path: root/lib/kernel/src/erl_erts_errors.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel/src/erl_erts_errors.erl')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/erl_erts_errors.erl b/lib/kernel/src/erl_erts_errors.erl
index 8b0768ac80..66fcd1bb0b 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/erl_erts_errors.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/erl_erts_errors.erl
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
+-export([format_error/2, format_bs_fail/2]).
-spec format_error(Reason, StackTrace) -> ErrorMap when
Reason :: term(),
@@ -43,6 +43,24 @@ format_error(Reason, [{M,F,As,Info}|_]) ->
format_error_map(Res, 1, #{}).
+-spec format_bs_fail(Reason, StackTrace) -> ErrorMap when
+ Reason :: term(),
+ StackTrace :: erlang:stacktrace(),
+ ErrorMap :: #{'general' => unicode:chardata()}.
+format_bs_fail(Reason, [{_,_,_,Info}|_]) ->
+ ErrorInfoMap = proplists:get_value(error_info, Info, #{}),
+ case ErrorInfoMap of
+ #{cause := {Segment,Type,Error}} ->
+ Str0 = do_format_bs_fail( Reason, Type, Error),
+ Str1 = io_lib:format("failed constructing binary: segment ~p, type '~ts': ~ts",
+ [Segment,Type,Str0]),
+ Str = iolist_to_binary(Str1),
+ #{general => Str};
+ #{} ->
+ #{}
+ end.
format_atomics_error(new, [Size,Options], Reason, Cause) ->
case Reason of
system_limit ->
@@ -1027,6 +1045,40 @@ format_erlang_error(whereis, [_], _) ->
format_erlang_error(_, _, _) ->
+do_format_bs_fail(system_limit, _Type, size) ->
+ <<"the size is too large">>;
+do_format_bs_fail(badarg, Type, Info) ->
+ do_format_bs_fail(Type, Info).
+do_format_bs_fail(float, invalid) ->
+ <<"the size is not one of the supported sizes (16, 32, or 64)">>;
+do_format_bs_fail(float, no_float) ->
+ <<"the integer is outside the range expressible as a float of the given size">>;
+do_format_bs_fail(binary, unit) ->
+ <<"the size of the given binary/bitstring is not a multiple of the unit for the segment">>;
+do_format_bs_fail(_Type, short) ->
+ <<"the given binary/bitstring is shorter than the size of the segment">>;
+do_format_bs_fail(_Type, negative_size) ->
+ <<"the size is negative">>;
+do_format_bs_fail(_Type, size) ->
+ <<"the size is not an integer">>;
+do_format_bs_fail(Type, type) ->
+ <<"not a",
+ (case Type of
+ binary ->
+ <<" binary">>;
+ float ->
+ <<" float or an integer">>;
+ integer ->
+ <<"n integer">>;
+ _ ->
+ <<"n integer encodable as ", (atom_to_binary(Type))/binary>>
+ end)/binary>>.
+%%% Utility functions.
list_to_something(List, Error) ->
try length(List) of
_ ->