path: root/gcc/config/nvptx/mkoffload.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/config/nvptx/mkoffload.c')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 632 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/config/nvptx/mkoffload.c b/gcc/config/nvptx/mkoffload.c
index 69eb4eac415..ff538e2d572 100644
--- a/gcc/config/nvptx/mkoffload.c
+++ b/gcc/config/nvptx/mkoffload.c
@@ -41,84 +41,12 @@ const char tool_name[] = "nvptx mkoffload";
#define COMMENT_PREFIX "#"
-typedef enum Kind
- /* 0-ff used for single char tokens */
- K_symbol = 0x100, /* a symbol */
- K_label, /* a label defn (i.e. symbol:) */
- K_ident, /* other ident */
- K_dotted, /* dotted identifier */
- K_number,
- K_string,
- K_comment
-} Kind;
-typedef struct Token
- unsigned short kind : 12;
- unsigned short space : 1; /* preceded by space */
- unsigned short end : 1; /* succeeded by end of line */
- /* Length of token */
- unsigned short len;
- /* Token itself */
- char const *ptr;
-} Token;
-/* statement info */
-typedef enum Vis
- V_dot = 0, /* random pseudo */
- V_var = 1, /* var decl/defn */
- V_func = 2, /* func decl/defn */
- V_insn = 3, /* random insn */
- V_label = 4, /* label defn */
- V_comment = 5,
- V_pred = 6, /* predicate */
- V_mask = 0x7,
- V_global = 0x08, /* globalize */
- V_weak = 0x10, /* weakly globalize */
- V_no_eol = 0x20, /* no end of line */
- V_prefix_comment = 0x40 /* prefixed comment */
-} Vis;
-typedef struct Stmt
- struct Stmt *next;
- Token *tokens;
- unsigned char vis;
- unsigned len : 12;
- unsigned sym : 12;
-} Stmt;
struct id_map
id_map *next;
char *ptx_name;
-static const char *read_file (FILE *);
-static Token *tokenize (const char *);
-static void write_token (FILE *, const Token *);
-static void write_tokens (FILE *, const Token *, unsigned, int);
-static Stmt *alloc_stmt (unsigned, Token *, Token *, const Token *);
-#define alloc_comment(S,E) alloc_stmt (V_comment, S, E, 0)
-#define append_stmt(V, S) ((S)->next = *(V), *(V) = (S))
-static Stmt *rev_stmts (Stmt *);
-static void write_stmt (FILE *, const Stmt *);
-static void write_stmts (FILE *, const Stmt *);
-static Token *parse_insn (Token *);
-static Token *parse_list_nosemi (Token *);
-static Token *parse_init (Token *);
-static Token *parse_file (Token *);
-static Stmt *decls;
-static Stmt *vars;
-static Stmt *fns;
static id_map *func_ids, **funcs_tail = &func_ids;
static id_map *var_ids, **vars_tail = &var_ids;
@@ -183,7 +111,7 @@ record_id (const char *p1, id_map ***where)
remember, there could be a NUL in the file itself. */
static const char *
-read_file (FILE *stream)
+read_file (FILE *stream, size_t *plen)
size_t alloc = 16384;
size_t base = 0;
@@ -213,557 +141,10 @@ read_file (FILE *stream)
buffer[base] = 0;
+ *plen = base;
return buffer;
-/* Read a token, advancing ptr.
- If we read a comment, append it to the comments block. */
-static Token *
-tokenize (const char *ptr)
- unsigned alloc = 1000;
- unsigned num = 0;
- Token *toks = XNEWVEC (Token, alloc);
- int in_comment = 0;
- int not_comment = 0;
- for (;; num++)
- {
- const char *base;
- unsigned kind;
- int ws = 0;
- int eol = 0;
- again:
- base = ptr;
- if (in_comment)
- goto block_comment;
- switch (kind = *ptr++)
- {
- default:
- break;
- case '\n':
- eol = 1;
- /* Fall through */
- case ' ':
- case '\t':
- case '\r':
- case '\v':
- /* White space */
- ws = not_comment;
- goto again;
- case '/':
- {
- if (*ptr == '/')
- {
- /* line comment. Do not include trailing \n */
- base += 2;
- for (; *ptr; ptr++)
- if (*ptr == '\n')
- break;
- kind = K_comment;
- }
- else if (*ptr == '*')
- {
- /* block comment */
- base += 2;
- ptr++;
- block_comment:
- eol = in_comment;
- in_comment = 1;
- for (; *ptr; ptr++)
- {
- if (*ptr == '\n')
- {
- ptr++;
- break;
- }
- if (ptr[0] == '*' && ptr[1] == '/')
- {
- in_comment = 2;
- ptr += 2;
- break;
- }
- }
- kind = K_comment;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- break;
- case '"':
- /* quoted string */
- kind = K_string;
- while (*ptr)
- if (*ptr == '"')
- {
- ptr++;
- break;
- }
- else if (*ptr++ == '\\')
- ptr++;
- break;
- case '.':
- if (*ptr < '0' || *ptr > '9')
- {
- kind = K_dotted;
- ws = not_comment;
- goto ident;
- }
- case '0'...'9':
- kind = K_number;
- goto ident;
- break;
- case '$': /* local labels. */
- case '%': /* register names, pseudoes etc */
- kind = K_ident;
- goto ident;
- case 'a'...'z':
- case 'A'...'Z':
- case '_':
- kind = K_symbol; /* possible symbol name */
- ident:
- for (; *ptr; ptr++)
- {
- if (*ptr >= 'A' && *ptr <= 'Z')
- continue;
- if (*ptr >= 'a' && *ptr <= 'z')
- continue;
- if (*ptr >= '0' && *ptr <= '9')
- continue;
- if (*ptr == '_' || *ptr == '$')
- continue;
- if (*ptr == '.' && kind != K_dotted)
- /* Idents starting with a dot, cannot have internal dots. */
- continue;
- if ((*ptr == '+' || *ptr == '-')
- && kind == K_number
- && (ptr[-1] == 'e' || ptr[-1] == 'E'
- || ptr[-1] == 'p' || ptr[-1] == 'P'))
- /* exponent */
- continue;
- break;
- }
- if (*ptr == ':')
- {
- ptr++;
- kind = K_label;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (alloc == num)
- {
- alloc *= 2;
- toks = XRESIZEVEC (Token, toks, alloc);
- }
- Token *tok = toks + num;
- tok->kind = kind;
- tok->space = ws;
- tok->end = 0;
- tok->ptr = base;
- tok->len = ptr - base - in_comment;
- in_comment &= 1;
- not_comment = kind != K_comment;
- if (eol && num)
- tok[-1].end = 1;
- if (!kind)
- break;
- }
- return toks;
-/* Write an encoded token. */
-static void
-write_token (FILE *out, Token const *tok)
- if (tok->space)
- fputc (' ', out);
- switch (tok->kind)
- {
- case K_string:
- {
- const char *c = tok->ptr + 1;
- size_t len = tok->len - 2;
- fputs ("\\\"", out);
- while (len)
- {
- const char *bs = (const char *)memchr (c, '\\', len);
- size_t l = bs ? bs - c : len;
- fprintf (out, "%.*s", (int)l, c);
- len -= l;
- c += l;
- if (bs)
- {
- fputs ("\\\\", out);
- len--, c++;
- }
- }
- fputs ("\\\"", out);
- }
- break;
- default:
- /* All other tokens shouldn't have anything magic in them */
- fprintf (out, "%.*s", tok->len, tok->ptr);
- break;
- }
- if (tok->end)
- fputs ("\\n", out);
-static void
-write_tokens (FILE *out, Token const *toks, unsigned len, int spc)
- fputs ("\t\"", out);
- for (; len--; toks++)
- write_token (out, toks);
- if (spc)
- fputs (" ", out);
- fputs ("\"", out);
-static Stmt *
-alloc_stmt (unsigned vis, Token *tokens, Token *end, Token const *sym)
- static unsigned alloc = 0;
- static Stmt *heap = 0;
- if (!alloc)
- {
- alloc = 1000;
- heap = XNEWVEC (Stmt, alloc);
- }
- Stmt *stmt = heap++;
- alloc--;
- tokens->space = 0;
- stmt->next = 0;
- stmt->vis = vis;
- stmt->tokens = tokens;
- stmt->len = end - tokens;
- stmt->sym = sym ? sym - tokens : ~0;
- return stmt;
-static Stmt *
-rev_stmts (Stmt *stmt)
- Stmt *prev = 0;
- Stmt *next;
- while (stmt)
- {
- next = stmt->next;
- stmt->next = prev;
- prev = stmt;
- stmt = next;
- }
- return prev;
-static void
-write_stmt (FILE *out, const Stmt *stmt)
- if ((stmt->vis & V_mask) != V_comment)
- {
- write_tokens (out, stmt->tokens, stmt->len,
- (stmt->vis & V_mask) == V_pred);
- fputs (stmt->vis & V_no_eol ? "\t" : "\n", out);
- }
-static void
-write_stmts (FILE *out, const Stmt *stmts)
- for (; stmts; stmts = stmts->next)
- write_stmt (out, stmts);
-static Token *
-parse_insn (Token *tok)
- unsigned depth = 0;
- do
- {
- Stmt *stmt;
- Token *sym = 0;
- unsigned s = V_insn;
- Token *start = tok;
- switch (tok++->kind)
- {
- case K_comment:
- while (tok->kind == K_comment)
- tok++;
- stmt = alloc_comment (start, tok);
- append_stmt (&fns, stmt);
- continue;
- case '{':
- depth++;
- break;
- case '}':
- depth--;
- break;
- case K_label:
- if (tok[-1].ptr[0] != '$')
- sym = tok - 1;
- tok[-1].end = 1;
- s = V_label;
- break;
- case '@':
- tok->space = 0;
- if (tok->kind == '!')
- tok++;
- if (tok->kind == K_symbol)
- sym = tok;
- tok++;
- s = V_pred;
- break;
- default:
- for (; tok->kind != ';'; tok++)
- {
- if (tok->kind == ',')
- tok[1].space = 0;
- else if (tok->kind == K_symbol)
- sym = tok;
- }
- tok++->end = 1;
- break;
- }
- stmt = alloc_stmt (s, start, tok, sym);
- append_stmt (&fns, stmt);
- if (!tok[-1].end && tok[0].kind == K_comment)
- {
- stmt->vis |= V_no_eol;
- stmt = alloc_comment (tok, tok + 1);
- append_stmt (&fns, stmt);
- tok++;
- }
- }
- while (depth);
- return tok;
-/* comma separated list of tokens */
-static Token *
-parse_list_nosemi (Token *tok)
- Token *start = tok;
- do
- if (!(++tok)->kind)
- break;
- while ((++tok)->kind == ',');
- tok[-1].end = 1;
- Stmt *stmt = alloc_stmt (V_dot, start, tok, 0);
- append_stmt (&decls, stmt);
- return tok;
-#define is_keyword(T,S) \
- (sizeof (S) == (T)->len && !memcmp ((T)->ptr + 1, (S), (T)->len - 1))
-static Token *
-parse_init (Token *tok)
- for (;;)
- {
- Token *start = tok;
- Token const *sym = 0;
- Stmt *stmt;
- if (tok->kind == K_comment)
- {
- while (tok->kind == K_comment)
- tok++;
- stmt = alloc_comment (start, tok);
- append_stmt (&vars, stmt);
- start = tok;
- }
- if (tok->kind == '{')
- tok[1].space = 0;
- for (; tok->kind != ',' && tok->kind != ';'; tok++)
- if (tok->kind == K_symbol)
- sym = tok;
- tok[1].space = 0;
- int end = tok++->kind == ';';
- stmt = alloc_stmt (V_insn, start, tok, sym);
- append_stmt (&vars, stmt);
- if (!tok[-1].end && tok->kind == K_comment)
- {
- stmt->vis |= V_no_eol;
- stmt = alloc_comment (tok, tok + 1);
- append_stmt (&vars, stmt);
- tok++;
- }
- if (end)
- break;
- }
- return tok;
-static Token *
-parse_file (Token *tok)
- Stmt *comment = 0;
- if (tok->kind == K_comment)
- {
- Token *start = tok;
- while (tok->kind == K_comment)
- {
- if (strncmp (tok->ptr, ":VAR_MAP ", 9) == 0)
- record_id (tok->ptr + 9, &vars_tail);
- if (strncmp (tok->ptr, ":FUNC_MAP ", 10) == 0)
- record_id (tok->ptr + 10, &funcs_tail);
- tok++;
- }
- comment = alloc_comment (start, tok);
- comment->vis |= V_prefix_comment;
- }
- if (tok->kind == K_dotted)
- {
- if (is_keyword (tok, "version")
- || is_keyword (tok, "target")
- || is_keyword (tok, "address_size"))
- {
- if (comment)
- append_stmt (&decls, comment);
- tok = parse_list_nosemi (tok);
- }
- else
- {
- unsigned vis = 0;
- const Token *def = 0;
- unsigned is_decl = 0;
- Token *start;
- for (start = tok;
- tok->kind && tok->kind != '=' && tok->kind != K_comment
- && tok->kind != '{' && tok->kind != ';'; tok++)
- {
- if (is_keyword (tok, "global")
- || is_keyword (tok, "const"))
- vis |= V_var;
- else if (is_keyword (tok, "func")
- || is_keyword (tok, "entry"))
- vis |= V_func;
- else if (is_keyword (tok, "visible"))
- vis |= V_global;
- else if (is_keyword (tok, "extern"))
- is_decl = 1;
- else if (is_keyword (tok, "weak"))
- vis |= V_weak;
- if (tok->kind == '(')
- {
- tok[1].space = 0;
- tok[0].space = 1;
- }
- else if (tok->kind == ')' && tok[1].kind != ';')
- tok[1].space = 1;
- if (tok->kind == K_symbol)
- def = tok;
- }
- if (!tok->kind)
- {
- /* end of file */
- if (comment)
- append_stmt (&fns, comment);
- }
- else if (tok->kind == '{'
- || tok->kind == K_comment)
- {
- /* function defn */
- Stmt *stmt = alloc_stmt (vis, start, tok, def);
- if (comment)
- {
- append_stmt (&fns, comment);
- stmt->vis |= V_prefix_comment;
- }
- append_stmt (&fns, stmt);
- tok = parse_insn (tok);
- }
- else
- {
- int assign = tok->kind == '=';
- tok++->end = 1;
- if ((vis & V_mask) == V_var && !is_decl)
- {
- /* variable */
- Stmt *stmt = alloc_stmt (vis, start, tok, def);
- if (comment)
- {
- append_stmt (&vars, comment);
- stmt->vis |= V_prefix_comment;
- }
- append_stmt (&vars, stmt);
- if (assign)
- tok = parse_init (tok);
- }
- else
- {
- /* declaration */
- Stmt *stmt = alloc_stmt (vis, start, tok, 0);
- if (comment)
- {
- append_stmt (&decls, comment);
- stmt->vis |= V_prefix_comment;
- }
- append_stmt (&decls, stmt);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Something strange. Ignore it. */
- if (comment)
- append_stmt (&fns, comment);
- do
- tok++;
- while (tok->kind && !tok->end);
- }
- return tok;
/* Parse STR, saving found tokens into PVALUES and return their number.
Tokens are assumed to be delimited by ':'. */
static unsigned
@@ -839,22 +220,55 @@ access_check (const char *name, int mode)
static void
process (FILE *in, FILE *out)
- const char *input = read_file (in);
- Token *tok = tokenize (input);
+ size_t len = 0;
+ const char *input = read_file (in, &len);
const char *comma;
id_map const *id;
unsigned obj_count = 0;
unsigned ix;
- do
- tok = parse_file (tok);
- while (tok->kind);
+ /* Dump out char arrays for each PTX object file. These are
+ terminated by a NUL. */
+ for (size_t i = 0; i != len;)
+ {
+ char c;
- fprintf (out, "static const char ptx_code_%u[] = \n", obj_count++);
- write_stmts (out, rev_stmts (decls));
- write_stmts (out, rev_stmts (vars));
- write_stmts (out, rev_stmts (fns));
- fprintf (out, ";\n\n");
+ fprintf (out, "static const char ptx_code_%u[] =\n\t\"", obj_count++);
+ while ((c = input[i++]))
+ {
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ case '\r':
+ continue;
+ case '\n':
+ fprintf (out, "\\n\"\n\t\"");
+ /* Look for mappings on subsequent lines. */
+ while (strncmp (input + i, "//:", 3) == 0)
+ {
+ i += 3;
+ if (strncmp (input + i, "VAR_MAP ", 8) == 0)
+ record_id (input + i + 8, &vars_tail);
+ else if (strncmp (input + i, "FUNC_MAP ", 9) == 0)
+ record_id (input + i + 9, &funcs_tail);
+ else
+ abort ();
+ /* Skip to next line. */
+ while (input[i++] != '\n')
+ continue;
+ }
+ continue;
+ case '"':
+ case '\\':
+ putc ('\\', out);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ putc (c, out);
+ }
+ fprintf (out, "\";\n\n");
+ }
/* Dump out array of pointers to ptx object strings. */
fprintf (out, "static const struct ptx_obj {\n"
@@ -1068,7 +482,6 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
gcc_unreachable ();
- obstack_ptr_grow (&argv_obstack, "-S");
for (int ix = 1; ix != argc; ix++)