path: root/gcc/ada/g-cgi.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/g-cgi.adb')
1 files changed, 491 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/g-cgi.adb b/gcc/ada/g-cgi.adb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1cd910028dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/g-cgi.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
+-- --
+-- --
+-- G N A T . C G I --
+-- --
+-- B o d y --
+-- --
+-- $Revision: 1.3 $
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 2001 Ada Core Technologies, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
+-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
+-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
+-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
+-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
+-- --
+-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
+-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
+-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
+-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
+-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
+-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
+-- --
+with Ada.Text_IO;
+with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
+with Ada.Characters.Handling;
+with Ada.Strings.Maps;
+with GNAT.OS_Lib;
+with GNAT.Table;
+package body GNAT.CGI is
+ use Ada;
+ Valid_Environment : Boolean := True;
+ -- This boolean will be set to False if the initialization was not
+ -- completed correctly. It must be set to true there because the
+ -- Initialize routine (called during elaboration) will use some of the
+ -- services exported by this unit.
+ Current_Method : Method_Type;
+ -- This is the current method used to pass CGI parameters.
+ Header_Sent : Boolean := False;
+ -- Will be set to True when the header will be sent.
+ -- Key/Value table declaration
+ type String_Access is access String;
+ type Key_Value is record
+ Key : String_Access;
+ Value : String_Access;
+ end record;
+ package Key_Value_Table is new Table (Key_Value, Positive, 1, 1, 50);
+ -----------------------
+ -- Local subprograms --
+ -----------------------
+ procedure Check_Environment;
+ pragma Inline (Check_Environment);
+ -- This procedure will raise Data_Error if Valid_Environment is False.
+ procedure Initialize;
+ -- Initialize CGI package by reading the runtime environment. This
+ -- procedure is called during elaboration. All exceptions raised during
+ -- this procedure are deferred.
+ --------------------
+ -- Argument_Count --
+ --------------------
+ function Argument_Count return Natural is
+ begin
+ Check_Environment;
+ return Key_Value_Table.Last;
+ end Argument_Count;
+ -----------------------
+ -- Check_Environment --
+ -----------------------
+ procedure Check_Environment is
+ begin
+ if not Valid_Environment then
+ raise Data_Error;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Environment;
+ ------------
+ -- Decode --
+ ------------
+ function Decode (S : String) return String is
+ Result : String (S'Range);
+ K : Positive := S'First;
+ J : Positive := Result'First;
+ begin
+ while K <= S'Last loop
+ if K + 2 <= S'Last
+ and then S (K) = '%'
+ and then Characters.Handling.Is_Hexadecimal_Digit (S (K + 1))
+ and then Characters.Handling.Is_Hexadecimal_Digit (S (K + 2))
+ then
+ -- Here we have '%HH' which is an encoded character where 'HH' is
+ -- the character number in hexadecimal.
+ Result (J) := Character'Val
+ (Natural'Value ("16#" & S (K + 1 .. K + 2) & '#'));
+ K := K + 3;
+ else
+ Result (J) := S (K);
+ K := K + 1;
+ end if;
+ J := J + 1;
+ end loop;
+ return Result (Result'First .. J - 1);
+ end Decode;
+ -------------------------
+ -- For_Every_Parameter --
+ -------------------------
+ procedure For_Every_Parameter is
+ Quit : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Check_Environment;
+ for K in 1 .. Key_Value_Table.Last loop
+ Quit := False;
+ Action (Key_Value_Table.Table (K).Key.all,
+ Key_Value_Table.Table (K).Value.all,
+ K,
+ Quit);
+ exit when Quit;
+ end loop;
+ end For_Every_Parameter;
+ ----------------
+ -- Initialize --
+ ----------------
+ procedure Initialize is
+ Request_Method : constant String :=
+ Characters.Handling.To_Upper
+ (Metavariable (CGI.Request_Method));
+ procedure Initialize_GET;
+ -- Read CGI parameters for a GET method. In this case the parameters
+ -- are passed into QUERY_STRING environment variable.
+ procedure Initialize_POST;
+ -- Read CGI parameters for a POST method. In this case the parameters
+ -- are passed with the standard input. The total number of characters
+ -- for the data is passed in CONTENT_LENGTH environment variable.
+ procedure Set_Parameter_Table (Data : String);
+ -- Parse the parameter data and set the parameter table.
+ --------------------
+ -- Initialize_GET --
+ --------------------
+ procedure Initialize_GET is
+ Data : constant String := Metavariable (Query_String);
+ begin
+ Current_Method := Get;
+ if Data /= "" then
+ Set_Parameter_Table (Data);
+ end if;
+ end Initialize_GET;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Initialize_POST --
+ ---------------------
+ procedure Initialize_POST is
+ Content_Length : constant Natural :=
+ Natural'Value (Metavariable (CGI.Content_Length));
+ Data : String (1 .. Content_Length);
+ begin
+ Current_Method := Post;
+ if Content_Length /= 0 then
+ Text_IO.Get (Data);
+ Set_Parameter_Table (Data);
+ end if;
+ end Initialize_POST;
+ -------------------------
+ -- Set_Parameter_Table --
+ -------------------------
+ procedure Set_Parameter_Table (Data : String) is
+ procedure Add_Parameter (K : Positive; P : String);
+ -- Add a single parameter into the table at index K. The parameter
+ -- format is "key=value".
+ Count : constant Positive :=
+ 1 + Strings.Fixed.Count (Data, Strings.Maps.To_Set ("&"));
+ -- Count is the number of parameters in the string. Parameters are
+ -- separated by ampersand character.
+ Index : Positive := Data'First;
+ Amp : Natural;
+ -------------------
+ -- Add_Parameter --
+ -------------------
+ procedure Add_Parameter (K : Positive; P : String) is
+ Equal : constant Natural := Strings.Fixed.Index (P, "=");
+ begin
+ if Equal = 0 then
+ raise Data_Error;
+ else
+ Key_Value_Table.Table (K) :=
+ Key_Value'(new String'(Decode (P (P'First .. Equal - 1))),
+ new String'(Decode (P (Equal + 1 .. P'Last))));
+ end if;
+ end Add_Parameter;
+ -- Start of processing for Set_Parameter_Table
+ begin
+ Key_Value_Table.Set_Last (Count);
+ for K in 1 .. Count - 1 loop
+ Amp := Strings.Fixed.Index (Data (Index .. Data'Last), "&");
+ Add_Parameter (K, Data (Index .. Amp - 1));
+ Index := Amp + 1;
+ end loop;
+ -- add last parameter
+ Add_Parameter (Count, Data (Index .. Data'Last));
+ end Set_Parameter_Table;
+ -- Start of processing for Initialize
+ begin
+ if Request_Method = "GET" then
+ Initialize_GET;
+ elsif Request_Method = "POST" then
+ Initialize_POST;
+ else
+ Valid_Environment := False;
+ end if;
+ exception
+ when others =>
+ -- If we have an exception during initialization of this unit we
+ -- just declare it invalid.
+ Valid_Environment := False;
+ end Initialize;
+ ---------
+ -- Key --
+ ---------
+ function Key (Position : Positive) return String is
+ begin
+ Check_Environment;
+ if Position <= Key_Value_Table.Last then
+ return Key_Value_Table.Table (Position).Key.all;
+ else
+ raise Parameter_Not_Found;
+ end if;
+ end Key;
+ ----------------
+ -- Key_Exists --
+ ----------------
+ function Key_Exists (Key : String) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ Check_Environment;
+ for K in 1 .. Key_Value_Table.Last loop
+ if Key_Value_Table.Table (K).Key.all = Key then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return False;
+ end Key_Exists;
+ ------------------
+ -- Metavariable --
+ ------------------
+ function Metavariable
+ (Name : Metavariable_Name;
+ Required : Boolean := False) return String
+ is
+ function Get_Environment (Variable_Name : String) return String;
+ -- Returns the environment variable content.
+ ---------------------
+ -- Get_Environment --
+ ---------------------
+ function Get_Environment (Variable_Name : String) return String is
+ Value : OS_Lib.String_Access := OS_Lib.Getenv (Variable_Name);
+ Result : constant String := Value.all;
+ begin
+ OS_Lib.Free (Value);
+ return Result;
+ end Get_Environment;
+ Result : constant String :=
+ Get_Environment (Metavariable_Name'Image (Name));
+ -- Start of processing for Metavariable
+ begin
+ Check_Environment;
+ if Result = "" and then Required then
+ raise Parameter_Not_Found;
+ else
+ return Result;
+ end if;
+ end Metavariable;
+ -------------------------
+ -- Metavariable_Exists --
+ -------------------------
+ function Metavariable_Exists (Name : Metavariable_Name) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ Check_Environment;
+ if Metavariable (Name) = "" then
+ return False;
+ else
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ end Metavariable_Exists;
+ ------------
+ -- Method --
+ ------------
+ function Method return Method_Type is
+ begin
+ Check_Environment;
+ return Current_Method;
+ end Method;
+ --------
+ -- Ok --
+ --------
+ function Ok return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Valid_Environment;
+ end Ok;
+ ----------------
+ -- Put_Header --
+ ----------------
+ procedure Put_Header
+ (Header : String := Default_Header;
+ Force : Boolean := False)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Header_Sent = False or else Force then
+ Check_Environment;
+ Text_IO.Put_Line (Header);
+ Text_IO.New_Line;
+ Header_Sent := True;
+ end if;
+ end Put_Header;
+ ---------
+ -- URL --
+ ---------
+ function URL return String is
+ function Exists_And_Not_80 (Server_Port : String) return String;
+ -- Returns ':' & Server_Port if Server_Port is not "80" and the empty
+ -- string otherwise (80 is the default sever port).
+ -----------------------
+ -- Exists_And_Not_80 --
+ -----------------------
+ function Exists_And_Not_80 (Server_Port : String) return String is
+ begin
+ if Server_Port = "80" then
+ return "";
+ else
+ return ':' & Server_Port;
+ end if;
+ end Exists_And_Not_80;
+ -- Start of processing for URL
+ begin
+ Check_Environment;
+ return "http://"
+ & Metavariable (Server_Name)
+ & Exists_And_Not_80 (Metavariable (Server_Port))
+ & Metavariable (Script_Name);
+ end URL;
+ -----------
+ -- Value --
+ -----------
+ function Value
+ (Key : String;
+ Required : Boolean := False)
+ return String
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Environment;
+ for K in 1 .. Key_Value_Table.Last loop
+ if Key_Value_Table.Table (K).Key.all = Key then
+ return Key_Value_Table.Table (K).Value.all;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Required then
+ raise Parameter_Not_Found;
+ else
+ return "";
+ end if;
+ end Value;
+ -----------
+ -- Value --
+ -----------
+ function Value (Position : Positive) return String is
+ begin
+ Check_Environment;
+ if Position <= Key_Value_Table.Last then
+ return Key_Value_Table.Table (Position).Value.all;
+ else
+ raise Parameter_Not_Found;
+ end if;
+ end Value;
+ Initialize;
+end GNAT.CGI;