path: root/lib/public_key/test/pubkey_cert_SUITE.erl
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1 files changed, 178 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/public_key/test/pubkey_cert_SUITE.erl b/lib/public_key/test/pubkey_cert_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d51d5afda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/public_key/test/pubkey_cert_SUITE.erl
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+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011-2023. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% -include_lib("public_key/include/public_key.hrl").
+%% Note: This directive should only be used in test suites.
+%% Common Test interface functions -----------------------------------
+all() ->
+ [{group, time_str_2_gregorian_sec}].
+groups() ->
+ [{time_str_2_gregorian_sec, [], time_str_two_gregorian()}].
+time_str_two_gregorian() ->
+ [ time_str_2_gregorian_utc_post2000
+ , time_str_2_gregorian_utc_limit_50_years_before_current_time
+ , time_str_2_gregorian_utc_limit_51_years_before_current_time
+ , time_str_2_gregorian_utc_limit_50_years_from_current_time
+ , time_str_2_gregorian_utc_limit_49_years_from_current_time
+ , time_str_2_gregorian_generaltime_50_years_before_current_time
+ , time_str_2_gregorian_generaltime_50_years_from_current_time
+ ].
+%% Test Cases --------------------------------------------------------
+time_str_2_gregorian_utc_post2000() ->
+ [{doc, "Tests a valid gregorian Utc time"}].
+time_str_2_gregorian_utc_post2000(_) ->
+ YYMMDD = "450101",
+ HHMMSSZ = "000000Z",
+ ExpectedYear = 2045,
+ UtcTime = {utcTime, YYMMDD ++ HHMMSSZ},
+ {ExpectedDate, _} = convert_to_datetime_format(UtcTime, ExpectedYear),
+ Result = pubkey_cert:time_str_2_gregorian_sec(UtcTime),
+ {ExpectedDate, _} = calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(Result).
+time_str_2_gregorian_utc_limit_50_years_before_current_time() ->
+ [{doc, "Tests limit of gregorian Utc time 50 years before current time"}].
+time_str_2_gregorian_utc_limit_50_years_before_current_time(_) ->
+ {ExpectedDate, UtcTime} = get_date(utcTime, -50),
+ Result = pubkey_cert:time_str_2_gregorian_sec(UtcTime),
+ {ExpectedDate, _} = calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(Result).
+time_str_2_gregorian_utc_limit_51_years_before_current_time() ->
+ [{doc, "Tests limit of gregorian Utc time 51 years before current time"}].
+time_str_2_gregorian_utc_limit_51_years_before_current_time(_) ->
+ {{Y, M, D}, UtcTime} = get_date(utcTime, -51),
+ Result = pubkey_cert:time_str_2_gregorian_sec(UtcTime),
+ %% the sliding window method from pubkey_cert reaches its limit and
+ %% reverses the year from 19XX to 20XX. Because of this, the expected
+ %% year is current_year + 50, or ExpectedYear + 100 (they are equivalent)
+ ExpectedYear = Y + 100,
+ {{ExpectedYear, M, D}, _} = calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(Result).
+time_str_2_gregorian_utc_limit_50_years_from_current_time() ->
+ [{doc, "Tests a valid gregorian Utc time 50 years from now"}].
+time_str_2_gregorian_utc_limit_50_years_from_current_time(_) ->
+ {{Y, M, D}, UtcTime} = get_date(utcTime, 50),
+ Result = pubkey_cert:time_str_2_gregorian_sec(UtcTime),
+ %% the sliding window method from pubkey_cert reaches its limit and
+ %% reverses the year from 20XX to 19XX. Because of this, the expected
+ %% year is current_year - 50, or ExpectedYear - 100 (they are equivalent)
+ ExpectedYear = Y - 100,
+ {{ExpectedYear, M, D}, _} = calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(Result).
+time_str_2_gregorian_utc_limit_49_years_from_current_time() ->
+ [{doc, "Tests a valid gregorian Utc time 49 years from now"}].
+time_str_2_gregorian_utc_limit_49_years_from_current_time(_) ->
+ {ExpectedDate, UtcTime} = get_date(utcTime, 49),
+ Result = pubkey_cert:time_str_2_gregorian_sec(UtcTime),
+ {ExpectedDate, _} = calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(Result).
+time_str_2_gregorian_generaltime_50_years_before_current_time() ->
+ [{doc, "Tests a valid general time 50 years before current time"}].
+time_str_2_gregorian_generaltime_50_years_before_current_time(_) ->
+ {ExpectedDate, UtcTime} = get_date(generalTime, -50),
+ Result = pubkey_cert:time_str_2_gregorian_sec(UtcTime),
+ {ExpectedDate, _} = calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(Result).
+time_str_2_gregorian_generaltime_50_years_from_current_time() ->
+ [{doc, "Tests a valid general time 50 years from now"}].
+time_str_2_gregorian_generaltime_50_years_from_current_time(_) ->
+ {ExpectedDate, UtcTime} = get_date(generalTime, 50),
+ Result = pubkey_cert:time_str_2_gregorian_sec(UtcTime),
+ {ExpectedDate, _} = calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(Result).
+%% Helper functions
+-spec convert_to_datetime_format({Format, Date}, ExpectedYear) -> Result when
+ Format :: generalTime | utcTime,
+ YYMMDDHHMMSS :: string(),
+ YYYYMMDDHHMMSS :: string(),
+ ExpectedYear :: non_neg_integer(),
+ Result :: {{non_neg_integer(), 1..12, 1..31}, {0, 0, 0}}.
+convert_to_datetime_format({Format, Date}, ExpectedYear) ->
+ YYMMDD = group_year(Format, Date),
+ [Y, M, D] = lists:map(fun (Str) -> erlang:list_to_integer(Str) end, YYMMDD),
+ %% assertions to test that the result is the expected one
+ case Format of
+ utcTime -> (ExpectedYear rem 100) =:= Y;
+ generalTime -> ExpectedYear =:= Y
+ end,
+ {{ExpectedYear, M, D}, {0, 0, 0}}.
+-spec get_date(Format, YearsFromNow) -> {{Year, Month, Day}, UtcDate} when
+ Format :: utcTime | generalTime,
+ YearsFromNow :: integer(),
+ Year :: non_neg_integer(),
+ Month :: 1..12,
+ Day :: 1..31,
+ UtcDate :: string().
+get_date(Format, Years) ->
+ {YYYY, MM0, DD0} = date(),
+ MM = io_lib:format("~2..0w", [MM0]),
+ DD = io_lib:format("~2..0w", [DD0]),
+ ExpectedYear = YYYY + Years,
+ YYMMDD = format_year(Format, ExpectedYear, {MM, DD}),
+ HHMMSSZ = "000000Z",
+ FormattedTime = {Format, YYMMDD ++ HHMMSSZ},
+ {ExpectedDate, _} = convert_to_datetime_format(FormattedTime, ExpectedYear),
+ {ExpectedDate, FormattedTime}.
+-spec format_year(Format, ExpectedYear, {Month, Day}) -> YYMMDD | YYYYMMDD when
+ Format :: utcTime | generalTime,
+ ExpectedYear :: non_neg_integer(),
+ Month :: string(),
+ Day :: string(),
+ YYMMDD :: string(),
+ YYYYMMDD :: string().
+format_year(utcTime, ExpectedYear, {MM, DD}) ->
+ YY = erlang:integer_to_list((ExpectedYear) rem 100),
+ lists:flatten(YY++MM++DD);
+format_year(generalTime, ExpectedYear, {MM, DD}) ->
+ YY = erlang:integer_to_list(ExpectedYear),
+ lists:flatten(YY++MM++DD).
+-spec group_year(Format, Date) -> [list()] when
+ Format :: utcTime | generalTime,
+ Date :: [non_neg_integer()].
+group_year(utcTime, [Y1, Y2, M1, M2, D1, D2 | _]) ->
+ [[Y1, Y2], [M1, M2], [D1, D2]];
+group_year(generalTime, [Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, M1, M2, D1, D2 | _]) ->
+ [[Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4], [M1, M2], [D1, D2]].