path: root/gcc/ada/s-fatgen.adb
diff options
authorkenner <kenner@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2001-10-02 14:30:19 +0000
committerkenner <kenner@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2001-10-02 14:30:19 +0000
commitc32d045231e086867f117700fbe01dbbbce3ea14 (patch)
tree86d33ed164722c539e5c03eb27ae96b8b7667e75 /gcc/ada/s-fatgen.adb
parent49d882a7d8c985758c04737e801f6028d5b7240f (diff)
New Language: Ada
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/s-fatgen.adb')
1 files changed, 836 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/s-fatgen.adb b/gcc/ada/s-fatgen.adb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7fb8160c691
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/s-fatgen.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,836 @@
+-- --
+-- --
+-- S Y S T E M . F A T _ G E N --
+-- --
+-- B o d y --
+-- --
+-- $Revision: 1.19 $
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 1992-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
+-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
+-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
+-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
+-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
+-- --
+-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
+-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
+-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
+-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
+-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
+-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
+-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
+-- --
+-- The implementation here is portable to any IEEE implementation. It does
+-- not handle non-binary radix, and also assumes that model numbers and
+-- machine numbers are basically identical, which is not true of all possible
+-- floating-point implementations. On a non-IEEE machine, this body must be
+-- specialized appropriately, or better still, its generic instantiations
+-- should be replaced by efficient machine-specific code.
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion; use Ada;
+with System;
+package body System.Fat_Gen is
+ Float_Radix : constant T := T (T'Machine_Radix);
+ Float_Radix_Inv : constant T := 1.0 / Float_Radix;
+ Radix_To_M_Minus_1 : constant T := Float_Radix ** (T'Machine_Mantissa - 1);
+ pragma Assert (T'Machine_Radix = 2);
+ -- This version does not handle radix 16
+ -- Constants for Decompose and Scaling
+ Rad : constant T := T (T'Machine_Radix);
+ Invrad : constant T := 1.0 / Rad;
+ subtype Expbits is Integer range 0 .. 6;
+ -- 2 ** (2 ** 7) might overflow. how big can radix-16 exponents get?
+ Log_Power : constant array (Expbits) of Integer := (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64);
+ R_Power : constant array (Expbits) of T :=
+ (Rad ** 1,
+ Rad ** 2,
+ Rad ** 4,
+ Rad ** 8,
+ Rad ** 16,
+ Rad ** 32,
+ Rad ** 64);
+ R_Neg_Power : constant array (Expbits) of T :=
+ (Invrad ** 1,
+ Invrad ** 2,
+ Invrad ** 4,
+ Invrad ** 8,
+ Invrad ** 16,
+ Invrad ** 32,
+ Invrad ** 64);
+ -----------------------
+ -- Local Subprograms --
+ -----------------------
+ procedure Decompose (XX : T; Frac : out T; Expo : out UI);
+ -- Decomposes a floating-point number into fraction and exponent parts
+ function Gradual_Scaling (Adjustment : UI) return T;
+ -- Like Scaling with a first argument of 1.0, but returns the smallest
+ -- denormal rather than zero when the adjustment is smaller than
+ -- Machine_Emin. Used for Succ and Pred.
+ --------------
+ -- Adjacent --
+ --------------
+ function Adjacent (X, Towards : T) return T is
+ begin
+ if Towards = X then
+ return X;
+ elsif Towards > X then
+ return Succ (X);
+ else
+ return Pred (X);
+ end if;
+ end Adjacent;
+ -------------
+ -- Ceiling --
+ -------------
+ function Ceiling (X : T) return T is
+ XT : constant T := Truncation (X);
+ begin
+ if X <= 0.0 then
+ return XT;
+ elsif X = XT then
+ return X;
+ else
+ return XT + 1.0;
+ end if;
+ end Ceiling;
+ -------------
+ -- Compose --
+ -------------
+ function Compose (Fraction : T; Exponent : UI) return T is
+ Arg_Frac : T;
+ Arg_Exp : UI;
+ begin
+ Decompose (Fraction, Arg_Frac, Arg_Exp);
+ return Scaling (Arg_Frac, Exponent);
+ end Compose;
+ ---------------
+ -- Copy_Sign --
+ ---------------
+ function Copy_Sign (Value, Sign : T) return T is
+ Result : T;
+ function Is_Negative (V : T) return Boolean;
+ pragma Import (Intrinsic, Is_Negative);
+ begin
+ Result := abs Value;
+ if Is_Negative (Sign) then
+ return -Result;
+ else
+ return Result;
+ end if;
+ end Copy_Sign;
+ ---------------
+ -- Decompose --
+ ---------------
+ procedure Decompose (XX : T; Frac : out T; Expo : out UI) is
+ X : T := T'Machine (XX);
+ begin
+ if X = 0.0 then
+ Frac := X;
+ Expo := 0;
+ -- More useful would be defining Expo to be T'Machine_Emin - 1 or
+ -- T'Machine_Emin - T'Machine_Mantissa, which would preserve
+ -- monotonicity of the exponent fuction ???
+ -- Check for infinities, transfinites, whatnot.
+ elsif X > T'Safe_Last then
+ Frac := Invrad;
+ Expo := T'Machine_Emax + 1;
+ elsif X < T'Safe_First then
+ Frac := -Invrad;
+ Expo := T'Machine_Emax + 2; -- how many extra negative values?
+ else
+ -- Case of nonzero finite x. Essentially, we just multiply
+ -- by Rad ** (+-2**N) to reduce the range.
+ declare
+ Ax : T := abs X;
+ Ex : UI := 0;
+ -- Ax * Rad ** Ex is invariant.
+ begin
+ if Ax >= 1.0 then
+ while Ax >= R_Power (Expbits'Last) loop
+ Ax := Ax * R_Neg_Power (Expbits'Last);
+ Ex := Ex + Log_Power (Expbits'Last);
+ end loop;
+ -- Ax < Rad ** 64
+ for N in reverse Expbits'First .. Expbits'Last - 1 loop
+ if Ax >= R_Power (N) then
+ Ax := Ax * R_Neg_Power (N);
+ Ex := Ex + Log_Power (N);
+ end if;
+ -- Ax < R_Power (N)
+ end loop;
+ -- 1 <= Ax < Rad
+ Ax := Ax * Invrad;
+ Ex := Ex + 1;
+ else
+ -- 0 < ax < 1
+ while Ax < R_Neg_Power (Expbits'Last) loop
+ Ax := Ax * R_Power (Expbits'Last);
+ Ex := Ex - Log_Power (Expbits'Last);
+ end loop;
+ -- Rad ** -64 <= Ax < 1
+ for N in reverse Expbits'First .. Expbits'Last - 1 loop
+ if Ax < R_Neg_Power (N) then
+ Ax := Ax * R_Power (N);
+ Ex := Ex - Log_Power (N);
+ end if;
+ -- R_Neg_Power (N) <= Ax < 1
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ if X > 0.0 then
+ Frac := Ax;
+ else
+ Frac := -Ax;
+ end if;
+ Expo := Ex;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Decompose;
+ --------------
+ -- Exponent --
+ --------------
+ function Exponent (X : T) return UI is
+ X_Frac : T;
+ X_Exp : UI;
+ begin
+ Decompose (X, X_Frac, X_Exp);
+ return X_Exp;
+ end Exponent;
+ -----------
+ -- Floor --
+ -----------
+ function Floor (X : T) return T is
+ XT : constant T := Truncation (X);
+ begin
+ if X >= 0.0 then
+ return XT;
+ elsif XT = X then
+ return X;
+ else
+ return XT - 1.0;
+ end if;
+ end Floor;
+ --------------
+ -- Fraction --
+ --------------
+ function Fraction (X : T) return T is
+ X_Frac : T;
+ X_Exp : UI;
+ begin
+ Decompose (X, X_Frac, X_Exp);
+ return X_Frac;
+ end Fraction;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Gradual_Scaling --
+ ---------------------
+ function Gradual_Scaling (Adjustment : UI) return T is
+ Y : T;
+ Y1 : T;
+ Ex : UI := Adjustment;
+ begin
+ if Adjustment < T'Machine_Emin then
+ Y := 2.0 ** T'Machine_Emin;
+ Y1 := Y;
+ Ex := Ex - T'Machine_Emin;
+ while Ex <= 0 loop
+ Y := T'Machine (Y / 2.0);
+ if Y = 0.0 then
+ return Y1;
+ end if;
+ Ex := Ex + 1;
+ Y1 := Y;
+ end loop;
+ return Y1;
+ else
+ return Scaling (1.0, Adjustment);
+ end if;
+ end Gradual_Scaling;
+ ------------------
+ -- Leading_Part --
+ ------------------
+ function Leading_Part (X : T; Radix_Digits : UI) return T is
+ L : UI;
+ Y, Z : T;
+ begin
+ if Radix_Digits >= T'Machine_Mantissa then
+ return X;
+ else
+ L := Exponent (X) - Radix_Digits;
+ Y := Truncation (Scaling (X, -L));
+ Z := Scaling (Y, L);
+ return Z;
+ end if;
+ end Leading_Part;
+ -------------
+ -- Machine --
+ -------------
+ -- The trick with Machine is to force the compiler to store the result
+ -- in memory so that we do not have extra precision used. The compiler
+ -- is clever, so we have to outwit its possible optimizations! We do
+ -- this by using an intermediate pragma Volatile location.
+ function Machine (X : T) return T is
+ Temp : T;
+ pragma Volatile (Temp);
+ begin
+ Temp := X;
+ return Temp;
+ end Machine;
+ -----------
+ -- Model --
+ -----------
+ -- We treat Model as identical to Machine. This is true of IEEE and other
+ -- nice floating-point systems, but not necessarily true of all systems.
+ function Model (X : T) return T is
+ begin
+ return Machine (X);
+ end Model;
+ ----------
+ -- Pred --
+ ----------
+ -- Subtract from the given number a number equivalent to the value of its
+ -- least significant bit. Given that the most significant bit represents
+ -- a value of 1.0 * radix ** (exp - 1), the value we want is obtained by
+ -- shifting this by (mantissa-1) bits to the right, i.e. decreasing the
+ -- exponent by that amount.
+ -- Zero has to be treated specially, since its exponent is zero
+ function Pred (X : T) return T is
+ X_Frac : T;
+ X_Exp : UI;
+ begin
+ if X = 0.0 then
+ return -Succ (X);
+ else
+ Decompose (X, X_Frac, X_Exp);
+ -- A special case, if the number we had was a positive power of
+ -- two, then we want to subtract half of what we would otherwise
+ -- subtract, since the exponent is going to be reduced.
+ if X_Frac = 0.5 and then X > 0.0 then
+ return X - Gradual_Scaling (X_Exp - T'Machine_Mantissa - 1);
+ -- Otherwise the exponent stays the same
+ else
+ return X - Gradual_Scaling (X_Exp - T'Machine_Mantissa);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Pred;
+ ---------------
+ -- Remainder --
+ ---------------
+ function Remainder (X, Y : T) return T is
+ A : T;
+ B : T;
+ Arg : T;
+ P : T;
+ Arg_Frac : T;
+ P_Frac : T;
+ Sign_X : T;
+ IEEE_Rem : T;
+ Arg_Exp : UI;
+ P_Exp : UI;
+ K : UI;
+ P_Even : Boolean;
+ begin
+ if X > 0.0 then
+ Sign_X := 1.0;
+ Arg := X;
+ else
+ Sign_X := -1.0;
+ Arg := -X;
+ end if;
+ P := abs Y;
+ if Arg < P then
+ P_Even := True;
+ IEEE_Rem := Arg;
+ P_Exp := Exponent (P);
+ else
+ Decompose (Arg, Arg_Frac, Arg_Exp);
+ Decompose (P, P_Frac, P_Exp);
+ P := Compose (P_Frac, Arg_Exp);
+ K := Arg_Exp - P_Exp;
+ P_Even := True;
+ IEEE_Rem := Arg;
+ for Cnt in reverse 0 .. K loop
+ if IEEE_Rem >= P then
+ P_Even := False;
+ IEEE_Rem := IEEE_Rem - P;
+ else
+ P_Even := True;
+ end if;
+ P := P * 0.5;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ -- That completes the calculation of modulus remainder. The final
+ -- step is get the IEEE remainder. Here we need to compare Rem with
+ -- (abs Y) / 2. We must be careful of unrepresentable Y/2 value
+ -- caused by subnormal numbers
+ if P_Exp >= 0 then
+ A := IEEE_Rem;
+ B := abs Y * 0.5;
+ else
+ A := IEEE_Rem * 2.0;
+ B := abs Y;
+ end if;
+ if A > B or else (A = B and then not P_Even) then
+ IEEE_Rem := IEEE_Rem - abs Y;
+ end if;
+ return Sign_X * IEEE_Rem;
+ end Remainder;
+ --------------
+ -- Rounding --
+ --------------
+ function Rounding (X : T) return T is
+ Result : T;
+ Tail : T;
+ begin
+ Result := Truncation (abs X);
+ Tail := abs X - Result;
+ if Tail >= 0.5 then
+ Result := Result + 1.0;
+ end if;
+ if X > 0.0 then
+ return Result;
+ elsif X < 0.0 then
+ return -Result;
+ -- For zero case, make sure sign of zero is preserved
+ else
+ return X;
+ end if;
+ end Rounding;
+ -------------
+ -- Scaling --
+ -------------
+ -- Return x * rad ** adjustment quickly,
+ -- or quietly underflow to zero, or overflow naturally.
+ function Scaling (X : T; Adjustment : UI) return T is
+ begin
+ if X = 0.0 or else Adjustment = 0 then
+ return X;
+ end if;
+ -- Nonzero x. essentially, just multiply repeatedly by Rad ** (+-2**n).
+ declare
+ Y : T := X;
+ Ex : UI := Adjustment;
+ -- Y * Rad ** Ex is invariant
+ begin
+ if Ex < 0 then
+ while Ex <= -Log_Power (Expbits'Last) loop
+ Y := Y * R_Neg_Power (Expbits'Last);
+ Ex := Ex + Log_Power (Expbits'Last);
+ end loop;
+ -- -64 < Ex <= 0
+ for N in reverse Expbits'First .. Expbits'Last - 1 loop
+ if Ex <= -Log_Power (N) then
+ Y := Y * R_Neg_Power (N);
+ Ex := Ex + Log_Power (N);
+ end if;
+ -- -Log_Power (N) < Ex <= 0
+ end loop;
+ -- Ex = 0
+ else
+ -- Ex >= 0
+ while Ex >= Log_Power (Expbits'Last) loop
+ Y := Y * R_Power (Expbits'Last);
+ Ex := Ex - Log_Power (Expbits'Last);
+ end loop;
+ -- 0 <= Ex < 64
+ for N in reverse Expbits'First .. Expbits'Last - 1 loop
+ if Ex >= Log_Power (N) then
+ Y := Y * R_Power (N);
+ Ex := Ex - Log_Power (N);
+ end if;
+ -- 0 <= Ex < Log_Power (N)
+ end loop;
+ -- Ex = 0
+ end if;
+ return Y;
+ end;
+ end Scaling;
+ ----------
+ -- Succ --
+ ----------
+ -- Similar computation to that of Pred: find value of least significant
+ -- bit of given number, and add. Zero has to be treated specially since
+ -- the exponent can be zero, and also we want the smallest denormal if
+ -- denormals are supported.
+ function Succ (X : T) return T is
+ X_Frac : T;
+ X_Exp : UI;
+ X1, X2 : T;
+ begin
+ if X = 0.0 then
+ X1 := 2.0 ** T'Machine_Emin;
+ -- Following loop generates smallest denormal
+ loop
+ X2 := T'Machine (X1 / 2.0);
+ exit when X2 = 0.0;
+ X1 := X2;
+ end loop;
+ return X1;
+ else
+ Decompose (X, X_Frac, X_Exp);
+ -- A special case, if the number we had was a negative power of
+ -- two, then we want to add half of what we would otherwise add,
+ -- since the exponent is going to be reduced.
+ if X_Frac = 0.5 and then X < 0.0 then
+ return X + Gradual_Scaling (X_Exp - T'Machine_Mantissa - 1);
+ -- Otherwise the exponent stays the same
+ else
+ return X + Gradual_Scaling (X_Exp - T'Machine_Mantissa);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Succ;
+ ----------------
+ -- Truncation --
+ ----------------
+ -- The basic approach is to compute
+ -- T'Machine (RM1 + N) - RM1.
+ -- where N >= 0.0 and RM1 = radix ** (mantissa - 1)
+ -- This works provided that the intermediate result (RM1 + N) does not
+ -- have extra precision (which is why we call Machine). When we compute
+ -- RM1 + N, the exponent of N will be normalized and the mantissa shifted
+ -- shifted appropriately so the lower order bits, which cannot contribute
+ -- to the integer part of N, fall off on the right. When we subtract RM1
+ -- again, the significant bits of N are shifted to the left, and what we
+ -- have is an integer, because only the first e bits are different from
+ -- zero (assuming binary radix here).
+ function Truncation (X : T) return T is
+ Result : T;
+ begin
+ Result := abs X;
+ if Result >= Radix_To_M_Minus_1 then
+ return Machine (X);
+ else
+ Result := Machine (Radix_To_M_Minus_1 + Result) - Radix_To_M_Minus_1;
+ if Result > abs X then
+ Result := Result - 1.0;
+ end if;
+ if X > 0.0 then
+ return Result;
+ elsif X < 0.0 then
+ return -Result;
+ -- For zero case, make sure sign of zero is preserved
+ else
+ return X;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Truncation;
+ -----------------------
+ -- Unbiased_Rounding --
+ -----------------------
+ function Unbiased_Rounding (X : T) return T is
+ Abs_X : constant T := abs X;
+ Result : T;
+ Tail : T;
+ begin
+ Result := Truncation (Abs_X);
+ Tail := Abs_X - Result;
+ if Tail > 0.5 then
+ Result := Result + 1.0;
+ elsif Tail = 0.5 then
+ Result := 2.0 * Truncation ((Result / 2.0) + 0.5);
+ end if;
+ if X > 0.0 then
+ return Result;
+ elsif X < 0.0 then
+ return -Result;
+ -- For zero case, make sure sign of zero is preserved
+ else
+ return X;
+ end if;
+ end Unbiased_Rounding;
+ -----------
+ -- Valid --
+ -----------
+ function Valid (X : access T) return Boolean is
+ IEEE_Emin : constant Integer := T'Machine_Emin - 1;
+ IEEE_Emax : constant Integer := T'Machine_Emax - 1;
+ IEEE_Bias : constant Integer := -(IEEE_Emin - 1);
+ subtype IEEE_Exponent_Range is
+ Integer range IEEE_Emin - 1 .. IEEE_Emax + 1;
+ -- The implementation of this floating point attribute uses
+ -- a representation type Float_Rep that allows direct access to
+ -- the exponent and mantissa parts of a floating point number.
+ -- The Float_Rep type is an array of Float_Word elements. This
+ -- representation is chosen to make it possible to size the
+ -- type based on a generic parameter.
+ -- The following conditions must be met for all possible
+ -- instantiations of the attributes package:
+ -- - T'Size is an integral multiple of Float_Word'Size
+ -- - The exponent and sign are completely contained in a single
+ -- component of Float_Rep, named Most_Significant_Word (MSW).
+ -- - The sign occupies the most significant bit of the MSW
+ -- and the exponent is in the following bits.
+ -- Unused bits (if any) are in the least significant part.
+ type Float_Word is mod 2**32;
+ type Rep_Index is range 0 .. 7;
+ Rep_Last : constant Rep_Index := (T'Size - 1) / Float_Word'Size;
+ type Float_Rep is array (Rep_Index range 0 .. Rep_Last) of Float_Word;
+ Most_Significant_Word : constant Rep_Index :=
+ Rep_Last * Standard'Default_Bit_Order;
+ -- Finding the location of the Exponent_Word is a bit tricky.
+ -- In general we assume Word_Order = Bit_Order.
+ -- This expression needs to be refined for VMS.
+ Exponent_Factor : constant Float_Word :=
+ 2**(Float_Word'Size - 1) /
+ Float_Word (IEEE_Emax - IEEE_Emin + 3) *
+ Boolean'Pos (T'Size /= 96) +
+ Boolean'Pos (T'Size = 96);
+ -- Factor that the extracted exponent needs to be divided by
+ -- to be in range 0 .. IEEE_Emax - IEEE_Emin + 2.
+ -- Special kludge: Exponent_Factor is 0 for x86 double extended
+ -- as GCC adds 16 unused bits to the type.
+ Exponent_Mask : constant Float_Word :=
+ Float_Word (IEEE_Emax - IEEE_Emin + 2) *
+ Exponent_Factor;
+ -- Value needed to mask out the exponent field.
+ -- This assumes that the range IEEE_Emin - 1 .. IEEE_Emax + 1
+ -- contains 2**N values, for some N in Natural.
+ function To_Float is new Unchecked_Conversion (Float_Rep, T);
+ type Float_Access is access all T;
+ function To_Address is
+ new Unchecked_Conversion (Float_Access, System.Address);
+ XA : constant System.Address := To_Address (Float_Access (X));
+ R : Float_Rep;
+ pragma Import (Ada, R);
+ for R'Address use XA;
+ -- R is a view of the input floating-point parameter. Note that we
+ -- must avoid copying the actual bits of this parameter in float
+ -- form (since it may be a signalling NaN.
+ E : constant IEEE_Exponent_Range :=
+ Integer ((R (Most_Significant_Word) and Exponent_Mask) /
+ Exponent_Factor)
+ - IEEE_Bias;
+ -- Mask/Shift T to only get bits from the exponent
+ -- Then convert biased value to integer value.
+ SR : Float_Rep;
+ -- Float_Rep representation of significant of X.all
+ begin
+ if T'Denorm then
+ -- All denormalized numbers are valid, so only invalid numbers
+ -- are overflows and NaN's, both with exponent = Emax + 1.
+ return E /= IEEE_Emax + 1;
+ end if;
+ -- All denormalized numbers except 0.0 are invalid
+ -- Set exponent of X to zero, so we end up with the significand, which
+ -- definitely is a valid number and can be converted back to a float.
+ SR := R;
+ SR (Most_Significant_Word) :=
+ (SR (Most_Significant_Word)
+ and not Exponent_Mask) + Float_Word (IEEE_Bias) * Exponent_Factor;
+ return (E in IEEE_Emin .. IEEE_Emax) or else
+ ((E = IEEE_Emin - 1) and then abs To_Float (SR) = 1.0);
+ end Valid;
+end System.Fat_Gen;