path: root/gcc/ada/s-fatgen.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/s-fatgen.adb')
1 files changed, 73 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/s-fatgen.adb b/gcc/ada/s-fatgen.adb
index 2bdb9363bc3..9d4b5042d69 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/s-fatgen.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/s-fatgen.adb
@@ -99,10 +99,8 @@ package body System.Fat_Gen is
if Towards = X then
return X;
elsif Towards > X then
return Succ (X);
return Pred (X);
end if;
@@ -114,14 +112,11 @@ package body System.Fat_Gen is
function Ceiling (X : T) return T is
XT : constant T := Truncation (X);
if X <= 0.0 then
return XT;
elsif X = XT then
return X;
return XT + 1.0;
end if;
@@ -175,7 +170,7 @@ package body System.Fat_Gen is
-- T'Machine_Emin - T'Machine_Mantissa, which would preserve
-- monotonicity of the exponent function ???
- -- Check for infinities, transfinites, whatnot.
+ -- Check for infinities, transfinites, whatnot
elsif X > T'Safe_Last then
Frac := Invrad;
@@ -193,7 +188,7 @@ package body System.Fat_Gen is
Ax : T := abs X;
Ex : UI := 0;
- -- Ax * Rad ** Ex is invariant.
+ -- Ax * Rad ** Ex is invariant
if Ax >= 1.0 then
@@ -256,7 +251,6 @@ package body System.Fat_Gen is
function Exponent (X : T) return UI is
X_Frac : T;
X_Exp : UI;
Decompose (X, X_Frac, X_Exp);
return X_Exp;
@@ -268,14 +262,11 @@ package body System.Fat_Gen is
function Floor (X : T) return T is
XT : constant T := Truncation (X);
if X >= 0.0 then
return XT;
elsif XT = X then
return X;
return XT - 1.0;
end if;
@@ -288,7 +279,6 @@ package body System.Fat_Gen is
function Fraction (X : T) return T is
X_Frac : T;
X_Exp : UI;
Decompose (X, X_Frac, X_Exp);
return X_Frac;
@@ -366,6 +356,38 @@ package body System.Fat_Gen is
return Temp;
end Machine;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Machine_Rounding --
+ ----------------------
+ -- For now, the implementation is identical to that of Rounding, which is
+ -- a permissible behavior, but is not the most efficient possible approach.
+ function Machine_Rounding (X : T) return T is
+ Result : T;
+ Tail : T;
+ begin
+ Result := Truncation (abs X);
+ Tail := abs X - Result;
+ if Tail >= 0.5 then
+ Result := Result + 1.0;
+ end if;
+ if X > 0.0 then
+ return Result;
+ elsif X < 0.0 then
+ return -Result;
+ -- For zero case, make sure sign of zero is preserved
+ else
+ return X;
+ end if;
+ end Machine_Rounding;
-- Model --
@@ -542,7 +564,7 @@ package body System.Fat_Gen is
return X;
end if;
- -- Nonzero x. essentially, just multiply repeatedly by Rad ** (+-2**n).
+ -- Nonzero x. essentially, just multiply repeatedly by Rad ** (+-2**n)
Y : T := X;
@@ -587,6 +609,7 @@ package body System.Fat_Gen is
end if;
-- 0 <= Ex < Log_Power (N)
end loop;
-- Ex = 0
@@ -652,7 +675,7 @@ package body System.Fat_Gen is
-- The basic approach is to compute
- -- T'Machine (RM1 + N) - RM1.
+ -- T'Machine (RM1 + N) - RM1
-- where N >= 0.0 and RM1 = radix ** (mantissa - 1)
@@ -693,7 +716,6 @@ package body System.Fat_Gen is
return X;
end if;
end if;
end Truncation;
@@ -727,13 +749,16 @@ package body System.Fat_Gen is
return X;
end if;
end Unbiased_Rounding;
-- Valid --
+ -- Note: this routine does not work for VAX float. We compensate for this
+ -- in Exp_Attr by using the Valid functions in Vax_Float_Operations rather
+ -- than the corresponding instantiation of this function.
function Valid (X : access T) return Boolean is
IEEE_Emin : constant Integer := T'Machine_Emin - 1;
@@ -744,17 +769,17 @@ package body System.Fat_Gen is
subtype IEEE_Exponent_Range is
Integer range IEEE_Emin - 1 .. IEEE_Emax + 1;
- -- The implementation of this floating point attribute uses
- -- a representation type Float_Rep that allows direct access to
- -- the exponent and mantissa parts of a floating point number.
+ -- The implementation of this floating point attribute uses a
+ -- representation type Float_Rep that allows direct access to the
+ -- exponent and mantissa parts of a floating point number.
-- The Float_Rep type is an array of Float_Word elements. This
- -- representation is chosen to make it possible to size the
- -- type based on a generic parameter. Since the array size is
- -- known at compile-time, efficient code can still be generated.
- -- The size of Float_Word elements should be large enough to allow
- -- accessing the exponent in one read, but small enough so that all
- -- floating point object sizes are a multiple of the Float_Word'Size.
+ -- representation is chosen to make it possible to size the type based
+ -- on a generic parameter. Since the array size is known at compile
+ -- time, efficient code can still be generated. The size of Float_Word
+ -- elements should be large enough to allow accessing the exponent in
+ -- one read, but small enough so that all floating point object sizes
+ -- are a multiple of the Float_Word'Size.
-- The following conditions must be met for all possible
-- instantiations of the attributes package:
@@ -764,9 +789,9 @@ package body System.Fat_Gen is
-- - The exponent and sign are completely contained in a single
-- component of Float_Rep, named Most_Significant_Word (MSW).
- -- - The sign occupies the most significant bit of the MSW
- -- and the exponent is in the following bits.
- -- Unused bits (if any) are in the least significant part.
+ -- - The sign occupies the most significant bit of the MSW and the
+ -- exponent is in the following bits. Unused bits (if any) are in
+ -- the least significant part.
type Float_Word is mod 2**Positive'Min (System.Word_Size, 32);
type Rep_Index is range 0 .. 7;
@@ -775,12 +800,12 @@ package body System.Fat_Gen is
(T'Size + Float_Word'Size - 1) / Float_Word'Size;
Rep_Last : constant Rep_Index := Rep_Index'Min
(Rep_Index (Rep_Words - 1), (T'Mantissa + 16) / Float_Word'Size);
- -- Determine the number of Float_Words needed for representing
- -- the entire floating-poinit value. Do not take into account
- -- excessive padding, as occurs on IA-64 where 80 bits floats get
- -- padded to 128 bits. In general, the exponent field cannot
- -- be larger than 15 bits, even for 128-bit floating-poin t types,
- -- so the final format size won't be larger than T'Mantissa + 16.
+ -- Determine the number of Float_Words needed for representing the
+ -- entire floating-point value. Do not take into account excessive
+ -- padding, as occurs on IA-64 where 80 bits floats get padded to 128
+ -- bits. In general, the exponent field cannot be larger than 15 bits,
+ -- even for 128-bit floating-poin t types, so the final format size
+ -- won't be larger than T'Mantissa + 16.
type Float_Rep is
array (Rep_Index range 0 .. Rep_Index (Rep_Words - 1)) of Float_Word;
@@ -794,26 +819,26 @@ package body System.Fat_Gen is
Most_Significant_Word : constant Rep_Index :=
Rep_Last * Standard'Default_Bit_Order;
- -- Finding the location of the Exponent_Word is a bit tricky.
- -- In general we assume Word_Order = Bit_Order.
- -- This expression needs to be refined for VMS.
+ -- Finding the location of the Exponent_Word is a bit tricky. In general
+ -- we assume Word_Order = Bit_Order. This expression needs to be refined
+ -- for VMS.
Exponent_Factor : constant Float_Word :=
2**(Float_Word'Size - 1) /
Float_Word (IEEE_Emax - IEEE_Emin + 3) *
Boolean'Pos (Most_Significant_Word /= 2) +
Boolean'Pos (Most_Significant_Word = 2);
- -- Factor that the extracted exponent needs to be divided by
- -- to be in range 0 .. IEEE_Emax - IEEE_Emin + 2.
- -- Special kludge: Exponent_Factor is 1 for x86/IA64 double extended
- -- as GCC adds unused bits to the type.
+ -- Factor that the extracted exponent needs to be divided by to be in
+ -- range 0 .. IEEE_Emax - IEEE_Emin + 2. Special kludge: Exponent_Factor
+ -- is 1 for x86/IA64 double extended as GCC adds unused bits to the
+ -- type.
Exponent_Mask : constant Float_Word :=
Float_Word (IEEE_Emax - IEEE_Emin + 2) *
- -- Value needed to mask out the exponent field.
- -- This assumes that the range IEEE_Emin - 1 .. IEEE_Emax + 1
- -- contains 2**N values, for some N in Natural.
+ -- Value needed to mask out the exponent field. This assumes that the
+ -- range IEEE_Emin - 1 .. IEEE_Emax + contains 2**N values, for some N
+ -- in Natural.
function To_Float is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Float_Rep, T);
@@ -834,8 +859,8 @@ package body System.Fat_Gen is
Integer ((R (Most_Significant_Word) and Exponent_Mask) /
- IEEE_Bias;
- -- Mask/Shift T to only get bits from the exponent
- -- Then convert biased value to integer value.
+ -- Mask/Shift T to only get bits from the exponent. Then convert biased
+ -- value to integer value.
SR : Float_Rep;
-- Float_Rep representation of significant of X.all
@@ -843,8 +868,8 @@ package body System.Fat_Gen is
if T'Denorm then
- -- All denormalized numbers are valid, so only invalid numbers
- -- are overflows and NaN's, both with exponent = Emax + 1.
+ -- All denormalized numbers are valid, so only invalid numbers are
+ -- overflows and NaN's, both with exponent = Emax + 1.
return E /= IEEE_Emax + 1;