path: root/gcc/ada/sem_ch6.adb
diff options
authorcharlet <charlet@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2008-05-28 15:34:05 +0000
committercharlet <charlet@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2008-05-28 15:34:05 +0000
commit9d423476eac399bf3c1f63df5941c03020077977 (patch)
treeaf05cd7d74103d2d9a22544ec77a8f7f862f0ec2 /gcc/ada/sem_ch6.adb
parent507c18da1cf79a9d41d34bcda90715aabe5ab246 (diff)
2008-05-28 Javier Miranda <>
* (Find_Overridden_Synchronized_Primitive): Removed. * sem_util.adb (Find_Overridden_Synchronized_Primitive): Removed. * sem_ch6.adb (Check_Synchronized_Overriding): Remove one formal. Add code that was previously located in Find_Overridden_Synchronized_Primitive because it is only used here. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/sem_ch6.adb')
1 files changed, 332 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/sem_ch6.adb b/gcc/ada/sem_ch6.adb
index afd6451e7ea..f376e955b37 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/sem_ch6.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/sem_ch6.adb
@@ -6203,7 +6203,6 @@ package body Sem_Ch6 is
procedure Check_Synchronized_Overriding
(Def_Id : Entity_Id;
- First_Hom : Entity_Id;
Overridden_Subp : out Entity_Id);
-- First determine if Def_Id is an entry or a subprogram either defined
-- in the scope of a task or protected type, or is a primitive of such
@@ -6398,22 +6397,198 @@ package body Sem_Ch6 is
procedure Check_Synchronized_Overriding
(Def_Id : Entity_Id;
- First_Hom : Entity_Id;
Overridden_Subp : out Entity_Id)
- Formal_Typ : Entity_Id;
Ifaces_List : Elist_Id;
In_Scope : Boolean;
Typ : Entity_Id;
+ function Has_Correct_Formal_Mode
+ (Tag_Typ : Entity_Id;
+ Subp : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
+ -- For an overridden subprogram Subp, check whether the mode of its
+ -- first parameter is correct depending on the kind of Tag_Typ.
+ function Matches_Prefixed_View_Profile
+ (Prim_Params : List_Id;
+ Iface_Params : List_Id) return Boolean;
+ -- Determine whether a subprogram's parameter profile Prim_Params
+ -- matches that of a potentially overridden interface subprogram
+ -- Iface_Params. Also determine if the type of first parameter of
+ -- Iface_Params is an implemented interface.
+ -----------------------------
+ -- Has_Correct_Formal_Mode --
+ -----------------------------
+ function Has_Correct_Formal_Mode
+ (Tag_Typ : Entity_Id;
+ Subp : Entity_Id) return Boolean
+ is
+ Formal : constant Node_Id := First_Formal (Subp);
+ begin
+ -- In order for an entry or a protected procedure to override, the
+ -- first parameter of the overridden routine must be of mode
+ -- "out", "in out" or access-to-variable.
+ if (Ekind (Subp) = E_Entry
+ or else Ekind (Subp) = E_Procedure)
+ and then Is_Protected_Type (Tag_Typ)
+ and then Ekind (Formal) /= E_In_Out_Parameter
+ and then Ekind (Formal) /= E_Out_Parameter
+ and then Nkind (Parameter_Type (Parent (Formal))) /=
+ N_Access_Definition
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- All other cases are OK since a task entry or routine does not
+ -- have a restriction on the mode of the first parameter of the
+ -- overridden interface routine.
+ return True;
+ end Has_Correct_Formal_Mode;
+ -----------------------------------
+ -- Matches_Prefixed_View_Profile --
+ -----------------------------------
+ function Matches_Prefixed_View_Profile
+ (Prim_Params : List_Id;
+ Iface_Params : List_Id) return Boolean
+ is
+ Iface_Id : Entity_Id;
+ Iface_Param : Node_Id;
+ Iface_Typ : Entity_Id;
+ Prim_Id : Entity_Id;
+ Prim_Param : Node_Id;
+ Prim_Typ : Entity_Id;
+ function Is_Implemented
+ (Ifaces_List : Elist_Id;
+ Iface : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
+ -- Determine if Iface is implemented by the current task or
+ -- protected type.
+ --------------------
+ -- Is_Implemented --
+ --------------------
+ function Is_Implemented
+ (Ifaces_List : Elist_Id;
+ Iface : Entity_Id) return Boolean
+ is
+ Iface_Elmt : Elmt_Id;
+ begin
+ Iface_Elmt := First_Elmt (Ifaces_List);
+ while Present (Iface_Elmt) loop
+ if Node (Iface_Elmt) = Iface then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ Next_Elmt (Iface_Elmt);
+ end loop;
+ return False;
+ end Is_Implemented;
+ -- Start of processing for Matches_Prefixed_View_Profile
+ begin
+ Iface_Param := First (Iface_Params);
+ Iface_Typ := Etype (Defining_Identifier (Iface_Param));
+ if Is_Access_Type (Iface_Typ) then
+ Iface_Typ := Designated_Type (Iface_Typ);
+ end if;
+ Prim_Param := First (Prim_Params);
+ -- The first parameter of the potentially overridden subprogram
+ -- must be an interface implemented by Prim.
+ if not Is_Interface (Iface_Typ)
+ or else not Is_Implemented (Ifaces_List, Iface_Typ)
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- The checks on the object parameters are done, move onto the
+ -- rest of the parameters.
+ if not In_Scope then
+ Prim_Param := Next (Prim_Param);
+ end if;
+ Iface_Param := Next (Iface_Param);
+ while Present (Iface_Param) and then Present (Prim_Param) loop
+ Iface_Id := Defining_Identifier (Iface_Param);
+ Iface_Typ := Find_Parameter_Type (Iface_Param);
+ if Is_Access_Type (Iface_Typ) then
+ Iface_Typ := Directly_Designated_Type (Iface_Typ);
+ end if;
+ Prim_Id := Defining_Identifier (Prim_Param);
+ Prim_Typ := Find_Parameter_Type (Prim_Param);
+ if Is_Access_Type (Prim_Typ) then
+ Prim_Typ := Directly_Designated_Type (Prim_Typ);
+ end if;
+ -- Case of multiple interface types inside a parameter profile
+ -- (Obj_Param : in out Iface; ...; Param : Iface)
+ -- If the interface type is implemented, then the matching type
+ -- in the primitive should be the implementing record type.
+ if Ekind (Iface_Typ) = E_Record_Type
+ and then Is_Interface (Iface_Typ)
+ and then Is_Implemented (Ifaces_List, Iface_Typ)
+ then
+ if Prim_Typ /= Typ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- The two parameters must be both mode and subtype conformant
+ elsif Ekind (Iface_Id) /= Ekind (Prim_Id)
+ or else not
+ Conforming_Types (Iface_Typ, Prim_Typ, Subtype_Conformant)
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Next (Iface_Param);
+ Next (Prim_Param);
+ end loop;
+ -- One of the two lists contains more parameters than the other
+ if Present (Iface_Param) or else Present (Prim_Param) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end Matches_Prefixed_View_Profile;
+ -- Start of processing for Check_Synchronized_Overriding
Overridden_Subp := Empty;
- -- Def_Id must be an entry or a subprogram
+ -- Def_Id must be an entry or a subprogram. We should skip predefined
+ -- primitives internally generated by the frontend; however at this
+ -- stage predefined primitives are still not fully decorated. As a
+ -- minor optimization we skip here internally generated subprograms.
- if Ekind (Def_Id) /= E_Entry
- and then Ekind (Def_Id) /= E_Function
- and then Ekind (Def_Id) /= E_Procedure
+ if (Ekind (Def_Id) /= E_Entry
+ and then Ekind (Def_Id) /= E_Function
+ and then Ekind (Def_Id) /= E_Procedure)
+ or else not Comes_From_Source (Def_Id)
end if;
@@ -6429,19 +6604,25 @@ package body Sem_Ch6 is
Typ := Scope (Def_Id);
In_Scope := True;
- -- The subprogram may be a primitive of a concurrent type
+ -- The enclosing scope is not a synchronized type and the subprogram
+ -- has no formals
- elsif Present (First_Formal (Def_Id)) then
- Formal_Typ := Etype (First_Formal (Def_Id));
+ elsif No (First_Formal (Def_Id)) then
+ return;
+ -- The subprogram has formals and hence it may be a primitive of a
+ -- concurrent type
+ else
+ Typ := Etype (First_Formal (Def_Id));
- if Is_Access_Type (Formal_Typ) then
- Formal_Typ := Directly_Designated_Type (Formal_Typ);
+ if Is_Access_Type (Typ) then
+ Typ := Directly_Designated_Type (Typ);
end if;
- if Is_Concurrent_Type (Formal_Typ)
- and then not Is_Generic_Actual_Type (Formal_Typ)
+ if Is_Concurrent_Type (Typ)
+ and then not Is_Generic_Actual_Type (Typ)
- Typ := Formal_Typ;
In_Scope := False;
-- This case occurs when the concurrent type is declared within
@@ -6449,37 +6630,152 @@ package body Sem_Ch6 is
-- built and used as the type of the first formal, we just have
-- to retrieve the corresponding concurrent type.
- elsif Is_Concurrent_Record_Type (Formal_Typ)
- and then Present (Corresponding_Concurrent_Type (Formal_Typ))
+ elsif Is_Concurrent_Record_Type (Typ)
+ and then Present (Corresponding_Concurrent_Type (Typ))
- Typ := Corresponding_Concurrent_Type (Formal_Typ);
+ Typ := Corresponding_Concurrent_Type (Typ);
In_Scope := False;
end if;
- else
+ end if;
+ -- There is no overriding to check if is an inherited operation in a
+ -- type derivation on for a generic actual.
+ Collect_Interfaces (Typ, Ifaces_List);
+ if Is_Empty_Elmt_List (Ifaces_List) then
end if;
- -- Gather all limited, protected and task interfaces that Typ
- -- implements. There is no overriding to check if is an inherited
- -- operation in a type derivation on for a generic actual.
+ -- Determine whether entry or subprogram Def_Id overrides a primitive
+ -- operation that belongs to one of the interfaces in Ifaces_List.
- if Nkind (Parent (Typ)) /= N_Full_Type_Declaration
- and then
- not Nkind_In (Parent (Def_Id), N_Subtype_Declaration,
- N_Task_Type_Declaration,
- N_Protected_Type_Declaration)
- then
- Collect_Interfaces (Typ, Ifaces_List);
+ declare
+ Candidate : Entity_Id := Empty;
+ Hom : Entity_Id := Empty;
+ Iface_Typ : Entity_Id;
+ Subp : Entity_Id := Empty;
+ begin
+ -- Traverse the homonym chain, looking at a potentially
+ -- overridden subprogram that belongs to an implemented
+ -- interface.
+ Hom := Current_Entity_In_Scope (Def_Id);
+ while Present (Hom) loop
+ Subp := Hom;
+ -- Entries can override abstract or null interface
+ -- procedures
+ if Ekind (Def_Id) = E_Entry
+ and then Ekind (Subp) = E_Procedure
+ and then Nkind (Parent (Subp)) = N_Procedure_Specification
+ and then (Is_Abstract_Subprogram (Subp)
+ or else Null_Present (Parent (Subp)))
+ then
+ while Present (Alias (Subp)) loop
+ Subp := Alias (Subp);
+ end loop;
+ if Matches_Prefixed_View_Profile
+ (Parameter_Specifications (Parent (Def_Id)),
+ Parameter_Specifications (Parent (Subp)))
+ then
+ Candidate := Subp;
- if not Is_Empty_Elmt_List (Ifaces_List) then
- Overridden_Subp :=
- Find_Overridden_Synchronized_Primitive
- (Def_Id, First_Hom, Ifaces_List, In_Scope);
+ -- Absolute match
+ if Has_Correct_Formal_Mode (Typ, Candidate) then
+ Overridden_Subp := Candidate;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Procedures can override abstract or null interface
+ -- procedures
+ elsif Ekind (Def_Id) = E_Procedure
+ and then Ekind (Subp) = E_Procedure
+ and then Nkind (Parent (Subp)) = N_Procedure_Specification
+ and then (Is_Abstract_Subprogram (Subp)
+ or else Null_Present (Parent (Subp)))
+ and then Matches_Prefixed_View_Profile
+ (Parameter_Specifications (Parent (Def_Id)),
+ Parameter_Specifications (Parent (Subp)))
+ then
+ Candidate := Subp;
+ -- Absolute match
+ if Has_Correct_Formal_Mode (Typ, Candidate) then
+ Overridden_Subp := Candidate;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Functions can override abstract interface functions
+ elsif Ekind (Def_Id) = E_Function
+ and then Ekind (Subp) = E_Function
+ and then Nkind (Parent (Subp)) = N_Function_Specification
+ and then Is_Abstract_Subprogram (Subp)
+ and then Matches_Prefixed_View_Profile
+ (Parameter_Specifications (Parent (Def_Id)),
+ Parameter_Specifications (Parent (Subp)))
+ and then Etype (Result_Definition (Parent (Def_Id))) =
+ Etype (Result_Definition (Parent (Subp)))
+ then
+ Overridden_Subp := Subp;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Hom := Homonym (Hom);
+ end loop;
+ -- After examining all candidates for overriding, we are
+ -- left with the best match which is a mode incompatible
+ -- interface routine. Do not emit an error if the Expander
+ -- is active since this error will be detected later on
+ -- after all concurrent types are expanded and all wrappers
+ -- are built. This check is meant for spec-only
+ -- compilations.
+ if Present (Candidate)
+ and then not Expander_Active
+ then
+ Iface_Typ :=
+ Find_Parameter_Type (Parent (First_Formal (Candidate)));
+ -- Def_Id is primitive of a protected type, declared
+ -- inside the type, and the candidate is primitive of a
+ -- limited or synchronized interface.
+ if In_Scope
+ and then Is_Protected_Type (Typ)
+ and then
+ (Is_Limited_Interface (Iface_Typ)
+ or else Is_Protected_Interface (Iface_Typ)
+ or else Is_Synchronized_Interface (Iface_Typ)
+ or else Is_Task_Interface (Iface_Typ))
+ then
+ -- Must reword this message, comma before to in -gnatj
+ -- mode ???
+ Error_Msg_NE
+ ("first formal of & must be of mode `OUT`, `IN OUT`"
+ & " or access-to-variable", Typ, Candidate);
+ Error_Msg_N
+ ("\to be overridden by protected procedure or entry "
+ & "(RM 9.4(11.9/2))", Typ);
+ end if;
end if;
- end if;
+ Overridden_Subp := Candidate;
+ return;
+ end;
end Check_Synchronized_Overriding;
@@ -6532,7 +6828,7 @@ package body Sem_Ch6 is
-- has an overriding indicator.
if Comes_From_Source (S) then
- Check_Synchronized_Overriding (S, Homonym (S), Overridden_Subp);
+ Check_Synchronized_Overriding (S, Overridden_Subp);
(S, Overridden_Subp, Is_Primitive => Is_Primitive_Subp);
end if;
@@ -6609,7 +6905,7 @@ package body Sem_Ch6 is
goto Add_New_Entity;
end if;
- Check_Synchronized_Overriding (S, E, Overridden_Subp);
+ Check_Synchronized_Overriding (S, Overridden_Subp);
-- Loop through E and its homonyms to determine if any of them is
-- the candidate for overriding by S.