_VERSION_2}. This implementation writes
+data using @code{PROTOCOL_VERSION_1} by default, as is done
+by the JDK 1.1.
+A non-portable method, @code{setDefaultProtocolVersion (int
+version)} is provided to change the default protocol
+For an explination of the differences beween the two protocols
+see XXX: the Java ObjectSerialization Specification.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {public static void} setDefaultProtocolVersion (int@w{ }@var{version}) @*throws IOException
+<em>GNU $classpath specific</em>
+Changes the default stream protocol used by all
+@code{ObjectOutputStream}s. There are currently two
+different protocols, specified by @code{PROTOCOL_VERSION_1}
+and @code{PROTOCOL_VERSION_2}. The default default is
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {protected void} annotateClass (java.lang.Class@w{ }@var{cl}) @*throws IOException
+An empty hook that allows subclasses to write extra information
+about classes to the stream. This method is called the first
+time each class is seen, and after all of the standard
+information about the class has been written.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {protected Object} replaceObject (java.lang.Object@w{ }@var{obj}) @*throws IOException
+Allows subclasses to replace objects that are written to the
+stream with other objects to be written in their place. This
+method is called the first time each object is encountered
+(modulo reseting of the stream).
+This method must be enabled before it will be called in the
+serialization process.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {protected boolean} enableReplaceObject (boolean@w{ }@var{enable}) @*throws SecurityException
+If @code{enable} is @code{true} and this object is
+trusted, then @code{replaceObject (Object)} will be called
+in subsequent calls to @code{writeObject (Object)}.
+Otherwise, @code{replaceObject (Object)} will not be called.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {protected void} writeStreamHeader () @*throws IOException
+Writes stream magic and stream version information to the
+underlying stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {protected void} writeObjectOverride (java.lang.Object@w{ }@var{obj}) @*throws NotActiveException, IOException
+This method allows subclasses to override the default
+serialization mechanism provided by
+@code{ObjectOutputStream}. To make this method be used for
+writing objects, subclasses must invoke the 0-argument
+constructor on this class from there constructor.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {public void} write (int@w{ }@var{data}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {public void} write (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {public void} write (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}, int@w{ }@var{off}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {public void} flush () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {protected void} drain () @*throws IOException
+Causes the block-data buffer to be written to the underlying
+stream, but does not flush underlying stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {public void} close () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {public void} writeBoolean (boolean@w{ }@var{data}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {public void} writeByte (int@w{ }@var{data}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {public void} writeShort (int@w{ }@var{data}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {public void} writeChar (int@w{ }@var{data}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {public void} writeInt (int@w{ }@var{data}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {public void} writeLong (long@w{ }@var{data}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {public void} writeFloat (float@w{ }@var{data}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {public void} writeDouble (double@w{ }@var{data}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {public void} writeBytes (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{data}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {public void} writeChars (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{data}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {public void} writeUTF (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{data}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {public ObjectOutputStream.PutField} putFields () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream {public void} writeFields () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream.PutField {public abstract void} put (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, boolean@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream.PutField {public abstract void} put (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, byte@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream.PutField {public abstract void} put (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, char@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream.PutField {public abstract void} put (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, double@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream.PutField {public abstract void} put (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, float@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream.PutField {public abstract void} put (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, int@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream.PutField {public abstract void} put (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, long@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream.PutField {public abstract void} put (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, short@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream.PutField {public abstract void} put (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, java.lang.Object@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectOutputStream.PutField {public abstract void} write ({ }@var{out}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectStreamClass {public static ObjectStreamClass} lookup (java.lang.Class@w{ }@var{cl})
+Returns the @code{ObjectStreamClass} for @code{cl}.
+If @code{cl} is null, or is not @code{Serializable},
+null is returned. @code{ObjectStreamClass}'s are memorized;
+later calls to this method with the same class will return the
+same @code{ObjectStreamClass} object and no recalculation
+will be done.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectStreamClass {public String} getName ()
+Returns the name of the class that this
+@code{ObjectStreamClass} represents.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectStreamClass {public Class} forClass ()
+Returns the class that this @code{ObjectStreamClass}
+represents. Null could be returned if this
+@code{ObjectStreamClass} was read from an
+@code{ObjectInputStream} and the class it represents cannot
+be found or loaded.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectStreamClass {public long} getSerialVersionUID ()
+Returns the serial version stream-unique identifier for the class
+represented by this @code{ObjectStreamClass}. This SUID is
+either defined by the class as @code{static final long
+serialVersionUID} or is calculated as specified in
+Javasoft's "Object Serialization Specification" XXX: add reference
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectStreamClass {public ObjectStreamField} getFields ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectStreamClass {public ObjectStreamField} getField (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectStreamClass {public String} toString ()
+Returns a textual representation of this
+@code{ObjectStreamClass} object including the name of the
+class it represents as well as that class's serial version
+stream-unique identifier.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectStreamField {public String} getName ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectStreamField {public Class} getType ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectStreamField {public char} getTypeCode ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectStreamField {public String} getTypeString ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectStreamField {public int} getOffset ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectStreamField {protected void} setOffset (int@w{ }@var{off})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectStreamField {public boolean} isPrimitive ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectStreamField {public int} compareTo (java.lang.Object@w{ }@var{o})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ObjectStreamField {public String} toString ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod OutputStream {public abstract void} write (int@w{ }@var{b}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod OutputStream {public void} write (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}) @*throws IOException, NullPointerException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod OutputStream {public void} write (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}, int@w{ }@var{off}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException, NullPointerException, IndexOutOfBoundsException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod OutputStream {public void} flush () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod OutputStream {public void} close () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod OutputStreamWriter {public String} getEncoding ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod OutputStreamWriter {public void} close () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod OutputStreamWriter {public void} flush () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod OutputStreamWriter {public void} write (char[]@w{ }@var{buf}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{count}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod OutputStreamWriter {public void} write (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{str}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{count}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod OutputStreamWriter {public void} write (int@w{ }@var{ch}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PipedInputStream {public void} connect ({ }@var{source}) @*throws IOException
+This method connects this stream to the passed in @code{PipedOutputStream}.
+ This stream is then ready for reading. If this stream is already
+ connected or has been previously closed, then an exception is thrown
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PipedInputStream {protected synchronized void} receive (int@w{ }@var{b}) @*throws IOException
+This method receives a byte of input from the source PipedOutputStream.
+ If the internal circular buffer is full, this method blocks.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PipedInputStream {public int} read () @*throws IOException
+This method reads bytes from the stream into a caller supplied buffer.
+ It starts storing bytes at position @code{offset} into the buffer and
+ reads a maximum of @code{len} bytes. Note that this method can actually
+ read fewer than @code{len} bytes. The actual number of bytes read is
+ returned. A -1 is returned to indicated that no bytes can be read
+ because the end of the stream was reached. If the stream is already
+ closed, a -1 will again be returned to indicate the end of the stream.
+ This method will block if no bytes are available to be read.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PipedInputStream {public synchronized int} read (byte[]@w{ }@var{buf}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException
+This method reads bytes from the stream into a caller supplied buffer.
+ It starts storing bytes at position @code{offset} into the buffer and
+ reads a maximum of @code{len} bytes. Note that this method can actually
+ read fewer than @code{len} bytes. The actual number of bytes read is
+ returned. A -1 is returned to indicated that no bytes can be read
+ because the end of the stream was reached - ie close() was called on the
+ connected PipedOutputStream.
+ This method will block if no bytes are available to be read.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PipedInputStream {public synchronized int} available () @*throws IOException
+This method returns the number of bytes that can be read from this stream
+ before blocking could occur. This is the number of bytes that are
+ currently unread in the internal circular buffer. Note that once this
+ many additional bytes are read, the stream may block on a subsequent
+ read, but it not guaranteed to block.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PipedInputStream {public synchronized void} close () @*throws IOException
+This methods closes the stream so that no more data can be read
+ from it.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PipedOutputStream {public void} connect ({ }@var{sink}) @*throws IOException
+Connects this object to the specified @code{PipedInputStream}
+ object. This stream will then be ready for writing.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PipedOutputStream {public void} write (int@w{ }@var{b}) @*throws IOException
+Write a single byte of date to the stream. Note that this method will
+ block if the @code{PipedInputStream} to which this object is
+ connected has a full buffer.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PipedOutputStream {public void} write (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}, int@w{ }@var{off}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException
+This method writes @code{len} bytes of data from the byte array
+ @code{buf} starting at index @code{offset} in the array
+ to the stream. Note that this method will block if the
+ @code{PipedInputStream} to which this object is connected has
+ a buffer that cannot hold all of the bytes to be written.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PipedOutputStream {public void} flush ()
+This method does nothing.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PipedOutputStream {public void} close ()
+This method closes this stream so that no more data can be written
+ to it. Any further attempts to write to this stream may throw an
+ exception
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PipedReader {public void} connect ({ }@var{source}) @*throws IOException
+This method connects this stream to the passed in @code{PipedWriter}.
+ This stream is then ready for reading. If this stream is already
+ connected or has been previously closed, then an exception is thrown
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PipedReader {public int} read () @*throws IOException
+This method reads chars from the stream into a caller supplied buffer.
+ It starts storing chars at position @code{offset} into the buffer and
+ reads a maximum of @code{len} chars. Note that this method can actually
+ read fewer than @code{len} chars. The actual number of chars read is
+ returned. A -1 is returned to indicated that no chars can be read
+ because the end of the stream was reached. If the stream is already
+ closed, a -1 will again be returned to indicate the end of the stream.
+ This method will block if no chars are available to be read.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PipedReader {public int} read (char[]@w{ }@var{buf}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException
+This method reads characters from the stream into a caller supplied buffer.
+ It starts storing chars at position @code{offset} into the buffer and
+ reads a maximum of @code{len} chars. Note that this method can actually
+ read fewer than @code{len} chars. The actual number of chars read is
+ returned. A -1 is returned to indicated that no chars can be read
+ because the end of the stream was reached - ie close() was called on the
+ connected PipedWriter.
+ This method will block if no chars are available to be read.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PipedReader {public boolean} ready () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PipedReader {public void} close () @*throws IOException
+This methods closes the stream so that no more data can be read
+ from it.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PipedWriter {public void} connect ({ }@var{sink}) @*throws IOException
+Connects this object to the specified @code{PipedReader}
+ object. This stream will then be ready for writing.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PipedWriter {public void} write (char@w{ }@var{b}) @*throws IOException
+Write a single char of date to the stream. Note that this method will
+ block if the @code{PipedReader} to which this object is
+ connected has a full buffer.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PipedWriter {public void} write (char[]@w{ }@var{b}, int@w{ }@var{off}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException
+This method writes @code{len} chars of data from the char array
+ @code{buf} starting at index @code{offset} in the array
+ to the stream. Note that this method will block if the
+ @code{PipedReader} to which this object is connected has
+ a buffer that cannot hold all of the chars to be written.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PipedWriter {public void} flush ()
+This method does nothing.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PipedWriter {public void} close ()
+This method closes this stream so that no more data can be written
+ to it. Any further attempts to write to this stream may throw an
+ exception
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintStream {public boolean} checkError ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintStream {public void} close ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintStream {public void} flush ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintStream {public void} print (boolean@w{ }@var{bool})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintStream {public void} print (int@w{ }@var{inum})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintStream {public void} print (long@w{ }@var{lnum})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintStream {public void} print (float@w{ }@var{fnum})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintStream {public void} print (double@w{ }@var{dnum})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintStream {public void} print (java.lang.Object@w{ }@var{obj})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintStream {public void} print (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{str})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintStream {public synchronized void} print (char@w{ }@var{ch})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintStream {public void} print (char[]@w{ }@var{charArray})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintStream {public void} println ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintStream {public void} println (boolean@w{ }@var{bool})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintStream {public void} println (int@w{ }@var{inum})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintStream {public void} println (long@w{ }@var{lnum})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintStream {public void} println (float@w{ }@var{fnum})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintStream {public void} println (double@w{ }@var{dnum})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintStream {public void} println (java.lang.Object@w{ }@var{obj})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintStream {public void} println (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{str})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintStream {public synchronized void} println (char@w{ }@var{ch})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintStream {public void} println (char[]@w{ }@var{charArray})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintStream {protected void} setError ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintStream {public void} write (int@w{ }@var{oneByte})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintStream {public void} write (byte[]@w{ }@var{buffer}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{count})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {protected void} setError ()
+This method can be called by subclasses to indicate that an error
+ has occurred and should be reported by @code{checkError}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {public boolean} checkError ()
+This method checks to see if an error has occurred on this stream. Note
+ that once an error has occurred, this method will continue to report
+ @code{true} forever for this stream. Before checking for an
+ error condition, this method flushes the stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {public void} flush ()
+This method flushes any buffered chars to the underlying stream and
+ then flushes that stream as well.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {public void} close ()
+This method closes this stream and all underlying streams.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {public void} print (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{str})
+This method prints a @code{String} to the stream. The actual
+ value printed depends on the system default encoding.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {public void} print (char@w{ }@var{ch})
+This method prints a char to the stream. The actual value printed is
+ determined by the character encoding in use.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {public void} print (char[]@w{ }@var{charArray})
+This method prints an array of characters to the stream. The actual
+ value printed depends on the system default encoding.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {public void} print (boolean@w{ }@var{bool})
+This methods prints a boolean value to the stream. @code{true}
+ values are printed as "true" and @code{false} values are printed
+ as "false".
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {public void} print (int@w{ }@var{inum})
+This method prints an integer to the stream. The value printed is
+ determined using the @code{String.valueOf()} method.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {public void} print (long@w{ }@var{lnum})
+This method prints a long to the stream. The value printed is
+ determined using the @code{String.valueOf()} method.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {public void} print (float@w{ }@var{fnum})
+This method prints a float to the stream. The value printed is
+ determined using the @code{String.valueOf()} method.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {public void} print (double@w{ }@var{dnum})
+This method prints a double to the stream. The value printed is
+ determined using the @code{String.valueOf()} method.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {public void} print (java.lang.Object@w{ }@var{obj})
+This method prints an @code{Object} to the stream. The actual
+ value printed is determined by calling the @code{String.valueOf()}
+ method.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {public void} println ()
+This method prints a line separator sequence to the stream. The value
+ printed is determined by the system property <xmp>line.separator</xmp>
+ and is not necessarily the Unix '\n' newline character.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {public void} println (boolean@w{ }@var{bool})
+This methods prints a boolean value to the stream. @code{true}
+ values are printed as "true" and @code{false} values are printed
+ as "false".
+ This method prints a line termination sequence after printing the value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {public void} println (int@w{ }@var{inum})
+This method prints an integer to the stream. The value printed is
+ determined using the @code{String.valueOf()} method.
+ This method prints a line termination sequence after printing the value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {public void} println (long@w{ }@var{lnum})
+This method prints a long to the stream. The value printed is
+ determined using the @code{String.valueOf()} method.
+ This method prints a line termination sequence after printing the value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {public void} println (float@w{ }@var{fnum})
+This method prints a float to the stream. The value printed is
+ determined using the @code{String.valueOf()} method.
+ This method prints a line termination sequence after printing the value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {public void} println (double@w{ }@var{dnum})
+This method prints a double to the stream. The value printed is
+ determined using the @code{String.valueOf()} method.
+ This method prints a line termination sequence after printing the value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {public void} println (java.lang.Object@w{ }@var{obj})
+This method prints an @code{Object} to the stream. The actual
+ value printed is determined by calling the @code{String.valueOf()}
+ method.
+ This method prints a line termination sequence after printing the value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {public void} println (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{str})
+This method prints a @code{String} to the stream. The actual
+ value printed depends on the system default encoding.
+ This method prints a line termination sequence after printing the value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {public void} println (char@w{ }@var{ch})
+This method prints a char to the stream. The actual value printed is
+ determined by the character encoding in use.
+ This method prints a line termination sequence after printing the value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {public void} println (char[]@w{ }@var{charArray})
+This method prints an array of characters to the stream. The actual
+ value printed depends on the system default encoding.
+ This method prints a line termination sequence after printing the value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {public void} write (int@w{ }@var{ch})
+This method writes a single char to the stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {public void} write (char[]@w{ }@var{charArray}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{count})
+This method writes @code{count} chars from the specified array
+ starting at index @code{offset} into the array.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {public void} write (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{str}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{count})
+This method writes @code{count} chars from the specified
+ @code{String} to the output starting at character position
+ @code{offset} into the @code{String}
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {public void} write (char[]@w{ }@var{charArray})
+This method write all the chars in the specified array to the output.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PrintWriter {public void} write (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{str})
+This method writes the contents of the specified @code{String}
+ to the underlying stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PushbackInputStream {public int} available () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PushbackInputStream {public void} close () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PushbackInputStream {public boolean} markSupported ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PushbackInputStream {public int} read () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PushbackInputStream {public int} read (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}, int@w{ }@var{off}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PushbackInputStream {public void} unread (int@w{ }@var{b}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PushbackInputStream {public void} unread (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PushbackInputStream {public void} unread (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}, int@w{ }@var{off}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PushbackInputStream {public long} skip (long@w{ }@var{n}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PushbackReader {public void} close () @*throws IOException
+This method closes the stream and frees any associated resources.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PushbackReader {public void} mark (int@w{ }@var{read_limit}) @*throws IOException
+This method throws an exception when called since this class does
+ not support mark/reset.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PushbackReader {public boolean} markSupported ()
+This method returns @code{false} to indicate that it does not support
+ mark/reset functionality.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PushbackReader {public void} reset () @*throws IOException
+This method always throws an IOException in this class because
+ mark/reset functionality is not supported.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PushbackReader {public boolean} ready () @*throws IOException
+This method determines whether or not this stream is ready to be read.
+ If it returns @code{false} to indicate that the stream is not
+ ready, any attempt to read from the stream could (but is not
+ guaranteed to) block.
+ This stream is ready to read if there are either chars waiting to be
+ read in the pushback buffer or if the underlying stream is ready to
+ be read.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PushbackReader {public long} skip (long@w{ }@var{num_chars}) @*throws IOException
+This method skips the specified number of chars in the stream. It
+ returns the actual number of chars skipped, which may be less than the
+ requested amount.
+ This method first discards chars from the buffer, then calls the
+ @code{skip} method on the underlying @code{Reader} to
+ skip additional chars if necessary.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PushbackReader {public int} read () @*throws IOException
+This method reads an unsigned char from the input stream and returns it
+ as an int in the range of 0-65535. This method also will return -1 if
+ the end of the stream has been reached. The char returned will be read
+ from the pushback buffer, unless the buffer is empty, in which case
+ the char will be read from the underlying stream.
+ This method will block until the char can be read.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PushbackReader {public synchronized int} read (char[]@w{ }@var{b}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException
+This method read chars from a stream and stores them into a caller
+ supplied buffer. It starts storing the data at index @code{offset} into
+ the buffer and attempts to read @code{len} chars. This method can
+ return before reading the number of chars requested. The actual number
+ of chars read is returned as an int. A -1 is returned to indicate the
+ end of the stream.
+ This method will block until some data can be read.
+ This method first reads chars from the pushback buffer in order to
+ satisfy the read request. If the pushback buffer cannot provide all
+ of the chars requested, the remaining chars are read from the
+ underlying stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PushbackReader {public void} unread (int@w{ }@var{b}) @*throws IOException
+This method pushes a single char of data into the pushback buffer.
+ The char pushed back is the one that will be returned as the first char
+ of the next read.
+ If the pushback buffer is full, this method throws an exception.
+ The argument to this method is an @code{int}. Only the low eight bits
+ of this value are pushed back.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PushbackReader {public synchronized void} unread (char[]@w{ }@var{buf}) @*throws IOException
+This method pushes all of the chars in the passed char array into
+ the pushback buffer. These chars are pushed in reverse order so that
+ the next char read from the stream after this operation will be
+ @code{buf[0]} followed by @code{buf[1]}, etc.
+ If the pushback buffer cannot hold all of the requested chars, an
+ exception is thrown.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PushbackReader {public synchronized void} unread (char[]@w{ }@var{b}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException
+This method pushed back chars from the passed in array into the pushback
+ buffer. The chars from @code{buf[offset]} to @code{buf[offset + len]}
+ are pushed in reverse order so that the next char read from the stream
+ after this operation will be @code{buf[offset]} followed by
+ @code{buf[offset + 1]}, etc.
+ If the pushback buffer cannot hold all of the requested chars, an
+ exception is thrown.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public void} close () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public final FileDescriptor} getFD () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public long} getFilePointer () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public long} length () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public int} read () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public int} read (byte[]@w{ }@var{buffer}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public int} read (byte[]@w{ }@var{buffer}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{count}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public final boolean} readBoolean () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public final byte} readByte () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public final char} readChar () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public final double} readDouble () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public final float} readFloat () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public final void} readFully (byte[]@w{ }@var{buffer}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public final void} readFully (byte[]@w{ }@var{buffer}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{count}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public final int} readInt () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public final String} readLine () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public final long} readLong () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public final short} readShort () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public final int} readUnsignedByte () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public final int} readUnsignedShort () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public final String} readUTF () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public void} seek (long@w{ }@var{pos}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public int} skipBytes (int@w{ }@var{count}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public void} write (int@w{ }@var{oneByte}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public void} write (byte[]@w{ }@var{buffer}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public void} write (byte[]@w{ }@var{buffer}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{count}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public final void} writeBoolean (boolean@w{ }@var{val}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public final void} writeByte (int@w{ }@var{v}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public final void} writeShort (int@w{ }@var{v}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public final void} writeChar (int@w{ }@var{v}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public final void} writeInt (int@w{ }@var{v}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public final void} writeLong (long@w{ }@var{v}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public final void} writeFloat (float@w{ }@var{v}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public final void} writeDouble (double@w{ }@var{v}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public final void} writeBytes (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{s}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public final void} writeChars (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{s}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod RandomAccessFile {public final void} writeUTF (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{s}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Reader {public abstract int} read (char[]@w{ }@var{buf}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{count}) @*throws IOException
+Read chars from a stream and stores them into a caller
+ supplied buffer. It starts storing the data at index @code{offset}
+ into the buffer and attempts to read @code{len} chars. This method
+ can return before reading the number of chars requested. The actual
+ number of chars read is returned as an int. A -1 is returned to indicate
+ the end of the stream.
+ This method will block until some data can be read.
+ This method operates by calling the single char @code{read()} method
+ in a loop until the desired number of chars are read. The read loop
+ stops short if the end of the stream is encountered or if an IOException
+ is encountered on any read operation except the first. If the first
+ attempt to read a chars fails, the IOException is allowed to propagate
+ upward. And subsequent IOException is caught and treated identically
+ to an end of stream condition. Subclasses can (and should if possible)
+ override this method to provide a more efficient implementation.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Reader {public int} read (char[]@w{ }@var{buf}) @*throws IOException
+Reads chars from a stream and stores them into a caller
+ supplied buffer. This method attempts to completely fill the buffer,
+ but can return before doing so. The actual number of chars read is
+ returned as an int. A -1 is returned to indicate the end of the stream.
+ This method will block until some data can be read.
+ This method operates by calling an overloaded read method like so:
+ @code{read(buf, 0, buf.length)}
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Reader {public int} read () @*throws IOException
+Reads an char from the input stream and returns it
+ as an int in the range of 0-65535. This method also will return -1 if
+ the end of the stream has been reached.
+ This method will block until the char can be read.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Reader {public abstract void} close () @*throws IOException
+Closes the stream. Any futher attempts to read from the
+ stream may generate an @code{IOException}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Reader {public boolean} markSupported ()
+Returns a boolean that indicates whether the mark/reset
+ methods are supported in this class. Those methods can be used to
+ remember a specific point in the stream and reset the stream to that
+ point.
+ This method always returns @code{false} in this class, but
+ subclasses can override this method to return @code{true} if they
+ support mark/reset functionality.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Reader {public void} mark (int@w{ }@var{readLimit}) @*throws IOException
+Marks a position in the input to which the stream can be
+ "reset" by calling the @code{reset()} method. The parameter
+ @code{readlimit} is the number of chars that can be read from the
+ stream after setting the mark before the mark becomes invalid. For
+ example, if @code{mark()} is called with a read limit of 10, then
+ when 11 chars of data are read from the stream before the
+ @code{reset()} method is called, then the mark is invalid and the
+ stream object instance is not required to remember the mark.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Reader {public void} reset () @*throws IOException
+Resets a stream to the point where the @code{mark()}
+ method was called. Any chars that were read after the mark point was
+ set will be re-read during subsequent reads.
+ This method always throws an IOException in this class, but subclasses
+ can override this method if they provide mark/reset functionality.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Reader {public boolean} ready () @*throws IOException
+Determines whether or not this stream is ready to be
+ read. If it returns @code{false} the stream may block if a
+ read is attempted, but it is not guaranteed to do so.
+ This method always returns @code{false} in this class
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Reader {public long} skip (long@w{ }@var{count}) @*throws IOException
+Skips the specified number of chars in the stream. It
+ returns the actual number of chars skipped, which may be less than the
+ requested amount.
+ This method reads and discards chars into a 256 char array until the
+ specified number of chars were skipped or until either the end of stream
+ is reached or a read attempt returns a short count. Subclasses can
+ override this method to provide a more efficient implementation where
+ one exists.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SequenceInputStream {public int} available () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SequenceInputStream {public void} close () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SequenceInputStream {public int} read () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SequenceInputStream {public int} read (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}, int@w{ }@var{off}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StreamTokenizer {public void} commentChar (int@w{ }@var{ch})
+This method sets the comment attribute on the specified character.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StreamTokenizer {public void} eolIsSignificant (boolean@w{ }@var{flag})
+This method sets a flag that indicates whether or not the end of line
+ sequence terminates and is a token. The defaults to @code{false}
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StreamTokenizer {public int} lineno ()
+This method returns the current line number. Note that if the
+ @code{pushBack()} method is called, it has no effect on the
+ line number returned by this method.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StreamTokenizer {public void} lowerCaseMode (boolean@w{ }@var{flag})
+This method sets a flag that indicates whether or not alphabetic
+ tokens that are returned should be converted to lower case.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StreamTokenizer {public int} nextToken () @*throws IOException
+This method reads the next token from the stream. It sets the
+ @code{ttype} variable to the appropriate token type and
+ returns it. It also can set @code{sval} or @code{nval}
+ as described below. The parsing strategy is as follows:
+@itemize @bullet
+Skip any whitespace characters.
+If a numeric character is encountered, attempt to parse a numeric
+ value. Leading '-' characters indicate a numeric only if followed by
+ another non-'-' numeric. The value of the numeric token is terminated
+ by either the first non-numeric encountered, or the second occurrence of
+ '-' or '.'. The token type returned is TT_NUMBER and @code{nval}
+ is set to the value parsed.
+If an alphabetic character is parsed, all subsequent characters
+ are read until the first non-alphabetic or non-numeric character is
+ encountered. The token type returned is TT_WORD and the value parsed
+ is stored in @code{sval}. If lower case mode is set, the token
+ stored in @code{sval} is converted to lower case. The end of line
+ sequence terminates a word only if EOL signficance has been turned on.
+ The start of a comment also terminates a word. Any character with a
+ non-alphabetic and non-numeric attribute (such as white space, a quote,
+ or a commet) are treated as non-alphabetic and terminate the word.
+If a comment charcters is parsed, then all remaining characters on
+ the current line are skipped and another token is parsed. Any EOL or
+ EOF's encountered are not discarded, but rather terminate the comment.
+If a quote character is parsed, then all characters up to the
+ second occurrence of the same quote character are parsed into a
+ @code{String}. This @code{String} is stored as
+ @code{sval}, but is not converted to lower case, even if lower case
+ mode is enabled. The token type returned is the value of the quote
+ character encountered. Any escape sequences
+ (\b (backspace), \t (HTAB), \n (linefeed), \f (form feed), \r
+ (carriage return), \" (double quote), \' (single quote), \\
+ (backslash), \XXX (octal esacpe)) are converted to the appropriate
+ char values. Invalid esacape sequences are left in untranslated.
+ Unicode characters like ('\ u0000') are not recognized.
+If the C++ comment sequence "//" is encountered, and the parser
+ is configured to handle that sequence, then the remainder of the line
+ is skipped and another token is read exactly as if a character with
+ the comment attribute was encountered.
+If the C comment sequence "/*" is encountered, and the parser
+ is configured to handle that sequence, then all characters up to and
+ including the comment terminator sequence are discarded and another
+ token is parsed.
+If all cases above are not met, then the character is an ordinary
+ character that is parsed as a token by itself. The char encountered
+ is returned as the token type.
+@end itemize
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StreamTokenizer {public void} ordinaryChar (int@w{ }@var{ch})
+This method makes the specified character an ordinary character. This
+ means that none of the attributes (whitespace, alphabetic, numeric,
+ quote, or comment) will be set on this character. This character will
+ parse as its own token.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StreamTokenizer {public void} ordinaryChars (int@w{ }@var{low}, int@w{ }@var{hi})
+This method makes all the characters in the specified range, range
+ terminators included, ordinary. This means the none of the attributes
+ (whitespace, alphabetic, numeric, quote, or comment) will be set on
+ any of the characters in the range. This makes each character in this
+ range parse as its own token.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StreamTokenizer {public void} parseNumbers ()
+This method sets the numeric attribute on the characters '0' - '9' and
+ the characters '.' and '-'.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StreamTokenizer {public void} pushBack ()
+This method returns the current line number. Note that if the
+ @code{pushBack()} method is called, it has no effect on the
+ line number returned by this method.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StreamTokenizer {public void} quoteChar (int@w{ }@var{ch})
+This method sets the quote attribute on the specified character.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StreamTokenizer {public void} resetSyntax ()
+This method removes all attributes (whitespace, alphabetic, numeric,
+ quote, and comment) from all characters. It is equivalent to calling
+ @code{ordinaryChars(0x00, 0xFF)}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StreamTokenizer {public void} slashSlashComments (boolean@w{ }@var{flag})
+This method sets a flag that indicates whether or not "C++" language style
+ comments ("//" comments through EOL ) are handled by the parser.
+ If this is @code{true} commented out sequences are skipped and
+ ignored by the parser. This defaults to @code{false}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StreamTokenizer {public void} slashStarComments (boolean@w{ }@var{flag})
+This method sets a flag that indicates whether or not "C" language style
+ comments (with nesting not allowed) are handled by the parser.
+ If this is @code{true} commented out sequences are skipped and
+ ignored by the parser. This defaults to @code{false}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StreamTokenizer {public String} toString ()
+This method returns the current token value as a @code{String} in
+ the form "Token[x], line n", where 'n' is the current line numbers and
+ 'x' is determined as follows.
+@itemize @bullet
+If no token has been read, then 'x' is "NOTHING" and 'n' is 0
+If @code{ttype} is TT_EOF, then 'x' is "EOF"
+If @code{ttype} is TT_EOL, then 'x' is "EOL"
+If @code{ttype} is TT_WORD, then 'x' is @code{sval}
+If @code{ttype} is TT_NUMBER, then 'x' is "n=strnval" where
+ 'strnval' is @code{String.valueOf(nval)}.
+If @code{ttype} is a quote character, then 'x' is
+ @code{sval}
+For all other cases, 'x' is @code{ttype}
+@end itemize
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StreamTokenizer {public void} whitespaceChars (int@w{ }@var{low}, int@w{ }@var{hi})
+This method sets the whitespace attribute for all charcters in the
+ specified range, range terminators included.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StreamTokenizer {public void} wordChars (int@w{ }@var{low}, int@w{ }@var{hi})
+This method sets the alphabetic attribute for all charcters in the
+ specified range, range terminators included.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StringBufferInputStream {public int} available ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StringBufferInputStream {public int} read ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StringBufferInputStream {public int} read (byte[]@w{ }@var{b}, int@w{ }@var{off}, int@w{ }@var{len})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StringBufferInputStream {public void} reset ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StringBufferInputStream {public long} skip (long@w{ }@var{n})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StringReader {public void} close ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StringReader {public void} mark (int@w{ }@var{readAheadLimit}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StringReader {public boolean} markSupported ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StringReader {public int} read () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StringReader {public int} read (char[]@w{ }@var{b}, int@w{ }@var{off}, int@w{ }@var{len}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StringReader {public boolean} ready () @*throws IOException
+This method determines if the stream is ready to be read. This class
+ is always ready to read and so always returns @code{true}, unless
+ close() has previously been called in which case an IOException is
+ thrown.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StringReader {public void} reset () @*throws IOException
+Sets the read position in the stream to the previously
+ marked position or to 0 (i.e., the beginning of the stream) if the mark
+ has not already been set.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StringReader {public long} skip (long@w{ }@var{n}) @*throws IOException
+This method attempts to skip the requested number of chars in the
+ input stream. It does this by advancing the @code{pos} value by
+ the specified number of chars. It this would exceed the length of the
+ buffer, then only enough chars are skipped to position the stream at
+ the end of the buffer. The actual number of chars skipped is returned.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StringWriter {public void} close ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StringWriter {public void} flush ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StringWriter {public StringBuffer} getBuffer ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StringWriter {public String} toString ()
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StringWriter {public void} write (int@w{ }@var{oneChar})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StringWriter {public void} write (char[]@w{ }@var{chars}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{len})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StringWriter {public void} write (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{str})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod StringWriter {public void} write (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{str}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{len})
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod WriteAbortedException {public String} getMessage ()
+This method returns a message indicating what went wrong, including
+ the message text from the initial exception that caused this one to
+ be thrown
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Writer {public abstract void} close () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Writer {public abstract void} flush () @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Writer {public abstract void} write (char[]@w{ }@var{buf}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{count}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Writer {public void} write (char[]@w{ }@var{buf}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Writer {public void} write (int@w{ }@var{ch}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Writer {public void} write (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{str}, int@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{count}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Writer {public void} write (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{str}) @*throws IOException
+@end deftypemethod