path: root/gcc/ada/
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authorcharlet <charlet@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2007-08-14 08:39:00 +0000
committercharlet <charlet@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2007-08-14 08:39:00 +0000
commit17e1445149e4bef8ee8dd04359823d3dd3661aa3 (patch)
treed4efd163d6df2c16952d272ae73419ac96fdf0e2 /gcc/ada/
parent0d62118c727650669b97dda9090bcb3cfc03d749 (diff)
2007-08-14 Ed Schonberg <>
Javier Miranda <> *, exp_disp.adb (Build_Dispatch_Tables): Handle tagged types declared in the declarative part of a nested package body or in the proper body of a stub. (Set_All_DT_Position): Add missing check to avoid wrong assignation of the same dispatch table slot to renamed primitives. (Make_Select_Specific_Data_Table): Handle private types. (Tagged_Kind): Handle private types. (Make_Tags, Make_DT): Set tag entity as internal to ensure proper dg output of implicit importation and exportation. (Expand_Interface_Thunk): Fix bug in the expansion assuming that the first formal of the thunk is always associated with the controlling type. In addition perform the following code cleanup: remove formal Thunk_Alias which is no longer required, cleanup evaluation of the the controlling type, and update the documentation. Replace occurrence of Default_Prim_Op_Count by Max_Predef_Prims. Addition of compile-time check to verify that the value of Max_Predef_Prims is correct. (Check_Premature_Freezing): Apply check in Ada95 mode as well. (Make_DT): Add parameter to indicate when type has been frozen by an object declaration, for diagnostic purposes. (Build_Static_Dispatch_Tables): New subprogram that takes care of the construction of statically allocated dispatch tables. (Make_DT): In case of library-level tagged types export the declaration of the primary tag. Remove generation of tags (now done by Make_Tags). Additional modifications to handle non-static generation of dispatch tables. Take care of building tables for asynchronous interface types (Make_Tags): New subprogram that generates the entities associated with the primary and secondary tags of Typ and fills the contents of Access_ Disp_Table. In case of library-level tagged types imports the forward declaration of the primary tag that will be declared later by Make_DT. (Expand_Interface_Conversion): In case of access types to interfaces replace an itype declaration by an explicit type declaration to avoid problems associated with the scope of such itype in transient blocks. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ b/gcc/ada/
index 32cde2f6302..498b9f05763 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/
+++ b/gcc/ada/
@@ -122,11 +122,11 @@ package Exp_Disp is
-- PPOs are collected and added to the Primitive_Operations list of
-- a type by the regular analysis mechanism.
- -- PPOs are frozen by Exp_Ch3.Predefined_Primitive_Freeze.
+ -- PPOs are frozen by Exp_Ch3.Predefined_Primitive_Freeze
- -- Thunks for PPOs are created by Make_DT.
+ -- Thunks for PPOs are created by Make_DT
- -- Dispatch table positions of PPOs are set by Set_All_DT_Position.
+ -- Dispatch table positions of PPOs are set by Set_All_DT_Position
-- Calls to PPOs proceed as regular dispatching calls. If the PPO
-- has a thunk, a call proceeds as a regular dispatching call with
@@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ package Exp_Disp is
-- Guidelines for addition of new predefined primitive operations
- -- Update the value of constant Default_Prim_Op_Count in
- -- to reflect the new number of PPOs.
+ -- Update the value of constant Max_Predef_Prims in to
+ -- indicate the new number of PPOs.
-- Introduce a new predefined name for the new PPO in and
-- Snames.adb.
@@ -161,10 +161,19 @@ package Exp_Disp is
-- for a tagged type. If more predefined primitive operations are
-- added, the following items must be changed:
- -- Ada.Tags.Defailt_Prim_Op_Count - indirect use
+ -- Ada.Tags.Max_Predef_Prims - indirect use
-- Exp_Disp.Default_Prim_Op_Position - indirect use
-- Exp_Disp.Set_All_DT_Position - direct use
+ procedure Build_Static_Dispatch_Tables (N : Node_Id);
+ -- N is a library level package declaration or package body. Build the
+ -- static dispatch table of the tagged types defined at library level. In
+ -- case of package declarations with private part the generated nodes are
+ -- added at the end of the list of private declarations. Otherwise they are
+ -- added to the end of the list of public declarations. In case of package
+ -- bodies they are added to the end of the list of declarations of the
+ -- package body.
procedure Expand_Dispatching_Call (Call_Node : Node_Id);
-- Expand the call to the operation through the dispatch table and perform
-- the required tag checks when appropriate. For CPP types tag checks are
@@ -182,21 +191,23 @@ package Exp_Disp is
-- secondary dispatch table.
procedure Expand_Interface_Thunk
- (N : Node_Id;
- Thunk_Alias : Node_Id;
- Thunk_Id : out Entity_Id;
- Thunk_Code : out Node_Id);
+ (Prim : Node_Id;
+ Thunk_Id : out Entity_Id;
+ Thunk_Code : out Node_Id);
-- Ada 2005 (AI-251): When a tagged type implements abstract interfaces we
- -- generate additional subprograms (thunks) to have a layout compatible
- -- with the C++ ABI. The thunk modifies the value of the first actual of
- -- the call (that is, the pointer to the object) before transferring
- -- control to the target function.
- --
- -- Required in 3.4 case, why ??? giant comment needed for any gcc
- -- specific code ???
- function Make_DT (Typ : Entity_Id) return List_Id;
- -- Expand the declarations for the Dispatch Table.
+ -- generate additional subprograms (thunks) associated with each primitive
+ -- Prim to have a layout compatible with the C++ ABI. The thunk displaces
+ -- the pointers to the actuals that depend on the controlling type before
+ -- transferring control to the target subprogram. If there is no need to
+ -- generate the thunk then Thunk_Id and Thunk_Code are set to Empty.
+ -- Otherwise they are set to the defining identifier and the subprogram
+ -- body of the generated thunk.
+ function Make_DT (Typ : Entity_Id; N : Node_Id := Empty) return List_Id;
+ -- Expand the declarations for the Dispatch Table. The node N is the
+ -- declaration that forces the generation of the table. It is used to place
+ -- error messages when the declaration leads to the freezing of a given
+ -- primitive operation that has an incomplete non- tagged formal.
function Make_Disp_Asynchronous_Select_Body
(Typ : Entity_Id) return Node_Id;
@@ -234,10 +245,9 @@ package Exp_Disp is
function Make_Disp_Get_Task_Id_Body
(Typ : Entity_Id) return Node_Id;
- -- Ada 2005 (AI-345): Generate the body of the primitive operation of type
- -- Typ used for retrieving the _task_id field of a task interface class-
- -- wide type. Generate a null body if Typ is an interface or a non-task
- -- type.
+ -- Ada 2005 (AI-345): Generate body of the primitive operation of type Typ
+ -- used for retrieving the _task_id field of a task interface class- wide
+ -- type. Generate a null body if Typ is an interface or a non-task type.
function Make_Disp_Get_Task_Id_Spec
(Typ : Entity_Id) return Node_Id;
@@ -263,6 +273,12 @@ package Exp_Disp is
-- selects. Generate code to set the primitive operation kinds and entry
-- indices of primitive operations and primitive wrappers.
+ function Make_Tags (Typ : Entity_Id) return List_Id;
+ -- Generate the entities associated with the primary and secondary tags of
+ -- Typ and fill the contents of Access_Disp_Table. In case of library level
+ -- tagged types this routine imports the forward declaration of the tag
+ -- entity, that will be declared and exported by Make_DT.
procedure Register_Primitive
(Loc : Source_Ptr;
Prim : Entity_Id;