path: root/awklib/eg/network/statist.awk
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'awklib/eg/network/statist.awk')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/awklib/eg/network/statist.awk b/awklib/eg/network/statist.awk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a583940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awklib/eg/network/statist.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+function SetUpServer() {
+ TopHeader = "<HTML><title>Statistics with GAWK</title>"
+ TopDoc = "<BODY>\
+ <h2>Please choose one of the following actions:</h2>\
+ <UL>\
+ <LI><A HREF=" MyPrefix "/AboutServer>About this server</A></LI>\
+ <LI><A HREF=" MyPrefix "/EnterParameters>Enter Parameters</A></LI>\
+ </UL>"
+ TopFooter = "</BODY></HTML>"
+ GnuPlot = "gnuplot 2>&1"
+ m1=m2=0; v1=v2=1; n1=n2=10
+function HandleGET() {
+ if(MENU[2] == "AboutServer") {
+ Document = "This is a GUI for a statistical computation.\
+ It compares means and variances of two distributions.\
+ It is implemented as one GAWK script and uses GNUPLOT."
+ } else if (MENU[2] == "EnterParameters") {
+ Document = ""
+ if ("m1" in GETARG) { # are there parameters to compare?
+ Document = Document "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">\
+ setTimeout(\"\\\"" MyPrefix "/Image" systime()\
+ "\\\",\\\"dist\\\", \\\"status=no\\\");\", 1000); </SCRIPT>"
+ m1 = GETARG["m1"]; v1 = GETARG["v1"]; n1 = GETARG["n1"]
+ m2 = GETARG["m2"]; v2 = GETARG["v2"]; n2 = GETARG["n2"]
+ t = (m1-m2)/sqrt(v1/n1+v2/n2)
+ df = (v1/n1+v2/n2)*(v1/n1+v2/n2)/((v1/n1)*(v1/n1)/(n1-1) \
+ + (v2/n2)*(v2/n2) /(n2-1))
+ if (v1>v2) {
+ f = v1/v2
+ df1 = n1 - 1
+ df2 = n2 - 1
+ } else {
+ f = v2/v1
+ df1 = n2 - 1
+ df2 = n1 - 1
+ }
+ print "pt=ibeta(" df/2 ",0.5," df/(df+t*t) ")" |& GnuPlot
+ print "pF=2.0*ibeta(" df2/2 "," df1/2 "," \
+ df2/(df2+df1*f) ")" |& GnuPlot
+ print "print pt, pF" |& GnuPlot
+ RS="\n"; GnuPlot |& getline; RS="\r\n" # $1 is pt, $2 is pF
+ print "invsqrt2pi=1.0/sqrt(2.0*pi)" |& GnuPlot
+ print "nd(x)=invsqrt2pi/sd*exp(-0.5*((x-mu)/sd)**2)" |& GnuPlot
+ print "set term png small color" |& GnuPlot
+ #print "set term postscript color" |& GnuPlot
+ #print "set term gif medium size 320,240" |& GnuPlot
+ print "set yrange[-0.3:]" |& GnuPlot
+ print "set label 'p(m1=m2) =" $1 "' at 0,-0.1 left" |& GnuPlot
+ print "set label 'p(v1=v2) =" $2 "' at 0,-0.2 left" |& GnuPlot
+ print "plot mu=" m1 ",sd=" sqrt(v1) ", nd(x) title 'sample 1',\
+ mu=" m2 ",sd=" sqrt(v2) ", nd(x) title 'sample 2'" |& GnuPlot
+ print "quit" |& GnuPlot
+ GnuPlot |& getline Image
+ while ((GnuPlot |& getline) > 0)
+ Image = Image RS $0
+ close(GnuPlot)
+ }
+ Document = Document "\
+ <h3>Do these samples have the same Gaussian distribution?</h3>\
+ <TR>\
+ <TD>1. Mean </TD>
+ <TD><input type=text name=m1 value=" m1 " size=8></TD>\
+ <TD>1. Variance</TD>
+ <TD><input type=text name=v1 value=" v1 " size=8></TD>\
+ <TD>1. Count </TD>
+ <TD><input type=text name=n1 value=" n1 " size=8></TD>\
+ </TR><TR>\
+ <TD>2. Mean </TD>
+ <TD><input type=text name=m2 value=" m2 " size=8></TD>\
+ <TD>2. Variance</TD>
+ <TD><input type=text name=v2 value=" v2 " size=8></TD>\
+ <TD>2. Count </TD>
+ <TD><input type=text name=n2 value=" n2 " size=8></TD>\
+ </TR> <input type=submit value=\"Compute\">\
+ </TABLE></FORM><BR>"
+ } else if (MENU[2] ~ "Image") {
+ Reason = "OK" ORS "Content-type: image/png"
+ #Reason = "OK" ORS "Content-type: application/x-postscript"
+ #Reason = "OK" ORS "Content-type: image/gif"
+ Header = Footer = ""
+ Document = Image
+ }