path: root/lib/stdlib/test/property_test/base64_prop.erl
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1 files changed, 429 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/property_test/base64_prop.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/property_test/base64_prop.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a2e3026dcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/property_test/base64_prop.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2021-2022. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+-compile([export_all, nowarn_export_all]).
+-proptest([triq, proper]).
+-define(EQC, true).
+%%% Properties %%%
+prop_encode() ->
+ Str,
+ oneof([list(byte()), binary()]),
+ begin
+ Enc = base64:encode(Str),
+ Dec = base64:decode(Enc),
+ is_b64_binary(Enc) andalso str_equals(Str, Dec)
+ end
+ ).
+prop_encode_to_string() ->
+ Str,
+ oneof([list(byte()), binary()]),
+ begin
+ Enc = base64:encode_to_string(Str),
+ Dec = base64:decode_to_string(Enc),
+ is_b64_string(Enc) andalso str_equals(Str, Dec)
+ end
+ ).
+prop_decode() ->
+ {NormalizedB64, WspedB64},
+ wsped_b64(),
+ begin
+ Dec = base64:decode(WspedB64),
+ Enc = base64:encode(Dec),
+ is_binary(Dec) andalso b64_equals(NormalizedB64, Enc)
+ end
+ ).
+prop_decode_malformed() ->
+ common_decode_malformed(wsped_b64(), fun base64:decode/1).
+prop_decode_noisy() ->
+ common_decode_noisy(fun base64:decode/1).
+prop_decode_to_string() ->
+ {NormalizedB64, WspedB64},
+ wsped_b64(),
+ begin
+ Dec = base64:decode_to_string(WspedB64),
+ Enc = base64:encode(Dec),
+ is_bytelist(Dec) andalso b64_equals(NormalizedB64, Enc)
+ end
+ ).
+prop_decode_to_string_malformed() ->
+ common_decode_malformed(wsped_b64(), fun base64:decode_to_string/1).
+prop_decode_to_string_noisy() ->
+ common_decode_noisy(fun base64:decode_to_string/1).
+prop_mime_decode() ->
+ {NormalizedB64, NoisyB64},
+ noisy_b64(),
+ begin
+ Dec = base64:mime_decode(NoisyB64),
+ Enc = base64:encode(Dec),
+ is_binary(Dec) andalso b64_equals(NormalizedB64, Enc)
+ end
+ ).
+prop_mime_decode_malformed() ->
+ common_decode_malformed(noisy_b64(), fun base64:mime_decode/1).
+prop_mime_decode_to_string() ->
+ {NormalizedB64, NoisyB64},
+ noisy_b64(),
+ begin
+ Dec = base64:mime_decode_to_string(NoisyB64),
+ Enc = base64:encode(Dec),
+ is_bytelist(Dec) andalso b64_equals(NormalizedB64, Enc)
+ end
+ ).
+prop_mime_decode_to_string_malformed() ->
+ common_decode_malformed(noisy_b64(), fun base64:mime_decode_to_string/1).
+common_decode_noisy(Fn) ->
+ {_, NoisyB64},
+ ?SUCHTHAT({NormalizedB64, NoisyB64}, noisy_b64(), NormalizedB64 =/= NoisyB64),
+ try
+ Fn(NoisyB64)
+ of
+ _ ->
+ false
+ catch
+ error:_ ->
+ true
+ end
+ ).
+common_decode_malformed(Gen, Fn) ->
+ MalformedB64,
+ ?LET(
+ {{NormalizedB64, NoisyB64}, Malformings},
+ {
+ Gen,
+ oneof(
+ [
+ [b64_char()],
+ [b64_char(), b64_char()],
+ [b64_char(), b64_char(), b64_char()]
+ ]
+ )
+ },
+ {NormalizedB64, insert_noise(NoisyB64, Malformings)}
+ ),
+ try
+ Fn(MalformedB64)
+ of
+ _ ->
+ false
+ catch
+ error:_ ->
+ true
+ end
+ ).
+%%% Generators %%%
+%% Generate a single character from the base64 alphabet.
+b64_char() ->
+ oneof(b64_chars()).
+%% Generate a string of characters from the base64 alphabet,
+%% including padding if needed.
+b64_string() ->
+ ?LET(
+ {L, Filler},
+ {list(b64_char()), b64_char()},
+ case length(L) rem 4 of
+ 0 -> L;
+ 1 -> L ++ [Filler, $=, $=];
+ 2 -> L ++ [$=, $=];
+ 3 -> L ++ [$=]
+ end
+ ).
+%% Generate a binary of characters from the base64 alphabet,
+%% including padding if needed.
+b64_binary() ->
+ ?LET(
+ L,
+ b64_string(),
+ list_to_binary(L)
+ ).
+%% Generate a string or binary of characters from the
+%% base64 alphabet, including padding if needed.
+b64() ->
+ oneof([b64_string(), b64_binary()]).
+%% Generate a string or binary of characters from the
+%% base64 alphabet, including padding if needed, with
+%% whitespaces inserted at random indexes.
+wsped_b64() ->
+ ?LET(
+ {B64, Wsps},
+ {b64(), list(oneof([$\t, $\r, $\n, $\s]))},
+ {B64, insert_noise(B64, Wsps)}
+ ).
+%% Generate a single character outside of the base64 alphabet.
+%% As whitespaces are allowed but ignored in base64, this generator
+%% will produce no whitespaces, either.
+non_b64_char() ->
+ oneof(lists:seq(16#00, 16#FF) -- b64_allowed_chars()).
+%% Generate a string or binary of characters from the
+%% base64 alphabet, including padding if needed, with
+%% whitespaces and non-base64 ("invalid") characters
+%% inserted at random indexes.
+noisy_b64() ->
+ ?LET(
+ {{B64, WspedB64}, Noise},
+ {wsped_b64(), non_empty(list(non_b64_char()))},
+ {B64, insert_noise(WspedB64, Noise)}
+ ).
+%%% Helpers %%%
+%% The characters of the base64 alphabet.
+%% "=" is not included, as it is special in that it
+%% may only appear at the end of a base64 encoded string
+%% for padding.
+b64_chars() ->
+ lists:seq($0, $9) ++
+ lists:seq($a, $z) ++
+ lists:seq($A, $Z) ++
+ [$+, $/].
+%% In addition to the above, the whitespace characters
+%% HTAB, CR, LF and SP are allowed to appear in a base64
+%% encoded string and should be ignored.
+b64_allowed_chars() ->
+ [$\t, $\r, $\n, $\s | b64_chars()].
+%% Insert the given list of noise characters at random
+%% places into the given base64 string.
+insert_noise(B64, []) ->
+ B64;
+insert_noise([], Noise) ->
+ Noise;
+insert_noise(<<>>, Noise) ->
+ list_to_binary(Noise);
+insert_noise([B|Bs] = B64, [N|Ns] = Noise) ->
+ case rand:uniform(2) of
+ 1 ->
+ [B|insert_noise(Bs, Noise)];
+ 2 ->
+ [N|insert_noise(B64, Ns)]
+ end;
+insert_noise(<<B, Bs/binary>> = B64, [N|Ns] = Noise) ->
+ case rand:uniform(2) of
+ 1 ->
+ <<B, (insert_noise(Bs, Noise))/binary>>;
+ 2 ->
+ <<N, (insert_noise(B64, Ns))/binary>>
+ end.
+%% Check if the given character is in the base64 alphabet.
+%% This does not include the padding character "=".
+is_b64_char($+) ->
+ true;
+is_b64_char($/) ->
+ true;
+is_b64_char(C) when C >= $0, C =< $9 ->
+ true;
+is_b64_char(C) when C >= $A, C =< $Z ->
+ true;
+is_b64_char(C) when C >= $a, C =< $z ->
+ true;
+is_b64_char(_) ->
+ false.
+%% Check if the given argument is a base64 binary,
+%% ie that it consists of quadruplets of characters
+%% from the base64 alphabet, whereas the last quadruplet
+%% may be padded with one or two "="s
+is_b64_binary(B) ->
+ is_b64_binary(B, 0).
+is_b64_binary(<<>>, N) ->
+ N rem 4 =:= 0;
+is_b64_binary(<<$=>>, N) ->
+ N rem 4 =:= 3;
+is_b64_binary(<<$=, $=>>, N) ->
+ N rem 4 =:= 2;
+is_b64_binary(<<C, More/binary>>, N) ->
+ case is_b64_char(C) of
+ true ->
+ is_b64_binary(More, N + 1);
+ false ->
+ false
+ end.
+%% Check if the given argument is a base64 string
+%% (see is_b64_binary/1)
+is_b64_string(S) ->
+ is_b64_binary(list_to_binary(S)).
+%% Check if the argument is a list of bytes.
+is_bytelist(L) ->
+ lists:all(
+ fun (B) ->
+ is_integer(B) andalso B >= 16#00 andalso B =< 16#FF
+ end,
+ L
+ ).
+%% Check two byte-lists or binaries for equality.
+str_equals(Str1, Str2) when is_list(Str1) ->
+ str_equals(list_to_binary(Str1), Str2);
+str_equals(Str1, Str2) when is_list(Str2) ->
+ str_equals(Str1, list_to_binary(Str2));
+str_equals(Str1, Str2) when is_binary(Str1), is_binary(Str2) ->
+ Str1 =:= Str2.
+%% Check two base64-encoded byte-lists or binaries for equality.
+%% Assumes that the given arguments are in a normalized form,
+%% ie that they consist only of characters from the base64
+%% alphabet and possible padding ("=").
+b64_equals(L, B) when is_list(L) ->
+ b64_equals(list_to_binary(L), B);
+b64_equals(B, L) when is_list(L) ->
+ b64_equals(B, list_to_binary(L));
+b64_equals(B1, B2) when is_binary(B1), is_binary(B2) ->
+ b64_equals1(B1, B2).
+b64_equals1(<<Eq:4/bytes>>, <<Eq:4/bytes>>) ->
+ is_b64_binary(Eq);
+b64_equals1(<<Eq:4/bytes, More1/binary>>, <<Eq:4/bytes, More2/binary>>) ->
+ case lists:all(fun is_b64_char/1, binary_to_list(Eq)) of
+ true ->
+ b64_equals1(More1, More2);
+ false ->
+ false
+ end;
+b64_equals1(<<Eq, B1, $=, $=>>, <<Eq, B2, $=, $=>>) ->
+ %% If the encoded string ends with "==", there exist multiple
+ %% possibilities for the character preceding the "==" as only the
+ %% 3rd and 4th bits of the encoded byte represented by that
+ %% character are significant.
+ %%
+ %% For example, all of the encoded strings "QQ==", "QR==", ..., "QZ=="
+ %% decode to the string "A", since all the bytes represented by Q to Z
+ %% are the same in the significant 3rd and 4th bit.
+ case is_b64_char(Eq) of
+ true ->
+ Normalize = fun
+ (C) when C >= $A, C =< $P -> $A;
+ (C) when C >= $Q, C =< $Z -> $Q;
+ (C) when C >= $a, C =< $f -> $Q;
+ (C) when C >= $g, C =< $v -> $g;
+ (C) when C >= $w, C =< $z -> $w;
+ (C) when C >= $0, C =< $9 -> $w;
+ ($+) -> $w;
+ ($/) -> $w
+ end,
+ Normalize(B1) =:= Normalize(B2);
+ false ->
+ false
+ end;
+b64_equals1(<<Eq:2/bytes, B1, $=>>, <<Eq:2/bytes, B2, $=>>) ->
+ %% Similar to the above, but with the encoded string ending with a
+ %% single "=" the 3rd to 6th bits of the encoded byte are significant,
+ %% such that, for example, all the encoded strings "QUE=" to "QUH="
+ %% decode to the same string "AA".
+ <<Eq1, Eq2>> = Eq,
+ case is_b64_char(Eq1) andalso is_b64_char(Eq2) of
+ true ->
+ Normalize = fun
+ (C) when C >= $A, C =< $D -> $A;
+ (C) when C >= $E, C =< $H -> $E;
+ (C) when C >= $I, C =< $L -> $I;
+ (C) when C >= $M, C =< $P -> $M;
+ (C) when C >= $Q, C =< $T -> $Q;
+ (C) when C >= $U, C =< $X -> $U;
+ (C) when C >= $Y, C =< $Z -> $Y;
+ (C) when C >= $a, C =< $b -> $Y;
+ (C) when C >= $c, C =< $f -> $c;
+ (C) when C >= $g, C =< $j -> $g;
+ (C) when C >= $k, C =< $n -> $k;
+ (C) when C >= $o, C =< $r -> $o;
+ (C) when C >= $s, C =< $v -> $s;
+ (C) when C >= $w, C =< $z -> $w;
+ (C) when C >= $0, C =< $3 -> $0;
+ (C) when C >= $4, C =< $7 -> $4;
+ (C) when C >= $8, C =< $9 -> $8;
+ ($+) -> $8;
+ ($/) -> $8
+ end,
+ Normalize(B1) =:= Normalize(B2);
+ false ->
+ false
+ end;
+b64_equals1(<<>>, <<>>) ->
+ true;
+b64_equals1(_, _) ->
+ false.