diff options
authorArnaud Charlet <>2016-06-22 10:31:47 +0000
committerArnaud Charlet <>2016-06-22 12:31:47 +0200
commit7ffbef99665102871af334c1e6d2c8f1e77fd6b7 (patch)
parent71b235999de097baad9739568b21f7d2714a306a (diff)
downloadgcc-7ffbef99665102871af334c1e6d2c8f1e77fd6b7.tar.gz (Scope_Num): type refined to positive integers.
2016-06-22 Arnaud Charlet <> * (Scope_Num): type refined to positive integers. * lib-xref-spark_specific.adb (Detect_And_Add_SPARK_Scope): moved into scope of Collect_SPARK_Xrefs. (Add_SPARK_Scope): moved into scope of Collect_SPARK_Xrefs; now uses Dspec and Scope_Id from Collect_SPARK_Xrefs. (Collect_SPARK_Xrefs): refactored to avoid retraversing the list of scopes. (Traverse_Compilation_Unit): refactored as a generic procedure. * (Unit_Number_Type): range refined. From-SVN: r237690
5 files changed, 377 insertions, 415 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ChangeLog b/gcc/ada/ChangeLog
index 9368c08b9f2..b6d23ea146e 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/ChangeLog
+++ b/gcc/ada/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+2016-06-22 Arnaud Charlet <>
+ * (Scope_Num): type refined to positive integers.
+ * lib-xref-spark_specific.adb (Detect_And_Add_SPARK_Scope):
+ moved into scope of Collect_SPARK_Xrefs.
+ (Add_SPARK_Scope): moved into scope of Collect_SPARK_Xrefs;
+ now uses Dspec and Scope_Id from Collect_SPARK_Xrefs.
+ (Collect_SPARK_Xrefs): refactored to avoid retraversing the list
+ of scopes.
+ (Traverse_Compilation_Unit): refactored as a generic procedure.
+ * (Unit_Number_Type): range refined.
2016-06-22 Hristian Kirtchev <>
* lib-xref-spark_specific.adb,, sem_ch6.adb: Minor
diff --git a/gcc/ada/lib-xref-spark_specific.adb b/gcc/ada/lib-xref-spark_specific.adb
index fca2eea1f6c..3e5026bb1d1 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/lib-xref-spark_specific.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/lib-xref-spark_specific.adb
@@ -85,160 +85,68 @@ package body SPARK_Specific is
-- Local Subprograms --
- procedure Add_SPARK_File (Ubody, Uspec : Unit_Number_Type; Dspec : Nat);
+ procedure Add_SPARK_File (Uspec, Ubody : Unit_Number_Type; Dspec : Nat);
-- Add file and corresponding scopes for unit to the tables
- -- SPARK_File_Table and SPARK_Scope_Table. When two units are present for
- -- the same compilation unit, as it happens for library-level
- -- instantiations of generics, then Ubody /= Uspec, and all scopes are
- -- added to the same SPARK file. Otherwise Ubody = Uspec.
- procedure Add_SPARK_Scope (N : Node_Id);
- -- Add scope N to the table SPARK_Scope_Table
+ -- SPARK_File_Table and SPARK_Scope_Table. When two units are present
+ -- for the same compilation unit, as it happens for library-level
+ -- instantiations of generics, then Ubody is the number of the body
+ -- unit; otherwise it is No_Unit.
procedure Add_SPARK_Xrefs;
-- Filter table Xrefs to add all references used in SPARK to the table
-- SPARK_Xref_Table.
- procedure Detect_And_Add_SPARK_Scope (N : Node_Id);
- -- Call Add_SPARK_Scope on scopes
function Entity_Hash (E : Entity_Id) return Entity_Hashed_Range;
-- Hash function for hash table
- procedure Traverse_Declaration_Or_Statement
- (N : Node_Id;
- Process : Node_Processing;
- Inside_Stubs : Boolean);
- procedure Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements
- (L : List_Id;
- Process : Node_Processing;
- Inside_Stubs : Boolean);
- procedure Traverse_Handled_Statement_Sequence
- (N : Node_Id;
- Process : Node_Processing;
- Inside_Stubs : Boolean);
- procedure Traverse_Protected_Body
- (N : Node_Id;
- Process : Node_Processing;
- Inside_Stubs : Boolean);
- procedure Traverse_Package_Body
- (N : Node_Id;
- Process : Node_Processing;
- Inside_Stubs : Boolean);
- procedure Traverse_Subprogram_Body
- (N : Node_Id;
- Process : Node_Processing;
- Inside_Stubs : Boolean);
- -- Traverse corresponding construct, calling Process on all declarations
+ generic
+ with procedure Process (N : Node_Id) is <>;
+ procedure Traverse_Compilation_Unit (CU : Node_Id; Inside_Stubs : Boolean);
+ -- Call Process on all declarations in compilation unit CU. If
+ -- Inside_Stubs is True, then the body of stubs is also traversed.
+ -- Generic declarations are ignored.
-- Add_SPARK_File --
- procedure Add_SPARK_File (Ubody, Uspec : Unit_Number_Type; Dspec : Nat) is
+ procedure Add_SPARK_File (Uspec, Ubody : Unit_Number_Type; Dspec : Nat) is
File : constant Source_File_Index := Source_Index (Uspec);
- From : Scope_Index;
+ From : constant Scope_Index := SPARK_Scope_Table.Last + 1;
File_Name : String_Ptr;
Unit_File_Name : String_Ptr;
- begin
- -- Source file could be inexistant as a result of an error, if option
- -- gnatQ is used.
+ Scope_Id : Pos := 1;
- if File = No_Source_File then
- return;
- end if;
+ procedure Add_SPARK_Scope (N : Node_Id);
+ -- Add scope N to the table SPARK_Scope_Table
- -- Subunits are traversed as part of the top-level unit to which they
- -- belong.
- if Nkind (Unit (Cunit (Ubody))) = N_Subunit then
- return;
- end if;
+ procedure Detect_And_Add_SPARK_Scope (N : Node_Id);
+ -- Call Add_SPARK_Scope on scopes
- From := SPARK_Scope_Table.Last + 1;
- Traverse_Compilation_Unit
- (CU => Cunit (Ubody),
- Process => Detect_And_Add_SPARK_Scope'Access,
- Inside_Stubs => True);
+ ---------------------
+ -- Add_SPARK_Scope --
+ ---------------------
- -- When two units are present for the same compilation unit, as it
- -- happens for library-level instantiations of generics, then add all
- -- scopes to the same SPARK file.
+ procedure Add_SPARK_Scope (N : Node_Id) is
+ E : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Entity (N);
+ Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (E);
- if Ubody /= Uspec then
- Traverse_Compilation_Unit
- (CU => Cunit (Uspec),
- Process => Detect_And_Add_SPARK_Scope'Access,
- Inside_Stubs => True);
- end if;
+ -- The character describing the kind of scope is chosen to be the
+ -- same as the one describing the corresponding entity in cross
+ -- references, see Xref_Entity_Letters in
- -- Update scope numbers
+ Typ : Character;
- declare
- Scope_Id : Pos;
- Scope_Id := 1;
- for Index in From .. SPARK_Scope_Table.Last loop
- declare
- S : SPARK_Scope_Record renames SPARK_Scope_Table.Table (Index);
- begin
- S.Scope_Num := Scope_Id;
- S.File_Num := Dspec;
- Scope_Id := Scope_Id + 1;
- end;
- end loop;
- end;
- -- Make entry for new file in file table
- Get_Name_String (Reference_Name (File));
- File_Name := new String'(Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
- -- For subunits, also retrieve the file name of the unit. Only do so if
- -- unit has an associated compilation unit.
+ -- Ignore scopes without a proper location
- if Present (Cunit (Unit (File)))
- and then Nkind (Unit (Cunit (Unit (File)))) = N_Subunit
- then
- Get_Name_String (Reference_Name (Main_Source_File));
- Unit_File_Name := new String'(Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
- else
- Unit_File_Name := null;
- end if;
- SPARK_File_Table.Append (
- (File_Name => File_Name,
- Unit_File_Name => Unit_File_Name,
- File_Num => Dspec,
- From_Scope => From,
- To_Scope => SPARK_Scope_Table.Last));
- end Add_SPARK_File;
- ---------------------
- -- Add_SPARK_Scope --
- ---------------------
- procedure Add_SPARK_Scope (N : Node_Id) is
- E : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Entity (N);
- Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (E);
- -- The character describing the kind of scope is chosen to be the same
- -- as the one describing the corresponding entity in cross references,
- -- see Xref_Entity_Letters in
- Typ : Character;
- begin
- -- Ignore scopes without a proper location
- if Sloc (N) = No_Location then
- return;
- end if;
+ if Sloc (N) = No_Location then
+ return;
+ end if;
- case Ekind (E) is
+ case Ekind (E) is
when E_Entry
| E_Entry_Family
| E_Generic_Function
@@ -247,16 +155,16 @@ package body SPARK_Specific is
| E_Package
| E_Protected_Type
| E_Task_Type
- =>
+ =>
Typ := Xref_Entity_Letters (Ekind (E));
when E_Function
| E_Procedure
- =>
+ =>
-- In SPARK we need to distinguish protected functions and
-- procedures from ordinary subprograms, but there are no special
- -- Xref letters for them. Since this distiction is only needed
- -- to detect protected calls, we pretend that such calls are entry
+ -- Xref letters for them. Since this distiction is only needed to
+ -- detect protected calls, we pretend that such calls are entry
-- calls.
if Ekind (Scope (E)) = E_Protected_Type then
@@ -269,7 +177,7 @@ package body SPARK_Specific is
| E_Protected_Body
| E_Subprogram_Body
| E_Task_Body
- =>
+ =>
Typ := Xref_Entity_Letters (Ekind (Unique_Entity (E)));
when E_Void =>
@@ -282,24 +190,111 @@ package body SPARK_Specific is
when others =>
raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- -- File_Num and Scope_Num are filled later. From_Xref and To_Xref are
- -- filled even later, but are initialized to represent an empty range.
- SPARK_Scope_Table.Append (
- (Scope_Name => new String'(Unique_Name (E)),
- File_Num => 0,
- Scope_Num => 0,
- Spec_File_Num => 0,
- Spec_Scope_Num => 0,
- Line => Nat (Get_Logical_Line_Number (Loc)),
- Stype => Typ,
- Col => Nat (Get_Column_Number (Loc)),
- From_Xref => 1,
- To_Xref => 0,
- Scope_Entity => E));
- end Add_SPARK_Scope;
+ end case;
+ -- File_Num and Scope_Num are filled later. From_Xref and To_Xref
+ -- are filled even later, but are initialized to represent an empty
+ -- range.
+ SPARK_Scope_Table.Append
+ ((Scope_Name => new String'(Unique_Name (E)),
+ File_Num => Dspec,
+ Scope_Num => Scope_Id,
+ Spec_File_Num => 0,
+ Spec_Scope_Num => 0,
+ Line => Nat (Get_Logical_Line_Number (Loc)),
+ Stype => Typ,
+ Col => Nat (Get_Column_Number (Loc)),
+ From_Xref => 1,
+ To_Xref => 0,
+ Scope_Entity => E));
+ Scope_Id := Scope_Id + 1;
+ end Add_SPARK_Scope;
+ --------------------------------
+ -- Detect_And_Add_SPARK_Scope --
+ --------------------------------
+ procedure Detect_And_Add_SPARK_Scope (N : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ if Nkind_In (N, N_Entry_Body, -- entries
+ N_Entry_Declaration)
+ or else
+ Nkind_In (N, N_Package_Body, -- packages
+ N_Package_Body_Stub,
+ N_Package_Declaration)
+ or else
+ Nkind_In (N, N_Protected_Body, -- protected objects
+ N_Protected_Body_Stub,
+ N_Protected_Type_Declaration)
+ or else
+ Nkind_In (N, N_Subprogram_Body, -- subprograms
+ N_Subprogram_Body_Stub,
+ N_Subprogram_Declaration)
+ or else
+ Nkind_In (N, N_Task_Body, -- tasks
+ N_Task_Body_Stub,
+ N_Task_Type_Declaration)
+ then
+ Add_SPARK_Scope (N);
+ end if;
+ end Detect_And_Add_SPARK_Scope;
+ procedure Traverse_Scopes is new
+ Traverse_Compilation_Unit (Detect_And_Add_SPARK_Scope);
+ -- Start of processing for Add_SPARK_File
+ begin
+ -- Source file could be inexistant as a result of an error, if option
+ -- gnatQ is used.
+ if File = No_Source_File then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Subunits are traversed as part of the top-level unit to which they
+ -- belong.
+ if Nkind (Unit (Cunit (Uspec))) = N_Subunit then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Traverse_Scopes (CU => Cunit (Uspec), Inside_Stubs => True);
+ -- When two units are present for the same compilation unit, as it
+ -- happens for library-level instantiations of generics, then add all
+ -- scopes to the same SPARK file.
+ if Ubody /= No_Unit then
+ Traverse_Scopes (CU => Cunit (Ubody), Inside_Stubs => True);
+ end if;
+ -- Make entry for new file in file table
+ Get_Name_String (Reference_Name (File));
+ File_Name := new String'(Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+ -- For subunits, also retrieve the file name of the unit. Only do so if
+ -- unit has an associated compilation unit.
+ if Present (Cunit (Unit (File)))
+ and then Nkind (Unit (Cunit (Unit (File)))) = N_Subunit
+ then
+ Get_Name_String (Reference_Name (Main_Source_File));
+ Unit_File_Name := new String'(Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+ else
+ Unit_File_Name := null;
+ end if;
+ SPARK_File_Table.Append (
+ (File_Name => File_Name,
+ Unit_File_Name => Unit_File_Name,
+ File_Num => Dspec,
+ From_Scope => From,
+ To_Scope => SPARK_Scope_Table.Last));
+ end Add_SPARK_File;
-- Add_SPARK_Xrefs --
@@ -905,8 +900,17 @@ package body SPARK_Specific is
(Sdep_Table : Unit_Ref_Table;
Num_Sdep : Nat)
- D1 : Pos;
- D2 : Pos;
+ Sdep, Sdep_Next : Pos;
+ -- Index of the current and next source dependency
+ Sdep_File : Pos;
+ -- Index of the file to which the scopes need to be assigned; for
+ -- library-level instances of generic units this points to the unit
+ -- of the body, because this is where references are assigned to.
+ Uspec, Ubody : Unit_Number_Type;
+ -- Unit numbers for the dependency spec and possibly its body (only in
+ -- the case of library-level instance of a generic package).
-- Cross-references should have been computed first
@@ -917,70 +921,82 @@ package body SPARK_Specific is
-- Generate file and scope SPARK cross-reference information
- D1 := 1;
- while D1 <= Num_Sdep loop
+ Sdep := 1;
+ while Sdep <= Num_Sdep loop
- -- In rare cases, when treating the library-level instantiation of a
- -- generic, two consecutive units refer to the same compilation unit
- -- node and entity. In that case, treat them as a single unit for the
- -- sake of SPARK cross references by passing to Add_SPARK_File.
+ -- For library-level instantiation of a generic, two consecutive
+ -- units refer to the same compilation unit node and entity (one to
+ -- body, one to spec). In that case, treat them as a single unit for
+ -- the sake of SPARK cross references by passing to Add_SPARK_File.
- if D1 < Num_Sdep
- and then Cunit_Entity (Sdep_Table (D1)) =
- Cunit_Entity (Sdep_Table (D1 + 1))
+ if Sdep < Num_Sdep
+ and then Cunit_Entity (Sdep_Table (Sdep)) =
+ Cunit_Entity (Sdep_Table (Sdep + 1))
- Cunit1 : Node_Id renames Cunit (Sdep_Table (D1));
- Cunit2 : Node_Id renames Cunit (Sdep_Table (D1 + 1));
+ Cunit1 : Node_Id renames Cunit (Sdep_Table (Sdep));
+ Cunit2 : Node_Id renames Cunit (Sdep_Table (Sdep + 1));
-- Both Cunit point to compilation unit nodes
- pragma Assert
- (Nkind (Cunit1) = N_Compilation_Unit
- and then Nkind (Cunit2) = N_Compilation_Unit);
+ pragma Assert (Nkind (Cunit1) = N_Compilation_Unit
+ and then
+ Nkind (Cunit2) = N_Compilation_Unit);
-- Do not depend on the sorting order, which is based on
-- Unit_Name and for library-level instances of nested
-- generic-packages they are equal.
- -- If declaration comes before the body then just set D2
+ -- If declaration comes before the body
if Nkind (Unit (Cunit1)) = N_Package_Declaration
- and then Nkind (Unit (Cunit2)) = N_Package_Body
+ and then
+ Nkind (Unit (Cunit2)) = N_Package_Body
- D2 := D1 + 1;
+ Uspec := Sdep_Table (Sdep);
+ Ubody := Sdep_Table (Sdep + 1);
+ Sdep_File := Sdep + 1;
- -- If body comes before declaration then set D2 and adjust D1
+ -- If body comes before declaration
elsif Nkind (Unit (Cunit1)) = N_Package_Body
- and then Nkind (Unit (Cunit2)) = N_Package_Declaration
+ and then
+ Nkind (Unit (Cunit2)) = N_Package_Declaration
- D2 := D1;
- D1 := D1 + 1;
+ Uspec := Sdep_Table (Sdep + 1);
+ Ubody := Sdep_Table (Sdep);
+ Sdep_File := Sdep;
+ -- Otherwise it is an error
raise Program_Error;
end if;
+ Sdep_Next := Sdep + 2;
- D2 := D1;
+ Uspec := Sdep_Table (Sdep);
+ Ubody := No_Unit;
+ Sdep_File := Sdep;
+ Sdep_Next := Sdep + 1;
end if;
-- Skip dependencies with no entity node, e.g. configuration files
-- with pragmas (.adc) or target description (.atp), since they
-- present no interest for SPARK cross references.
- if Present (Cunit_Entity (Sdep_Table (D1))) then
+ if Present (Cunit_Entity (Uspec)) then
- (Ubody => Sdep_Table (D1),
- Uspec => Sdep_Table (D2),
- Dspec => D2);
+ (Uspec => Uspec,
+ Ubody => Ubody,
+ Dspec => Sdep_File);
end if;
- -- ??? this needs a comment
- D1 := Pos'Max (D1, D2) + 1;
+ Sdep := Sdep_Next;
end loop;
-- Fill in the spec information when relevant
@@ -1037,35 +1053,6 @@ package body SPARK_Specific is
end Collect_SPARK_Xrefs;
- --------------------------------
- -- Detect_And_Add_SPARK_Scope --
- --------------------------------
- procedure Detect_And_Add_SPARK_Scope (N : Node_Id) is
- begin
- if Nkind_In (N, N_Entry_Body, -- entries
- N_Entry_Declaration)
- or else
- Nkind_In (N, N_Package_Body, -- packages
- N_Package_Body_Stub,
- N_Package_Declaration)
- or else
- Nkind_In (N, N_Protected_Body, -- protected objects
- N_Protected_Body_Stub,
- N_Protected_Type_Declaration)
- or else
- Nkind_In (N, N_Subprogram_Body, -- subprograms
- N_Subprogram_Body_Stub,
- N_Subprogram_Declaration)
- or else
- Nkind_In (N, N_Task_Body, -- tasks
- N_Task_Body_Stub,
- N_Task_Type_Declaration)
- then
- Add_SPARK_Scope (N);
- end if;
- end Detect_And_Add_SPARK_Scope;
-- Enclosing_Subprogram_Or_Package --
@@ -1245,65 +1232,44 @@ package body SPARK_Specific is
procedure Traverse_Compilation_Unit
(CU : Node_Id;
- Process : Node_Processing;
Inside_Stubs : Boolean)
Lu : Node_Id;
- begin
- -- Get Unit (checking case of subunit)
- Lu := Unit (CU);
- if Nkind (Lu) = N_Subunit then
- Lu := Proper_Body (Lu);
- end if;
- -- Do not add scopes for generic units
+ procedure Traverse_Block (N : Node_Id);
+ procedure Traverse_Declarations_And_HSS (N : Node_Id);
+ procedure Traverse_Declaration_Or_Statement (N : Node_Id);
+ procedure Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements (L : List_Id);
+ procedure Traverse_Handled_Statement_Sequence (N : Node_Id);
+ procedure Traverse_Package_Body (N : Node_Id);
+ procedure Traverse_Visible_And_Private_Parts (N : Node_Id);
+ procedure Traverse_Protected_Body (N : Node_Id);
+ procedure Traverse_Subprogram_Body (N : Node_Id);
+ procedure Traverse_Task_Body (N : Node_Id);
- if Nkind (Lu) = N_Package_Body
- and then Ekind (Corresponding_Spec (Lu)) in Generic_Unit_Kind
- then
- return;
- end if;
- -- Call Process on all declarations
- if Nkind (Lu) in N_Declaration
- or else Nkind (Lu) in N_Later_Decl_Item
- then
- Process (Lu);
- end if;
+ -- Traverse corresponding construct, calling Process on all declarations
- -- Traverse the unit
+ --------------------
+ -- Traverse_Block --
+ --------------------
- Traverse_Declaration_Or_Statement (Lu, Process, Inside_Stubs);
- end Traverse_Compilation_Unit;
+ procedure Traverse_Block (N : Node_Id) renames
+ Traverse_Declarations_And_HSS;
- ---------------------------------------
- -- Traverse_Declaration_Or_Statement --
- ---------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------
+ -- Traverse_Declaration_Or_Statement --
+ ---------------------------------------
- procedure Traverse_Declaration_Or_Statement
- (N : Node_Id;
- Process : Node_Processing;
- Inside_Stubs : Boolean)
- is
- begin
- case Nkind (N) is
+ procedure Traverse_Declaration_Or_Statement (N : Node_Id)
+ is
+ begin
+ case Nkind (N) is
when N_Package_Declaration =>
- declare
- Spec : constant Node_Id := Specification (N);
- begin
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements
- (Visible_Declarations (Spec), Process, Inside_Stubs);
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements
- (Private_Declarations (Spec), Process, Inside_Stubs);
- end;
+ Traverse_Visible_And_Private_Parts (Specification (N));
when N_Package_Body =>
if Ekind (Defining_Entity (N)) /= E_Generic_Package then
- Traverse_Package_Body (N, Process, Inside_Stubs);
+ Traverse_Package_Body (N);
end if;
when N_Package_Body_Stub =>
@@ -1315,19 +1281,19 @@ package body SPARK_Specific is
and then
Ekind (Defining_Entity (Body_N)) /= E_Generic_Package
- Traverse_Package_Body (Body_N, Process, Inside_Stubs);
+ Traverse_Package_Body (Body_N);
end if;
end if;
- when N_Subprogram_Declaration =>
- null;
- when N_Entry_Body | N_Subprogram_Body =>
+ when N_Subprogram_Body =>
if not Is_Generic_Subprogram (Defining_Entity (N)) then
- Traverse_Subprogram_Body (N, Process, Inside_Stubs);
+ Traverse_Subprogram_Body (N);
end if;
+ when N_Entry_Body =>
+ Traverse_Subprogram_Body (N);
when N_Subprogram_Body_Stub =>
if Present (Library_Unit (N)) then
@@ -1337,75 +1303,45 @@ package body SPARK_Specific is
and then
not Is_Generic_Subprogram (Defining_Entity (Body_N))
- Traverse_Subprogram_Body (Body_N, Process, Inside_Stubs);
+ Traverse_Subprogram_Body (Body_N);
end if;
end if;
when N_Protected_Body =>
- Traverse_Protected_Body (N, Process, Inside_Stubs);
+ Traverse_Protected_Body (N);
when N_Protected_Body_Stub =>
if Present (Library_Unit (N)) then
- declare
- Body_N : constant Node_Id := Get_Body_From_Stub (N);
- begin
- if Inside_Stubs then
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements
- (Declarations (Body_N), Process, Inside_Stubs);
- end if;
- end;
+ if Inside_Stubs then
+ Traverse_Protected_Body (Get_Body_From_Stub (N));
+ end if;
end if;
when N_Protected_Type_Declaration | N_Single_Protected_Declaration =>
- declare
- Def : constant Node_Id := Protected_Definition (N);
- begin
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements
- (Visible_Declarations (Def), Process, Inside_Stubs);
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements
- (Private_Declarations (Def), Process, Inside_Stubs);
- end;
+ Traverse_Visible_And_Private_Parts (Protected_Definition (N));
when N_Task_Definition =>
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements
- (Visible_Declarations (N), Process, Inside_Stubs);
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements
- (Private_Declarations (N), Process, Inside_Stubs);
+ Traverse_Visible_And_Private_Parts (N);
when N_Task_Body =>
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements
- (Declarations (N), Process, Inside_Stubs);
- Traverse_Handled_Statement_Sequence
- (Handled_Statement_Sequence (N), Process, Inside_Stubs);
+ Traverse_Task_Body (N);
when N_Task_Body_Stub =>
if Present (Library_Unit (N)) then
- declare
- Body_N : constant Node_Id := Get_Body_From_Stub (N);
- begin
- if Inside_Stubs then
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements
- (Declarations (Body_N), Process, Inside_Stubs);
- Traverse_Handled_Statement_Sequence
- (Handled_Statement_Sequence (Body_N), Process,
- Inside_Stubs);
- end if;
- end;
+ if Inside_Stubs then
+ Traverse_Task_Body (Get_Body_From_Stub (N));
+ end if;
end if;
when N_Block_Statement =>
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements
- (Declarations (N), Process, Inside_Stubs);
- Traverse_Handled_Statement_Sequence
- (Handled_Statement_Sequence (N), Process, Inside_Stubs);
+ Traverse_Block (N);
when N_If_Statement =>
-- Traverse the statements in the THEN part
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements
- (Then_Statements (N), Process, Inside_Stubs);
+ Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements (Then_Statements (N));
-- Loop through ELSIF parts if present
@@ -1416,7 +1352,7 @@ package body SPARK_Specific is
while Present (Elif) loop
- (Then_Statements (Elif), Process, Inside_Stubs);
+ (Then_Statements (Elif));
Next (Elif);
end loop;
@@ -1424,8 +1360,7 @@ package body SPARK_Specific is
-- Finally traverse the ELSE statements if present
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements
- (Else_Statements (N), Process, Inside_Stubs);
+ Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements (Else_Statements (N));
when N_Case_Statement =>
@@ -1436,129 +1371,154 @@ package body SPARK_Specific is
Alt := First (Alternatives (N));
while Present (Alt) loop
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements
- (Statements (Alt), Process, Inside_Stubs);
+ Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements (Statements (Alt));
Next (Alt);
end loop;
when N_Extended_Return_Statement =>
- (Handled_Statement_Sequence (N), Process, Inside_Stubs);
+ (Handled_Statement_Sequence (N));
when N_Loop_Statement =>
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements
- (Statements (N), Process, Inside_Stubs);
+ Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements (Statements (N));
- -- Generic declarations are ignored
+ -- Generic declarations are ignored
when others =>
- end case;
- end Traverse_Declaration_Or_Statement;
+ end case;
+ end Traverse_Declaration_Or_Statement;
- -----------------------------------------
- -- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements --
- -----------------------------------------
+ -----------------------------------
+ -- Traverse_Declarations_And_HSS --
+ -----------------------------------
- procedure Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements
- (L : List_Id;
- Process : Node_Processing;
- Inside_Stubs : Boolean)
- is
- N : Node_Id;
+ procedure Traverse_Declarations_And_HSS (N : Node_Id)
+ is
+ begin
+ Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements (Declarations (N));
+ Traverse_Handled_Statement_Sequence (Handled_Statement_Sequence (N));
+ end Traverse_Declarations_And_HSS;
- begin
- -- Loop through statements or declarations
+ -----------------------------------------
+ -- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements --
+ -----------------------------------------
- N := First (L);
- while Present (N) loop
- -- Call Process on all declarations
+ procedure Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements (L : List_Id)
+ is
+ N : Node_Id;
- if Nkind (N) in N_Declaration
+ begin
+ -- Loop through statements or declarations
+ N := First (L);
+ while Present (N) loop
+ -- Call Process on all declarations
+ if Nkind (N) in N_Declaration
or else
- Nkind (N) in N_Later_Decl_Item
+ Nkind (N) in N_Later_Decl_Item
or else
- Nkind (N) = N_Entry_Body
- then
- Process (N);
+ Nkind (N) = N_Entry_Body
+ then
+ Process (N);
+ end if;
+ Traverse_Declaration_Or_Statement (N);
+ Next (N);
+ end loop;
+ end Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements;
+ -----------------------------------------
+ -- Traverse_Handled_Statement_Sequence --
+ -----------------------------------------
+ procedure Traverse_Handled_Statement_Sequence (N : Node_Id)
+ is
+ Handler : Node_Id;
+ begin
+ if Present (N) then
+ Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements (Statements (N));
+ if Present (Exception_Handlers (N)) then
+ Handler := First (Exception_Handlers (N));
+ while Present (Handler) loop
+ Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements (Statements (Handler));
+ Next (Handler);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
end if;
+ end Traverse_Handled_Statement_Sequence;
- Traverse_Declaration_Or_Statement (N, Process, Inside_Stubs);
+ ---------------------------
+ -- Traverse_Package_Body --
+ ---------------------------
- Next (N);
- end loop;
- end Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements;
+ procedure Traverse_Package_Body (N : Node_Id) renames
+ Traverse_Declarations_And_HSS;
- -----------------------------------------
- -- Traverse_Handled_Statement_Sequence --
- -----------------------------------------
+ -----------------------------
+ -- Traverse_Protected_Body --
+ -----------------------------
- procedure Traverse_Handled_Statement_Sequence
- (N : Node_Id;
- Process : Node_Processing;
- Inside_Stubs : Boolean)
- is
- Handler : Node_Id;
+ procedure Traverse_Protected_Body (N : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements (Declarations (N));
+ end Traverse_Protected_Body;
+ ------------------------------
+ -- Traverse_Subprogram_Body --
+ ------------------------------
+ procedure Traverse_Subprogram_Body (N : Node_Id) renames
+ Traverse_Declarations_And_HSS;
+ ------------------------
+ -- Traverse_Task_Body --
+ ------------------------
+ procedure Traverse_Task_Body (N : Node_Id) renames
+ Traverse_Declarations_And_HSS;
+ procedure Traverse_Visible_And_Private_Parts (N : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements (Visible_Declarations (N));
+ Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements (Private_Declarations (N));
+ end Traverse_Visible_And_Private_Parts;
+ -- Start of processing for Traverse_Compilation_Unit
- if Present (N) then
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements
- (Statements (N), Process, Inside_Stubs);
- if Present (Exception_Handlers (N)) then
- Handler := First (Exception_Handlers (N));
- while Present (Handler) loop
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements
- (Statements (Handler), Process, Inside_Stubs);
- Next (Handler);
- end loop;
- end if;
+ -- Get Unit (checking case of subunit)
+ Lu := Unit (CU);
+ if Nkind (Lu) = N_Subunit then
+ Lu := Proper_Body (Lu);
end if;
- end Traverse_Handled_Statement_Sequence;
- ---------------------------
- -- Traverse_Package_Body --
- ---------------------------
+ -- Do not add scopes for generic units
- procedure Traverse_Package_Body
- (N : Node_Id;
- Process : Node_Processing;
- Inside_Stubs : Boolean) is
- begin
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements
- (Declarations (N), Process, Inside_Stubs);
- Traverse_Handled_Statement_Sequence
- (Handled_Statement_Sequence (N), Process, Inside_Stubs);
- end Traverse_Package_Body;
- -----------------------------
- -- Traverse_Protected_Body --
- -----------------------------
- procedure Traverse_Protected_Body
- (N : Node_Id;
- Process : Node_Processing;
- Inside_Stubs : Boolean) is
- begin
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements
- (Declarations (N), Process, Inside_Stubs);
- end Traverse_Protected_Body;
+ if Nkind (Lu) = N_Package_Body
+ and then Ekind (Corresponding_Spec (Lu)) in Generic_Unit_Kind
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
- ------------------------------
- -- Traverse_Subprogram_Body --
- ------------------------------
+ -- Call Process on all declarations
- procedure Traverse_Subprogram_Body
- (N : Node_Id;
- Process : Node_Processing;
- Inside_Stubs : Boolean)
- is
- begin
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements
- (Declarations (N), Process, Inside_Stubs);
- Traverse_Handled_Statement_Sequence
- (Handled_Statement_Sequence (N), Process, Inside_Stubs);
- end Traverse_Subprogram_Body;
+ if Nkind (Lu) in N_Declaration
+ or else Nkind (Lu) in N_Later_Decl_Item
+ then
+ Process (Lu);
+ end if;
+ -- Traverse the unit
+ Traverse_Declaration_Or_Statement (Lu);
+ end Traverse_Compilation_Unit;
end SPARK_Specific;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ b/gcc/ada/
index a6b96767eef..5325fc0eadd 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/
+++ b/gcc/ada/
@@ -639,16 +639,6 @@ package Lib.Xref is
-- This procedure is called to record a dereference. N is the location
-- of the dereference.
- type Node_Processing is access procedure (N : Node_Id);
- procedure Traverse_Compilation_Unit
- (CU : Node_Id;
- Process : Node_Processing;
- Inside_Stubs : Boolean);
- -- Call Process on all declarations in compilation unit CU. If
- -- Inside_Stubs is True, then the body of stubs is also traversed.
- -- Generic declarations are ignored.
procedure Collect_SPARK_Xrefs
(Sdep_Table : Unit_Ref_Table;
Num_Sdep : Nat);
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ b/gcc/ada/
index fa958cf6986..704b1ea10b5 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/
+++ b/gcc/ada/
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ package SPARK_Xrefs is
File_Num : Nat;
-- Set to the file dependency number for the scope
- Scope_Num : Nat;
+ Scope_Num : Pos;
-- Set to the scope number for the scope
Spec_File_Num : Nat;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ b/gcc/ada/
index 10756075bf3..20093c19abd 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/
+++ b/gcc/ada/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
--- Copyright (C) 1992-2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- Copyright (C) 1992-2016, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ package Types is
-- Types used for Library Management --
- type Unit_Number_Type is new Int;
+ type Unit_Number_Type is new Int range -1 .. Int'Last;
-- Unit number. The main source is unit 0, and subsidiary sources have
-- non-zero numbers starting with 1. Unit numbers are used to index the
-- Units table in package Lib.