path: root/gcc/ada/
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ b/gcc/ada/
index d2c874e92e5..37f11f15493 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/
+++ b/gcc/ada/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
-- --
-- $Revision$
-- --
--- Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Ada Core Technologies, Inc. --
+-- Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Ada Core Technologies, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
@@ -36,19 +36,19 @@
-- This package provides an interface to Ada.Command_Line, to do the
-- parsing of command line arguments. Here is a small usage example:
-- begin
-- loop
-- case Getopt ("a b: ad") is -- Accepts '-a', '-ad', or '-b argument'
-- when ASCII.NUL => exit;
-- when 'a' =>
-- if Full_Switch = "a" then
-- Put_Line ("Got a");
-- else
-- Put_Line ("Got ad");
-- end if;
-- when 'b' =>
-- Put_Line ("Got b + " & Parameter);
@@ -56,11 +56,10 @@
-- raise Program_Error; -- cannot occur!
-- end case;
-- end loop;
-- loop
-- declare
-- S : constant String := Get_Argument (Do_Expansion => True);
-- begin
-- exit when S'Length = 0;
-- Put_Line ("Got " & S);
@@ -71,27 +70,27 @@
-- when Invalid_Switch => Put_Line ("Invalid Switch " & Full_Switch);
-- when Invalid_Parameter => Put_Line ("No parameter for " & Full_Switch);
-- end;
-- A more complicated example would involve the use of sections for the
-- switches, as for instance in gnatmake. These sections are separated by
-- special switches, chosen by the programer. Each section act as a
-- command line of its own.
-- begin
-- Initialize_Option_Scan ('-', False, "largs bargs cargs");
-- loop
--- -- same loop as above to get switches and arguments
+-- -- Same loop as above to get switches and arguments
-- end loop;
-- Goto_Section ("bargs");
-- loop
--- -- same loop as above to get switches and arguments
+-- -- Same loop as above to get switches and arguments
-- -- The supports switches in Get_Opt might be different
-- end loop;
-- Goto_Section ("cargs");
-- loop
--- -- same loop as above to get switches and arguments
+-- -- Same loop as above to get switches and arguments
-- -- The supports switches in Get_Opt might be different
-- end loop;
-- end;
@@ -161,6 +160,8 @@ package GNAT.Command_Line is
-- ':' The switch requires a parameter. There can optionally be a space
-- on the command line between the switch and its parameter
+ -- '=' The switch requires a parameter. There can either be a '=' or a
+ -- space on the command line between the switch and its parameter
-- '!' The switch requires a parameter, but there can be no space on the
-- command line between the switch and its parameter
-- '?' The switch may have an optional parameter. There can no space
@@ -238,16 +239,27 @@ package GNAT.Command_Line is
Pattern : String;
Directory : String := "";
Basic_Regexp : Boolean := True);
- -- Initialize an wild card expansion. The next calls to Expansion will
+ -- Initialize a wild card expansion. The next calls to Expansion will
-- return the next file name in Directory which match Pattern (Pattern
-- is a regular expression, using only the Unix shell and DOS syntax if
- -- Basic_Regexp is True. When Directory is an empty string, the current
+ -- Basic_Regexp is True). When Directory is an empty string, the current
-- directory is searched.
+ --
+ -- Pattern may contains directory separators (as in "src/*/*.ada").
+ -- Subdirectories of Directory will also be searched, up to one
+ -- hundred levels deep.
+ --
+ -- When Start_Expansion has been called, function Expansion should be
+ -- called repetitively until it returns an empty string, before
+ -- Start_Expansion can be called again with the same Expansion_Iterator
+ -- variable.
function Expansion (Iterator : Expansion_Iterator) return String;
-- Return the next file in the directory matching the parameters given
-- to Start_Expansion and updates Iterator to point to the next entry.
- -- Returns an empty string when there are no more files in the directory.
+ -- Returns an empty string when there are no more files in the directory
+ -- and its subdirectories.
+ --
-- If Expansion is called again after an empty string has been returned,
-- then the exception GNAT.Directory_Operations.Directory_Error is raised.
@@ -263,9 +275,39 @@ package GNAT.Command_Line is
+ Max_Depth : constant := 100;
+ -- Maximum depth of subdirectories
+ Max_Path_Length : constant := 1024;
+ -- Maximum length of relative path
+ type Depth is range 1 .. Max_Depth;
+ type Level is record
+ Name_Last : Natural := 0;
+ Dir : GNAT.Directory_Operations.Dir_Type;
+ end record;
+ type Level_Array is array (Depth) of Level;
type Expansion_Iterator is limited record
- Dir : GNAT.Directory_Operations.Dir_Type;
+ Start : Positive := 1;
+ -- Position of the first character of the relative path to check
+ -- against the pattern.
+ Dir_Name : String (1 .. Max_Path_Length);
+ Current_Depth : Depth := 1;
+ Levels : Level_Array;
Regexp : GNAT.Regexp.Regexp;
+ -- Regular expression built with the pattern
+ Maximum_Depth : Depth := 1;
+ -- The maximum depth of directories, reflecting the number of
+ -- directory separators in the pattern.
end record;
end GNAT.Command_Line;