path: root/lib/tools/test/xref_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/tools/test/xref_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/lib/tools/test/xref_SUITE.erl b/lib/tools/test/xref_SUITE.erl
index c84f47c207..86dcb3c94d 100644
--- a/lib/tools/test/xref_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/tools/test/xref_SUITE.erl
@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@
fun_mfa/1, fun_mfa_r14/1,
fun_mfa_vars/1, qlc/1]).
--export([analyze/1, basic/1, md/1, q/1, variables/1, unused_locals/1]).
+-export([analyze/1, basic/1, md/1, q/1, variables/1, unused_locals/1,
+ behaviour/1]).
-export([format_error/1, otp_7423/1, otp_7831/1, otp_10192/1, otp_13708/1,
otp_14464/1, otp_14344/1]).
@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ groups() ->
fun_mfa_r14, fun_mfa_vars, qlc]},
{analyses, [],
- [analyze, basic, md, q, variables, unused_locals]},
+ [analyze, basic, md, q, variables, unused_locals, behaviour]},
{misc, [], [format_error, otp_7423, otp_7831, otp_10192, otp_13708,
otp_14464, otp_14344]}].
@@ -2471,6 +2472,84 @@ otp_14344(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
ok = file:delete(File1),
ok = file:delete(Beam1).
+%% PR-2752, ERL-1353, ERL-1476, GH-4192.
+behaviour(Config) ->
+ ModMode = [{xref_mode, modules}],
+ FunMode = [],
+ Test1 = [{a, <<"-module(a).
+ -callback a() -> ok.
+ ">>}],
+ {Undef1, UnusedExports1} = behaviour_test(Test1, Config, FunMode),
+ [] = Undef1,
+ [] = UnusedExports1,
+ {Undef1m, UnusedExports1m} = behaviour_test(Test1, Config, ModMode),
+ [] = Undef1m,
+ [] = UnusedExports1m,
+ Test2 = [{a, <<"-module(a).
+ -export([behaviour_info/1]).
+ behaviour_info(_) ->
+ ok.
+ ">>}],
+ {Undef2, UnusedExports2} = behaviour_test(Test2, Config, FunMode),
+ [] = Undef2,
+ [{a,behaviour_info,1}] = UnusedExports2,
+ {Undef2m, UnusedExports2m} = behaviour_test(Test2, Config, ModMode),
+ [] = Undef2m,
+ %% Without abstract code it is not possible to determine if
+ %% M:behaviour_info/1 is generated or not. The best we can do is
+ %% to assume it is generated since it would otherwise always be
+ %% returned as unused.
+ [] = UnusedExports2m,
+ Test3 = [{a, <<"-module(a).
+ -export([behaviour_info/1]).
+ behaviour_info(_) ->
+ ok.
+ ">>},
+ {b, <<"-module(b).
+ -export([bar/0]).
+ bar() -> a:behaviour_info(callbacks).
+ ">>}],
+ {Undef3, UnusedExports3} = behaviour_test(Test3, Config, FunMode),
+ [] = Undef3,
+ [{b,bar,0}] = UnusedExports3,
+ {Undef3m, UnusedExports3m} = behaviour_test(Test3, Config, ModMode),
+ [] = Undef3m,
+ [{b,bar,0}] = UnusedExports3m,
+ ok.
+behaviour_test(Tests, Conf, Opts) ->
+ {ok, _} = xref:start(s, Opts),
+ add_modules(Tests, Conf),
+ case lists:keyfind(xref_mode, 1, Opts) of
+ {xref_mode, modules} ->
+ UndefinedFunctionCalls = [];
+ _ ->
+ {ok, UndefinedFunctionCalls} =
+ xref:analyze(s, undefined_function_calls)
+ end,
+ {ok, ExportsNotUsed} = xref:analyze(s, exports_not_used),
+ xref:stop(s),
+ {UndefinedFunctionCalls, ExportsNotUsed}.
+add_modules([], _Conf) ->
+ ok;
+add_modules([{Mod, Test} |Tests], Conf) ->
+ Dir = ?copydir,
+ Name = atom_to_list(Mod),
+ File = fname(Dir, Name ++ ".erl"),
+ MFile = fname(Dir, Name),
+ Beam = fname(Dir, Name ++ ".beam"),
+ ok = file:write_file(File, Test),
+ {ok, Mod} = compile:file(File, [debug_info,{outdir,Dir}]),
+ {ok, Mod} = xref:add_module(s, MFile),
+ check_state(s),
+ ok = file:delete(File),
+ ok = file:delete(Beam),
+ add_modules(Tests, Conf).
%%% Utilities