path: root/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.fortran-torture/execute/intrinsic_associated.f90
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/testsuite/gfortran.fortran-torture/execute/intrinsic_associated.f90')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.fortran-torture/execute/intrinsic_associated.f90 b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.fortran-torture/execute/intrinsic_associated.f90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..24d647ef15a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.fortran-torture/execute/intrinsic_associated.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+! Program to test the ASSOCIATED intrinsic.
+program intrinsic_associated
+ call pointer_to_section ()
+ call associate_1 ()
+ call pointer_to_derived_1 ()
+ call associated_2 ()
+subroutine pointer_to_section ()
+ integer, dimension(100, 100), target :: xy
+ integer, dimension(:, :), pointer :: window
+ integer i, j, k, m, n
+ data xy /10000*0/
+ logical t
+ window => xy(10:50, 30:60)
+ window = 10
+ window (1, 1) = 0101
+ window (41, 31) = 4161
+ window (41, 1) = 4101
+ window (1, 31) = 0161
+ t = associated (window, xy(10:50, 30:60))
+ if (.not.t) call abort ()
+ if (window(1, 1) .ne. xy(10, 30)) call abort ()
+ if (window(41, 31) .ne. xy(50, 60)) call abort ()
+ if (window(1, 31) .ne. xy(10, 60)) call abort ()
+ if (window(41, 1) .ne. xy(50, 30)) call abort ()
+ if (xy(9, 29) .ne. 0) call abort ()
+ if (xy(51,29 ) .ne. 0) call abort ()
+ if (xy(9, 60) .ne. 0) call abort ()
+ if (xy(51, 60) .ne. 0) call abort ()
+ if (xy(11, 31) .ne. 10) call abort ()
+ if (xy(49, 59) .ne. 10) call abort ()
+ if (xy(11, 59) .ne. 10) call abort ()
+ if (xy(49, 31) .ne. 10) call abort ()
+subroutine sub1 (a, ap)
+ integer, pointer :: ap(:, :)
+ integer, target :: a(10, 10)
+ ap => a
+subroutine nullify_pp (a)
+ integer, pointer :: a(:, :)
+ if (.not. associated (a)) call abort ()
+ nullify (a)
+subroutine associate_1 ()
+ integer, pointer :: a(:, :), b(:, :)
+ interface
+ subroutine nullify_pp (a)
+ integer, pointer :: a(:, :)
+ end subroutine nullify_pp
+ end interface
+ allocate (a(80, 80))
+ b => a
+ if (.not. associated(a)) call abort ()
+ if (.not. associated(b)) call abort ()
+ call nullify_pp (a)
+ if (associated (a)) call abort ()
+ if (.not. associated (b)) call abort ()
+subroutine pointer_to_derived_1 ()
+ type record
+ integer :: value
+ type(record), pointer :: rp
+ end type record
+ type record1
+ integer value
+ type(record2), pointer :: r1p
+ end type
+ type record2
+ integer value
+ type(record1), pointer :: r2p
+ end type
+ type(record), target :: e1, e2, e3
+ type(record1), target :: r1
+ type(record2), target :: r2
+ nullify (r1%r1p, r2%r2p, e1%rp, e2%rp, e3%rp)
+ if (associated (r1%r1p)) call abort ()
+ if (associated (r2%r2p)) call abort ()
+ if (associated (e2%rp)) call abort ()
+ if (associated (e1%rp)) call abort ()
+ if (associated (e3%rp)) call abort ()
+ r1%r1p => r2
+ r2%r2p => r1
+ r1%value = 11
+ r2%value = 22
+ e1%rp => e2
+ e2%rp => e3
+ e1%value = 33
+ e1%rp%value = 44
+ e1%rp%rp%value = 55
+ if (.not. associated (r1%r1p)) call abort ()
+ if (.not. associated (r2%r2p)) call abort ()
+ if (.not. associated (e1%rp)) call abort ()
+ if (.not. associated (e2%rp)) call abort ()
+ if (associated (e3%rp)) call abort ()
+ if (r1%r1p%value .ne. 22) call abort ()
+ if (r2%r2p%value .ne. 11) call abort ()
+ if (e1%value .ne. 33) call abort ()
+ if (e2%value .ne. 44) call abort ()
+ if (e3%value .ne. 55) call abort ()
+ if (r1%value .ne. 11) call abort ()
+ if (r2%value .ne. 22) call abort ()
+subroutine associated_2 ()
+ integer, pointer :: xp(:, :)
+ integer, target :: x(10, 10)
+ integer, target :: y(100, 100)
+ interface
+ subroutine sub1 (a, ap)
+ integer, pointer :: ap(:, :)
+ integer, target :: a(10, 1)
+ end
+ endinterface
+ xp => y
+ if (.not. associated (xp)) call abort ()
+ call sub1 (x, xp)
+ if (associated (xp, y)) call abort ()
+ if (.not. associated (xp, x)) call abort ()