path: root/gcc/ada/prj-makr.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/prj-makr.adb')
1 files changed, 115 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/prj-makr.adb b/gcc/ada/prj-makr.adb
index 6fdb3bba0e3..b6b66dd5195 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/prj-makr.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/prj-makr.adb
@@ -136,9 +136,10 @@ package body Prj.Makr is
Args : Argument_List (1 .. Preproc_Switches'Length + 6);
type SFN_Pragma is record
- Unit : Name_Id;
- File : Name_Id;
- Spec : Boolean;
+ Unit : Name_Id;
+ File : Name_Id;
+ Index : Int := 0;
+ Spec : Boolean;
end record;
package SFN_Pragmas is new Table.Table
@@ -254,7 +255,7 @@ package body Prj.Makr is
Output.Write_Str (" Checking """);
Output.Write_Str (Str (1 .. Last));
- Output.Write_Str (""": ");
+ Output.Write_Line (""": ");
end if;
-- If the file name matches one of the regular expressions,
@@ -362,7 +363,7 @@ package body Prj.Makr is
if End_Of_File (File) then
if Opt.Verbose_Mode then
if not Success then
- Output.Write_Str ("(process died) ");
+ Output.Write_Str (" (process died) ");
end if;
end if;
@@ -383,10 +384,11 @@ package body Prj.Makr is
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) :=
Text_Line (6 .. J - 7);
SFN_Prag :=
- (Unit => Name_Find,
- File => File_Name_Id,
- Spec => Text_Line (J - 5 .. J) =
- "(spec)");
+ (Unit => Name_Find,
+ File => File_Name_Id,
+ Index => 0,
+ Spec => Text_Line (J - 5 .. J) =
+ "(spec)");
@@ -400,107 +402,116 @@ package body Prj.Makr is
if Save_Last_Pragma_Index = SFN_Pragmas.Last then
if Opt.Verbose_Mode then
- Output.Write_Line ("not a unit");
- end if;
- elsif SFN_Pragmas.Last >
- Save_Last_Pragma_Index + 1
- then
- SFN_Pragmas.Set_Last (Save_Last_Pragma_Index);
- if Opt.Verbose_Mode then
- Output.Write_Line
- ("file contains multiple units");
+ Output.Write_Line (" not a unit");
end if;
- SFN_Prag := SFN_Pragmas.Table
- (SFN_Pragmas.Last);
- if Opt.Verbose_Mode then
- if SFN_Prag.Spec then
- Output.Write_Str ("spec of ");
- else
- Output.Write_Str ("body of ");
- end if;
- Output.Write_Line
- (Get_Name_String (SFN_Prag.Unit));
+ if SFN_Pragmas.Last >
+ Save_Last_Pragma_Index + 1
+ then
+ for Index in Save_Last_Pragma_Index + 1 ..
+ SFN_Pragmas.Last
+ loop
+ SFN_Pragmas.Table (Index).Index :=
+ Int (Index - Save_Last_Pragma_Index);
+ end loop;
end if;
- if Project_File then
- -- Add the corresponding attribute in the
- -- Naming package of the naming project.
- declare
- Decl_Item : constant Project_Node_Id :=
- Default_Project_Node
- (Of_Kind =>
- N_Declarative_Item);
- Attribute : constant Project_Node_Id :=
- Default_Project_Node
- (Of_Kind =>
- N_Attribute_Declaration);
- Expression : constant Project_Node_Id :=
- Default_Project_Node
- (Of_Kind => N_Expression,
- And_Expr_Kind => Single);
- Term : constant Project_Node_Id :=
- Default_Project_Node
- (Of_Kind => N_Term,
- And_Expr_Kind => Single);
- Value : constant Project_Node_Id :=
- Default_Project_Node
- (Of_Kind => N_Literal_String,
- And_Expr_Kind => Single);
- begin
- Set_Next_Declarative_Item
- (Decl_Item,
- To => First_Declarative_Item_Of
- (Naming_Package));
- Set_First_Declarative_Item_Of
- (Naming_Package, To => Decl_Item);
- Set_Current_Item_Node
- (Decl_Item, To => Attribute);
- -- Is it a spec or a body?
+ for Index in Save_Last_Pragma_Index + 1 ..
+ SFN_Pragmas.Last
+ loop
+ SFN_Prag := SFN_Pragmas.Table (Index);
+ if Opt.Verbose_Mode then
if SFN_Prag.Spec then
- Set_Name_Of
- (Attribute, To => Name_Spec);
+ Output.Write_Str (" spec of ");
- Set_Name_Of
- (Attribute,
- To => Name_Body);
+ Output.Write_Str (" body of ");
end if;
- -- Get the name of the unit
+ Output.Write_Line
+ (Get_Name_String (SFN_Prag.Unit));
+ end if;
+ if Project_File then
+ -- Add the corresponding attribute in the
+ -- Naming package of the naming project.
+ declare
+ Decl_Item : constant Project_Node_Id :=
+ Default_Project_Node
+ (Of_Kind =>
+ N_Declarative_Item);
+ Attribute : constant Project_Node_Id :=
+ Default_Project_Node
+ (Of_Kind =>
+ N_Attribute_Declaration);
+ Expression : constant Project_Node_Id :=
+ Default_Project_Node
+ (Of_Kind => N_Expression,
+ And_Expr_Kind => Single);
+ Term : constant Project_Node_Id :=
+ Default_Project_Node
+ (Of_Kind => N_Term,
+ And_Expr_Kind => Single);
+ Value : constant Project_Node_Id :=
+ Default_Project_Node
+ (Of_Kind => N_Literal_String,
+ And_Expr_Kind => Single);
+ begin
+ Set_Next_Declarative_Item
+ (Decl_Item,
+ To => First_Declarative_Item_Of
+ (Naming_Package));
+ Set_First_Declarative_Item_Of
+ (Naming_Package, To => Decl_Item);
+ Set_Current_Item_Node
+ (Decl_Item, To => Attribute);
+ -- Is it a spec or a body?
+ if SFN_Prag.Spec then
+ Set_Name_Of
+ (Attribute, To => Name_Spec);
+ else
+ Set_Name_Of
+ (Attribute,
+ To => Name_Body);
+ end if;
- Get_Name_String (SFN_Prag.Unit);
- To_Lower (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
- Set_Associative_Array_Index_Of
- (Attribute, To => Name_Find);
+ -- Get the name of the unit
- Set_Expression_Of
- (Attribute, To => Expression);
- Set_First_Term
- (Expression, To => Term);
- Set_Current_Term (Term, To => Value);
+ Get_Name_String (SFN_Prag.Unit);
+ To_Lower (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+ Set_Associative_Array_Index_Of
+ (Attribute, To => Name_Find);
- -- And set the name of the file
+ Set_Expression_Of
+ (Attribute, To => Expression);
+ Set_First_Term
+ (Expression, To => Term);
+ Set_Current_Term (Term, To => Value);
- Set_String_Value_Of
- (Value, To => File_Name_Id);
- end;
+ -- And set the name of the file
- -- Add source file name to source list file
+ Set_String_Value_Of
+ (Value, To => File_Name_Id);
+ Set_Source_Index_Of
+ (Value, To => SFN_Prag.Index);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Project_File then
+ -- Add source file name to source list
+ -- file.
Last := Last + 1;
Str (Last) := ASCII.LF;
@@ -1273,7 +1284,15 @@ package body Prj.Makr is
(Get_Name_String (SFN_Pragmas.Table (Index).File));
- Write_A_String (""");");
+ Write_A_String ("""");
+ if SFN_Pragmas.Table (Index).Index /= 0 then
+ Write_A_String (", Index =>");
+ Write_A_String (SFN_Pragmas.Table (Index).Index'Img);
+ end if;
+ Write_A_String (");");
end loop;