path: root/gcc/ada/g-expect-vms.adb
diff options
authorcharlet <charlet@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2005-07-04 13:25:47 +0000
committercharlet <charlet@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2005-07-04 13:25:47 +0000
commitd72ec39ed281e36cd356435bacb4736ae4ae3ad4 (patch)
tree3472e464f86f39a9585e53bad9acf1de5b6409c5 /gcc/ada/g-expect-vms.adb
parentf79adf86771c2fbb0d9c3c8c15a3838119298a10 (diff)
2005-07-04 Thomas Quinot <>
* g-expect-vms.adb,, g-expect.adb (Get_Command_Output): New subprogram to launch a process and get its standard output as a string. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/g-expect-vms.adb')
1 files changed, 83 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/g-expect-vms.adb b/gcc/ada/g-expect-vms.adb
index ff09173d6c6..cbf8c724302 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/g-expect-vms.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/g-expect-vms.adb
@@ -761,6 +761,89 @@ package body GNAT.Expect is
end Flush;
+ ------------------------
+ -- Get_Command_Output --
+ ------------------------
+ function Get_Command_Output
+ (Command : String;
+ Arguments : GNAT.OS_Lib.Argument_List;
+ Input : String;
+ Status : access Integer;
+ Err_To_Out : Boolean := False) return String
+ is
+ use GNAT.Expect;
+ Process : Process_Descriptor;
+ Output : String_Access := new String (1 .. 1024);
+ -- Buffer used to accumulate standard output from the launched
+ -- command, expanded as necessary during execution.
+ Last : Integer := 0;
+ -- Index of the last used character within Output
+ begin
+ Non_Blocking_Spawn
+ (Process, Command, Arguments, Err_To_Out => Err_To_Out);
+ if Input'Length > 0 then
+ Send (Process, Input);
+ end if;
+ GNAT.OS_Lib.Close (Get_Input_Fd (Process));
+ declare
+ Result : Expect_Match;
+ begin
+ -- This loop runs until the call to Expect raises Process_Died
+ loop
+ Expect (Process, Result, ".+");
+ declare
+ NOutput : String_Access;
+ S : constant String := Expect_Out (Process);
+ pragma Assert (S'Length > 0);
+ begin
+ -- Expand buffer if we need more space
+ if Last + S'Length > Output'Last then
+ NOutput := new String (1 .. 2 * Output'Last);
+ NOutput (Output'Range) := Output.all;
+ Free (Output);
+ -- Here if current buffer size is OK
+ else
+ NOutput := Output;
+ end if;
+ NOutput (Last + 1 .. Last + S'Length) := S;
+ Last := Last + S'Length;
+ Output := NOutput;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ exception
+ when Process_Died =>
+ Close (Process, Status.all);
+ end;
+ if Last = 0 then
+ return "";
+ end if;
+ declare
+ S : constant String := Output (1 .. Last);
+ begin
+ Free (Output);
+ return S;
+ end;
+ end Get_Command_Output;
-- Get_Error_Fd --