diff options
3 files changed, 400 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ b/gcc/ada/
index 66a33fa9d10..fedeb0718fd 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/
+++ b/gcc/ada/
@@ -132,4 +132,9 @@ package Err_Vars is
-- Used if current message contains a < insertion character to indicate
-- if the current message is a warning message.
+ Error_Msg_String : String (1 .. 4096);
+ Error_Msg_Strlen : Natural;
+ -- Used if current message contains a ~ insertion character to indicate
+ -- insertion of the string Error_Msg_String (1 .. Error_Msg_Strlen).
end Err_Vars;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/erroutc.adb b/gcc/ada/erroutc.adb
index 7489b294cbf..cb508f22c75 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/erroutc.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/erroutc.adb
@@ -43,10 +43,6 @@ with Uintp; use Uintp;
package body Erroutc is
- -----------------------
- -- Local Subprograms --
- -----------------------
-- Add_Class --
@@ -370,7 +366,6 @@ package body Erroutc is
while T /= No_Error_Msg
and then Errors.Table (T).Line = Errors.Table (E).Line
and then Errors.Table (T).Sfile = Errors.Table (E).Sfile
Write_Str (" >>> ");
Output_Msg_Text (T);
@@ -437,18 +432,106 @@ package body Erroutc is
procedure Output_Msg_Text (E : Error_Msg_Id) is
+ Offs : constant Nat := Column - 1;
+ -- Offset to start of message, used for continuations
+ Max : Integer;
+ -- Maximum characters to output on next line
+ Length : Nat;
+ -- Maximum total length of lines
+ if Error_Msg_Line_Length = 0 then
+ Length := Nat'Last;
+ else
+ Length := Error_Msg_Line_Length;
+ end if;
+ Max := Integer (Length - Column + 1);
if Errors.Table (E).Warn then
Write_Str ("warning: ");
+ Max := Max - 9;
elsif Errors.Table (E).Style then
elsif Opt.Unique_Error_Tag then
Write_Str ("error: ");
+ Max := Max - 7;
end if;
- Write_Str (Errors.Table (E).Text.all);
+ -- Here we have to split the message up into multiple lines
+ declare
+ Txt : constant String_Ptr := Errors.Table (E).Text;
+ Len : constant Natural := Txt'Length;
+ Ptr : Natural;
+ Split : Natural;
+ Start : Natural;
+ begin
+ Ptr := 1;
+ loop
+ -- Make sure we do not have ludicrously small line
+ Max := Integer'Max (Max, 20);
+ -- If remaining text fits, output it respecting LF and we are done
+ if Len - Ptr < Max then
+ for J in Ptr .. Len loop
+ if Txt (J) = ASCII.LF then
+ Write_Eol;
+ Write_Spaces (Offs);
+ else
+ Write_Char (Txt (J));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return;
+ -- Line does not fit
+ else
+ Start := Ptr;
+ -- First scan forward looing for a hard end of line
+ for Scan in Ptr .. Ptr + Max - 1 loop
+ if Txt (Scan) = ASCII.LF then
+ Split := Scan - 1;
+ Ptr := Scan + 1;
+ goto Continue;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- Otherwise scan backwards looking for a space
+ for Scan in reverse Ptr .. Ptr + Max - 1 loop
+ if Txt (Scan) = ' ' then
+ Split := Scan - 1;
+ Ptr := Scan + 1;
+ goto Continue;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- If we fall through, no space, so split line arbitrarily
+ Split := Ptr + Max - 1;
+ Ptr := Split + 1;
+ end if;
+ <<Continue>>
+ if Start <= Split then
+ Write_Line (Txt (Start .. Split));
+ Write_Spaces (Offs);
+ end if;
+ Max := Integer (Length - Column + 1);
+ end loop;
+ end;
end Output_Msg_Text;
@@ -916,6 +999,79 @@ package body Erroutc is
end if;
end Set_Next_Non_Deleted_Msg;
+ ------------------------------
+ -- Set_Specific_Warning_Off --
+ ------------------------------
+ procedure Set_Specific_Warning_Off (Loc : Source_Ptr; Msg : String) is
+ pragma Assert (Msg'First = 1);
+ Pattern : String := Msg;
+ Patlen : Natural := Msg'Length;
+ Star_Start : Boolean;
+ Star_End : Boolean;
+ begin
+ if Pattern (1) = '*' then
+ Star_Start := True;
+ Pattern (1 .. Patlen - 1) := Pattern (2 .. Patlen);
+ Patlen := Patlen - 1;
+ else
+ Star_Start := False;
+ end if;
+ if Pattern (Patlen) = '*' then
+ Star_End := True;
+ Patlen := Patlen - 1;
+ else
+ Star_End := False;
+ end if;
+ Specific_Warnings.Increment_Last;
+ Specific_Warnings.Table (Specific_Warnings.Last) :=
+ (Start => Loc,
+ Msg => new String'(Msg),
+ Pattern => new String'(Pattern (1 .. Patlen)),
+ Patlen => Patlen,
+ Stop => Source_Last (Current_Source_File),
+ Open => True,
+ Used => False,
+ Star_Start => Star_Start,
+ Star_End => Star_End);
+ end Set_Specific_Warning_Off;
+ -----------------------------
+ -- Set_Specific_Warning_On --
+ -----------------------------
+ procedure Set_Specific_Warning_On
+ (Loc : Source_Ptr;
+ Msg : String;
+ Err : out Boolean)
+ is
+ begin
+ for J in 1 .. Specific_Warnings.Last loop
+ declare
+ SWE : Specific_Warning_Entry renames Specific_Warnings.Table (J);
+ begin
+ if Msg = SWE.Msg.all
+ and then Loc > SWE.Start
+ and then SWE.Open
+ and then Get_Source_File_Index (SWE.Start) =
+ Get_Source_File_Index (Loc)
+ then
+ SWE.Stop := Loc;
+ SWE.Open := False;
+ Err := False;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ Err := True;
+ end Set_Specific_Warning_On;
-- Set_Warnings_Mode_Off --
@@ -1017,12 +1173,154 @@ package body Erroutc is
end if;
end Test_Style_Warning_Serious_Msg;
+ --------------------------------
+ -- Validate_Specific_Warnings --
+ --------------------------------
+ procedure Validate_Specific_Warnings (Eproc : Error_Msg_Proc) is
+ begin
+ for J in Specific_Warnings.First .. Specific_Warnings.Last loop
+ declare
+ SWE : Specific_Warning_Entry renames Specific_Warnings.Table (J);
+ begin
+ if SWE.Start /= No_Location then
+ if SWE.Open then
+ Eproc.all
+ ("?pragma Warnings Off with no matching Warnings On",
+ SWE.Start);
+ elsif not SWE.Used then
+ Eproc.all
+ ("?no warning suppressed by this pragma", SWE.Start);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ end Validate_Specific_Warnings;
+ -------------------------------------
+ -- Warning_Specifically_Suppressed --
+ -------------------------------------
+ function Warning_Specifically_Suppressed
+ (Loc : Source_Ptr;
+ Msg : String_Ptr) return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Assert (Msg'First = 1);
+ Msglen : constant Natural := Msg'Length;
+ Patlen : Natural;
+ -- Length of message
+ Pattern : String_Ptr;
+ -- Pattern itself, excluding initial and final *
+ Star_Start : Boolean;
+ Star_End : Boolean;
+ -- Indications of * at start and end of original pattern
+ Msgp : Natural;
+ Patp : Natural;
+ -- Scan pointers for message and pattern
+ begin
+ -- Loop through specific warning suppression entries
+ for J in Specific_Warnings.First .. Specific_Warnings.Last loop
+ declare
+ SWE : Specific_Warning_Entry renames Specific_Warnings.Table (J);
+ begin
+ -- See if location is in range
+ if SWE.Start = No_Location
+ or else (SWE.Start <= Loc and then Loc <= SWE.Stop)
+ then
+ Patlen := SWE.Patlen;
+ Pattern := SWE.Pattern;
+ Star_Start := SWE.Star_Start;
+ Star_End := SWE.Star_End;
+ -- Loop through possible starting positions in Msg
+ Outer : for M in 1 .. 1 + (Msglen - Patlen) loop
+ -- See if pattern matches string starting at Msg (J)
+ Msgp := M;
+ Patp := 1;
+ Inner : loop
+ -- If pattern exhausted, then match if we are at end
+ -- of message, or if pattern ended with an asterisk,
+ -- otherwise match failure at this position.
+ if Patp > Patlen then
+ if Msgp > Msglen or else Star_End then
+ SWE.Used := True;
+ return True;
+ else
+ exit Inner;
+ end if;
+ -- Otherwise if message exhausted (and we still have
+ -- pattern characters left), then match failure here.
+ elsif Msgp > Msglen then
+ exit Inner;
+ end if;
+ -- Here we have pattern and message characters left
+ -- Handle "*" pattern match
+ if Patp < Patlen - 1 and then
+ Pattern (Patp .. Patp + 2) = """*"""
+ then
+ Patp := Patp + 3;
+ -- Must have " and at least three chars in msg or we
+ -- have no match at this position.
+ exit Inner when Msg (Msgp) /= '"';
+ Msgp := Msgp + 1;
+ -- Scan out " string " in message
+ Scan : loop
+ exit Inner when Msgp = Msglen;
+ Msgp := Msgp + 1;
+ exit Scan when Msg (Msgp - 1) = '"';
+ end loop Scan;
+ -- If not "*" case, just compare character
+ else
+ exit Inner when Pattern (Patp) /= Msg (Msgp);
+ Patp := Patp + 1;
+ Msgp := Msgp + 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop Inner;
+ -- Advance to next position if star at end of original
+ -- pattern, otherwise no more match attempts are possible
+ exit Outer when not Star_Start;
+ end loop Outer;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ return False;
+ end Warning_Specifically_Suppressed;
-- Warnings_Suppressed --
function Warnings_Suppressed (Loc : Source_Ptr) return Boolean is
+ -- Loop through table of ON/OFF warnings
for J in Warnings.First .. Warnings.Last loop
if Warnings.Table (J).Start <= Loc
and then Loc <= Warnings.Table (J).Stop
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ b/gcc/ada/
index 8ad6d51c3ec..51934df9547 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/
+++ b/gcc/ada/
@@ -41,6 +41,10 @@ package Erroutc is
-- Msg_Cont parameter in Error_Msg_Internal and then set True if a \
-- insertion character is encountered.
+ Continuation_New_Line : Boolean := False;
+ -- Indicates if current message was a continuation line marked with \\ to
+ -- force a new line. Set True if \\ encountered.
Flag_Source : Source_File_Index;
-- Source file index for source file where error is being posted
@@ -140,7 +144,8 @@ package Erroutc is
-- Text of error message, fully expanded with all insertions
Next : Error_Msg_Id;
- -- Pointer to next message in error chain
+ -- Pointer to next message in error chain. A value of No_Error_Msg
+ -- indicates the end of the chain.
Sfile : Source_File_Index;
-- Source table index of source file. In the case of an error that
@@ -218,9 +223,12 @@ package Erroutc is
-- Pragma Warnings allows warnings to be turned off for a specified
- -- region of code, and the following tabl is the data structure used
+ -- region of code, and the following tables are the data structure used
-- to keep track of these regions.
+ -- The first table is used for the basic command line control, and for
+ -- the forms of Warning with a single ON or OFF parameter
-- It contains pairs of source locations, the first being the start
-- location for a warnings off region, and the second being the end
-- location. When a pragma Warnings (Off) is encountered, a new entry
@@ -247,6 +255,49 @@ package Erroutc is
Table_Increment => 200,
Table_Name => "Warnings");
+ -- The second table is used for the specific forms of the pragma, where
+ -- the first argument is ON or OFF, and the second parameter is a string
+ -- which is the entire message to suppress, or a prefix of it.
+ type Specific_Warning_Entry is record
+ Start : Source_Ptr;
+ Stop : Source_Ptr;
+ -- Starting and ending source pointers for the range. These are always
+ -- from the same source file. Start is set to No_Location for the case
+ -- of a configuration pragma.
+ Msg : String_Ptr;
+ -- Message from pragma Warnings (Off, string)
+ Pattern : String_Ptr;
+ -- Same as Msg, excluding initial and final asterisks if present. The
+ -- lower bound of this string is always one.
+ Patlen : Natural;
+ -- Length of pattern string (excluding initial/final asterisks)
+ Open : Boolean;
+ -- Set to True if OFF has been encountered with no matchin ON
+ Used : Boolean;
+ -- Set to True if entry has been used to suppress a warning
+ Star_Start : Boolean;
+ -- True if given pattern had * at start
+ Star_End : Boolean;
+ -- True if given pattern had * at end
+ end record;
+ package Specific_Warnings is new Table.Table (
+ Table_Component_Type => Specific_Warning_Entry,
+ Table_Index_Type => Natural,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 1,
+ Table_Initial => 100,
+ Table_Increment => 200,
+ Table_Name => "Specific_Warnings");
-- Subprograms --
@@ -292,9 +343,11 @@ package Erroutc is
-- as all blanks, avoiding output of junk line numbers.
procedure Output_Msg_Text (E : Error_Msg_Id);
- -- Outputs characters of text in the text of the error message E, excluding
- -- any final exclamation point. Note that no end of line is output, the
- -- caller is responsible for adding the end of line.
+ -- Outputs characters of text in the text of the error message E. Note that
+ -- no end of line is output, the caller is responsible for adding the end
+ -- of line. If Error_Msg_Line_Length is non-zero, this is the routine that
+ -- splits the line generating multiple lines of output, and in this case
+ -- the last line has no terminating end of line character.
procedure Purge_Messages (From : Source_Ptr; To : Source_Ptr);
-- All error messages whose location is in the range From .. To (not
@@ -375,6 +428,24 @@ package Erroutc is
-- the input value of E was either already No_Error_Msg, or was the
-- last non-deleted message.
+ procedure Set_Specific_Warning_Off (Loc : Source_Ptr; Msg : String);
+ -- This is called in response to the two argument form of pragma Warnings
+ -- where the first argument is OFF, and the second argument is the prefix
+ -- of a specific warning to be suppressed. The first argument is the start
+ -- of the suppression range, and the second argument is the string from
+ -- the pragma. Loc is set to No_Location for the configuration pragma case.
+ procedure Set_Specific_Warning_On
+ (Loc : Source_Ptr;
+ Msg : String;
+ Err : out Boolean);
+ -- This is called in response to the two argument form of pragma Warnings
+ -- where the first argument is ON, and the second argument is the prefix
+ -- of a specific warning to be suppressed. The first argument is the end
+ -- of the suppression range, and the second argument is the string from
+ -- the pragma. Err is set to True on return to report the error of no
+ -- matching Warnings Off pragma preceding this one.
procedure Set_Warnings_Mode_Off (Loc : Source_Ptr);
-- Called in response to a pragma Warnings (Off) to record the source
-- location from which warnings are to be turned off.
@@ -395,6 +466,20 @@ package Erroutc is
function Warnings_Suppressed (Loc : Source_Ptr) return Boolean;
-- Determines if given location is covered by a warnings off suppression
-- range in the warnings table (or is suppressed by compilation option,
- -- which generates a warning range for the whole source file).
+ -- which generates a warning range for the whole source file). This routine
+ -- only deals with the general ON/OFF case, not specific warnings
+ function Warning_Specifically_Suppressed
+ (Loc : Source_Ptr;
+ Msg : String_Ptr) return Boolean;
+ -- Determines if given message to be posted at given location is suppressed
+ -- by specific ON/OFF Warnings pragmas specifying this particular message.
+ type Error_Msg_Proc is
+ access procedure (Msg : String; Flag_Location : Source_Ptr);
+ procedure Validate_Specific_Warnings (Eproc : Error_Msg_Proc);
+ -- Checks that specific warnings are consistent (for non-configuration
+ -- case, properly closed, and used). The argument is a pointer to the
+ -- Error_Msg procedure to be called if any inconsistencies are detected.
end Erroutc;