path: root/lib/orber/doc/src/ch_debugging.xml
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
-<!DOCTYPE chapter SYSTEM "chapter.dtd">
- <header>
- <copyright>
- <year>2001</year><year>2017</year>
- <holder>Ericsson AB. All Rights Reserved.</holder>
- </copyright>
- <legalnotice>
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
- </legalnotice>
- <title>Debugging</title>
- <prepared></prepared>
- <docno></docno>
- <date>2001-11-29</date>
- <rev></rev>
- <file>ch_debugging.xml</file>
- </header>
- <section>
- <title>Tools and FAQ</title>
- <p>Persons who use Orber for the first time may find it hard to tell what goes
- wrong when trying to setup communication between an Orber-ORB and ORB:s supplied
- by another vendor or another Orber-ORB. The purpose of this chapter is to inform
- about the most common mistakes and what tools one can use to overcome these
- problems. </p>
- <section>
- <title>Tools</title>
- <p>To begin with, Orber can be configured to run in debug mode. There are four ways
- to set this parameter:</p>
- <list type="bulleted">
- <item><em>erl -orber orber_debug_level 10</em> - can be added to a start-script.</item>
- <item><em>corba:orb_init([{orber_debug_level, 10}])</em> - this operation must
- be invoked <em>before</em> starting Orber.</item>
- <item><em>orber:configure(orber_debug_level, 10)</em> - this operation can
- be invoked at any time.</item>
- <item><em>OrberWeb</em> - via the <c>Configuration</c> menu one can easily change
- the configuration. For more information, see the OrberWeb chapter in this
- User's Guide.</item>
- </list>
- <p>When Orber runs i debug mode, printouts will be generated if anything abnormal occurs
- (not necessarily an error). An error message typically looks like:</p>
- <code type="none">
-=ERROR REPORT==== 29-Nov-2001::14:09:55 ===
-=================== Orber =================
-[410] corba:common_create(orber_test_server, [{pseudo,truce}]);
-not a boolean(truce).
- </code>
- <p>In the example above, we tried to create an object with an incorrect option (i.e. should
- have been <c>{pseudo,true}</c>).</p>
- <p>If you are not able to solve the problem, you should include all generated reports when
- contacting support or using the erlang-questions mailing list.</p>
- <p>It is easy to forget to, for example, set all fields in a struct, which
- one may not discover when developing an application using Orber. When using
- a typed language, such faults would cause a compile time error. To avoid
- these mistakes, Orber allows the user to activate automatic typechecking
- of all local invocations of CORBA Objects. For this feature to be really
- useful, the user must create test suites which cover as much as
- possible. For example, invoking an operation with invalid or incorrect
- arguments should also be tested. This option can be activated for one object
- or all object via:</p>
- <list type="bulleted">
- <item><em>'MyModuyle_MyInterface':oe_create(Env, [{local_typecheck, true}])</em> -
- This approach will only activate, or deactivate, typechecking for
- the returned instance. Naturally, this option can also be passed
- to <c>oe_create_link/2</c>, <c>corba:create/4</c> and
- <c>corba:create_link/4</c>.</item>
- <item><em>erl -orber flags 2</em> - can be added to a start-script.
- All object invocations will be typechecked, unless overridden by the
- previous option.</item>
- <item><em>corba:orb_init([{flags, 16#0002}])</em> - this operation must
- be invoked <em>before</em> starting Orber. Behaves as the previous
- option.</item>
- </list>
- <p>If incorrect data is passed or returned, Orber uses the <c>error_logger</c>
- to generate logs, which can look like:</p>
- <code type="none">
-=ERROR REPORT==== 10-Jul-2002::12:36:09 ===
-========= Orber Typecheck Request =========
-Invoked......: MyModule_MyInterface:foo/1
-Typecode.....: [{tk_enum,"IDL:MyModule/enumerant:1.0",
- "enumerant",
- ["one","two"]}]
-Arguments....: [three]
-Result.......: {'EXCEPTION',{'MARSHAL',[],102,'COMPLETED_NO'}}
- </code>
- <p>Note, that the arity is equivalent to the IDL-file. In the example above,
- an undefined enumerant was used. In most cases, it is useful to set the
- configuration parameter <c>orber_debug_level 10</c> as well. Due to the
- extra overhead, this option <em>MAY ONLY</em> be used during testing and
- development.
- For more information, see also
- <seealso marker="ch_install#config">configuration settings</seealso>.</p>
- <p>It is also possible to trace all communication between an Orber-ORB and, for example,
- a Java-ORB, communicating via IIOP. All you need to do is to activate an
- <seealso marker="ch_interceptors">interceptor</seealso>. Normally, the users must
- implement the interceptor themselves, but for your convenience Orber includes three
- pre-compiled interceptors called <c>orber_iiop_tracer</c>,
- <c>orber_iiop_tracer_silent</c> and <c>orber_iiop_tracer_stealth</c>.</p>
- <warning>
- <p>Logging all traffic is <em>expensive</em>. Hence, only use the supplied
- interceptors during test and development.</p>
- </warning>
- <p>The <c>orber_iiop_tracer</c> and <c>orber_iiop_tracer_silent</c> interceptors
- uses the <c>error_logger</c> module to generate the logs. If the traffic
- is intense you probably want to write the reports to a log-file.
- This is done by, for example, invoking:</p>
- <code type="erl">
-erl> error_logger:tty(false).
-erl> error_logger:logfile({open, "/tmp/IIOPTrace"}).
- </code>
- <p>The <c>IIOPTrace</c> file will contain, if you use the <c>orber_iiop_tracer</c>
- interceptor, reports which looks like:</p>
- <code type="none">
-=INFO REPORT==== 13-Jul-2005::18:22:39 ===
-=============== new_out_connection =======
-Node : myNode@myHost
-From :
-To :
-=INFO REPORT==== 29-Nov-2001::15:26:28 ===
-=============== out_request ==============
-Connection: {"",4001,"",47987}
-Operation : resolve
-Parameters: [[{'CosNaming_NameComponent',
- "AIK","SwedishIcehockeyChampions"}]]
-Context : [{'IOP_ServiceContext',1,
- {'CONV_FRAME_CodeSetContext',65537,65801}}]
- </code>
- <p>The <c>orber_iiop_tracer_silent</c> will not log GIOP encoded data. To activate
- one the interceptors, you have two options:</p>
- <list type="bulleted">
- <item><em>erl -orber interceptors "{native,[orber_iiop_tracer]}"</em> - can be added to a start-script.</item>
- <item><em>corba:orb_init([{interceptors, {native, [orber_iiop_tracer_silent]}}])</em> - this operation must
- be invoked <em>before</em> starting Orber.</item>
- </list>
- <p>It is also possible to active and deactivate an interceptor during
- run-time, but this will only affect currently existing connections.
- For more information, consult Orber's Reference Manual regarding the
- operations <c>orber:activate_audit_trail/0/1</c> and
- <c>orber:activate_audit_trail/0/1.</c></p>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title>FAQ</title>
- <p><em>Q: When my client, typically written in C++ or Java, invoke narrow on an Orber object reference it fails?</em></p>
- <p>A: You must register your application in the IFR by invoking <c>oe_register()</c>.
- If the object was created by a COS-application, you must run install
- (e.g. <c>cosEventApp:install()</c>).</p>
- <p>A: Confirm, by consulting the IDL specifications, that the received object reference really
- inherit from the interface you are trying to narrow it to.</p>
- <br></br>
- <p><em>Q: I am trying to register my application in the IFR but it fails. Why?</em></p>
- <p>A: If one, or more, interface in your IDL-specification inherits from
- other interface(s), you must register them before registering your
- application. Note, this also apply when you inherit interfaces
- supported by a COS-application. Hence, they must be installed prior to
- registration of your application.</p>
- <br></br>
- <p><em>Q: I have a Orber client and server residing on two different Orber instances but I only get the 'OBJECT_NOT_EXIST' exception, even though I am sure that the object is still alive?</em></p>
- <p>A: If the two Orber-ORB's are not intended to be a part of multi-node ORB, make sure that the
- two Orber-ORB's have different <em>domain</em> names set (see
- <seealso marker="ch_install#config">configuration settings</seealso>). The easiest way
- to confirm this is to invoke <c>orber:info()</c> on each node.</p>
- <br></br>
- <p><em>Q: When I'm trying to install and/or start Orber it fails?</em></p>
- <p>A: Make sure that no other Orber-ORB is already running on the same node. If so,
- change the <c>iiop_port</c> configuration parameter (see
- <seealso marker="ch_install#config">configuration settings</seealso>).</p>
- <br></br>
- <p><em>Q: My Orber server is invoked via IIOP but Orber cannot marshal the reply?</em></p>
- <p>A: Consult your IDL file to confirm that your replies are of the correct
- type. If it is correct and the return type is, for example,
- a struct, make sure you have set every field in the struct. If
- you do not do that it will be set to the atom 'undefined', which
- most certainly is not correct.</p>
- <br></br>
- <p>A: Check that you handle <c>inout</c> and <c>out</c> parameters correctly
- (see the IDL specification). For example, a function which have one
- out-parameter and should return void, then your call-back module
- should return <c>{reply, {ok, OutParam}, State}</c>. Note, even though
- the return value is void (IDL) you must reply with ok.</p>
- <br></br>
- <p><em>Q: I cannot run Orber as a multi-node ORB?</em></p>
- <p>A: Make sure that the Erlang distribution have been started for each
- node and the <c>cookies</c> are correct. For more information,
- consult the <c>System Documentation</c></p>
- <br></br>
- </section>
- </section>